
1210 lines
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2024-04-29 13:12:44 +05:45
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed');
* Extensions directory.
if (!defined('WPO_CACHE_EXT_DIR')) define('WPO_CACHE_EXT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/extensions');
* Holds utility functions used by file based cache
* Cache output before it goes to the browser. If moving/renaming this function, then also change the check above.
* @param String $buffer Page HTML.
* @param Int $flags OB flags to be passed through.
* @return String
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache')) :
function wpo_cache($buffer, $flags) {
// This case appears to happen for unclear reasons without WP being fully loaded, e.g. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-since-wp-5-8-update/ . It is simplest just to short-circuit it.
if ('' === $buffer) return '';
// This array records reasons why no cacheing took place. Be careful not to allow actions to proceed that should not - i.e. take note of its state appropriately.
$no_cache_because = array();
if (strlen($buffer) < 255) {
$no_cache_because[] = sprintf(__('Output is too small (less than %d bytes) to be worth caching', 'wp-optimize'), 255);
// Don't cache pages for logged in users.
if (empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['enable_user_specific_cache']) && (!function_exists('wpo_we_cache_per_role') || !wpo_we_cache_per_role()) && (!function_exists('is_user_logged_in') || (function_exists('wp_get_current_user') && is_user_logged_in()))) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('User is logged in', 'wp-optimize');
$restricted_page_type_cache = apply_filters('wpo_restricted_cache_page_type', false);
if ($restricted_page_type_cache) {
$no_cache_because[] = $restricted_page_type_cache;
// No root cache folder, so short-circuit here
if (!file_exists(WPO_CACHE_DIR)) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('WP-O cache parent directory was not found', 'wp-optimize').' ('.WPO_CACHE_DIR.')';
} elseif (!file_exists(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) {
// Try creating a folder for cached files, if it was flushed recently
if (!mkdir(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('WP-O cache directory was not found', 'wp-optimize').' ('.WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR.')';
} else {
// If comments are opened and the user has saved his information.
if (function_exists('comments_open') && function_exists('get_post') && get_post() && comments_open()) {
$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
// if any of the fields contain something, do not save to cache
if ('' != $commenter['comment_author'] || '' != $commenter['comment_author_email'] || '' != $commenter['comment_author_url']) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('Comments are opened and the visitor saved his information.', 'wp-optimize');
$can_cache_page = true;
$can_cache_page = false;
* Defines if the page can be cached or not
* @param boolean $can_cache_page
$can_cache_page_filter = apply_filters('wpo_can_cache_page', $can_cache_page);
if (!$can_cache_page_filter) {
if ($can_cache_page) {
$can_cache_page = false;
$no_cache_because[] = __('wpo_can_cache_page filter forbade it', 'wp-optimize');
} else {
$no_cache_because[] = __('DONOTCACHEPAGE constant forbade it and wpo_can_cache_page filter did not over-ride it', 'wp-optimize');
if (defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('This is a REST API request (identified by REST_REQUEST constant)', 'wp-optimize');
// Don't cache with fatal error pages.
$last_error = error_get_last();
if (is_array($last_error) && E_ERROR == $last_error['type']) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('This page has a fatal error', 'wp-optimize');
if (http_response_code() >= 500) {
$no_cache_because[] = sprintf(__('This page has a critical error (HTTP code %s)', 'wp-optimize'), http_response_code());
} elseif (http_response_code() >= 400) {
$no_cache_because[] = sprintf(__('This page returned an HTTP unauthorised response code (%s)', 'wp-optimize'), http_response_code());
if (empty($no_cache_because)) {
$buffer = apply_filters('wpo_pre_cache_buffer', $buffer, $flags);
$url_path = wpo_get_url_path();
$dirs = explode('/', $url_path);
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if (!empty($dir)) {
$path .= '/' . $dir;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
if (!mkdir($path)) {
$no_cache_because[] = __('Attempt to create subfolder within cache directory failed', 'wp-optimize')." ($path)";
if (!empty($no_cache_because)) {
$message = implode(', ', $no_cache_because);
// Add http headers
// Only output if the user has turned on debugging output
if (((defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG) || isset($_GET['wpo_cache_debug'])) && (!defined('DOING_CRON') || !DOING_CRON) && (!defined('REST_REQUEST') || !REST_REQUEST)) {
$buffer .= "\n<!-- WP Optimize page cache - https://getwpo.com - page NOT cached because: ".htmlspecialchars($message)." -->\n";
return $buffer;
} else {
// Prevent mixed content when there's an http request but the site URL uses https.
