'; $_['help_mail_alert'] = 'Select which features you would like to receive an alert email on when a customer uses them.'; $_['help_mail_alert_email'] = 'Any additional emails you want to receive the alert email, in addition to the main store email. (comma separated).'; $_['help_session_expire'] = 'Set the PHP Session lifetime in seconds (e.g. 3600 = 1 hour)'; $_['help_session_samesite'] = 'Set the PHP Session samesite cookie'; $_['help_security'] = 'Two-factor security for admin users.'; $_['help_shared'] = 'Try to share the session cookie between stores so the cart can be passed between different domains.'; $_['help_robots'] = 'A list of web crawler user agents that shared sessions will not be used with. Use separate lines for each user agent.'; $_['help_seo_url'] = 'To use SEO URLs, apache module mod-rewrite must be installed and you need to rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess.'; $_['help_file_max_size'] = 'The maximum file size you can allow customers to upload. Enter as megabyte.'; $_['help_file_ext_allowed'] = 'Add which file extensions are allowed to be uploaded. Use a new line for each value.'; $_['help_file_mime_allowed'] = 'Add which file mime types are allowed to be uploaded. Use a new line for each value.'; $_['help_maintenance'] = 'Prevents customers from browsing your store. They will instead see a maintenance message. If logged in as admin, you will see the store as normal.'; $_['help_encryption'] = 'Please provide a secret key that will be used to encrypt private information when processing orders.'; $_['help_compression'] = 'GZIP for more efficient transfer to requesting clients. Compression level must be between 0 - 9.'; // Error $_['error_warning'] = 'Warning: Please check the form carefully for errors!'; $_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify settings!'; $_['error_meta_title'] = 'Title must be between 3 and 32 characters!'; $_['error_name'] = 'Store Name must be between 3 and 32 characters!'; $_['error_owner'] = 'Store Owner must be between 3 and 64 characters!'; $_['error_address'] = 'Store Address must be between 10 and 256 characters!'; $_['error_email'] = 'E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid!'; $_['error_telephone'] = 'Telephone must be between 3 and 32 characters!'; $_['error_product_description_length'] = 'Product description length required!'; $_['error_pagination'] = 'Pagination required!'; $_['error_login_attempts'] = 'Login Attempts must be greater than 0!'; $_['error_customer_group_display'] = 'You must include the default customer group if you are going to use this feature!'; $_['error_voucher_min'] = 'Minimum voucher amount required!'; $_['error_voucher_max'] = 'Maximum voucher amount required!'; $_['error_customer_online_expire'] = 'Timeout setting required for customer online list!'; $_['error_processing_status'] = 'You must choose at least 1 order process status'; $_['error_complete_status'] = 'You must choose at least 1 order complete status'; $_['error_image_thumb'] = 'Product Image Thumb Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_popup'] = 'Product Image Popup Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_product'] = 'Product List Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_category'] = 'Category List Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_additional'] = 'Additional Product Image Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_related'] = 'Related Product Image Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_compare'] = 'Compare Image Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_wishlist'] = 'Wish List Image Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_cart'] = 'Cart Image Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_image_location'] = 'Store Image Size dimensions required!'; $_['error_file_max_size'] = 'Max File Size required!'; $_['error_security'] = 'Two-factor Security cannot be used if you do not have your email setup yet!'; $_['error_extension'] = 'PHP uploads are not allowed!'; $_['error_mime'] = 'PHP uploads are not allowed!'; $_['error_log_required'] = 'Error Log Filename required!'; $_['error_log_invalid'] = 'Error Log Filename invalid!'; $_['error_log_extension'] = 'Error Log Filename extension needs to be .log!'; $_['error_encryption'] = 'Encryption Key must be between 32 and 1024 characters!';