get('last-cache-update'); $cache_dir_url = WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_URL . "/$cache_time/assets"; $tmp_dir = WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR . "/tmp"; $header_dir = WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR . "/$cache_time/header"; $cache_dir = WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR . "/$cache_time/assets"; // Create directories $dirs = array($cache_dir, $tmp_dir, $header_dir); foreach ($dirs as $target) { $enabled = wp_optimize_minify_config()->get('enabled'); if (false === $enabled) break; if (!is_dir($target) && !wp_mkdir_p($target)) { error_log('WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path(): The folder "'.$target.'" could not be created.'); } } return array( 'tmpdir' => $tmp_dir, 'cachedir' => $cache_dir, 'cachedirurl' => $cache_dir_url, 'headerdir' => $header_dir ); } /** * Increment file names */ public static function cache_increment() { $stamp = time(); wp_optimize_minify_config()->update(array( 'last-cache-update' => $stamp )); return $stamp; } /** * Reset the cache (Increment + purge temp files) */ public static function reset() { self::cache_increment(); self::purge_temp_files(); } /** * Will delete temporary intermediate stuff but leave final css/js alone for compatibility * * @return Array */ public static function purge_temp_files() { // get cache directories and urls $cache_path = self::cache_path(); $tmp_dir = $cache_path['tmpdir']; $header_dir = $cache_path['headerdir']; // delete temporary directories only if (is_dir($tmp_dir)) { wpo_delete_files($tmp_dir, true); } if (is_dir($header_dir)) { wpo_delete_files($header_dir, true); } /** * Action triggered after purging temporary files */ do_action('wpo_min_after_purge_temp_files'); return array( 'tmpdir' => $tmp_dir, 'headerdir' => $header_dir, ); } /** * Purge supported hosting and plugins * * @return string */ public static function purge_others() { /** * Action triggered before purging other plugins cache */ do_action('wpo_min_before_purge_others'); // WordPress default cache if (function_exists('wp_cache_flush')) { wp_cache_flush(); } // Purge WP-Optimize WP_Optimize()->get_page_cache()->purge(); // When plugins have a simple method, add them to the array ('Plugin Name' => 'method_name') $others = array( 'WP Super Cache' => 'wp_cache_clear_cache', 'W3 Total Cache' => 'w3tc_pgcache_flush', 'WP Fastest Cache' => 'wpfc_clear_all_cache', 'WP Rocket' => 'rocket_clean_domain', 'Cachify' => 'cachify_flush_cache', 'Comet Cache' => array('comet_cache', 'clear'), 'SG Optimizer' => 'sg_cachepress_purge_cache', 'Pantheon' => 'pantheon_wp_clear_edge_all', 'Zen Cache' => array('zencache', 'clear'), 'Breeze' => array('Breeze_PurgeCache', 'breeze_cache_flush'), 'Swift Performance' => array('Swift_Performance_Cache', 'clear_all_cache'), ); foreach ($others as $plugin => $method) { if (is_callable($method)) { call_user_func($method); return sprintf(__('All caches from %s have also been purged.', 'wp-optimize'), ''.$plugin.''); } } // Purge LiteSpeed Cache if (is_callable(array('LiteSpeed_Cache_Tags', 'add_purge_tag'))) { LiteSpeed_Cache_Tags::add_purge_tag('*'); return sprintf(__('All caches from %s have also been purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'LiteSpeed Cache'); } // Purge Hyper Cache if (class_exists('HyperCache')) { do_action('autoptimize_action_cachepurged'); return sprintf(__('All caches from %s have also been purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'Hyper Cache'); } // Purge Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting (Varnish + APC) if (class_exists('WPaaS\Plugin')) { self::godaddy_request('BAN'); return sprintf(__('A cache purge request has been sent to %s. Please note that it may not work every time, due to cache rate limiting by your host.', 'wp-optimize'), 'Go Daddy Varnish'); } // purge cache enabler if (has_action('ce_clear_cache')) { do_action('ce_clear_cache'); return sprintf(__('All caches from %s have also been purged.', 'wp-optimize'), 'Cache Enabler'); } // Purge WP Engine if (class_exists("WpeCommon")) { if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_memcached')) { WpeCommon::purge_memcached(); } if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'clear_maxcdn_cache')) { WpeCommon::clear_maxcdn_cache(); } if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_varnish_cache')) { WpeCommon::purge_varnish_cache(); } if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_memcached') || method_exists('WpeCommon', 