2024-04-16 15:43:24 +05:45

2826 lines
86 KiB

* LC Lightbox - LITE
* yet.. another jQuery lightbox.. or not?
* @version : 1.2.9
* @copyright : Luca Montanari aka LCweb
* @website : https://lcweb.it
* @requires : jQuery v1.7 or later
* Released under the MIT license
(function ($) {
lcl_objs = []; // array containing all initialized objects - useful for deeplinks
lcl_shown = false; // know whether lightbox is shown
lcl_is_active = false; // true when lightbox systems are acting (disable triggers)
lcl_slideshow = undefined; // lightbox slideshow - setInterval object
lcl_on_mobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// static vars avoiding useless parameters usage - related to currently opened lightbox - otherwise they are empty
lcl_curr_obj = false; // store currently active object
lcl_curr_opts = false; // currently active instance settings
lcl_curr_vars = false; // currently active instance settings
lcl_deeplink_tracked= false; // flag to track url changes and initial reading once
lcl_hashless_url = false; // page URL without eventual hashes
lcl_url_hash = ''; // URL hashtag
// lightbox structure
var lb_code =
'<div id="lcl_wrap" class="lcl_pre_show lcl_pre_first_el lcl_first_sizing lcl_is_resizing">'+
'<div id="lcl_window">'+
'<div id="lcl_corner_close" title="close"></div>'+
'<div id="lcl_loader" class="lcl_loader_pre_first_el"><span id="lcll_1"></span><span id="lcll_2"></span></div>'+
'<div id="lcl_nav_cmd">'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_prev" title="previous"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_play"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_next" title="next"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_counter"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_right_icon lcl_close" title="close"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_right_icon lcl_fullscreen" title="toggle fullscreen"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_right_icon lcl_txt_toggle" title="toggle text"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_right_icon lcl_download" title="download"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_right_icon lcl_thumbs_toggle" title="toggle thumbnails"></div>'+
'<div class="lcl_icon lcl_right_icon lcl_socials" title="toggle socials"></div>'+
'<div id="lcl_contents_wrap">'+
'<div id="lcl_subj">'+
'<div id="lcl_elem_wrap"></div>'+
'<div id="lcl_txt"></div>'+
'<div id="lcl_thumbs_nav" class="lcl_pre_tn_scroll"></div>'+
'<div id="lcl_overlay"></div>'+
// initialization
// obj can be an array and overrides elements / [src: url/selector (only required data), title: (string), txt: (string), author: (string), ajax: bool, type: image/frame/text]
lc_lightbox = function(obj, lcl_settings) {
if(typeof(obj) != 'string' && (typeof(obj) != 'object' || !obj.length)) {return false;}
// check among already initialized
var already_init = false;
$.each(lcl_objs, function(i, v) {
if(JSON.stringify(v) == JSON.stringify(obj)) {
already_init = v;
return false;
if(already_init === false) {
var instance = new lcl(obj, lcl_settings);
return instance;
return already_init;
// destruct method
lcl_destroy = function(instance) {
var index = $.inArray(instance, lcl_objs);
if(index !== -1) {
lcl_objs.splice(index, 1);
/* initialize */
var lcl = function(obj, settings) {
var lcl_settings = $.extend({
gallery : true, // whether to display a single element or compose a gallery
gallery_hook : 'rel', // attribute grouping elements - use false to create a gallery with all fetched elements
live_elements : true, // if a selector is found, set true to handle automatically DOM changes
preload_all : false, // whether to preload all images on document ready
global_type : 'image',
src_attr : 'href', // attribute containing element's source
title_attr : 'title', // attribute containing the title - is possible to specify a selector with this syntax: "> .selector" or "> span"
txt_attr : 'data-lcl-txt', // attribute containing the description - is possible to specify a selector with this syntax: "> .selector" or "> span"
author_attr : 'data-lcl-author', // attribute containing the author - is possible to specify a selector with this syntax: "> .selector" or "> span"
slideshow : true, // whether to enable slideshow
open_close_time : 400, // animation duration for lightbox opening and closing / 1000 = 1sec
ol_time_diff : 100, // overlay's animation advance (on opening) and delay (on close) to window / 1000 = sec
fading_time : 80, // elements fading animation duration in millisecods / 1000 = 1sec
animation_time : 250, // sizing animation duration in millisecods / 1000 = 1sec
slideshow_time : 6000, // slideshow interval duration in milliseconds / 1000 = 1sec
autoplay : false, // autoplay slideshow - bool
counter : false, // whether to display elements counter
progressbar : true, // whether to display a progressbar when slideshow runs
carousel : true, // whether to create a non-stop pagination cycling elements
max_width : '93%', // Lightbox maximum width. Use a responsive percent value or an integer for static pixel value
max_height : '93%', // Lightbox maximum height. Use a responsive percent value or an integer for static pixel value
wrap_padding : false, // set lightbox wrapping padding. Useful to maintain spaces using px max-sizes. Use a CSS value (string)
ol_opacity : 0.7, // overlay opacity / value between 0 and 1
ol_color : '#111', // background color of the overlay
ol_pattern : false, // overlay patterns - insert the pattern name or false
border_w : 0, // width of the lightbox border in pixels
border_col : '#ddd', // color of the lightbox border
padding : 0, // width of the lightbox padding in pixels
radius : 0, // lightbox border radius in pixels
shadow : true, // whether to apply a shadow around lightbox window
remove_scrollbar: true, // whether to hide page's vertical scroller
wrap_class : '', // custom classes added to wrapper - for custom styling/tracking
skin : 'light', // light / dark / custom
data_position : 'over', // over / under / lside / rside
cmd_position : 'inner', // inner / outer
ins_close_pos : 'normal', // set closing button position for inner commands - normal/corner
nav_btn_pos : 'normal', // set arrows and play/pause position - normal/middle
txt_hidden : 500, // whether to hide texts on lightbox opening - bool or int (related to browser's smaller side)
show_title : true, // bool / whether to display titles
show_descr : true, // bool / whether to display descriptions
show_author : true, // bool / whether to display authors
thumbs_nav : true, // enables thumbnails navigation (requires elements poster or images)
tn_icons : true, // print type icons on thumbs if types are mixed
tn_hidden : 500, // whether to hide thumbs nav on lightbox opening - bool or int (related to browser's smaller side)
thumbs_w : 110, // width of the thumbs for the standard lightbox
thumbs_h : 110, // height of the thumbs for the standard lightbox
thumb_attr : false, // attribute containing thumb URL to use or false to use thumbs maker
thumbs_maker_url: false, // script baseurl to create thumbnails (use src=%URL% w=%W% h=%H%)
fullscreen : false, // Allow the user to expand a resized image. true/false
fs_img_behavior : 'fit', // resize mode of the fullscreen image - smart/fit/fill
fs_only : 500, // when directly open in fullscreen mode - bool or int (related to browser's smaller side)
browser_fs_mode : true, // whether to trigger or nor browser fullscreen mode
socials : false, // bool
fb_share_params : false, // bool/string / whether to use direct FB contents share (Read the doc to know what to use)
txt_toggle_cmd : true, // bool / allow text hiding
download : false, // bool / whether to add download button
touchswipe : true, // bool / Allow touch interactions for mobile (requires AlloyFinger)
mousewheel : true, // bool / Allow elements navigation with mousewheel
modal : false, // enable modal mode (no closing on overlay click)
rclick_prevent : false, // whether to avoid right click on lightbox
elems_parsed : function() {},
html_is_ready : function() {},
on_open : function() {},
on_elem_switch : function() {},
slideshow_start : function() {},
slideshow_end : function() {},
on_fs_enter : function() {},
on_fs_exit : function() {},
on_close : function() {},
}, settings);
// Variables accessible globally
var lcl_vars = {
elems : [], // elements object / src: url/text (only required data), title: (string), descr: (string), author: (string), type: image/iframe/text
is_arr_instance : (typeof(obj) != 'string' && typeof(obj[0].childNodes) == 'undefined') ? true : false, // true if lightbox is initialized usign direct array immission
elems_count : (typeof(obj) != 'string' && typeof(obj[0].childNodes) == 'undefined') ? obj.length : $(obj).length, // elements count at the moment of lb initialization
elems_selector : (typeof(obj) == 'string') ? obj : false, // elements selector - used for dynamic elements fetching
elem_index : false, // current element index
gallery_hook_val: false, // gallery hook value - to discard other ones
preload_all_used: false, // flag to know when complete preload on document's ready has been triggered
img_sizes_cache : [], // store image sizes after their preload - index is images index
inner_cmd_w : false, // store inner commands width for inner->outer switch
txt_exists : false, // any text exists in current element?