$home_url = get_home_url();
if (!is_ssl() && 'https' === strtolower(parse_url($home_url, PHP_URL_SCHEME))) {
$https_home_url = $home_url;
$http_home_url = str_ireplace('https://', 'http://', $https_home_url);
$buffer = str_replace(esc_url($http_home_url), esc_url($https_home_url), $buffer);
$modified_time = time(); // Take this as soon before writing as possible
$add_to_footer = '';
* Filter wether to display the html comment <!-- Cached by WP-Optimize ... -->
* @param boolean $show - Wether to display the html comment
* @return boolean
if (preg_match('#</html>#i', $buffer) && (apply_filters('wpo_cache_show_cached_by_comment', true) || (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG))) {
if (!empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['enable_mobile_caching']) && wpo_is_mobile()) {
$add_to_footer .= "\n<!-- Cached by WP-Optimize - for mobile devices - https://getwpo.com - Last modified: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_time) . " GMT -->\n";
} else {
$add_to_footer .= "\n<!-- Cached by WP-Optimize - https://getwpo.com - Last modified: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_time) . " GMT -->\n";
// Create an empty index.php file in the cache directory for disable directory viewing.
if (!is_file($path . '/index.php')) file_put_contents($path . '/index.php', '');
* Save $buffer into cache file.
$file_ext = '.html';
if (wpo_feeds_caching_enabled()) {
if (is_feed()) {
$file_ext = '.rss-xml';
$cache_filename = wpo_cache_filename($file_ext);
$cache_file = $path . '/' .$cache_filename;
$add_to_footer .= "\n<!-- WP Optimize page cache debug information -->\n";
if (!empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_filename_debug']) && is_array($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_filename_debug'])) {
$add_to_footer .= "<!-- \n" . join("\n", array_map('htmlspecialchars', $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_filename_debug'])) . "\n --->";
// if we can then cache gzipped content in .gz file.
if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
// Only replace inside the addition, not inside the main buffer (e.g. post content)
file_put_contents($cache_file . '.gz', gzencode($buffer.str_replace('by WP-Optimize', 'by WP-Optimize (gzip)', $add_to_footer), apply_filters('wpo_cache_gzip_level', 6)));
file_put_contents($cache_file, $buffer.$add_to_footer);
if (is_callable('WP_Optimize')) {
// delete cached information about cache size.
} else {
error_log('[WPO_CACHE] WP_Optimize() is not callable.');
$message = 'Please report this to WP-O support: ';
if (function_exists('wp_debug_backtrace_summary')) {
$message .= wp_debug_backtrace_summary();
} else {
$message .= wpo_debug_backtrace_summary();
header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // Check back every time to see if re-download is necessary.
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_time) . ' GMT');
header('WPO-Cache-Status: saving to cache');
if (wpo_cache_can_output_gzip_content()) {
if (!wpo_cache_is_in_response_headers_list('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')) {
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
// disable php gzip to avoid double compression.
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.runtime_configuration_ini_set
return ob_gzhandler($buffer, $flags);
} else {
return $buffer;
* Load files for support plugins.