'clear_maxcdn_cache') || method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_varnish_cache')) { return sprintf(__('A cache purge request has been sent to %s. Please note that it may not work every time, due to cache rate limiting by your host.', 'wp-optimize'), 'WP Engine'); } } // Purge Kinsta global $kinsta_cache; if (isset($kinsta_cache) && class_exists('\\Kinsta\\CDN_Enabler')) { if (!empty($kinsta_cache->kinsta_cache_purge) && is_callable(array($kinsta_cache->kinsta_cache_purge, 'purge_complete_caches'))) { $kinsta_cache->kinsta_cache_purge->purge_complete_caches(); return sprintf(__('A cache purge request was also sent to %s', 'wp-optimize'), 'Kinsta'); } } // Purge Pagely if (class_exists('PagelyCachePurge')) { $purge_pagely = new PagelyCachePurge(); if (is_callable(array($purge_pagely, 'purgeAll'))) { $purge_pagely->purgeAll(); return sprintf(__('A cache purge request was also sent to %s', 'wp-optimize'), 'Pagely'); } } // Purge Pressidum if (defined('WP_NINUKIS_WP_NAME') && class_exists('Ninukis_Plugin') && is_callable(array('Ninukis_Plugin', 'get_instance'))) { $purge_pressidum = Ninukis_Plugin::get_instance(); if (is_callable(array($purge_pressidum, 'purgeAllCaches'))) { $purge_pressidum->purgeAllCaches(); return sprintf(__('A cache purge request was also sent to %s', 'wp-optimize'), 'Pressidium'); } } // Purge Savvii if (defined('\Savvii\CacheFlusherPlugin::NAME_DOMAINFLUSH_NOW')) { $purge_savvii = new \Savvii\CacheFlusherPlugin(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.LanguageConstructs.NewLanguageConstructs.t_ns_separatorFound if (is_callable(array($purge_savvii, 'domainflush'))) { $purge_savvii->domainflush(); return sprintf(__('A cache purge request was also sent to %s', 'wp-optimize'), 'Savvii'); } } /** * Action triggered when purging other plugins cache, and nothing was triggered */ do_action('wpo_min_after_purge_others'); } /** * Purge all public files on uninstallation * This will break cached pages that ref minified JS/CSS * * @return Boolean */ public static function purge() { $log = ''; if (is_dir(WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR)) { if (wpo_delete_files(WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR, true)) { $log = "[Minify] files and folders are deleted recursively"; } else { $log = "[Minify] recursive files and folders deletion unsuccessful"; } if (wp_optimize_minify_config()->get('debug')) { error_log($log); } } return true; } /** * Purge cache files older than 30 days * * @return array */ public static function purge_old() { if (!class_exists('WP_Optimize_Minify_Config')) { include_once WPO_PLUGIN_MAIN_PATH . '/minify/class-wp-optimize-minify-config.php'; } $cache_time = wp_optimize_minify_config()->get('last-cache-update'); $cache_lifespan = wp_optimize_minify_config()->get('cache_lifespan'); /** * Minify cache lifespan * * @param int The minify cache expiry timestamp */ $expires = apply_filters('wp_optimize_minify_cache_expiry_time', time() - 86400 * $cache_lifespan); $log = array(); // get all directories that are a direct child of current directory if (is_dir(WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR) && is_writable(dirname(WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR))) { if ($handle = opendir(WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR)) { while (false !== ($d = readdir($handle))) { if (strcmp($d, '.')==0 || strcmp($d, '..')==0) { continue; } $log[] = "cache expiration time - $expires"; $log[] = "checking if cache has expired - $d"; if ($d != $cache_time && (is_numeric($d) && $d <= $expires)) { $dir = WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR.'/'.$d; if (is_dir($dir)) { $log[] = "deleting cache in $dir"; if (wpo_delete_files($dir, true)) { $log[] = "files and folders are deleted recursively - $dir"; } else { $log[] = "recursive files and folders deletion unsuccessful - $dir"; } if (file_exists($dir)) { if (rmdir($dir)) { $log[] = "folder deleted successfully - $dir"; } else { $log[] = "folder deletion unsuccessful - $dir"; } } } } } closedir($handle); } } if (wp_optimize_minify_config()->get('debug')) { foreach ($log as $message) { error_log($message); } } return $log; } /** * Get transients from the disk * * @return String|Boolean */ public static function get_transient($key) { $cache_path = self::cache_path(); $tmp_dir = $cache_path['tmpdir']; $f = $tmp_dir.'