name = 'flexible_content'; $this->label = __( 'Flexible Content', 'acf' ); $this->category = 'layout'; $this->description = __( 'Allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by creating layouts that contain subfields that content editors can choose from.', 'acf' ) . ' ' . __( 'We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.', 'acf' ); $this->preview_image = acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-flexible-content.png'; $this->doc_url = acf_add_url_utm_tags( '', 'docs', 'field-type-selection' ); $this->tutorial_url = acf_add_url_utm_tags( '', 'docs', 'field-type-selection' ); $this->pro = true; $this->defaults = array( 'layouts' => array(), 'min' => '', 'max' => '', 'button_label' => __( 'Add Row', 'acf' ), ); // ajax $this->add_action( 'wp_ajax_acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title', array( $this, 'ajax_layout_title' ) ); $this->add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title', array( $this, 'ajax_layout_title' ) ); // filters $this->add_filter( 'acf/prepare_field_for_export', array( $this, 'prepare_any_field_for_export' ) ); $this->add_filter( 'acf/clone_field', array( $this, 'clone_any_field' ), 10, 2 ); $this->add_filter( 'acf/validate_field', array( $this, 'validate_any_field' ) ); // field filters $this->add_field_filter( 'acf/get_sub_field', array( $this, 'get_sub_field' ), 10, 3 ); $this->add_field_filter( 'acf/prepare_field_for_export', array( $this, 'prepare_field_for_export' ) ); $this->add_field_filter( 'acf/prepare_field_for_import', array( $this, 'prepare_field_for_import' ) ); } /* * input_admin_enqueue_scripts * * description * * @type function * @date 16/12/2015 * @since 5.3.2 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function input_admin_enqueue_scripts() { // localize acf_localize_text( array( // identifiers 'layout' => __( 'layout', 'acf' ), 'layouts' => __( 'layouts', 'acf' ), 'Fields' => __( 'Fields', 'acf' ), // min / max 'This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}' => __( 'This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}', 'acf' ), 'This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}' => __( 'This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}', 'acf' ), // popup badge '{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})' => __( '{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})', 'acf' ), '{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})' => __( '{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})', 'acf' ), // field settings 'Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout' => __( 'Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout', 'acf' ), ) ); } /* * get_valid_layout * * This function will fill in the missing keys to create a valid layout * * @type function * @date 3/10/13 * @since 1.1.0 * * @param $layout (array) * @return $layout (array) */ function get_valid_layout( $layout = array() ) { // parse $layout = wp_parse_args( $layout, array( 'key' => uniqid( 'layout_' ), 'name' => '', 'label' => '', 'display' => 'block', 'sub_fields' => array(), 'min' => '', 'max' => '', ) ); // return return $layout; } /* * load_field() * * This filter is appied to the $field after it is loaded from the database * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 * * @param $field - the field array holding all the field options * * @return $field - the field array holding all the field options */ function load_field( $field ) { // bail early if no field layouts if ( empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return $field; } // vars $sub_fields = acf_get_fields( $field ); // loop through layouts, sub fields and swap out the field key with the real field foreach ( array_keys( $field['layouts'] ) as $i ) { // extract layout $layout = acf_extract_var( $field['layouts'], $i ); // validate layout $layout = $this->get_valid_layout( $layout ); // append sub fields if ( ! empty( $sub_fields ) ) { foreach ( array_keys( $sub_fields ) as $k ) { // check if 'parent_layout' is empty if ( empty( $sub_fields[ $k ]['parent_layout'] ) ) { // parent_layout did not save for this field, default it to first layout $sub_fields[ $k ]['parent_layout'] = $layout['key']; } // append sub field to layout, if ( $sub_fields[ $k ]['parent_layout'] == $layout['key'] ) { $layout['sub_fields'][] = acf_extract_var( $sub_fields, $k ); } } } // append back to layouts $field['layouts'][ $i ] = $layout; } // return return $field; } /* * get_sub_field * * This function will return a specific sub field * * @type function * @date 29/09/2016 * @since 5.4.0 * * @param $sub_field * @param $selector (string) * @param $field (array) * @return $post_id (int) */ function get_sub_field( $sub_field, $id, $field ) { // Get active layout. $active = get_row_layout(); // Loop over layouts. if ( $field['layouts'] ) { foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { // Restict to active layout if within a have_rows() loop. if ( $active && $active !