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_load_extensions')) :
function wpo_cache_load_extensions() {
$extensions = glob(WPO_CACHE_EXT_DIR . '/*.php');
// Add external extensions
$extensions = array_merge($extensions, glob(WPO_CACHE_CUSTOM_EXT_DIR . '/*.php'));
if (empty($extensions)) return;
foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
if (is_file($extension)) require_once $extension;
if (!function_exists('wpo_restricted_cache_page_type')) {
function wpo_restricted_cache_page_type($restricted) {
global $post;
// Don't cache search or password protected.
if ((function_exists('is_search') && is_search()) || (function_exists('is_404') && is_404()) || !empty($post->post_password)) {
$restricted = __('Page type is not cacheable (search, 404 or password-protected)', 'wp-optimize');
// Don't cache the front page if option is set.
if (in_array('/', wpo_get_url_exceptions()) && function_exists('is_front_page') && is_front_page()) {
$restricted = __('In the settings, caching is disabled for the front page', 'wp-optimize');
// Don't cache htacesss. Remember to properly escape any output to prevent injection.
if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '.htaccess') !== false) {
$restricted = 'The file path is unsuitable for caching ('.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].')';
// Don't cache feeds.
if (function_exists('is_feed') && is_feed() && !wpo_feeds_caching_enabled()) {
$restricted = __('We don\'t cache RSS feeds', 'wp-optimize');
return $restricted;
* Returns true if we need cache content for loggedin users.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_loggedin_users')) :
function wpo_cache_loggedin_users() {
return !empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['enable_user_caching']) || !empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['enable_user_specific_cache']) || (function_exists('wpo_we_cache_per_role') && wpo_we_cache_per_role());
* Returns true if we need to cache content for loggedin users.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_user_specific_cache_enabled')) :
function wpo_user_specific_cache_enabled() {
return !empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['enable_user_specific_cache']) && !empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['wp_salt_auth']) && !empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['wp_salt_logged_in']);
* Get filename for store cache, depending on gzip, mobile and cookie settings.
* @param string $ext
* @return string
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_filename')) :
function wpo_cache_filename($ext = '.html') {
$wpo_cache_filename_debug = array();
$filename = 'index';
if (wpo_cache_mobile_caching_enabled() && wpo_is_mobile()) {
$filename = 'mobile.' . $filename;
$cookies = wpo_cache_cookies();
$cache_key = '';
* Add cookie values to filename if need.
* This section was inspired by things learned from WP-Rocket.
if (!empty($cookies)) {
foreach ($cookies as $key => $cookie_name) {
if (is_array($cookie_name) && isset($_COOKIE[$key])) {
foreach ($cookie_name as $cookie_key) {
if (isset($_COOKIE[$key][$cookie_key]) && '' !== $_COOKIE[$key][$cookie_key]) {
$_cache_key = $cookie_key.'='.$_COOKIE[$key][$cookie_key];
$_cache_key = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\=]/i', '-', $_cache_key);
$cache_key .= '-' . $_cache_key;
$wpo_cache_filename_debug[] = 'Cookie: name: ' . $key . '[' . $cookie_key . '], value: *** , cache_key:' . $_cache_key;
if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) && '' !== $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) {
$_cache_key = $cookie_name.'='.$_COOKIE[$cookie_name];
$_cache_key = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\=]/i', '-', $_cache_key);
$cache_key .= '-' . $_cache_key;
$wpo_cache_filename_debug[] = 'Cookie: name: ' . $cookie_name . ', value: *** , cache_key:' . $_cache_key;
$query_variables = wpo_cache_query_variables();
* Add GET variables to cache file name if need.
if (!empty($query_variables)) {
foreach ($query_variables as $variable) {
if (isset($_GET[$variable]) && !empty($_GET[$variable])) {
$_cache_key = $variable.'='.$_GET[$variable];
$_cache_key = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\=]/i', '-', $_cache_key);
$cache_key .= '-' . $_cache_key;
$wpo_cache_filename_debug[] = 'GET parameter: name: ' . $variable . ', value:' . htmlentities($_GET[$variable]) . ', cache_key:' . $_cache_key;
// add hash of queried cookies and variables to cache file name.
