
 * Plugin Name: Ultimo - WP Dashboard Theme
 * Plugin URI: http://weare732.com/
 * Description: Give your WordPress admin a whole new look with Ultimo WP.
 * Version: 0.1.0
 * Author: Arindo Duque - 732
 * Author URI: http://weare732.com/
 * Copyright: Arindo Duque, seventhreetwo

 * Loads our incredibily awesome Paradox Framework, which we are going to use a lot.
require 'paradox/paradox-plugin.php';

 * Loads TGM do require Redux Framework
require 'inc/tgm/require.php';

// Loads the Plugin
require 'admin/admin.php';

 * Our plugin starts here
 * UltimoWP is a WordPress plugin that completly transforms your WordPress admin interface, giving it a 
 * awesome and beautful Google Material Design interface.
class UltimoWP extends ParadoxPlugin {
  // Screen ID
  public $screenID = 'toplevel_page_ultimo-wp';
   * Creates or returns an instance of this class.
   * @return object The instance of this class, to be used.
  public static function init() {
    // If an instance hasn't been created and set to $instance create an instance and set it to $instance.
    if (null == self::$instance) {self::$instance = new self;}
    return self::$instance;
   * Initializes the plugin adding all important hooks and generating important instances of our framework.
  public function __construct() {
    // Check for Redux FrameWork
    if (!class_exists("ReduxFramework"))
    // Setup
    $this->id         = 'ultimo-wp';
    $this->textDomain = 'ultimo-wp';
    $this->file       = __FILE__;
    // Set Debug Temporarily to True
    $this->debug = true;
    // Calling parent construct
    // Now we call the Advanced Custom Posts Plugin, that will handle our Options Page
    // $this->addACF(); // Since we wont use it, there's no point in adding it.
   * Enqueue and register Admin JavaScript files here.
  public function enqueueAdminScripts() {
    // Common and Admin JS
    wp_enqueue_script($this->id.'common', $this->url('assets/js/common.min.js'), false, '', true);
    wp_enqueue_script($this->id.'admin', $this->url('assets/js/admin.min.js'), array($this->id.'common'), '', true);

   * Enqueue and register Admin CSS files here.
  public function enqueueAdminStyles() {
    // Common and Admin styles
    wp_enqueue_style($this->id.'common', $this->url('assets/css/common.min.css'));
    wp_enqueue_style($this->id.'admin', $this->url('assets/css/admin.min.css'));
    // Custom CSS
   * Enqueue and register Login CSS files here.
  public function enqueueLoginStyles() {
    // Common and Admin styles
    wp_enqueue_style($this->id.'common', $this->url('assets/css/common.min.css'));
    wp_enqueue_style($this->id.'login', $this->url('assets/css/login.min.css'));
    // Custom CSS
   * Enqueue and register Login JavaScript files here.
  public function enqueueLoginScripts() {
    // Common and Admin JS
    wp_enqueue_script($this->id.'common', $this->url('assets/js/common.min.js'), false, '', true);
    wp_enqueue_script($this->id.'admin', $this->url('assets/js/login.min.js'), array($this->id.'common'), '', true);
  } // end enqueueLoginScripts;
   * Enqueue and register Frontend JavaScript files here.
  public function enqueueFrontendStyles() {
    // Common and Admin styles
    // Only if user is logged in
    if (is_user_logged_in() && is_admin_bar_showing()) {
      wp_enqueue_style($this->id.'common', $this->url('assets/css/common.min.css'));
      wp_enqueue_style($this->id.'frontend', $this->url('assets/css/frontend.min.css'));

      // Custom CSS
    } // end if;
   * We need to attach our css, saved on the DB to the actual css loaded across the plugin
  public function addCustomCSS() {
    // Get custom CSS saved
    $css = get_option($this->id.'compiledCss');
    // Adicitonal CSS to login Screen
    $login = 'html {padding-top: 0px !important;}';
    // Check and append
    if ($css) { 
      wp_add_inline_style($this->id.'admin', $css);
      wp_add_inline_style($this->id.'login', $css.$login);
      wp_add_inline_style($this->id.'frontend', $css);
   * Here is where we create and manage our admin pages
  public function adminPages() {}
   * Place code that will be run on first activation
  public function onActivation() {
    global $ultimoSettings;
    // Check if activation exists
    $isActive = get_option($this->id.'-activated');
    if (!$isActive) {
      // var_dump($ultimoSettings);
      update_option($this->id.'-activated', true);
   * Recomplie our custom scss generated to apply new Color Scheme, based on user options
  public function runCompiler($options, $css = '') {
    // Get custom SASS
    include $this->path('inc/color-scheme/color-scheme.php');
    $scss = ob_get_clean();
    // Carries our CSS
    $customCSS  = $this->compileSass($scss);
    $customCSS .= $css;
    // Saves our new compiled CSS
    update_option($this->id.'compiledCss', $customCSS);
   * After ACF saves
   * @param mixed $post_id The post being save or, in our case, the option.
  public function onSave($post_id) {
    if ($post_id === 'options') $this->runCompiler();
   * Material WP Ad
  public function materialWPAd() {
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    if ($screen->id == $this->screenID)
   * Place code for your plugin's functionality here.  
  public function Plugin() {
    // Shameless plug
    add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'materialWPAd'));
    // adds body class to our admin pages
    add_filter('admin_body_class', array($this, 'bodyClass'), -2000);
    // Remove Color Schemes from profile_personal_options
    add_action('admin_head', array($this, 'removeColorSchemes'));
    // Remove Tabs
    add_action('admin_head', array($this, 'removeHelpTab'));
    add_action('screen_options_show_screen', array($this, 'removeSOTab'), 10, 2);
    // Changes Footer Texts
    add_filter('admin_footer_text', array($this, 'footerLeft'));
    add_filter('update_footer', array($this, 'footerRight'), 11);