txt_und_sizes : false, // custom lb sizes after text under calculation
force_fullscreen: false, // flag to know whether to simulate "always fs" for small screens
html_style : '', // html tag style (for scrollbar hiding)
body_style : '', // body tag style (for scrollbar hiding)
// textal element selector has been used? setup the real obj
if(typeof(obj) == 'string') {
obj = $(obj);
// .data() system to avoid issues on multi instances
var lcl_ai_opts = $.data(obj, 'lcl_settings', lcl_settings);
var lcl_ai_vars = $.data(obj, 'lcl_vars', lcl_vars);
/* given a string - returns an unique numerical hash */
var get_hash = function(str) {
if(typeof(str) != 'string') {
return str;
var hash = 0, i = 0, len = str.toString().length;
while (i < len) {
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash + str.charCodeAt(i++)) << 0;
return (hash < 0) ? hash * -1 : hash;
/* element already elaborated? check through hash - returns false or elem object */
var obj_already_man = function(hash) {
var found = false;
$.each(lcl_ai_vars.elems, function(i, v) {
if(v.hash == hash) {
found = v;
return false;
return found;
/* revert HTML entitles that might have been used in attrs (and trim) */
var revert_html_entit = function(str) {
if(!str) {return str;}
str = str.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
.replace(/&#039;/g, "'");
return $.trim(str);
/* returns title/text/author detecting whether to get an attribute or selector */
var attr_or_selector_data = function($elem, subj_key) {
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
var subj = o[subj_key];
if(subj.indexOf('> ') !== -1) {
return ($elem.find( subj.replace('> ', '') ).length) ? $.trim( $elem.find( subj.replace('> ', '') ).html()) : '';
else {
return (typeof($elem.attr( subj )) != 'undefined') ? revert_html_entit( $elem.attr( subj )) : '';
/* elaborate binded elements */
var setup_elems_obj = function($subj) {
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
// [src: url/selector (only required data), title: (string), descr: (string), author: (string), ajax: bool, type: image/frame/text]
var new_elems = [];
$subj.each(function() {
var $e = $(this);
var src = $e.attr( o.src_attr );
var hash = get_hash(src);
// check against gallery hook
if(lcl_ai_vars.gallery_hook_val && $e.attr(o.gallery_hook) != lcl_ai_vars.gallery_hook_val) {
return true;
var already_man = obj_already_man(hash);
if(already_man) {
var el = already_man;
else {
var type = el_type_finder(src, $e.data('lcl-type'));
// compose
if(type != 'unknown') {
var el = {
src : src,
type : type,
hash : (o.deeplink) ? get_hash(src) : false,
title : (o.show_title) ? attr_or_selector_data($e, 'title_attr') : '',
txt : (o.show_descr) ? attr_or_selector_data($e, 'txt_attr') : '',
author : (o.show_author) ? attr_or_selector_data($e, 'author_attr') : '',
thumb : (o.thumb_attr && typeof(o.thumb_attr) != 'undefined') ? $e.attr(o.thumb_attr) : '',
width : (type != 'image' && typeof($e.data('lcl-w')) != 'undefined') ? $e.data('lcl-w') : false,
height : (type != 'image' && typeof($e.data('lcl-h')) != 'undefined') ? $e.data('lcl-h') : false,
force_over_data : (typeof($e.data('lcl-force-over-data')) != 'undefined') ? parseInt($e.data('lcl-force-over-data'), 10) : '',
force_outer_cmd : (typeof($e.data('lcl-outer-cmd')) != 'undefined') ? $e.data('lcl-outer-cmd') : '',
// download attribute
if(type == 'image') {
el.download = (typeof($e.data('lcl-path')) != 'undefined') ? $e.data('lcl-path') : src;
} else {
el.download = false;
else {
var el = {
src : src,
type : type,
hash : (o.deeplink) ? get_hash(src) : false
// if only one element - remove nav arrows and thumbs nav
if(new_elems.length < 2) {
$('.lcl_prev, .lcl_next, #lcl_thumb_nav').remove();
if(!new_elems.length) {
return false;
// setup
lcl_ai_vars.elems = new_elems;
return true;
/* given element source - return its type | accepts type forcing */
var el_type_finder = function(src, forced_type) {
if(typeof(forced_type) == 'undefined') {
forced_type = lcl_ai_opts.global_type;
return forced_type;
src = src.toLowerCase();
var img_regex = /^(http|https)?:\/\/(?:[a-z\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}(?:\/[^\/#?]+)+\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$/;
if(img_regex.test(src)) { // image matching
return 'image';
return 'unknown';
/* smart images preload */
var close_img_preload = function() {
if(lcl_ai_vars.elems.length < 2 || !lcl_ai_opts.gallery) {return false;}
if(lcl_ai_vars.elem_index > 0) { // prev
maybe_preload(false, (lcl_ai_vars.elem_index - 1));
if(lcl_ai_vars.elem_index != (lcl_ai_vars.elems.length - 1)) { // next
maybe_preload(false, (lcl_ai_vars.elem_index + 1));
/* preload images and eventually trigger showing function - if index not specified, loads current index */
var maybe_preload = function(show_when_ready, el_index, cache_check) {
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
// if forced index is missing - use current one
if(typeof(el_index) == 'undefined') {
el_index = v.elem_index;
if(typeof(el_index) == 'undefined') { // if lightbox has alraedy been closed
return false;
// is a preloadable element?
if(v.elems[el_index].type == 'image') {
var to_preload = (v.elems[el_index].type == 'image') ? v.elems[el_index].src : v.elems[el_index].poster;
else {var to_preload = '';}
if(to_preload && typeof(v.img_sizes_cache[to_preload]) == 'undefined') {
$('<img/>').bind("load", function(){
v.img_sizes_cache[to_preload] = {
w : this.width,
h : this.height
// if sizes are zero, recalculate
if(show_when_ready && el_index == v.elem_index) {
}).attr('src', to_preload);
else {
if(show_when_ready || typeof(cache_check) != 'undefined') {
if(show_when_ready) {
/* elements parsing */
var elems_parsing = function(inst_obj, $clicked_obj) {
var o = $.data(inst_obj, 'lcl_settings');
var vars = $.data(inst_obj, 'lcl_vars');
// direct array initialization - validate and setup hashes
if(vars.is_arr_instance) {
var elems = [];
$.each(inst_obj, function(i,v) {
var el = {};
var el_type = (typeof(v.type) == 'undefined' && o.global_type) ? o.global_type : false;
if(typeof(v.type) != 'undefined') {el_type = v.type;}
if(el_type && $.inArray(el_type, ['image']) !== -1) {
if(typeof(v.src) != 'undefined' && v.src) {
el.src = v.src;
el.type = el_type;
el.hash = get_hash(v.src);
el.title = (typeof(v.title) == 'undefined') ? '' : revert_html_entit(v.title);
el.txt = (typeof(v.txt) == 'undefined') ? '' : revert_html_entit(v.txt);
el.author = (typeof(v.author) == 'undefined') ? '' : revert_html_entit(v.author);
el.width = (typeof(v.width) == 'undefined') ? false : v.width;
el.height = (typeof(v.height) == 'undefined') ? false : v.height;
el.force_over_data = (typeof(v.force_over_data) == 'undefined') ? false : parseInt(v.force_over_data, 10);
el.force_outer_cmd = (typeof(v.force_outer_cmd) == 'undefined') ? false : v.force_outer_cmd;
el.thumb = (typeof(v.thumb) == 'undefined') ? false : v.thumb;
// download calculate type and parameter
if(el_type == 'image') {
el.download = (typeof(v.download) != 'undefined') ? v.download : v.src;
} else {
el.download = false;
else {
var el = {
src : el.src,
type : 'unknown',
hash : (o.deeplink) ? get_hash(el.src) : false
vars.elems = elems;
// if is from DOM object - prepare elements object
else {
var $subj = inst_obj;
// can fetch elements in real-time? save selector
if(o.live_elements && vars.elems_selector) {
var consider_group = ($clicked_obj && o.gallery && o.gallery_hook && typeof($(obj[0]).attr(o.gallery_hook)) != 'undefined') ? true : false;
var sel = (consider_group) ? vars.elems_selector +'['+ o.gallery_hook +'='+ $clicked_obj.attr( o.gallery_hook ) +']' : vars.elems_selector;
$subj = $(sel);
if(!setup_elems_obj($subj)) {
if(!o.live_elements || (o.live_elements && !vars.elems_selector)) {
console.error('LC Lightbox - no valid elements found');
return false;
// if preload every image on document's ready
if(o.preload_all && !vars.preload_all_used) {
vars.preload_all_used = true;
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$.each(vars.elems, function(i, v) {
maybe_preload(false, i);
// elements parsed - throw callback
if(typeof(o.elems_parsed) == 'function') {
o.elems_parsed.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars);
// elements parsed | args: elements array
if(!vars.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (vars.elems_selector) ? $(vars.elems_selector) : inst_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_elems_parsed', [vars.elems]);
return true;
elems_parsing(obj); // parsing on lightbox INIT
/* open lightbox */
var open_lb = function(inst_obj, $clicked_obj) {
if(lcl_shown || lcl_is_active) {return false;}
lcl_shown = true;
lcl_is_active = true;
// setup static globals
lcl_curr_obj = inst_obj;
lcl_ai_opts = $.data(inst_obj, 'lcl_settings');
lcl_ai_vars = $.data(inst_obj, 'lcl_vars');
lcl_curr_opts = lcl_ai_opts;
lcl_curr_vars = lcl_ai_vars;
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
var $co = (typeof($clicked_obj) != 'undefined') ? $clicked_obj : false;
// check instance existence
if(!lcl_ai_vars) {
console.error('LC Lightbox - cannot open. Object not initialized');
return false;
// set gallery hook value
v.gallery_hook_val = ($co && o.gallery && o.gallery_hook && typeof($co.attr(o.gallery_hook)) != 'undefined') ? $co.attr(o.gallery_hook) : false;
// parse elements
if(!elems_parsing(inst_obj, $clicked_obj)) {
return false;
// if there is a clicked element - set selected index
if($co) {
$.each(v.elems, function(i, e) {
if( e.src == $co.attr(o.src_attr) ) {
v.elem_index = i;
return false;
// array or deeplink initialization - check index existence
else {
if(parseInt(v.elem_index, 10) >= v.elems_count) {
console.error('LC Lightbox - selected index does not exist');
return false;
// try recalling cached images to already shape lightbox
// setup lightbox code
// directly fullscreen?
