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        <h3>What Our Students Say</h3>
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            <p>The long-woven dream of my parents to send me abroad for further studies was brought into reality by the responsible handling of the AEN. I feel I would not have ... </p>
            <div class="client-name">
              <h4>Robert J. Hare/</h4>
              <span>Asset Engineer, City Care Civil, NZ</span> </div>
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            <p>Abroad studies was like a dream for me. I never thought of getting the dream turned into reality. Thanks to the invaluable guidance and counselling of the qualified counsellors</p>
            <div class="client-name">
              <h4>Winifred P. Reyes/</h4>
              <span>Registered Nurse, ADHB, NZ</span> </div>
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