(function($) { showSwal = function(type) { 'use strict'; if (type === 'basic') { swal({ text: 'Any fool can use a computer', button: { text: "OK", value: true, visible: true, className: "btn btn-primary" } }) } else if (type === 'title-and-text') { swal({ title: 'Read the alert!', text: 'Click OK to close this alert', button: { text: "OK", value: true, visible: true, className: "btn btn-primary" } }) } else if (type === 'success-message') { swal({ title: 'Congratulations!', text: 'You entered the correct answer', icon: 'success', button: { text: "Continue", value: true, visible: true, className: "btn btn-primary" } }) } else if (type === 'auto-close') { swal({ title: 'Auto close alert!', text: 'I will close in 2 seconds.', timer: 2000, button: false }).then( function() {}, // handling the promise rejection function(dismiss) { if (dismiss === 'timer') { console.log('I was closed by the timer') } } ) } else if (type === 'warning-message-and-cancel') { swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: "You won't be able to revert this!", icon: 'warning', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: '#3f51b5', cancelButtonColor: '#ff4081', confirmButtonText: 'Great ', buttons: { cancel: { text: "Cancel", value: null, visible: true, className: "btn btn-danger", closeModal: true, }, confirm: { text: "OK", value: true, visible: true, className: "btn btn-primary", closeModal: true } } }) } else if (type === 'custom-html') { swal({ content: { element: "input", attributes: { placeholder: "Type your password", type: "password", class: 'form-control' }, }, button: { text: "OK", value: true, visible: true, className: "btn btn-primary" } }) } } })(jQuery);