if(v.force_fullscreen) {
enter_fullscreen(true, true);
// prepare thumbs nav
if($('#lcl_thumbs_nav').length) {
// prepare first element and show
/* remove lightbox pre-show classes */
var rm_pre_show_classes = function() {
// show window and overlay
/* setup lightbox code */
var setup_code = function() {
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
var wrap_classes = [];
var css = '';
// add class if IE <= 11 and for commands positions
if(typeof(document.documentMode) == 'number') {
// actually disable middle nav
if(o.cmd_position != 'outer') {o.nav_btn_pos = 'normal';}
if($('#lcl_wrap').length) {$('#lcl_wrap').remove();}
// lightbox max sizes
$('#lcl_wrap').attr('data-lcl-max-w', o.max_width).attr('data-lcl-max-h', o.max_height);
// command positions classes
wrap_classes.push('lcl_'+o.ins_close_pos+'_close lcl_nav_btn_'+o.nav_btn_pos+' lcl_'+ o.ins_close_pos +'_close lcl_nav_btn_'+ o.nav_btn_pos);
// hidden thumbs nav class
o.tn_hidden === true ||
(typeof(o.tn_hidden) == 'number' && ($(window).width() < o.tn_hidden || $(window).height() < o.tn_hidden))
) {
// hide texts class
o.txt_hidden === true ||
(typeof(o.txt_hidden) == 'number' && ($(window).width() < o.txt_hidden || $(window).height() < o.txt_hidden))
) {
// no carousel class
if(!o.carousel) {
// mobile class
if(lcl_on_mobile) {wrap_classes.push('lcl_on_mobile');}
// custom classes
if(o.wrap_class) {wrap_classes.push(o.wrap_class);}
// manage elements
wrap_classes.push('lcl_'+ o.cmd_position +'_cmd');
if(o.cmd_position != 'inner') {
var nav = $('#lcl_nav_cmd').detach();
if(!o.slideshow) {$('.lcl_play').remove();}
if(!o.txt_toggle_cmd) {$('.lcl_txt_toggle').remove();}
if(!o.socials) {$('.lcl_socials').remove();}
if(!o.download) {$('.lcl_download').remove();}
if(!o.counter || v.elems.length < 2 || !o.gallery) {$('.lcl_counter').remove();}
// fullscreen
v.force_fullscreen = false;
if(!o.fullscreen) {
else if(o.fs_only === true || (typeof(o.fs_only) == 'number' && ($(window).width() < o.fs_only || $(window).height() < o.fs_only))) {
lcl_ai_vars.force_fullscreen = true;
// prev/next buttons
if(v.elems.length < 2 || !o.gallery) {
$('.lcl_prev, .lcl_play, .lcl_next').remove();
} else {
if(o.nav_btn_pos == 'middle') {
css += '.lcl_prev, .lcl_next {margin: '+ o.padding +'px;}';
// thumbs nav
if(!o.thumbs_nav || lcl_ai_vars.elems.length < 2 || !o.gallery) {
$('#lcl_thumbs_nav, .lcl_thumbs_toggle').remove();
else {
$('#lcl_thumbs_nav').css('height', o.thumbs_h); // use JS to pick outerHeight after
var th_margins = $('#lcl_thumbs_nav').outerHeight(true) - o.thumbs_h;
css += '#lcl_window {margin-top: '+ ((o.thumbs_h - th_margins ) * -1) +'px;}';
// center lightbox if cmds are on top and thumbs are hidden
css += '.lcl_tn_hidden.lcl_outer_cmd:not(.lcl_fullscreen_mode) #lcl_window {margin-bottom: '+ ($('.lcl_close').outerHeight(true) * -1) +'px;}';
// apply skin and layout
wrap_classes.push('lcl_txt_'+ o.data_position +' lcl_'+ o.skin);
css += '#lcl_overlay {background-color: '+ o.thumbs_h +'px; opacity: '+ o.ol_opacity +';}';
if(o.ol_pattern) {$('#lcl_overlay').addClass('lcl_pattern_'+ o.ol_pattern);}
if(o.modal) {$('#lcl_overlay').addClass('lcl_modal');}
if(o.wrap_padding) {css += '#lcl_wrap {padding: '+ o.wrap_padding +';}';}
if(o.border_w) {css += '#lcl_window {border: '+ o.border_w +'px solid '+ o.border_col +';}';}
if(o.padding) {css += '#lcl_subj, #lcl_txt, #lcl_nav_cmd {margin: '+ o.padding +'px;}';}
if(o.radius) {css += '#lcl_window, #lcl_contents_wrap {border-radius: '+ o.radius +'px;}';}
if(o.shadow) {css += '#lcl_window {box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);}';}
if(o.cmd_position == 'inner' && o.ins_close_pos == 'corner') {
css += '#lcl_corner_close {'+
'top: '+ ((o.border_w + Math.ceil($('#lcl_corner_close').outerWidth() / 2)) * -1) +'px;'+
'right: '+ ((o.border_w + Math.ceil($('#lcl_corner_close').outerHeight() / 2)) * -1) +';'+
// if no button is in inner cmd w/ corner close - hide bar (not on FS)
if(!$('#lcl_nav_cmd > *:not(.lcl_close)').length) {
css += '#lcl_wrap:not(.lcl_fullscreen_mode):not(.lcl_forced_outer_cmd) #lcl_nav_cmd {'+
'display: none;'+
// custom CSS
if($('#lcl_inline_style').length) {$('#lcl_inline_style').remove();}
'<style type="text/css" id="lcl_inline_style">'+
css +
'#lcl_overlay {'+
'background-color: '+o.ol_color+';'+
'opacity: '+o.ol_opacity+';'+
'#lcl_window, #lcl_txt, #lcl_subj {'+
'-webkit-transition-duration: '+o.animation_time+'ms; transition-duration: '+o.animation_time+'ms;'+
'#lcl_overlay {'+
'-webkit-transition-duration: '+o.open_close_time+'ms; transition-duration: '+o.open_close_time+'ms;'+
'.lcl_first_sizing #lcl_window, .lcl_is_closing #lcl_window {'+
'-webkit-transition-duration: '+(o.open_close_time - o.ol_time_diff)+'ms; transition-duration: '+(o.open_close_time - o.ol_time_diff)+'ms;'+
'.lcl_first_sizing #lcl_window {'+
'-webkit-transition-delay: '+o.ol_time_diff+'ms; transition-delay: '+o.ol_time_diff+'ms;'+
'#lcl_loader, #lcl_contents_wrap, #lcl_corner_close {'+
'-webkit-transition-duration: '+o.fading_time+'ms; transition-duration: '+o.fading_time+'ms;'+
'.lcl_toggling_txt #lcl_subj {'+ /* delay to allow sizing on text hiding */
'-webkit-transition-delay: '+(o.fading_time + 200)+'ms !important; transition-delay: '+(o.fading_time + 200)+'ms !important;'+
'.lcl_fullscreen_mode.lcl_txt_over:not(.lcl_tn_hidden) #lcl_txt, .lcl_fullscreen_mode.lcl_force_txt_over:not(.lcl_tn_hidden) #lcl_txt {'+ /* fs txt margin when thumbs are shown */
'max-height: calc(100% - 42px - '+ o.thumbs_h +'px);'+
'.lcl_fullscreen_mode.lcl_playing_video.lcl_txt_over:not(.lcl_tn_hidden) #lcl_txt,'+
'.lcl_fullscreen_mode.lcl_playing_video.lcl_force_txt_over:not(.lcl_tn_hidden) #lcl_txt {'+ /* fullscreen txt over margin when thumbs are shown */
'max-height: calc(100% - 42px - 45px - '+ o.thumbs_h +'px);'+
// backup html/body inline CSS
if(o.remove_scrollbar) {
lcl_ai_vars.html_style = (typeof(jQuery('html').attr('style')) != 'undefined') ? jQuery('html').attr('style') : '';
lcl_ai_vars.body_style = (typeof(jQuery('body').attr('style')) != 'undefined') ? jQuery('body').attr('style') : '';
// avoid page scrolling and maintain contents position
var orig_page_w = $(window).width();
$('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
'margin-right' : ($(window).width() - orig_page_w),
'touch-action' : 'none'
'overflow' : 'visible',
'touch-action' : 'none'
// opening element could already be shaped?