== $layout['name'] ) { continue; } // Check sub fields. if ( $layout['sub_fields'] ) { $sub_field = acf_search_fields( $id, $layout['sub_fields'] ); if ( $sub_field ) { break; } } } } // return return $sub_field; } /* * render_field() * * Create the HTML interface for your field * * @param $field - an array holding all the field's data * * @type action * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 */ function render_field( $field ) { // defaults if ( empty( $field['button_label'] ) ) { $field['button_label'] = $this->defaults['button_label']; } // sort layouts into names $layouts = array(); foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $k => $layout ) { $layouts[ $layout['name'] ] = $layout; } // vars $div = array( 'class' => 'acf-flexible-content', 'data-min' => $field['min'], 'data-max' => $field['max'], ); // empty if ( empty( $field['value'] ) ) { $div['class'] .= ' -empty'; } // no value message $no_value_message = __( 'Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout', 'acf' ); $no_value_message = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/flexible_content/no_value_message', $no_value_message, $field ); $no_value_message = sprintf( $no_value_message, $field['button_label'] ); ?>
> $field['name'] ) ); ?>
render_layout( $field, $layout, 'acfcloneindex', array() ); ?>
$value ) : // validate if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { continue; } if ( empty( $layouts[ $value['acf_fc_layout'] ] ) ) { continue; } // render $this->render_layout( $field, $layouts[ $value['acf_fc_layout'] ], $i, $value ); endforeach; endif; ?>
'layout', 'data-id' => $id, 'data-layout' => $layout['name'], ); // clone if ( is_numeric( $i ) ) { $order = $i + 1; } else { $div['class'] .= ' acf-clone'; } // display if ( $layout['display'] == 'table' ) { $el = 'td'; } // title $title = $this->get_layout_title( $field, $layout, $i, $value ); // remove row reset_rows(); ?>
> $prefix . '[acf_fc_layout]', 'value' => $layout['name'], ) ); ?>
. $sub_field['prefix'] = $prefix; // Prepare field (allow sub fields to be removed). $sub_field = acf_prepare_field( $sub_field ); if ( ! $sub_field ) { continue; } // Define attrs. $attrs = array(); $attrs['class'] = 'acf-th'; $attrs['data-name'] = $sub_field['_name']; $attrs['data-type'] = $sub_field['type']; $attrs['data-key'] = $sub_field['key']; if ( $sub_field['wrapper']['width'] ) { $attrs['data-width'] = $sub_field['wrapper']['width']; $attrs['style'] = 'width: ' . $sub_field['wrapper']['width'] . '%;'; } ?>
get_valid_layout( $layout ); // vars $layout_prefix = "{$field['prefix']}[layouts][{$layout['key']}]"; ?>
acf_idify( $layout_prefix . '[key]' ), 'name' => $layout_prefix . '[key]', 'class' => 'layout-key', 'value' => $layout['key'], ) ); ?>
$layout['sub_fields'], 'parent' => $field['ID'], 'is_subfield' => true, ); acf_get_view( 'acf-field-group/fields', $args ); ?>
__( 'Minimum Layouts', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'number', 'name' => 'min', ) ); // max acf_render_field_setting( $field, array( 'label' => __( 'Maximum Layouts', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'number', 'name' => 'max', ) ); // add new row label acf_render_field_setting( $field, array( 'label' => __( 'Button Label', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'button_label', ) ); } /* * load_value() * * This filter is applied to the $value after it is loaded from the db * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 * * @param $value (mixed) the value found in the database * @param $post_id (mixed) the $post_id from which the value was loaded * @param $field (array) the field array holding all the field options * @return $value */ function load_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) { // bail