 * The Third Party integration with DIVI Theme.
 * @since		2.9.0
namespace LiteSpeed\Thirdparty;

defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit;

class Divi_Theme_Builder
	// private static $js_comment_box = false;

	 * Check if is Edit mode in frontend, disable all LSCWP features to avoid breaking page builder
	 * @since #435538 #581740 #977284
	 * @since Added 'et_pb_preview' for loading image from library in divi page edit
	public static function preload()
		if ( ! function_exists( 'et_setup_theme' ) ) return;
		if ( ! empty( $_GET[ 'et_fb' ] ) || ! empty( $_GET[ 'et_pb_preview' ] ) ) {
			do_action( 'litespeed_disable_all', 'divi edit mode' );

	public static function detect()
		if ( ! defined( 'ET_CORE' ) ) return;
		 * Add contact form to nonce
		 * @since #475461
		do_action( 'litespeed_nonce', 'et-pb-contact-form-submit' );

		 * Subscribe module and A/B logging
		 * @since  3.0 @Robert Staddon
		do_action( 'litespeed_nonce', 'et_frontend_nonce' );
		do_action( 'litespeed_nonce', 'et_ab_log_nonce' );

		// the comment box fix is for user using theme builder, ESI will load the wrong json string
		// As we disabled all for edit mode, this is no more needed
		add_action( 'et_fb_before_comments_template', 'Divi_Theme_Builder::js_comment_box_on' );
		add_action( 'et_fb_after_comments_template', 'Divi_Theme_Builder::js_comment_box_off' );
		add_filter( 'litespeed_esi_params-comment-form', 'Divi_Theme_Builder::esi_comment_add_slash' );// Note: this is changed in v2.9.8.1

	public static function js_comment_box_on() {
		self::$js_comment_box = true;

	public static function js_comment_box_off() {
		self::$js_comment_box = false;

	public static function esi_comment_add_slash( $params )
		if ( self::$js_comment_box ) {
			$params[ 'is_json' ] = 1;
			$params[ '_ls_silence' ] = 1;

		return $params;