var el = lcl_ai_vars.elems[v.elem_index];
if(el.type != 'image' || (el.type == 'image' && typeof(v.img_sizes_cache[el.src]) != 'undefined')) {
} else {
// apply wrap classes
$('#lcl_wrap').addClass( wrap_classes.join(' ') );
// html is appended and ready - callback
if(typeof(o.html_is_ready) == 'function') {
o.html_is_ready.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars);
// lightbox html has been appended and managed
if(!lcl_ai_vars.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) ? $(lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_html_is_ready', [lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars]);
// prevent page touch scroll while moving a specific element
var no_body_touch_scroll = function(selector) {
var _overlay = $(selector)[0];
var _clientY = null; // remember Y position on touch start
_overlay.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) {
if (event.targetTouches.length === 1) {
// detect single touch
_clientY = event.targetTouches[0].clientY;
}, false);
_overlay.addEventListener('touchmove', function (event) {
if (event.targetTouches.length === 1) {
// detect single touch
}, false);
function disableRubberBand(event) {
var clientY = event.targetTouches[0].clientY - _clientY;
if (_overlay.scrollTop === 0 && clientY > 0) {
// element is at the top of its scroll
if (isOverlayTotallyScrolled() && clientY < 0) {
//element is at the top of its scroll
function isOverlayTotallyScrolled() {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollHeight#Problems_and_solutions
return _overlay.scrollHeight - _overlay.scrollTop <= _overlay.clientHeight;
/* show element in lightbox */
var show_element = function() {
if(!lcl_shown) {return false;}
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
var el = v.elems[v.elem_index];
$('#lcl_wrap').attr('lc-lelem', v.elem_index);
// if not carousel - set classes
if(!lcl_ai_opts.carousel) {
$('#lcl_wrap').removeClass('lcl_first_elem lcl_last_elem');
if(!v.elem_index) {
else if(v.elem_index == (v.elems.length - 1)) {
// global trigger - before element population | args: element object, element index
$(document).trigger('lcl_before_populate_global', [el, v.elem_index]);
// populate
// trigger right before EVERY element showing | args: element index, element object
if(!v.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (v.elems_selector) ? $(v.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_before_show', [el, v.elem_index]);
// global trigger - before EVERY element showing | args: element object, element index
$(document).trigger('lcl_before_show_global', [el, v.elem_index]);
// actions on first opening
if($('#lcl_wrap').hasClass('lcl_pre_first_el')) {
// first element show - callback
if(typeof(lcl_ai_opts.on_open) == 'function') {
lcl_ai_opts.on_open.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars);
// first element show | args: element
if(!v.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (v.elems_selector) ? $(v.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_on_open', [el, v.elem_index]);
// set sizes and display
/* element has text ? */
var elem_has_txt = function(el) {
return (el.title || el.txt || el.author) ? true : false;
/* populate lightbox */
var populate_lb = function(el){
var el_index = lcl_ai_vars.elem_index;
// reset
// set classes/atts
$('#lcl_wrap').attr('lcl-type', el.type);
$('#lcl_elem_wrap').addClass('lcl_'+ el.type +'_elem');
// setup subect
switch(el.type) {
case 'image' :
$('#lcl_elem_wrap').css('background-image', 'url(\''+ el.src +'\')');
default : // error message size
$('#lcl_elem_wrap').html('<div id="lcl_inline" class="lcl_elem"><br/>Error loading the resource .. </div>');
if(lcl_curr_opts.download) {
if(el.download) {
var arr = el.download.split('https://thewebmax.org/');
var filename = arr[ (arr.length -1) ];
$('.lcl_download').html('<a href="'+ el.download +'" target="_blank" download="'+ filename +'"></a>');
} else {
// counter
$('.lcl_counter').html( (el_index+1) +' / '+ lcl_ai_vars.elems.length );
// texts
if(elem_has_txt(el) && el.type != 'unknown') {
if(el.title) {$('#lcl_txt').append('<h3 id="lcl_title">'+ el.title +'</h3>');}
if(el.author) {$('#lcl_txt').append('<h5 id="lcl_author">by '+ el.author +'</h5>');}
if(el.txt) {$('#lcl_txt').append('<section id="lcl_descr">'+ el.txt +'</section>');}
// set class for bottom border
if(el.txt) {
if(el.title && el.author) {
$('#lcl_txt h5').addClass('lcl_txt_border');
else {
if($('#lcl_txt h3').length) {
$('#lcl_txt h3').addClass('lcl_txt_border');
} else {
$('#lcl_txt h5').addClass('lcl_txt_border');
else {
// prevent body scroll moving text
* given a CSS size (integer (px), %, vw or vh) returns the related pixel value
* dimension = w or h
var css_size_to_px = function(size, dimension, ignore_max) {
var px = 0;
var $wrap = $('#lcl_wrap');
var win_w = $(window).width() - parseInt($wrap.css('padding-left'), 10) - parseInt($wrap.css('padding-right'), 10);
var win_h = $(window).height() - parseInt($wrap.css('padding-top'), 10) - parseInt($wrap.css('padding-bottom'), 10);
if(!isNaN(parseFloat(size)) && isFinite(size)) { // integer value
px = parseInt(size, 10);
else if (size.toString().indexOf('%') !== -1) {
var val = (dimension == 'w') ? win_w : win_h;
px = val * (parseInt(size, 10) / 100);
else if (size.toString().indexOf('vw') !== -1) {
px = win_w * (parseInt(size, 10) / 100);
else if (size.toString().indexOf('vh') !== -1) {
px = win_h * (parseInt(size, 10) / 100);
// avoid > 100% values
if(typeof(ignore_max) == 'undefined') {
if(dimension == 'w' && px > win_w) {px = win_w;}
if(dimension == 'h' && px > win_h) {px = win_h;}
return px;
/* set element sizes */
var size_elem = function(el, flags, txt_und_sizes) { // flags: no_txt_under, inner_cmd_checked
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
var w, h;
if(typeof(flags) == 'undefined') {flags = {};}
var fs_mode = ($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length) ? true : false;
// calculate padding and borders
var add_space = (fs_mode) ? 0 : ((parseInt(o.border_w, 10) * 2) + (parseInt(o.padding, 10) * 2));
// is side-text layout? remove forced on hover
if(typeof(flags.side_txt_checked) == 'undefined' && (typeof(flags.no_txt_under) == 'undefined' || !flags.no_txt_under)) {
var side_txt = (!$('.lcl_force_txt_over').length && !$('.lcl_hidden_txt').length && $.inArray(o.data_position, ['rside', 'lside']) !== -1 && elem_has_txt(el)) ? $('#lcl_txt').outerWidth() : 0;
// has thumbs nav?
var thumbs_nav = (!fs_mode && $('#lcl_thumbs_nav').length && !$('.lcl_tn_hidden').length) ? $('#lcl_thumbs_nav').outerHeight(true) - parseInt($('#lcl_wrap').css('padding-bottom'), 10) : 0;
// outer commands?
var cmd_h = (!fs_mode && $('.lcl_outer_cmd').length) ? $('.lcl_close').outerHeight(true) + parseInt($('#lcl_nav_cmd').css('padding-top'), 10) + parseInt($('#lcl_nav_cmd').css('padding-bottom'), 10) : 0;
// wrap-up px to remove
var horiz_add_space = add_space + side_txt;
var vert_add_space = add_space + thumbs_nav + cmd_h;
// calculate max sizes
var max_w_attr = $('#lcl_wrap').attr('data-lcl-max-w');
var max_h_attr = $('#lcl_wrap').attr('data-lcl-max-h');
var max_w = (fs_mode) ? $(window).width() : Math.floor(css_size_to_px(max_w_attr, 'w')) - horiz_add_space;
var max_h = (fs_mode) ? $(window).height() : Math.floor(css_size_to_px(max_h_attr, 'h')) - vert_add_space;
// sizes already calculated by text under processor
if(typeof(v.txt_und_sizes) == 'object') {
w = v.txt_und_sizes.w;
h = v.txt_und_sizes.h;
if(el.type == 'image') {
var img_sizes = v.img_sizes_cache[ el.src ];
// normal processing
else {
switch(el.type) {
case 'image' : // discard forced sizes
$('#lcl_elem_wrap').css('bottom', 0);
if(typeof(v.img_sizes_cache[ el.src ]) == 'undefined') {
return false;
var img_sizes = v.img_sizes_cache[ el.src ];
// get image sizes
if(img_sizes.w <= max_w) {
w = img_sizes.w;
h = img_sizes.h;
} else {
w = max_w;
h = Math.floor(w * (img_sizes.h / img_sizes.w));
// height is bigger than max one?
if(h > max_h) {
h = max_h;
w = Math.floor(h * (img_sizes.w / img_sizes.h));
// calculate text under
if(elem_has_txt(el) && !$('.lcl_hidden_txt').length && o.data_position == 'under' && typeof(flags.no_txt_under) == 'undefined') {
txt_under_h(w, h, max_h);
$(document).off('lcl_txt_und_calc').on('lcl_txt_und_calc', function() {
if(v.txt_und_sizes) {
if(v.txt_und_sizes == 'no_under') {
flags.no_txt_under = true;
return size_elem( v.elems[ v.elem_index], flags);
return false;
else {
$('#lcl_subj').css('maxHeight', 'none');
default : // error message size
w = 280;
h = 125;
// text on side - turn into text over if small screen or tiny lb
(o.data_position == 'rside' || o.data_position == 'lside') &&
!$('.lcl_no_txt').length && typeof(flags.side_txt_checked) == 'undefined'
) {
var sto_w = w + add_space;
var sto_h = h + add_space;
var img_sizes = (el.type == 'image') ? v.img_sizes_cache[ el.src ] : '';
// forced text over treshold
var tot = el.force_over_data;
if(!tot) {tot = 400;}
if(el.type == 'image' && img_sizes.w > tot && img_sizes.h > tot) {
if(!side_to_over_txt(el, tot, sto_w, sto_h, side_txt)) {
flags.side_txt_checked = true;
return size_elem(el, flags);
// reset text under var
v.txt_und_sizes = false;
// force outer commands?