early if no value if ( empty( $value ) || empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return $value; } // value must be an array $value = acf_get_array( $value ); // vars $rows = array(); // sort layouts into names $layouts = array(); foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $k => $layout ) { $layouts[ $layout['name'] ] = $layout['sub_fields']; } // loop through rows foreach ( $value as $i => $l ) { // append to $values $rows[ $i ] = array(); $rows[ $i ]['acf_fc_layout'] = $l; // bail early if layout deosnt contain sub fields if ( empty( $layouts[ $l ] ) ) { continue; } // get layout $layout = $layouts[ $l ]; // loop through sub fields foreach ( array_keys( $layout ) as $j ) { // get sub field $sub_field = $layout[ $j ]; // bail early if no name (tab) if ( acf_is_empty( $sub_field['name'] ) ) { continue; } // update full name $sub_field['name'] = "{$field['name']}_{$i}_{$sub_field['name']}"; // get value $sub_value = acf_get_value( $post_id, $sub_field ); // add value $rows[ $i ][ $sub_field['key'] ] = $sub_value; } // foreach } // foreach // return return $rows; } /** * This filter is appied to the $value after it is loaded from the db and before it is returned to the template * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * * @param mixed $value The value which was loaded from the database. * @param mixed $post_id The $post_id from which the value was loaded. * @param array $field The field array holding all the field options. * @param boolean $escape_html Should the field return a HTML safe formatted value. * * @return mixed $value The modified value. */ public function format_value( $value, $post_id, $field, $escape_html = false ) { // bail early if no value if ( empty( $value ) || empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return false; } // sort layouts into names $layouts = array(); foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $k => $layout ) { $layouts[ $layout['name'] ] = $layout['sub_fields']; } // loop over rows foreach ( array_keys( $value ) as $i ) { // get layout name $l = $value[ $i ]['acf_fc_layout']; // bail early if layout deosnt exist if ( empty( $layouts[ $l ] ) ) { continue; } // get layout $layout = $layouts[ $l ]; // loop through sub fields foreach ( array_keys( $layout ) as $j ) { // get sub field $sub_field = $layout[ $j ]; // bail early if no name (tab) if ( acf_is_empty( $sub_field['name'] ) ) { continue; } // extract value $sub_value = acf_extract_var( $value[ $i ], $sub_field['key'] ); // update $sub_field name $sub_field['name'] = "{$field['name']}_{$i}_{$sub_field['name']}"; // format value $sub_value = acf_format_value( $sub_value, $post_id, $sub_field, $escape_html ); // append to $row $value[ $i ][ $sub_field['_name'] ] = $sub_value; } } // return return $value; } /* * validate_value * * description * * @type function * @date 11/02/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function validate_value( $valid, $value, $field, $input ) { // vars $count = 0; // check if is value (may be empty string) if ( is_array( $value ) ) { // remove acfcloneindex if ( isset( $value['acfcloneindex'] ) ) { unset( $value['acfcloneindex'] ); } // count $count = count( $value ); } // validate required if ( $field['required'] && ! $count ) { $valid = false; } // validate min $min = (int) $field['min']; if ( $min && $count < $min ) { // vars $error = __( 'This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}', 'acf' ); $identifier = _n( 'layout', 'layouts', $min, 'acf' ); // replace $error = str_replace( '{min}', $min, $error ); $error = str_replace( '{label}', '', $error ); $error = str_replace( '{identifier}', $identifier, $error ); // return return $error; } // find layouts $layouts = array(); foreach ( array_keys( $field['layouts'] ) as $i ) { // vars $layout = $field['layouts'][ $i ]; // add count $layout['count'] = 0; // append $layouts[ $layout['name'] ] = $layout; } // validate value if ( $count ) { // loop rows foreach ( $value as $i => $row ) { // get layout $l = $row['acf_fc_layout']; // bail if layout doesn't exist if ( ! isset( $layouts[ $l ] ) ) { continue; } // increase count ++$layouts[ $l ]['count']; // bail if no sub fields if ( empty( $layouts[ $l ]['sub_fields'] ) ) { continue; } // loop sub fields foreach ( $layouts[ $l ]['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) { // get