availability) . '">' . $object->availability_text . ''; break; case 'visibility': return '' . $object->visibility_text . ''; break; case 'status': return '' . $object->status_text . ''; break; case 'is_main': return '' . $object->main_text . ''; break; case 'is_default': return '' . $object->main_text . ''; break; case 'image': return view('general.lightbox', compact('object')); break; } } function getLabel($status) { $badge = ''; switch ($status) { case 'yes': $badge = 'badge-primary'; break; case 'no': $badge = 'badge-danger'; break; case 'available': $badge = 'badge-success'; break; case 'not_available': $badge = 'badge-danger'; break; case 'visible': $badge = 'badge-success'; break; case 'in-visible': $badge = 'badge-success'; break; case 'active': $badge = 'badge-primary'; break; case 'inactive': $badge = 'badge-danger'; break; } return $badge; } /** * --------------------------------------------- * | Country | * ---------------------------------------------- */ function getCountries() { return Country::getCountries(); } /** * --------------------------------------------- * | State | * ---------------------------------------------- */ function getStates() { return State::getStates(); } function getStatesByCountryId($country_id) { return State::getStatesByCountryId($country_id); } /** * --------------------------------------------- * | Colleges | * ---------------------------------------------- */ function getColleges() { return College::getColleges(); } function getCollegesByStateId($state_id) { return College::getCollegesByStateId($state_id); } /** * --------------------------------------------- * | District | * ---------------------------------------------- */ function getDistricts() { return District::getDistricts(); } function getDistrictsByProvinceId($state_id) { return District::getDistrictsByProvinceId($state_id); } /** * --------------------------------------------- * | Commenced | * ---------------------------------------------- */ function getCommencedByStudent($student_id) { $admission = Admission::where('student_id', $student_id)->whereNotNull('commenced_date')->where('commenced_status','applied')->get(); if(!$admission->isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } function uploadCommonFile($file, $path,$existingPath=null) { // dd($file->getClientOriginalExtension()); if ($file) { if($existingPath){ if (Storage::exists($existingPath)) { Storage::delete($existingPath); } } // generate a new filename. getClientOriginalExtension() for the file extension $filename = $path . time() .rand(1,999) .'.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); // save to storage/app/photos as the new $filename $path = $file->storeAs('student', $filename,'public'); return $path; } } function resizeAndUploadImage($image, $dir, $quality=100, $thumb="" ){ try{ // parameters of resizeAndUploadImage function are image_source, path you want to save image, compression level(0 to 9), resolution("widthxhight") if(!File::exists($dir)){ File::makeDirectory($dir, 0777, true, true); } $getGUID = md5(rand(945976,1232345)."-".time()."-".rand(3456676,3423762)).time(); if($image){ list($width,$height)=getimagesize($image); // get the dimensions of image and assign it to the variables if($thumb != ""){ //if $thumb is not null if(strpos($thumb, 'x') !== false){ //if $thumb contains x list($w,$h) = explode('x', $thumb); //explode x from $thumb and assign the values to $w and $h } else{ $w = $thumb; // if $thumb doesnot contains x then it must contain width only so assign it to $w variable } // list($w,$h) = explode('x', $thumb); // $w = $thumb; $ratio = $w/$width; // calculate the ratio of new width to original width $nwidth = $w; // assign $w to $nwidth $nheight = $height*$ratio; // calculate new height as constraint proportion and assign it to $nheight }else{ list($nwidth,$nheight)=getimagesize($image); } $newimage=imagecreatetruecolor($nwidth,$nheight); // creates a new blank black colored image with provided width and height $file_extension = strtolower($image->getClientOriginalExtension()); //get file extension of the given image if($file_extension == 'jpeg' || $file_extension == 'jpg'){ // if the image is jpeg $source=imagecreatefromjpeg($image); // assign the image to source image imagecopyresized($newimage,$source,0,0,0,0,$nwidth,$nheight,$width,$height); // this function will resize the image to new width and height $image_name = $getGUID.".".$file_extension; // echo $newimage; // echo $dir.$image_name; // echo $quality; // exit; $status = imagejpeg($newimage,$dir.$image_name,$quality); // this function will save a jpeg image & return true to status and takes (resized image, destination path to store that image and the quality in range 0-9) as function parameters }elseif($file_extension == 'png'){ $source=imagecreatefrompng($image); imagecopyresized($newimage,$source,0,0,0,0,$nwidth,$nheight,$width,$height); $image_name = $getGUID.".".$file_extension; $qualityBasedOnPNG = ($quality*9)/100; $status = imagepng($newimage,$dir.$image_name,$qualityBasedOnPNG); }elseif($file_extension == 'gif'){ $source=imagecreatefromgif($image); imagecopyresized($newimage,$source,0,0,0,0,$nwidth,$nheight,$width,$height); $image_name = $getGUID.".".$file_extension; $status = imagegif($newimage,$dir.$image_name,$quality); }else{ $status= false; // the status is false if the image is not saved anyway } if($status){ return $image_name; // after successful transaction this will return a image name. }else{ return 'null'; // otherwise it will return null } }else{ return null; // if the request doesnot contain image file it will return null } }catch(Exception $e){ return $e->getMessage(); } } function removeOldImage($imageName,$folderName){ if (is_file(public_path() . '/uploads/employee/'.$folderName.'/'.$imageName)) { $imageFile = public_path() . '/uploads/employee/'.$folderName.'/'.$imageName; unlink($imageFile); } } function removeOldImageByDir($imageName,$dir){ if (is_file(public_path().'/'. $dir.$imageName)) { $imageFile = public_path().'/'. $dir.$imageName; unlink($imageFile); } } function getPrimaryNotifiableUsers() { $users = User::role('SuperAdmin')->get(); return $users; } // SMS CURL function smsPost($url, $data) { $curl = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $response; } // Setting Fetch function setting($query) { $setting = Setting::fetch($query)->first(); return $setting ? $setting->value : null; } // Campaign List function getCampaign() { return Campaign::all(); } // Location List function getLocation() { return Location::all(); }