typeof(flags.inner_cmd_checked) == 'undefined' &&
(o.cmd_position == 'inner' || el.force_outer_cmd) &&
inner_to_outer_cmd(el, w)
) {
flags.inner_cmd_checked = true;
return size_elem(el, flags);
// set lb window sizes
width : (fs_mode) ? '100%' : w + add_space + side_txt,
height : (fs_mode) ? '100%' : h + add_space
// if has to be shown already shaped
if($('.lcl_show_already_shaped').length) {
setTimeout(function() { // allow CSS propagation
}, 10);
// check thumbs nav arrows visibility
if(typeof(lcl_size_n_show_timeout) != 'undefined') {
var timing = ($('.lcl_first_sizing').length) ? o.open_close_time + 20 : o.animation_time; // +20 trick used to let CSS execute the opening timing
if($('.lcl_browser_resize').length || $('.lcl_toggling_fs').length || fs_mode) {
timing = 0;
lcl_size_n_show_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
if(lcl_is_active) {lcl_is_active = false;}
// autoplay if first opening
if($('.lcl_first_sizing').length) {
if( o.autoplay && v.elems.length > 1 &&
(o.carousel || v.elem_index < (v.elems.length - 1))
) {
// fullscreen - image rendering manag
if(el.type == 'image') {
if($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length) {
} else {
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'cover');
$('#lcl_wrap').removeClass('lcl_first_sizing lcl_switching_elem lcl_is_resizing lcl_browser_resize');
}, timing);
/* track window size changes */
$(window).resize(function() {
if(!lcl_shown || obj != lcl_curr_obj || $('.lcl_toggling_fs').length) {return false;}
if(typeof(lcl_rs_defer) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_rs_defer);}
lcl_rs_defer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
/* calculate text under size - return new element's width and height in an object */
var txt_under_h = function(curr_w, curr_h, max_height, recursive_count) {
var rc = (typeof(recursive_count) == 'undefined') ? 1 : recursive_count;
var fs_mode = $('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length;
var old_txt_h = Math.ceil( $('#lcl_txt').outerHeight() );
var w_ratio = curr_w / curr_h;
// fullscreen mode and thumbs - text always over
if(fs_mode && $('#lcl_thumbs_nav').length) {
$('#lcl_subj').css('maxHeight', 'none');
'right' : 0,
'width' : 'auto'
lcl_ai_vars.txt_und_sizes = 'no_under';
return false;
// reset
if(!fs_mode) {
'right' : 'auto',
'width' : curr_w
} else {
'right' : 0,
'width' : 'auto'
// wait for CSS to be rendered
if(typeof(lcl_txt_under_calc) != 'undefined') {clearInterval(lcl_txt_under_calc);}
lcl_txt_under_calc = setTimeout(function() {
var txt_h = Math.ceil( $('#lcl_txt').outerHeight() );
var overflow = (curr_h + txt_h) - max_height;
// fullscreen mode (no thumbs) - just set max height
if(fs_mode) {
$('#lcl_subj').css('maxHeight', 'calc(100% - '+ txt_h +'px)');
lcl_ai_vars.txt_und_sizes = {w: curr_w, h: curr_h};
return false;
// there's overflow - recurse
if(overflow > 0 && ( typeof(recursive_count) == 'undefined' || recursive_count < 10)) {
var new_h = curr_h - overflow;
var new_w = Math.floor(new_h * w_ratio);
// text over treshold
var tot = lcl_ai_vars.elems[lcl_ai_vars.elem_index].force_over_data;
if(!tot) {tot = 400;}
if(new_w < tot || new_h < tot) {
$('#lcl_wrap').removeClass('lcl_txt_under_calc').addClass('lcl_force_txt_over'); // screen too small or image excessively tall - switch to text over
$('#lcl_subj').css('maxHeight', 'none');
'right' : 0,
'width' : 'auto'
lcl_ai_vars.txt_und_sizes = 'no_under';
return true;
return txt_under_h(new_w, new_h, max_height, (rc + 1));
// no overflow - ok
else {
$('#lcl_subj').css('maxHeight', (curr_h + lcl_ai_opts.padding));
lcl_ai_vars.txt_und_sizes = {
w: curr_w,
h: (curr_h + txt_h)
return true;
}, 120); // min val to let CSS propagate
/* is lightbox too small to show contents with side text? turn into over txt */
var side_to_over_txt = function(el, treshold, w, h, side_txt_w) {
var already_forced = $('.lcl_force_txt_over').length;
if(w < treshold || (el.type != 'html' && h < treshold)) {
if(already_forced) {return true;}
else {
if(!already_forced) {return true;}
return false;
/* are inner commands too wide for lb window? move to outer */
var inner_to_outer_cmd = function(el, window_width) {
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
var fs_mode = ($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length) ? true : false;
// if already acted - reset
if($('.lcl_forced_outer_cmd').length) {
var nav = $('#lcl_nav_cmd').detach();
// calculate
if(!fs_mode && lcl_ai_vars.inner_cmd_w === false) {
lcl_ai_vars.inner_cmd_w = 0;
jQuery('#lcl_nav_cmd .lcl_icon').each(function() {
if(($(this).hasClass('lcl_prev') || $(this).hasClass('lcl_next')) && o.nav_btn_pos == 'middle') {
return true;
lcl_ai_vars.inner_cmd_w = lcl_ai_vars.inner_cmd_w + $(this).outerWidth(true);
// is wider?
if(fs_mode || el.force_outer_cmd || window_width <= lcl_ai_vars.inner_cmd_w) {
var nav = $('#lcl_nav_cmd').detach();
return true;
else {
return false;
/* switch element - new_el could be "next", "prev" or element index */
var switch_elem = function(new_el, slideshow_switch) {
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
var carousel = lcl_ai_opts.carousel;
if(lcl_is_active || v.elems.length < 2 || !lcl_ai_opts.gallery || $('.lcl_switching_elem').length) {return false;}
// find and sanitize new index
if(new_el == 'next'){
if(v.elem_index == (v.elems.length - 1)) {
if(!carousel) {return false;}
new_el = 0;
else {
new_el = v.elem_index + 1;
else if(new_el == 'prev') {
if(!v.elem_index) {
if(!carousel) {return false;}
new_el = (v.elems.length - 1);
else {
new_el = v.elem_index - 1;
else {
new_el = parseInt(new_el, 10);
if(new_el < 0 || new_el >= v.elems.length || new_el == v.elem_index) {
return false;
// if slideshow is active
if(typeof(lcl_slideshow) != 'undefined') {
// if isn't a slideshow switch and it is active || if isn't carousel and index is latest one - stop ss
if(typeof(slideshow_switch) == 'undefined' || (!carousel && new_el == (v.elems.length - 1))) {
// hide current element and set a new one
lcl_is_active = true;
// use maybe_preload to not display loader when next item is already cached
maybe_preload(false, new_el, true);
// switching wrapper class
setTimeout(function() {
// if switching from an html element - set static heights
if(v.elems[v.elem_index].type == 'html') {
$('#lcl_window').css('height', $('#lcl_contents_wrap').outerHeight());
$('#lcl_contents_wrap').css('maxHeight', 'none');
// switching element - callback
if(typeof(lcl_ai_opts.on_elem_switch) == 'function') {
lcl_ai_opts.on_elem_switch.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars, new_el);
// switching | args: old_elem_id, new_elem_id
if(!v.is_arr_instance && lcl_curr_obj) {
var $subj = (v.elems_selector) ? $(v.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_on_elem_switch', [v.elem_index, new_el]);
$('#lcl_wrap').removeClass('lcl_no_txt lcl_loading_iframe');
v.elem_index = new_el;
}, lcl_ai_opts.fading_time);
/* temporary stop slideshow (to wait a preloader for example) */
var temp_slideshow_stop = function() {
if(typeof(lcl_slideshow) == 'undefined') {return false;}
/* progressbar animation management */
var progbar_animate = function(first_run) {
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
if(!o.progressbar) {return false;}
var delay = (first_run) ? 0 : (o.animation_time + o.fading_time);
var time = o.slideshow_time + o.animation_time - delay;
if(!$('#lcl_progressbar').length) {
$('#lcl_wrap').append('<div id="lcl_progressbar"></div>');
if(typeof(lcl_pb_timeout) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_pb_timeout);}
lcl_pb_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
$('#lcl_progressbar').stop(true).removeAttr('style').css('width', 0).animate({width: '100%'}, time, 'linear', function() {
$('#lcl_progressbar').fadeTo(0, 0); // duration through CSS
}, delay);
/* close lightbox */
var close_lb = function() {
if(!lcl_shown) {return false;}
// lightbox is about to be closed - callback
if(typeof(lcl_ai_opts.on_close) == 'function') {
lcl_ai_opts.on_close.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars);
// event on lightbox closing
if(!lcl_ai_vars.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) ? $(lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
// global trigger - on lightbox closing
$('#lcl_wrap').removeClass('lcl_shown').addClass('lcl_is_closing lcl_tn_hidden');
// exit fullscreen
if($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length) {
// remove lb - wait for animations
setTimeout(function() {
$('#lcl_wrap, #lcl_inline_style').remove();
// restore html/body inline CSS
if(lcl_ai_opts.remove_scrollbar) {
jQuery('html').attr('style', lcl_ai_vars.html_style);
jQuery('body').attr('style', lcl_ai_vars.body_style);
// global trigger - lightybox has been closed and code removed
lcl_curr_obj = false;
lcl_curr_opts = false;
lcl_curr_vars = false;
lcl_shown = false;
lcl_is_active = false;
}, (lcl_ai_opts.open_close_time + 80));