if ('' !== $cache_key) {
$hash = md5($cache_key);
$filename .= '-'.$hash;
$wpo_cache_filename_debug[] = 'Hash: ' . $hash;
$filename = apply_filters('wpo_cache_filename', $filename);
$wpo_cache_filename_debug[] = 'Extension: ' . $ext;
$wpo_cache_filename_debug[] = 'Filename: ' . $filename.$ext;
$GLOBALS['wpo_cache_filename_debug'] = $wpo_cache_filename_debug;
return $filename . $ext;
* Returns site url from site_url() function or if it is not available from cache configuration.
if (!function_exists('wpo_site_url')) :
function wpo_site_url() {
if (is_callable('site_url')) return site_url('/');
$site_url = empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['site_url']) ? '' : $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['site_url'];
return $site_url;
* Get cookie names which impact on cache file name.
* @return array
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_cookies')) :
function wpo_cache_cookies() {
$cookies = empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['wpo_cache_cookies']) ? array() : $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['wpo_cache_cookies'];
return $cookies;
* Get GET variable names which impact on cache file name.
* @return array
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_query_variables')) :
function wpo_cache_query_variables() {
$variables = array_keys($_GET);
} else {
$variables = empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['wpo_cache_query_variables']) ? array() : $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['wpo_cache_query_variables'];
if (!empty($variables)) {
return wpo_cache_maybe_ignore_query_variables($variables);
* Get list of all received HTTP headers.
* @return array
if (!function_exists('wpo_get_http_headers')) :
function wpo_get_http_headers() {
static $headers;
if (!empty($headers)) return $headers;
$headers = array();
// if is apache server then use get allheaders() function.
if (function_exists('getallheaders')) {
$headers = getallheaders();
} else {
// https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getallheaders.php
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
$key = strtolower($key);
if ('HTTP_' == substr($key, 0, 5)) {
$headers[str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($key, 5))))] = $value;
} elseif ('content_type' == $key) {
$headers["Content-Type"] = $value;
} elseif ('content_length' == $key) {
$headers["Content-Length"] = $value;
return $headers;
* Check if requested Accept-Encoding headers has gzip value.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_gzip_accepted')) :
function wpo_cache_gzip_accepted() {
$headers = wpo_get_http_headers();
if (isset($headers['Accept-Encoding']) && preg_match('/gzip/i', $headers['Accept-Encoding'])) return true;
return false;
* Check if we can output gzip content in current answer, i.e. check Accept-Encoding headers has gzip value
* and function ob_gzhandler is available.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_can_output_gzip_content')) :
function wpo_cache_can_output_gzip_content() {
return wpo_cache_gzip_accepted() && function_exists('ob_gzhandler');
* Check if header with certain name exists in already prepared headers and has value comparable with $header_value.
* @param string $header_name header name
* @param string $header_value header value as regexp.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_is_in_response_headers_list')) :
function wpo_cache_is_in_response_headers_list($header_name, $header_value) {
$headers_list = headers_list();
if (!empty($headers_list)) {
$header_name = strtolower($header_name);
foreach ($headers_list as $value) {
$value = explode(':', $value);
if (strtolower($value[0]) == $header_name) {
if (preg_match('/'.$header_value.'/', $value[1])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
* Check if mobile cache is enabled and current request is from moblile device.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_mobile_caching_enabled')) :
function wpo_cache_mobile_caching_enabled() {
if (!empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['enable_mobile_caching'])) return true;
return false;
* Serves the cache and exits
if (!function_exists('wpo_serve_cache')) :
function wpo_serve_cache() {
$file_name = wpo_cache_filename();
$file_name_rss_xml = wpo_cache_filename('.rss-xml');
$send_as_feed = false;
$path_dir = WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR . '/' . wpo_get_url_path() . '/';
$path = $path_dir . $file_name;
if (wpo_feeds_caching_enabled()) {
// check for .xml cache file if .html cache file doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($path_dir . $file_name) && file_exists($path_dir . $file_name_rss_xml)) {
$path = $path_dir . $file_name_rss_xml;
$send_as_feed = true;
$use_gzip = false;
// if we can use gzip and gzipped file exist in cache we use it.