sub field key $k = $sub_field['key']; // bail if no value if ( ! isset( $value[ $i ][ $k ] ) ) { continue; } // validate acf_validate_value( $value[ $i ][ $k ], $sub_field, "{$input}[{$i}][{$k}]" ); } // end loop sub fields } // end loop rows } // validate layouts foreach ( $layouts as $layout ) { // validate min / max $min = (int) $layout['min']; $count = $layout['count']; $label = $layout['label']; if ( $min && $count < $min ) { // vars $error = __( 'This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}', 'acf' ); $identifier = _n( 'layout', 'layouts', $min, 'acf' ); // replace $error = str_replace( '{min}', $min, $error ); $error = str_replace( '{label}', '"' . $label . '"', $error ); $error = str_replace( '{identifier}', $identifier, $error ); // return return $error; } } // return return $valid; } /** * This function will return a specific layout by name from a field * * @date 15/2/17 * @since 5.5.8 * * @param string $name * @param array $field * @return array|false */ function get_layout( $name, $field ) { // bail early if no layouts if ( ! isset( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return false; } // loop foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { // match if ( $layout['name'] === $name ) { return $layout; } } // return return false; } /** * This function will delete a value row * * @date 15/2/17 * @since 5.5.8 * * @param int $i * @param array $field * @param mixed $post_id * @return bool */ function delete_row( $i, $field, $post_id ) { // vars $value = acf_get_metadata( $post_id, $field['name'] ); // bail early if no value if ( ! is_array( $value ) || ! isset( $value[ $i ] ) ) { return false; } // get layout $layout = $this->get_layout( $value[ $i ], $field ); // bail early if no layout if ( ! $layout || empty( $layout['sub_fields'] ) ) { return false; } // loop foreach ( $layout['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) { // modify name for delete $sub_field['name'] = "{$field['name']}_{$i}_{$sub_field['name']}"; // delete value acf_delete_value( $post_id, $sub_field ); } // return return true; } /** * This function will update a value row * * @date 15/2/17 * @since 5.5.8 * * @param array $row * @param int $i * @param array $field * @param mixed $post_id * @return bool */ function update_row( $row, $i, $field, $post_id ) { // bail early if no layout reference if ( ! is_array( $row ) || ! isset( $row['acf_fc_layout'] ) ) { return false; } // get layout $layout = $this->get_layout( $row['acf_fc_layout'], $field ); // bail early if no layout if ( ! $layout || empty( $layout['sub_fields'] ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $layout['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) { $value = null; if ( array_key_exists( $sub_field['key'], $row ) ) { $value = $row[ $sub_field['key'] ]; } elseif ( array_key_exists( $sub_field['name'], $row ) ) { $value = $row[ $sub_field['name'] ]; } else { // Value does not exist. continue; } // modify name for save $sub_field['name'] = "{$field['name']}_{$i}_{$sub_field['name']}"; // update field acf_update_value( $value, $post_id, $sub_field ); } return true; } /* * update_value() * * This filter is appied to the $value before it is updated in the db * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 * * @param $value - the value which will be saved in the database * @param $field - the field array holding all the field options * @param $post_id - the $post_id of which the value will be saved * * @return $value - the modified value */ function update_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) { // bail early if no layouts if ( empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return $value; } // vars $new_value = array(); $old_value = acf_get_metadata( $post_id, $field['name'] ); $old_value = is_array( $old_value ) ? $old_value : array(); // update if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $i = -1; // remove acfcloneindex if ( isset( $value['acfcloneindex'] ) ) { unset( $value['acfcloneindex'] ); } // loop through rows foreach ( $value as $row ) { ++$i; // bail early if no layout reference if ( ! is_array( $row ) || ! isset( $row['acf_fc_layout'] ) ) { continue; } // delete old row if layout has changed if ( isset( $old_value[ $i ] ) && $old_value[ $i ] !