<?php // Heading $_['heading_title'] = 'Protect your account'; // Text $_['text_security'] = 'You must answer security question whenever you login from an unknown device or computer.'; $_['text_code'] = 'An email has been sent to your email account with a security code. Enter the code below to continue.'; $_['text_locked'] = 'Your account has been locked!'; $_['text_unlock'] = 'Your account has been locked because of to many incorrect attempts at entering the security code. Click the reset button to receive a reset link via your email account.'; $_['text_unlocked'] = 'Success: Your account has been unlocked!'; $_['text_link'] = 'Success: An email with a reset link has been sent your email address!'; $_['text_resend'] = 'Success: An email has been sent to your email account with a security code!'; // Entry $_['entry_code'] = 'Security Code'; // Error $_['error_warning'] = 'You have exceeded the allowed number of security code attempts!'; $_['error_code'] = 'Security code does not match!'; $_['error_reset'] = 'Warning: Could not reset your security code!';