if(typeof(lcl_size_check) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_size_check);}
/* Setup fullscreen mode */
var enter_fullscreen = function(set_browser_status, on_opening) {
if(typeof(on_opening) == 'undefined') {on_opening = false;}
if(!lcl_shown || !lcl_ai_opts.fullscreen || (!on_opening && lcl_is_active)) {return false;}
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
// hide window elements
// enbale browser's fs
if(o.browser_fs_mode && typeof(set_browser_status) != 'undefined') {
if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
// set wrap class - recalculate sizes - show
var timing = (on_opening) ? o.open_close_time : o.fading_time;
setTimeout(function() {
size_elem( v.elems[v.elem_index] );
// disable fs toogle class when has been sized
$(document).on('lcl_resized_window', function() {
// text under or on opening - recalculate
if(on_opening || (lcl_curr_opts.data_position == 'under' && !$('.lcl_force_txt_over').length)) {
size_elem( lcl_curr_vars.elems[lcl_curr_vars.elem_index] );
setTimeout(function() {
}, 150); // 50 (sizing) + 100 (smoothing) is forced sizing timing for fs switch
}, timing);
// entering fullscreen - callback
if(typeof(o.on_fs_enter) == 'function') {
o.on_fs_enter.call(null, o, v);
// entering fullscreen - action
if(!lcl_ai_vars.is_arr_instance) {
/* fullscreen image rendering manag - smart/fit/fill */
var fs_img_manag = function(img_sizes) {
var behav = lcl_ai_opts.fs_img_behavior;
// if image is smaller than screen - bg size = auto
if($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length && img_sizes.w <= $('#lcl_subj').width() && img_sizes.h <= $('#lcl_subj').height()) {
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'auto');
return false;
// fit into screen
if(behav == 'fit') {
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'contain');
// fill screen
else if(behav == 'fill') {
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'cover');
// smart - fill only if is bigger than screen or same aspect ratio
else {
if(typeof(img_sizes) == 'undefined') {
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'cover');
return false;
var ratio_diff = ($(window).width() / $(window).height()) - (img_sizes.w / img_sizes.h);
var w_diff = $(window).width() - img_sizes.w;
var h_diff = $(window).height() - img_sizes.h;
if( (ratio_diff <= 1.15 && ratio_diff >= -1.15) && (w_diff <= 350 && h_diff <= 350) ) { // fill
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'cover');
else { // fit
$('.lcl_image_elem').css('background-size', 'contain');
/* exit fullscreen */
var exit_fullscreen = function(set_browser_status) {
if(!lcl_shown || !lcl_ai_opts.fullscreen || lcl_is_active) {return false;}
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
// hide window elements
$('#lcl_window').fadeTo(70, 0);
// set wrap class - recalculate sizes - show
setTimeout(function() {
// disable browser's fs
if(o.browser_fs_mode && typeof(set_browser_status) != 'undefined') {
var browser_fs_timing = 250; // time taken by browser to exit fullscreen mode
} else {
var browser_fs_timing = 0;
// resize after a little while
setTimeout(function() {
size_elem( lcl_ai_vars.elems[lcl_ai_vars.elem_index] );
// IE 11 requires a bit more
var userAgent = userAgent || navigator.userAgent;
var ie11_time = (userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ") > -1 || userAgent.indexOf("Trident/index.html") > -1) ? 100 : 0;
// disable fs toogle class
setTimeout(function() {
$('#lcl_window').fadeTo(30, 1);
}, 300 + ie11_time); // 50 (sizing) + 100 (smoothing) is forced sizing timing for fs switch
}, browser_fs_timing);
}, 70);
// exiting fullscreen - callback
if(typeof(o.on_fs_exit) == 'function') {
o.on_fs_exit.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars);
// exiting fullscreen - action
if(!lcl_ai_vars.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) ? $(lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
/* trigger browser instruction to exit fullscreen mode */
var exit_browser_fs = function() {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
/* setup thumbnails navigator */
var setup_thumbs_nav = function() {
var mixed_types = false;
var tracked_type = false;
var uniq_id = Date.now();
$('#lcl_thumbs_nav').append('<span class="lcl_tn_prev"></span><ul class="lcl_tn_inner"></ul><span class="lcl_tn_next"></span>');
$('#lcl_thumbs_nav').attr('rel', uniq_id);
$.each(lcl_ai_vars.elems, function(i, v) {
if(v.type != 'unknown') {
if(!mixed_types) {
if(!tracked_type || tracked_type == v.type) {
tracked_type = v.type;
else {
mixed_types = true;
var bg = '',
bg_img = '';
tpc = ''; // thumbs preload class
// has got a specific thumbnail?
if(v.thumb) {
bg_img = v.thumb;
bg = 'style="background-image: url(\''+ v.thumb +'\');"';
else {
// find thumbnail for each source
switch(v.type) {
case 'image' : bg_img = v.src; break;
case 'youtube' : bg_img = (v.poster) ? v.poster : 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/'+ v.video_id +'/maxresdefault.jpg'; break;
case 'vimeo' :
if(v.poster) {
bg_img = v.poster;
else {
if(typeof(lcl_ai_vars.vimeo_thumb_cache[ v.src ]) == 'undefined') {
tpc = 'lcl_tn_preload';
$.getJSON('https://www.vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' + v.video_id + '.json?callback=?', {format: "json"}, function(data) { // need async
thumbs_nav_img_preload(data[0].thumbnail_large, i, uniq_id);
lcl_ai_vars.vimeo_thumb_cache[ v.src ] = data[0].thumbnail_large;
// use ATTR to avoid issues with IE10
$('.lcl_tn_inner li[rel='+i+']').attr('style', $('.lcl_tn_inner li[rel='+i+']').attr('style') + ' background-image: url(\''+ data[0].thumbnail_large +'\');');
else {
bg_img = lcl_ai_vars.vimeo_thumb_cache[ v.src ];
case 'video' :
case 'iframe' :
case 'html' :
if(v.poster) {bg_img = v.poster;} break;
case 'dailymotion' : bg_img = (v.poster) ? v.poster : 'http://www.dailymotion.com/thumbnail/video/'+ v.video_id; break;
if(bg_img) {
// has thumbs maker?
if(lcl_ai_opts.thumbs_maker_url && (v.poster || $.inArray(v.type, ['youtube', 'vimeo', 'dailymotion']) === -1)) {
var base = lcl_ai_opts.thumbs_maker_url;
bg_img = base.replace('%URL%', encodeURIComponent(bg_img)).replace('%W%', lcl_ai_opts.thumbs_w).replace('%H%', lcl_ai_opts.thumbs_h);
bg = 'style="background-image: url(\''+ bg_img +'\');"';
// if is video - store as vid_poster
if( $.inArray(v.type, ['youtube', 'vimeo', 'dailymotion']) !== -1 && !v.poster) {
lcl_ai_vars.elems[i].vid_poster = bg_img;
// if iframe and html and no poster - skip
if((v.type == 'html' || v.type == 'iframe') && !bg) {return true;}
// video preview
var vp = (v.type == 'video' && !bg) ? '<video src="'+ v.src +'"></video>' : '';
// thumbs preload class
//if(!tpc && bg && typeof(lcl_ai_vars.img_sizes_cache[ bg_img ]) == 'undefined') {tpc = 'lcl_tn_preload';}
tpc = 'lcl_tn_preload';
// append
$('.lcl_tn_inner').append('<li class="lcl_tn_'+ v.type +' '+ tpc +'" title="'+ v.title +'" rel="'+i+'" '+ bg +'>'+ vp +'</li>');
// thumbs image preload
if(tpc) {
thumbs_nav_img_preload(bg_img, i, uniq_id);
// be sure at least 2 elements are left
if($('.lcl_tn_inner > li').length < 2) {
return false;
$('.lcl_tn_inner > li').css('width', lcl_ai_opts.thumbs_w);
if(!lcl_on_mobile) {
$('.lcl_tn_inner').lcl_smoothscroll(0.3, 400, false, true);
// mixed type class
if(mixed_types && lcl_ai_opts.tn_icons) {
// elem offset - use a bit of delay to let thumbs to have proper shape
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
/* thumbs image preload */
var thumbs_nav_img_preload = function(img_url, el_index, uniq_id) {
$('<img/>').bind("load", function(){
if(!lcl_ai_vars) {return false;}
lcl_ai_vars.img_sizes_cache[ img_url ] = {
w : this.width,
h : this.height
$('#lcl_thumbs_nav[rel='+ uniq_id +'] li[rel='+ el_index +']').removeClass('lcl_tn_preload');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
}).attr('src', img_url);
/* thumbs navigator - thumbs total width */
var thumbs_nav_elems_w = function() {
var thumbs_w = 0;
$('.lcl_tn_inner > li').each(function() {thumbs_w = thumbs_w + $(this).outerWidth(true);});
return thumbs_w;
/* thumbs navigator - arrows visibility */
var thumbs_nav_arrows_vis = function() {
if(!$('#lcl_thumbs_nav').length) {return false;}
if(thumbs_nav_elems_w() > $('.lcl_tn_inner').width()) {
} else {
/* thumbs navigator - arrows opacity */
var thumbs_nav_arrows_opacity = function() {
var sl = $('.lcl_tn_inner').scrollLeft();
if(!sl) {
$('.lcl_tn_prev').addClass('lcl_tn_disabled_arr').stop(true).fadeTo(150, 0.5);
} else {
$('.lcl_tn_prev').removeClass('lcl_tn_disabled_arr').stop(true).fadeTo(150, 1);
if(sl >= (thumbs_nav_elems_w() - $('.lcl_tn_inner').width())) {
$('.lcl_tn_next').addClass('lcl_tn_disabled_arr').stop(true).fadeTo(150, 0.5);
} else {
$('.lcl_tn_next').removeClass('lcl_tn_disabled_arr').stop(true).fadeTo(150, 1);
$(document).on('lcl_smoothscroll_end', '.lcl_tn_inner', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
/* thumbs navigator - scroll to shown element - centering it */