    // remove WP logo from adminbar
    add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', array($this, 'removeWPLogo'));

    // adds our custom site logo
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'customLogo'), 0);

    // Remove Howdy
    add_filter('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'removeHowdy'), 25);
    // On Activation
    add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'onActivation'), 200);
   * Adds custom body class, based on our theme
  public function bodyClass($classes) {
    // var_dump($classes); die;
    global $ultimoSettings;
    $add = array();
    // Add new classes, if set
    if ($ultimoSettings['menu-separators']) $add[] = 'ultimo-separators';
    if ($ultimoSettings['menu-icons'])      $add[] = 'ultimo-icons';
    // Add theme
    $add[] = "ultimo-wp-{$ultimoSettings['preset']}";
    $add[] = $this->id;
    return $classes .' '. implode(' ', $add);
   * Remove howdy
  function removeHowdy($wp_admin_bar) {
    // If user is not logged, do nothing
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) return;
	global $ultimoSettings;
    $my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node('my-account');

    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    // Randomly selects which greeting msg to display
    $total = count($ultimoSettings['welcome-text']) - 1;
    $which = rand(0, $total);
    $welcome = $ultimoSettings['welcome-text'][$which];

    $newtitle = sprintf(__('%s <strong>%s</strong> %s'), $welcome, $user->display_name, get_avatar($user->ID, 40));
    $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
      'id'    => 'my-account',
      'title' => $newtitle,
  } // end removeHowdy;

   * Remove the WordPress Logo from the WordPress Admin Bar
  public function removeWPLogo() {
    // If user is not logged, do nothing
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) return;
    global $wp_admin_bar;

   * Adds our custom logo to the admin
  public function customLogo() {
    // If user is not logged, do nothing
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) return;
    global $wp_admin_bar, $ultimoSettings;

    // Check if title is image or text
    $title = ($ultimoSettings['logo-type'] == 'image') ? "<img class='indigo-logo' src='". $ultimoSettings['logo-img']['url'] ."'><img class='indigo-logo-mini' src='". $ultimoSettings['logo-img-mini']['url'] ."'>" : "<span class='indigo-logo'>{$ultimoSettings['logo-text']}</span><span class='indigo-logo-mini'>". substr($ultimoSettings['logo-text'], 0 , 1) ."</span>";
    $args = array(
        'id'    => 'my-site-logo',
        'title' => $title,
        'href'  => admin_url(),
        'meta'  => array(
		  'class' => "custom-site-logo wp-ui-notification text-{$ultimoSettings['logo-align']}",

   * Footer Left
  public function footerLeft($text) {
    global $ultimoSettings;
    return (empty($ultimoSettings['footer-left-text'])) ? $text : $ultimoSettings['footer-left-text'];

   * Footer Right
  public function footerRight($text) {
    global $ultimoSettings;
    return (empty($ultimoSettings['footer-right-text'])) ? $text : $ultimoSettings['footer-right-text'];
   * Function that removes Help
  public function removeHelpTab() {
    global $ultimoSettings;

    // if hide Help Tabs
    if (!$ultimoSettings['help-tabs']) {
      $screen = get_current_screen();

   * Function that removes Screen Options
  public function removeSOTab($display_boolean, $wp_screen_object) {
    global $ultimoSettings;
    // If hide Screen Options
    if (!$ultimoSettings['screen-options-tabs']) {
      return false;
    else return true;
   * Remove color scheme selector from users
  public function removeColorSchemes() {
     global $_wp_admin_css_colors;
     $_wp_admin_css_colors = 0;

 * Finally we get to run our plugin.
$UltimoWP = new UltimoWP;
global $UltimoWP;