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2024-04-29 13:12:44 +05:45
if (!defined('WPO_VERSION')) die('No direct access allowed');
class WP_Optimization_pingbacks extends WP_Optimization {
public $ui_sort_order = 6000;
public $available_for_saving = true;
* Prepare data for preview widget.
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function preview($params) {
// get data requested for preview.
$sql = $this->wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT comment_ID, comment_author, SUBSTR(comment_content, 1, 128) AS comment_content FROM `" . $this->wpdb->comments . "`".
" WHERE comment_type = 'pingback'".
" ORDER BY `comment_ID` LIMIT %d, %d;",
$posts = $this->wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
// fix empty revision titles.
if (!empty($posts)) {
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
$posts[$key]['post_title'] = array(
'text' => '' == $post['post_title'] ? '('.__('no title', 'wp-optimize').')' : $post['post_title'],
'url' => get_edit_post_link($post['ID']),
// get total count comments for optimization.
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $this->wpdb->comments . "` WHERE comment_type = 'pingback';";
$total = $this->wpdb->get_var($sql);
return array(
'id_key' => 'comment_ID',
'columns' => array(
'comment_ID' => __('ID', 'wp-optimize'),
'comment_author' => __('Author', 'wp-optimize'),
'comment_content' => __('Comment', 'wp-optimize'),
'offset' => $params['offset'],
'limit' => $params['limit'],
'total' => $total,
'data' => $this->htmlentities_array($posts, array('comment_ID')),
'message' => $total > 0 ? '' : __('No pingbacks found', 'wp-optimize'),
* Do actions after optimize() function.
public function after_optimize() {
$message = sprintf(_n('%s pingback deleted', '%s pingbacks deleted', $this->processed_count, 'wp-optimize'), number_format_i18n($this->processed_count));
if ($this->is_multisite_mode()) {
$message .= ' '.sprintf(_n('across %s site', 'across %s sites', count($this->blogs_ids), 'wp-optimize'), count($this->blogs_ids));
* Do optimization.
public function optimize() {
$clean = "DELETE FROM `" . $this->wpdb->comments . "` WHERE comment_type = 'pingback'";
// if posted ids in params, then remove only selected items. used by preview widget.
if (isset($this->data['ids'])) {
$clean .= ' AND comment_ID in ('.join(',', $this->data['ids']).')';
$clean .= ";";
$comments = $this->query($clean);
$this->processed_count += $comments;
// update comment count
$update = "UPDATE `" . $this->wpdb->posts . "` as p
INNER JOIN (SELECT comment_post_ID as cid, COUNT(comment_post_ID) as cc
FROM `" . $this->wpdb->comments . "` GROUP BY comment_post_ID) AS c ON p.ID = c.cid
SET p.comment_count = c.cc
WHERE p.ID = c.cid";
// clean orphaned comment meta
$clean = "DELETE cm FROM `" . $this->wpdb->commentmeta . "` cm LEFT JOIN `" . $this->wpdb->comments . "` c ON cm.comment_id = c.comment_ID WHERE c.comment_ID IS NULL";
* Do actions after get_info() function.
public function after_get_info() {
if ($this->found_count > 0) {
$message = sprintf(_n('%s pingback found', '%s pingbacks found', $this->found_count, 'wp-optimize'), number_format_i18n($this->found_count));
} else {
$message = __('No pingbacks found', 'wp-optimize');
if ($this->is_multisite_mode()) {
$message .= ' '.sprintf(_n('across %s site', 'across %s sites', count($this->blogs_ids), 'wp-optimize'), count($this->blogs_ids));
// add preview link to message.
if ($this->found_count > 0) {
$message = $this->get_preview_link($message);
* Get count of unoptimized items.
public function get_info() {
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $this->wpdb->comments . "` WHERE comment_type='pingback';";
$comments = $this->wpdb->get_var($sql);
$this->found_count += $comments;
public function settings_label() {
return __('Remove pingbacks', 'wp-optimize');