var thumbs_nav_scroll_to_item = function(elem_id) {
var $subj = $('.lcl_tn_inner > li[rel='+ elem_id +']');
if(!$subj.length) {return false;}
var id = 0;
$('.lcl_tn_inner > li').each(function(i,v) {
if($(this).attr('rel') == elem_id) {
id = i;
return false;
// center thumb with scroll
var elem_w = $('.lcl_tn_inner > li').last().outerWidth();
var margin = parseInt($('.lcl_tn_inner > li').last().css('margin-left'), 10);
var wrap_w = $('.lcl_tn_inner').width();
var to_center = Math.floor( ($('.lcl_tn_inner').width() - elem_w - margin) / 2 );
var new_offset = ((elem_w * id) + margin * (id - 1)) + Math.floor(margin / 2) - to_center;
$('.lcl_tn_inner').stop(true).animate({"scrollLeft" : new_offset}, 500, function() {
// show after having scrolled
// set selected nav thumb class
$('.lcl_tn_inner > li').removeClass('lcl_sel_thumb');
/* lc smooth scroll system */
// suggested ratio = 0.3
// suggested duration = 400
$.fn.lcl_smoothscroll = function(ratio, duration, ignoreX, ignoreY) {
if(lcl_on_mobile) {return false;}
this.off("mousemove mousedown mouseup mouseenter mouseleave");
var $subj = this,
trackX = (typeof(ignoreX) == 'undefined' || !ignoreX) ? true : false,
trackY = (typeof(ignoreY) == 'undefined' || !ignoreY) ? true : false,
mouseout_timeout = false,
curDown = false,
curYPos = 0,
curXPos = 0,
startScrollY = 0,
startScrollX = 0,
scrollDif = 0;
if(curDown === true) {
if(trackX) {
$subj.scrollLeft(startScrollX + (curXPos - m.pageX));
if(trackY) {
$subj.scrollTop(startScrollY + (curYPos - m.pageY));
$subj.mouseover(function() {
if(mouseout_timeout) {
$subj.mouseout(function() {
mouseout_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
curDown = false;
mouseout_timeout = false;
}, 500);
if(typeof(lc_sms_timeout) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lc_sms_timeout);}
curDown = true;
startScrollY = $subj.scrollTop();
startScrollX = $subj.scrollLeft();
curYPos = m.pageY;
curXPos = m.pageX;
curDown = false;
// smooth scroll
var currScrollY = $subj.scrollTop();
var scrollDiffY = (startScrollY - currScrollY) * -1;
var newScrollY = currScrollY + ( scrollDiffY * ratio);
var currScrollX = $subj.scrollLeft();
var scrollDiffX = (startScrollX - currScrollX) * -1;
var newScrollX = currScrollX + ( scrollDiffX * ratio);
// thumbs nav - if is tiny movement, simulate a true click on element
(scrollDiffY < 3 && scrollDiffY > -3) &&
(scrollDiffX < 3 && scrollDiffX > -3)
) {
return false;
// animate (only if movement was wide enough)
if(scrollDiffY > 20 || scrollDiffX > 20) {
var anim_obj = {};
if(trackY) {
anim_obj["scrollTop"] = newScrollY;
if(trackX) {
anim_obj["scrollLeft"] = newScrollX;
$subj.stop(true).animate(anim_obj, duration, 'linear', function() {
/* show lightbox - click handlers */
if(!lcl_vars.is_arr_instance) {
if(lcl_settings.live_elements && lcl_vars.elems_selector) { // switch between static and dynamic elements retrieval
$(document).off('click', lcl_vars.elems_selector)
.on('click', lcl_vars.elems_selector, function(e) {
// update elements count - live
var vars = $.data(obj, 'lcl_vars');
vars.elems_count = $(lcl_vars.elems_selector).length;
// open lightbox
open_lb(obj, $(this));
// binded element click - lb should open | args: clicked element
obj.first().trigger('lcl_clicked_elem', [$(this)]);
else {
obj.on('click', function(e) {
open_lb(obj, $(this));
// binded element click - lb should open
obj.first().trigger('lcl_clicked_elem', [$(this)]);
/* close clicking overlay or button */
$(document).on('click', '#lcl_overlay:not(.lcl_modal), .lcl_close, #lcl_corner_close', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
/* navigation button - prev */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_prev', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
/* navigation button - next */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_next', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
/* Keyboard events */
if(lcl_shown) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
// next
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
// prev
else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
// close
else if (e.keyCode == 27) {
// fullscreen
else if(e.keyCode == 122 && lcl_ai_opts.fullscreen) {
if(typeof(lcl_fs_key_timeout) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_fs_key_timeout);}
lcl_fs_key_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
if($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length) {
} else {
}, 50);
/* elems navigation with mousewheel */
$(document).on('wheel', '#lcl_overlay, #lcl_window, #lcl_thumbs_nav:not(.lcl_tn_has_arr)', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj || !lcl_curr_opts.mousewheel) {return true;}
var $target = $(e.target);
// if not in window, do it!
if(!$target.is('#lcl_window') && !$target.parents('#lcl_window').length) {
var delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY;
if(delta > 0) {switch_elem('next');}
else {switch_elem('prev');}
else {
// cycle to know if parents have scrollers
var perform = true;
for(a=0; a<20; a++) {
if($target.is('#lcl_window')) {break;}
if($target[0].scrollHeight > $target.outerHeight()) {
perform = false;
else {
$target = $target.parent();
if(perform) {
var delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY;
if(delta > 0) {switch_elem('next');}
else {switch_elem('prev');}
/* next element clicking on image or zoom (where available with doubleclick) */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_image_elem', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
lcl_img_click_track = setTimeout(function() {
if(!$('.lcl_zoom_wrap').length) {
}, 250);
/* track doubleclick to zoom image */
$(document).on('dblclick', '.lcl_image_elem', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
if(!lcl_curr_opts.img_zoom) {return true;}
if(!$('.lcl_zoom_icon').length) {return true;}
// avoid single click trigger
if(typeof(lcl_img_click_track) != 'undefined') {
/* toggle text */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_txt_toggle', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
// class lcl_toggling_txt enables window sizing animations
if(!lcl_is_active && !$('.lcl_no_txt').length && !$('.lcl_toggling_txt').length) {
if(o.data_position != 'over') {
var txt_on_side = (o.data_position == 'rside' || o.data_position == 'lside') ? true : false;
var forced_over = $('.lcl_force_txt_over').length;
var timing = (o.animation_time < 150) ? o.animation_time : 150;
var classes_delay = 0;
// if text on side - hide subject
if(txt_on_side && !forced_over) {
$('#lcl_subj').fadeTo(timing, 0);
// text under - hide
else {
if(!forced_over) {
$('#lcl_contents_wrap').fadeTo(timing, 0);
classes_delay = timing;
setTimeout(function() {
}, classes_delay);
if(!forced_over) {
lcl_is_active = true;
// wait until text is hidden
setTimeout(function() {
lcl_is_active = false;
}, o.animation_time);
// after sizing - disable animations again
setTimeout(function() {
if(txt_on_side && !forced_over) {
$('#lcl_subj').fadeTo(timing, 1);
} else {
if(!forced_over) {
$('#lcl_contents_wrap').fadeTo(timing, 1);
}, (o.animation_time * 2) + 50);
// text over - just hide
else {
/* start/end slideshow */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_play', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
if($('.lcl_is_playing').length) {
} else {
/* track video start on click */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_elem', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
if(!$('.lcl_playing_video').length && $.inArray($('#lcl_wrap').attr('lcl-type'), ['video']) !== -1) {
/* trick to detect click on iframes */
var lcl_iframe_click = function() {
if(typeof(lcl_iframe_click_intval) != 'undefined') {clearInterval(lcl_iframe_click_intval);}
lcl_iframe_click_intval = setInterval(function() {
var $ae = $(document.activeElement);
if($ae.is('iframe') && $ae.hasClass('lcl_elem') && ($('.lcl_youtube_elem').length || $('.lcl_vimeo_elem').length || $('.lcl_dailymotion_elem').length)) {
}, 300);
/* toggle socials */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_socials', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
// show
if(!$('.lcl_socials > div').length) {
var el = lcl_curr_vars.elems[ lcl_curr_vars.elem_index ];
var page_url = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
var title = encodeURIComponent(el.title).replace(/'/g, "\\'");
var descr = encodeURIComponent(el.txt).replace(/'/g, "\\'");
// find image's URL
if(el.type == 'image') {
var img = el.src;
} else {
var img = (el.poster) ? el.poster : false;
if(!img && typeof(el.vid_poster) != 'undefined') {img = el.vid_poster;}
// prepare and append code
var code =
'<div class="lcl_socials_tt lcl_tooltip lcl_tt_bottom">';
if(lcl_curr_opts.fb_share_params) {
var share_url = page_url;
share_url += (window.location.href.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '%3F' : '%26';
share_url += encodeURIComponent(lcl_curr_opts.fb_share_params.replace('%TITLE%', title).replace('%DESCR%', descr).replace('%IMG%', img));
