2024-08-06 18:06:00 +05:45

43 lines
1.9 KiB

// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'Articles';
// Text
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified articles!';
$_['text_list'] = 'Article List';
$_['text_add'] = 'Add Article';
$_['text_edit'] = 'Edit Article';
$_['text_default'] = 'Default';
$_['text_keyword'] = 'Do not use spaces, instead replace spaces with - and make sure the SEO URL is globally unique.';
// Column
$_['column_name'] = 'Article Name';
$_['column_author'] = 'Author';
$_['column_date_added'] = 'Date Added';
$_['column_action'] = 'Action';
// Entry
$_['entry_image'] = 'Image';
$_['entry_name'] = 'Article Name';
$_['entry_description'] = 'Description';
$_['entry_tag'] = 'Tags';
$_['entry_meta_title'] = 'Meta Tag Title';
$_['entry_meta_keyword'] = 'Meta Tag Keywords';
$_['entry_meta_description'] = 'Meta Tag Description';
$_['entry_topic'] = 'Topic';
$_['entry_author'] = 'Author';
$_['entry_store'] = 'Stores';
$_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order';
$_['entry_status'] = 'Status';
$_['entry_keyword'] = 'Keyword';
$_['entry_layout'] = 'Layout Override';
// Error
$_['error_warning'] = 'Warning: Please check the form carefully for errors!';
$_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify articles!';
$_['error_name'] = 'Article Name must be between 1 and 255 characters!';
$_['error_meta_title'] = 'Meta Title must be greater than 1 and less than 255 characters!';
$_['error_keyword'] = 'SEO URL must be between 1 and 64 characters!';
$_['error_keyword_exists'] = 'SEO URL must be unique!';
$_['error_keyword_character'] = 'Keyword can only use characters a-z, 0-9, - and _!';
$_['error_author'] = 'Author must be between 3 and 64 characters!';