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* Admin Class
* Handles admin side functionality of plugin
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class Wtpsw_Admin {
function __construct() {
// Action to register admin menu
add_action( 'admin_menu', array($this, 'wtpsw_register_menu') );
// Action to register plugin settings
add_action ( 'admin_init', array($this,'wtpsw_admin_processes') );
* Function to register admin menus
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
function wtpsw_register_menu() {
// Register Setting Page
add_menu_page ( __('Trending Post', 'wtpsw'), __('Trending Post', 'wtpsw'), 'manage_options', 'wtpsw-settings', array($this, 'wtpsw_settings_page'), 'dashicons-star-filled' );
// Register How It Work Page
add_submenu_page( 'wtpsw-settings', __('Getting Started - WP Trending Post Slider and Widget', 'wtpsw'), __('Getting Started', 'wtpsw'), 'edit_posts', 'wtpsw-help', array($this, 'wtpsw_designs_page') );
// Register plugin premium page
add_submenu_page( 'wtpsw-settings', __('Upgrade To Premium - Trending/Popular Post Slider and Widget', 'wtpsw'), '<span style="color:#ff2700">'.__('Upgrade To Premium', 'wtpsw').'</span>', 'manage_options', 'wtpsw-premium', array($this, 'wtpsw_premium_page') );
* Function to handle the setting page html
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
function wtpsw_settings_page() {
include_once( WTPSW_DIR . '/includes/admin/form/wtpsw-settings.php' );
* How It Work Page
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
function wtpsw_designs_page() {
include_once( WTPSW_DIR . '/includes/admin/wtpsw-how-it-works.php' );
* Upgrade to PRO Vs Free
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
function wtpsw_premium_page() {
include_once( WTPSW_DIR . '/includes/admin/form/premium.php' );
* Function register setings
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
function wtpsw_admin_processes() {
// If plugin notice is dismissed
if( isset($_GET['message']) && $_GET['message'] == 'wtpsw-plugin-notice' ) {
set_transient( 'wtpsw_install_notice', true, 604800 );
register_setting( 'wtpsw_plugin_options', 'wtpsw_options', array($this, 'wtpsw_validate_options') );
* Validate Settings Options
* @package WP Trending Post Slider and Widget
* @since 1.0.0
function wtpsw_validate_options( $input ){
$input['post_types'] = isset($input['post_types']) ? $input['post_types'] : array();
return $input;
$wtpsw_Admin = new Wtpsw_Admin();