code += '<a class="lcl_icon lcl_fb" onClick="window.open(\'https://www.facebook.com/sharer?u='+ share_url +'&display=popup\',\'sharer\',\'toolbar=0,status=0,width=590,height=500\');" href="javascript: void(0)"></a>';
} else {
code += '<a class="lcl_icon lcl_fb" onClick="window.open(\'https://www.facebook.com/sharer?u='+ page_url +'&display=popup\',\'sharer\',\'toolbar=0,status=0,width=590,height=325\');" href="javascript: void(0)"></a>';
code += '<a class="lcl_icon lcl_twit" onClick="window.open(\'https://twitter.com/share?text=Check%20out%20%22'+ title +'%22%20@&url='+ page_url +'\',\'sharer\',\'toolbar=0,status=0,width=548,height=325\');" href="javascript: void(0)"></a>';
// on mobile - use Whatsapp
if(lcl_on_mobile) {
code += '<br/><a class="lcl_icon lcl_wa" href="whatsapp://send?text='+ page_url +'" data-action="share/whatsapp/share"></a>';
// pinterest only if there's an image
if(img) {
code +=
'<a class="lcl_icon lcl_pint" onClick="window.open(\'http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url='+ page_url +'&media='+ encodeURIComponent(img) +'&description='+ title +'\',\'sharer\',\'toolbar=0,status=0,width=575,height=330\');" href="javascript: void(0)"></a>';
code +=
setTimeout(function() { // delay to let CSS execute animation
}, 20);
// FB direct share
if(lcl_curr_opts.fb_direct_share) {
$(document).off('click', '.lcl_fb').on('click', '.lcl_fb', function(e) {
method: 'share_open_graph',
action_type: 'og.shares',
action_properties: JSON.stringify({
object: {
'og:url' : window.location.href,
'og:title' : el.title,
'og:description': el.txt,
'og:image' : img,
function (response) {
// hide
else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 260);
/* toggle fullscreen via button */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_fullscreen', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
if($('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length) {
} else {
/* thumbs navigator - toggle */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_thumbs_toggle', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
var fs_mode = $('.lcl_fullscreen_mode').length;
// if not fullscreen - hide contents
if(!fs_mode) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 160);
setTimeout(function() {
}, lcl_curr_opts.animation_time + 50);
/* thumbs navigator - switch element */
var tn_track_touch = (lcl_on_mobile) ? ' click' : '';
$(document).on('lcl_tn_elem_click'+tn_track_touch, '.lcl_tn_inner > li', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
var elem_id = $(this).attr('rel');
switch_elem( elem_id );
/* thumbs navigator - navigate with arrows click */
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_tn_prev:not(.lcl_tn_disabled_arr)', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
$('.lcl_tn_inner').stop(true).animate({"scrollLeft" : ($('.lcl_tn_inner').scrollLeft() - lcl_curr_opts.thumbs_w - 10)}, 300, 'linear', function() {
$(document).on('click', '.lcl_tn_next:not(.lcl_tn_disabled_arr)', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
$('.lcl_tn_inner').stop(true).animate({"scrollLeft" : ($('.lcl_tn_inner').scrollLeft() + lcl_curr_opts.thumbs_w + 10)}, 300, 'linear', function() {
/* thumbs navigator - navigate with mousewheel */
$(document).on('wheel', '#lcl_thumbs_nav.lcl_tn_has_arr', function(e) {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
var delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY;
if(delta > 0) {$('.lcl_tn_prev:not(.lcl_tn_disabled_arr)').trigger('click');}
else {$('.lcl_tn_next:not(.lcl_tn_disabled_arr)').trigger('click');}
/* right click prevent */
$(document).on("contextmenu", "#lcl_wrap *", function() {
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
if(lcl_ai_opts.rclick_prevent) {
return false;
/* avoid page scrolling on touch devices */
$(window).on('touchmove', function(e) {
var $t = $(e.target);
if(!lcl_shown || !lcl_on_mobile) {return true;}
if(obj != lcl_curr_obj) {return true;}
if(!$(e.target).parents('#lcl_window').length && !$(e.target).parents('#lcl_thumbs_nav').length) {
// touchswipe & zoom on pinch - requires alloy_finger.min.js
var touch_events = function() {
if(typeof(AlloyFinger) != 'function') {return false;}
lcl_is_pinching = false;
var el = document.querySelector('#lcl_wrap');
var af = new AlloyFinger(el, {
singleTap: function(e) {
// close lb tapping on overlay
if($(e.target).attr('id') == 'lcl_overlay' && !lcl_ai_opts.modal) {
doubleTap: function (e) {
pinch: function(e) {
lcl_is_pinching = true;
if(typeof(lcl_swipe_delay) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_swipe_delay);}
if(typeof(lcl_pinch_delay) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_pinch_delay);}
lcl_pinch_delay = setTimeout(function() {
if(e.scale > 1.2) {
else if(e.scale < 0.8) {
// avoid swipe if zoom-out
setTimeout(function() {
lcl_is_pinching = false;
}, 300);
}, 20);
touchStart: function(e) {
lcl_touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
touchEnd: function(e) { // simulate swipe with treshold
var diff = lcl_touchstartX - e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
if((diff < -50 || diff > 50) && !lcl_is_pinching) {
// ignore if consulting thumbs nav
if($(e.target).parents('#lcl_thumbs_nav').length) {
return false;
// do not swipe on zoomed
if($(e.target).parents('.lcl_zoom_wrap').length) {
return false;
var delay = ($(e.target).parents('.lcl_zoomable').length) ? 250 : 0;
if(typeof(lcl_swipe_delay) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_swipe_delay);}
lcl_swipe_delay = setTimeout(function() {
if(diff < -50) {
else {
}, delay);
// set current settings and vars - for actions with lightbox opened - return false if object not initialized
var set_curr_vars = function() {
if(!lcl_curr_obj) {return false;}
lcl_ai_vars = $.data(lcl_curr_obj, 'lcl_vars');
lcl_ai_opts = $.data(lcl_curr_obj, 'lcl_settings');
if(!lcl_ai_vars) {
console.error('LC Lightbox. Object not initialized');
return false;
return true;
// open lightbox
lcl_open = function(obj, index) {
lcl_ai_vars = $.data(obj, 'lcl_vars');
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
// check instance existence
if(!v) {
console.error('LC Lightbox - cannot open. Object not initialized');
return false;
else if(typeof(v.elems[index]) == 'undefined') {
console.error('LC Lightbox - cannot open. Unexisting index');
return false;
else {
v.elem_index = index;
$clicked_obj = (v.is_arr_instance) ? false : $(obj[index]);
return open_lb(obj, $clicked_obj);
// resize lightbox
lcl_resize = function() {
if(!lcl_shown || lcl_is_active || !set_curr_vars()) {return false;}
var v = lcl_ai_vars;
if(typeof(lcl_size_check) != 'undefined') {clearTimeout(lcl_size_check);}
lcl_size_check = setTimeout(function() {
var el = v.elems[ v.elem_index ];
return size_elem(el);
}, 20);
// close lightbox and destroy vars
lcl_close = function() {
if(!lcl_shown || lcl_is_active || !set_curr_vars()) {return false;}
return close_lb();
// pagination (next/prev/index)
lcl_switch = function(new_el) {
if(!lcl_shown || lcl_is_active || !set_curr_vars()) {return false;}
return switch_elem(new_el);
// start slideshow
lcl_start_slideshow = function(restart) {
if(!lcl_shown || (typeof(restart) == 'undefined' && typeof(lcl_slideshow) != 'undefined') || !set_curr_vars()) {return false;}
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
// if is latest element and isn't carousel - return false
if(!o.carousel && lcl_ai_vars.elem_index == (lcl_ai_vars.elems.length - 1)) {
return false;
if(typeof(lcl_slideshow) != 'undefined') {clearInterval(lcl_slideshow);} // if reset timing
var time = o.animation_time + o.slideshow_time;
// use progressbar?
// start
lcl_slideshow = setInterval(function() {
switch_elem('next', true);
}, time);
if(typeof(restart) == 'undefined') {
// slideshow start - callback
if(typeof(o.slideshow_start) == 'function') {
o.slideshow_start.call(null, o, lcl_ai_vars);
// slideshow start - hook | args: interval time
if(!lcl_ai_vars.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) ? $(lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_slideshow_start', [time]);
return true;
// stop slideshow
lcl_stop_slideshow = function() {
if(!lcl_shown || typeof(lcl_slideshow) == 'undefined' || !set_curr_vars()) {return false;}
var o = lcl_ai_opts;
// check instance existence
if(!o) {
console.error('LC Lightbox. Object not initialized');
return false;
clearInterval(lcl_slideshow); lcl_slideshow = undefined;
$('#lcl_progressbar').stop(true).animate({'marginTop' : ($('#lcl_progressbar').height() * -3)}, 300, function() {
// slideshow end - callback
if(typeof(o.slideshow_end) == 'function') {
o.slideshow_end.call(null, lcl_ai_opts, lcl_ai_vars);
// slideshow end - hook
if(!lcl_ai_vars.is_arr_instance) {
var $subj = (lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) ? $(lcl_ai_vars.elems_selector) : lcl_curr_obj;
$subj.first().trigger('lcl_slideshow_end', []);
return true;
return obj;