function shuffle(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; // And swap it with the current element. [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [ array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex], ]; } return array; } function spin() { // Play the sound; // Inisialisasi variabel const box = document.getElementById("box"); const element = document.getElementById("mainbox"); let SelectedItem = ""; // Shuffle 450 karena class box1 sudah ditambah 90 derajat diawal. minus 40 per item agar posisi panah pas ditengah. // Setiap item memiliki 12.5% kemenangan kecuali item sepeda yang hanya memiliki sekitar 4% peluang untuk menang. // Item berupa ipad dan samsung tab tidak akan pernah menang. // let Sepeda = shuffle([2210]); //Kemungkinan : 33% atau 1/3 let MagicRoaster = shuffle([1890, 2250, 2610]); let Sepeda = shuffle([1850, 2210, 2570]); //Kemungkinan : 100% let RiceCooker = shuffle([1810, 2170, 2530]); let LunchBox = shuffle([1770, 2130, 2490]); let Sanken = shuffle([1750, 2110, 2470]); let Electrolux = shuffle([1630, 1990, 2350]); let JblSpeaker = shuffle([1570, 1930, 2290]); // Bentuk acak let Hasil = shuffle([ MagicRoaster[0], Sepeda[0], RiceCooker[0], LunchBox[0], Sanken[0], Electrolux[0], JblSpeaker[0], ]); // console.log(Hasil[0]); // Ambil value item yang terpilih if (MagicRoaster.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "Magic Roaster"; if (Sepeda.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "Sepeda Aviator"; if (RiceCooker.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "Rice Cooker Philips"; if (LunchBox.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "Lunch Box Lock&Lock"; if (Sanken.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "Air Cooler Sanken"; if (Electrolux.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "Electrolux Blender"; if (JblSpeaker.includes(Hasil[0])) SelectedItem = "JBL Speaker"; // Proses"transition", "all ease 5s"); = "rotate(" + Hasil[0] + "deg)"; element.classList.remove("animate"); setTimeout(function () { element.classList.add("animate"); }, 5000); // Munculkan Alert $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'your_server_endpoint.php', // Replace with your server-side endpoint data: ["registration_id"], success: function(response) { // Handle success console.log(response); }, error: function(error) { // Handle error console.log(error); } }); setTimeout(function () {; swal( "Congratulations", "You Won The " + SelectedItem + ".", "success" ); }, 5500); // Delay and set to normal state setTimeout(function () {"transition", "initial"); = "rotate(90deg)"; }, 6000); }