// if headers already sent we don't use gzipped file content.
if (!headers_sent() && wpo_cache_gzip_accepted() && file_exists($path . '.gz')) {
$path .= '.gz';
$use_gzip = true;
$modified_time = file_exists($path) ? (int) filemtime($path) : time();
// Cache has expired, purge and exit.
if (!empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['page_cache_length'])) {
if (time() > ($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['page_cache_length'] + $modified_time)) {
// disable zlib output compression to avoid double content compression.
if ($use_gzip) {
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.runtime_configuration_ini_set
$gzip_header_already_sent = wpo_cache_is_in_response_headers_list('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // Check back later
if (!empty($modified_time) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) === $modified_time) {
if ($use_gzip && !$gzip_header_already_sent) {
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
if ($send_as_feed) {
header('Content-type: application/rss+xml');
header('WPO-Cache-Status: cached');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_time) . ' GMT');
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 304 Not Modified', true, 304);
if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {
if ($use_gzip && !$gzip_header_already_sent) {
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
// send correct headers for xml and txt files
$filename = basename(dirname($path));
if (preg_match('/\.xml$/i', $filename)) {
header('Content-type: text/xml');
if (preg_match('/\.txt$/i', $filename)) {
header('Content-type: text/plain');
if ($send_as_feed) {
header('Content-type: application/rss+xml');
header('WPO-Cache-Status: cached');
if (!empty($modified_time)) {
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modified_time) . ' GMT');
* Clears the cache
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_flush')) :
function wpo_cache_flush() {
if (defined('WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR') && '' != WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR) wpo_delete_files(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR);
if (function_exists('wp_cache_flush')) {
* Get URL path for caching
* @since 1.0
* @return string
if (!function_exists('wpo_get_url_path')) :
function wpo_get_url_path($url = '') {
$url = '' == $url ? wpo_current_url() : $url;
$url_parts = parse_url($url);
if (isset($url_parts['path']) && false !== stripos($url_parts['path'], '/index.php')) {
$url_parts['path'] = preg_replace('/(.*?)index\.php(\/.+)/i', '$1index-php$2', $url_parts['path']);
if (!isset($url_parts['host'])) $url_parts['host'] = '';
if (!isset($url_parts['path'])) $url_parts['path'] = '';
return $url_parts['host'].$url_parts['path'];
* Get requested url.
* @return string
if (!function_exists('wpo_current_url')) :
function wpo_current_url() {
// Note: We use `static $url` to save the first value we retrieve, as some plugins change $_SERVER later on in the process (e.g. Weglot).
// Otherwise this function would return a different URL at the begining and end of the cache process.
static $url = '';
if ('' != $url) return $url;
$http_host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '';
$url = rtrim('http' . ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'] || 1 == $_SERVER['HTTPS']) ||
isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && 'https' == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) ? 's' : '' )
. '://' . $http_host.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/');
return $url;
* Return list of url exceptions.
* @return array
if (!function_exists('wpo_get_url_exceptions')) :
function wpo_get_url_exceptions() {
static $exceptions = null;
if (null !== $exceptions) return $exceptions;
// if called from file-based-page-cache.php when WP loading
// and cache settings exists then use it otherwise get settings from database.
if (isset($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_urls'])) {
if (empty($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_urls'])) {
$exceptions = array();
} else {
$exceptions = is_array($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_urls']) ? $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_urls'] : preg_split('#(\n|\r)#', $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_urls']);
} else {
$config = WPO_Page_Cache::instance()->config->get();
if (is_array($config) && array_key_exists('cache_exception_urls', $config)) {
$exceptions = $config['cache_exception_urls'];
} else {
$exceptions = array();
$exceptions = is_array($exceptions) ? $exceptions : preg_split('#(\n|\r)#', $exceptions);
$exceptions = array_filter($exceptions, 'trim');
return apply_filters('wpo_get_url_exceptions', $exceptions);
* Return true of exception url matches current url
* @param string $exception Exceptions to check URL against.