/'.$key.'.transient'; clearstatcache(); if (file_exists($f)) { return file_get_contents($f); } else { return false; } } /** * Set cache on disk * * @param String $key * @param Mixed $code * * @return Boolean */ public static function set_transient($key, $code) { if (is_null($code) || empty($code)) { return false; } $cache_path = self::cache_path(); $tmp_dir = $cache_path['tmpdir']; $f = $tmp_dir.'/'.$key.'.transient'; file_put_contents($f, $code); self::fix_permission_bits($f); return true; } /** * Get the cache size and count * * @param string $folder * @return String */ public static function get_cachestats($folder) { clearstatcache(); if (is_dir($folder)) { $dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); $size = 0; $file_count = 0; foreach ($dir as $file) { $size += $file->getSize(); $file_count++; } return WP_Optimize()->format_size($size) . ' ('.$file_count.' files)'; } else { return sprintf(__('Error: %s is not a directory!', 'wp-optimize'), $folder); } } /** * Purge GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting (Varnish) * * Source: * * @param String $method * @param String|Null $url */ public static function godaddy_request($method, $url = null) { $url = empty($url) ? home_url() : $url; $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $url = set_url_scheme(str_replace($host, WPaas\Plugin::vip(), $url), 'http'); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.LanguageConstructs.NewLanguageConstructs.t_ns_separatorFound wp_cache_flush(); update_option('gd_system_last_cache_flush', time()); // purge apc wp_remote_request(esc_url_raw($url), array('method' => $method, 'blocking' => false, 'headers' => array('Host' => $host))); } /** * List all cache files * * @param integer $stamp A timestamp * @param boolean $use_cache If true, do not use transient value * @return array */ public static function get_cached_files($stamp = 0, $use_cache = true) { if ($use_cache && $files = get_transient('wpo_minify_get_cached_files')) { return $files; } $cache_path = self::cache_path(); $cache_dir = $cache_path['cachedir']; $size = self::get_cachestats($cache_dir); $total_size = self::get_cachestats(WPO_CACHE_MIN_FILES_DIR); $o = wp_optimize_minify_config()->get(); $cache_time = (0 == $o['last-cache-update']) ? __('Never.', 'wp-optimize') : self::format_date_time($o['last-cache-update']); $return = array( 'js' => array(), 'css' => array(), 'stamp' => $stamp, 'cachesize' => esc_html($size), 'total_cache_size' => esc_html($total_size), 'cacheTime' => $cache_time, 'cachePath' => $cache_path['cachedir'] ); // Inspect directory with opendir, since glob might not be available in some systems clearstatcache(); if (is_dir($cache_dir.'/') && $handle = opendir($cache_dir.'/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $file = $cache_dir.'/'.$file; $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (in_array($ext, array('js', 'css'))) { $log = false; if (file_exists($file.'.json')) { $log = json_decode(file_get_contents($file.'.json')); } $min_css = substr($file, 0, -4).'.min.css'; $minjs = substr($file, 0, -3).'.min.js'; $file_name = basename($file); $file_url = trailingslashit($cache_path['cachedirurl']).$file_name; if ('css' == $ext && file_exists($min_css)) { $file_name = basename($min_css); } if ('js' == $ext && file_exists($minjs)) { $file_name = basename($minjs); } $file_size = WP_Optimize()->format_size(filesize($file)); $uid = hash('adler32', $file_name); array_push($return[$ext], array('uid' => $uid, 'filename' => $file_name, 'file_url' => $file_url, 'log' => $log, 'fsize' => $file_size)); } } closedir($handle); } set_transient('wpo_minify_get_cached_files', $return, DAY_IN_SECONDS); return $return; } /** * Format a timestamp using WP's date_format and time_format * * @param integer $timestamp - The timestamp * @return string */ public static function format_date_time($timestamp) { return WP_Optimize()->format_date_time($timestamp); } /** * Format the log created when merging assets. Called via array_map * * @param array $files The files array, containing the 'log' object or array. * @return array */ public static function format_file_logs($files) { $files['log'] = WP_Optimize()->include_template( 'minify/cached-file-log.php', true, array( 'log' => $files['log'] ) ); return $files; } }