* @param bool $regex Whether to check with regex or not.
* @return bool true if matched, false otherwise
if (!function_exists('wpo_current_url_exception_match')) :
function wpo_current_url_exception_match($exception) {
return wpo_url_exception_match(wpo_current_url(), $exception);
* Check if url in exceptions list.
* @param string $url
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_url_in_exceptions')) :
function wpo_url_in_exceptions($url) {
$exceptions = wpo_get_url_exceptions();
if (!empty($exceptions)) {
foreach ($exceptions as $exception) {
// don't check / - front page using regexp, we handle it in wpo_restricted_cache_page_type()
if ('/' == $exception) continue;
if (wpo_url_exception_match($url, $exception)) {
// Exception match.
return true;
return false;
* Check if url string match with exception.
* @param string $url - complete url string i.e. http(s):://domain/path
* @param string $exception - complete url or absolute path, can consist (.*) wildcards
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_url_exception_match')) :
function wpo_url_exception_match($url, $exception) {
if (preg_match('#^[\s]*$#', $exception)) {
return false;
$exception = str_replace('*', '.*', $exception);
$exception = trim($exception);
// used to test websites placed in subdirectories.
$sub_dir = '';
// if exception defined from root i.e. /page1 then remove domain part in url.
if (preg_match('/^\//', $exception)) {
// get site sub directory.
$sub_dir = preg_replace('#^(http|https):\/\/.*\/#Ui', '', wpo_site_url());
// add prefix slash and remove slash.
$sub_dir = ('' == $sub_dir) ? '' : '/' . rtrim($sub_dir, '/');
// get relative path
$url = preg_replace('#^(http|https):\/\/.*\/#Ui', '/', $url);
$url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/';
$exception = rtrim($exception, '/');
// if we have no wildcat in the end of exception then add slash.
if (!preg_match('#\(\.\*\)$#', $exception)) $exception .= '/';
$exception = preg_quote($exception);
// fix - unescape possible escaped mask .*
$exception = str_replace('\\.\\*', '.*', $exception);
return preg_match('#^'.$exception.'$#i', $url) || preg_match('#^'.$sub_dir.$exception.'$#i', $url);
* Checks if its a mobile device
* @see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_is_mobile/
if (!function_exists('wpo_is_mobile')) :
function wpo_is_mobile() {
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$is_mobile = false;
// many mobile devices (all iPhone, iPad, etc.)
} elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mobile') !== false
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Android') !== false
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Silk/') !== false
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Kindle') !== false
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'BlackBerry') !== false
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera Mini') !== false
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera Mobi') !== false
) {
$is_mobile = true;
} else {
$is_mobile = false;
return $is_mobile;
* Check if current browser agent is not disabled in options.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_is_accepted_user_agent')) :
function wpo_is_accepted_user_agent($user_agent) {
$exceptions = is_array($GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_browser_agents']) ? $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_browser_agents'] : preg_split('#(\n|\r)#', $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config']['cache_exception_browser_agents']);
if (!empty($exceptions)) {
foreach ($exceptions as $exception) {
if ('' == trim($exception)) continue;
if (preg_match('#'.$exception.'#i', $user_agent)) return false;
return true;
* Delete function that deals with directories recursively
* @param string $src Path of the folder
* @param boolean $recursive If $src is a folder, recursively delete the inner folders. If set to false, only the files will be deleted.
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_delete_files')) :
function wpo_delete_files($src, $recursive = true) {
if (!file_exists($src) || '' == $src || '/' == $src) {
return true;
if (is_file($src)) {
return unlink($src);
$success = true;
$has_dir = false;
if ($recursive) {
// N.B. If opendir() fails, then a false positive (i.e. true) will be returned
if (false !== ($dir = opendir($src))) {
$file = readdir($dir);
while (false !== $file) {
if ('.' == $file || '..' == $file) {
$file = readdir($dir);
if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) {
if (!wpo_delete_files($src . '/' . $file)) {
$success = false;
} else {
if (!unlink($src . '/' . $file)) {
$success = false;
$file = readdir($dir);
} else {
// Not recursive, so we only delete the files
// scan directories recursively.
$handle = opendir($src);
if (false === $handle) return false;
$file = readdir($handle);
while (false !== $file) {
if ('.' != $file && '..' != $file) {
if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) {
$has_dir = true;
} elseif (!unlink($src . '/' . $file)) {
$success = false;
$file = readdir($handle);
if ($success && !$has_dir) {
// Success of this operation is not recorded; we only ultimately care about emptying, not removing entirely (empty folders in our context are harmless)
// delete cached information about cache size.
return $success;
if (!function_exists('wpo_is_empty_dir')) :
* Check if selected directory is empty or has only index.php which we added for security reasons.
* @param string $dir
* @return bool
function wpo_is_empty_dir($dir) {
if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) return false;
$handle = opendir($dir);
if (false === $handle) return false;
$is_empty = true;
$file = readdir($handle);
while (false !== $file) {
if ('.' != $file && '..' != $file && 'index.php' != $file) {
$is_empty = false;
$file = readdir($handle);
return $is_empty;
* Either store for later output, or output now. Only the most-recent call will be effective.
* @param String|Null $output - if not null, then the string to use when called by the shutdown action.
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_add_footer_output')) :
function wpo_cache_add_footer_output($output = null) {
static $buffered = null;
if (function_exists('current_filter') && 'shutdown' == current_filter()) {
// Only add the line if it was a page, not something else (e.g. REST response)
if (function_exists('did_action') && did_action('wp_footer')) {
echo "\n<!-- WP Optimize page cache - https://getwpo.com - ".$buffered." -->\n";
} elseif (defined('WPO_CACHE_DEBUG') && WPO_CACHE_DEBUG) {
error_log('[CACHE DEBUG] '.wpo_current_url() . ' - ' . $buffered);
} else {
if (null == $buffered && function_exists('add_action')) add_action('shutdown', 'wpo_cache_add_footer_output', 11);
$buffered = $output;
* Remove variable names that shouldn't influence cache.
* @param array $variables List of variable names.
* @return array
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_maybe_ignore_query_variables')) :
function wpo_cache_maybe_ignore_query_variables($variables) {
* Filters the current $_GET variables that will be used when caching or excluding from cache.
* Currently:
* - 'wpo_cache_debug' (Shows the reason for not being cached even when WP_DEBUG isn't set)
* - 'doing_wp_cron' (alternative cron)
* - 'aiosp_sitemap_path', 'aiosp_sitemap_page' (All in one SEO sitemap)
* - 'xml_sitemap', 'seopress_sitemap', 'seopress_news', 'seopress_video', 'seopress_cpt', 'seopress_paged' (SEOPress sitemap)
* - 'sitemap', 'sitemap_n' (YOAST SEO sitemap)
$exclude_variables = array(
'wpo_cache_debug', // Shows the reason for not being cached even when WP_DEBUG isn't set
'doing_wp_cron', // alternative cron
'aiosp_sitemap_path', // All in one SEO sitemap
'xml_sitemap', // SEOPress sitemap
'sitemap', // YOAST SEO sitemap
$exclude_variables = function_exists('apply_filters') ? apply_filters('wpo_cache_ignore_query_variables', $exclude_variables) : $exclude_variables;
if (empty($exclude_variables)) return $variables;
foreach ($exclude_variables as $variable) {
$exclude = array_search($variable, $variables);
if (false !== $exclude) {
array_splice($variables, $exclude, 1);
return $variables;
* Get cache config
* @param string $key - The config item
* @param mixed $default - The default value
* @return mixed
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_config_get')) :
function wpo_cache_config_get($key, $default = false) {
$config = $GLOBALS['wpo_cache_config'];
if (!$config) return false;
if (isset($config[$key])) {
return $config[$key];
} else {
return $default;
if (!function_exists('wpo_disable_cache_directories_viewing')) :
function wpo_disable_cache_directories_viewing() {
global $is_apache, $is_IIS, $is_iis7;
if (!is_dir(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR)) return;
// Create .htaccess file for apache server.
if ($is_apache) {
$htaccess_filename = WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR . '/.htaccess';
// CS does not like heredoc
// phpcs:disable
$htaccess_content = <<<EOF
# Disable directory browsing
Options -Indexes
# Disable access to any files
<FilesMatch ".*">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
// phpcs:enable
if (!is_file($htaccess_filename)) @file_put_contents($htaccess_filename, $htaccess_content); // phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
// Create web.config file for IIS servers.
if ($is_IIS || $is_iis7) {
$webconfig_filename = WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR . '/web.config';
$webconfig_content = "<configuration>\n<system.webServer>\n<authorization>\n<deny users=\"*\" />\n</authorization>\n</system.webServer>\n</configuration>\n";
if (!is_file($webconfig_filename)) @file_put_contents($webconfig_filename, $webconfig_content); // phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
// Create empty index.php file for all servers.
if (!is_file(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR . '/index.php')) @file_put_contents(WPO_CACHE_FILES_DIR . '/index.php', '');// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
* Add the headers indicating why the page is not cached or served from cache
* @param string $message - The headers
* @return void
if (!function_exists('wpo_cache_add_nocache_http_header')) :
function wpo_cache_add_nocache_http_header($message = '') {
static $buffered_message = null;
if (function_exists('current_filter') && 'send_headers' === current_filter() && $buffered_message && !headers_sent()) {
header('WPO-Cache-Status: not cached');
header('WPO-Cache-Message: '. trim(str_replace(array("\r", "\n", ':'), ' ', strip_tags($buffered_message))));
} else {
if (!$buffered_message && function_exists('add_action')) add_action('send_headers', 'wpo_cache_add_nocache_http_header', 11);
$buffered_message = $message;
* Check if feeds caching enabled
* @return bool
if (!function_exists('wpo_feeds_caching_enabled')) :
function wpo_feeds_caching_enabled() {
return apply_filters('wpo_feeds_caching_enabled', true);
if (!function_exists('wpo_debug_backtrace_summary')) {
function wpo_debug_backtrace_summary($ignore_class = null, $skip_frames = 0, $pretty = true) {
static $truncate_paths;
$trace = debug_backtrace(false);
$caller = array();
$check_class = !is_null($ignore_class);
$skip_frames++; // Skip this function.
if (!isset($truncate_paths)) {
$truncate_paths = array(
foreach ($trace as $call) {
if ($skip_frames > 0) {
} elseif (isset($call['class'])) {
if ($check_class && $ignore_class == $call['class']) {
continue; // Filter out calls.
$caller[] = "{$call['class']}{$call['type']}{$call['function']}";
} else {
if (in_array($call['function'], array('do_action', 'apply_filters', 'do_action_ref_array', 'apply_filters_ref_array'), true)) {
$caller[] = "{$call['function']}('{$call['args'][0]}')";
} elseif (in_array($call['function'], array('include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once'), true)) {
$filename = isset($call['args'][0]) ? $call['args'][0] : '';
$caller[] = $call['function'] . "('" . str_replace($truncate_paths, '', wpo_normalize_path($filename)) . "')";
} else {
$caller[] = $call['function'];
if ($pretty) {
return implode(', ', array_reverse($caller));
} else {
return $caller;
if (!function_exists('wpo_normalize_path')) {
function wpo_normalize_path($path) {
// Standardise all paths to use '/'.
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
// Replace multiple slashes down to a singular, allowing for network shares having two slashes.
$path = preg_replace('|(?<=.)/+|', '/', $path);
// Windows paths should uppercase the drive letter.
if (':' === substr($path, 1, 1)) {
$path = ucfirst($path);
return $path;