== $row['acf_fc_layout'] ) { $this->delete_row( $i, $field, $post_id ); } // update row $this->update_row( $row, $i, $field, $post_id ); // append to order $new_value[] = $row['acf_fc_layout']; } } // vars $old_count = empty( $old_value ) ? 0 : count( $old_value ); $new_count = empty( $new_value ) ? 0 : count( $new_value ); // remove old rows if ( $old_count > $new_count ) { // loop for ( $i = $new_count; $i < $old_count; $i++ ) { $this->delete_row( $i, $field, $post_id ); } } // save false for empty value if ( empty( $new_value ) ) { $new_value = ''; } // return return $new_value; } /* * delete_value * * description * * @type function * @date 1/07/2015 * @since 5.2.3 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function delete_value( $post_id, $key, $field ) { // vars $old_value = acf_get_metadata( $post_id, $field['name'] ); $old_value = is_array( $old_value ) ? $old_value : array(); // bail early if no rows or no sub fields if ( empty( $old_value ) ) { return; } // loop foreach ( array_keys( $old_value ) as $i ) { $this->delete_row( $i, $field, $post_id ); } } /* * update_field() * * This filter is appied to the $field before it is saved to the database * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 * * @param $field - the field array holding all the field options * @param $post_id - the field group ID (post_type = acf) * * @return $field - the modified field */ function update_field( $field ) { // loop if ( ! empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { foreach ( $field['layouts'] as &$layout ) { unset( $layout['sub_fields'] ); } } // return return $field; } /* * delete_field * * description * * @type function * @date 4/04/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function delete_field( $field ) { if ( ! empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { // loop through layouts foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { // loop through sub fields if ( ! empty( $layout['sub_fields'] ) ) { foreach ( $layout['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) { acf_delete_field( $sub_field['ID'] ); } // foreach } // if } // foreach } // if } /* * duplicate_field() * * This filter is appied to the $field before it is duplicated and saved to the database * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 * * @param $field - the field array holding all the field options * * @return $field - the modified field */ function duplicate_field( $field ) { // vars $sub_fields = array(); if ( ! empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { // loop through layouts foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { // extract sub fields $extra = acf_extract_var( $layout, 'sub_fields' ); // merge if ( ! empty( $extra ) ) { $sub_fields = array_merge( $sub_fields, $extra ); } } // foreach } // if // save field to get ID $field = acf_update_field( $field ); // duplicate sub fields acf_duplicate_fields( $sub_fields, $field['ID'] ); // return return $field; } /* * ajax_layout_title * * description * * @type function * @date 2/03/2016 * @since 5.3.2 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function ajax_layout_title() { $options = acf_parse_args( $_POST, // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Verified elsewhere. array( 'post_id' => 0, 'i' => 0, 'field_key' => '', 'nonce' => '', 'layout' => '', 'value' => array(), ) ); // load field $field = acf_get_field( $options['field_key'] ); if ( ! $field ) { die(); } // vars $layout = $this->get_layout( $options['layout'], $field ); if ( ! $layout ) { die(); } // title $title = $this->get_layout_title( $field, $layout, $options['i'], $options['value'] ); // echo echo $title; die; } function get_layout_title( $field, $layout, $i, $value ) { // vars $rows = array(); $rows[ $i ] = $value; // add loop acf_add_loop( array( 'selector' => $field['name'], 'name' => $field['name'], 'value' => $rows, 'field' => $field, 'i' => $i, 'post_id' => 0, ) ); // vars $title = $layout['label']; // filters $title = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title', $title, $field, $layout, $i ); $title = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title/name=' . $field['_name'], $title, $field, $layout, $i ); $title = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title/key=' . $field['key'], $title, $field, $layout, $i ); // remove loop acf_remove_loop(); // prepend order $order = is_numeric( $i ) ? $i + 1 : 0; $title = '' . $order . ' ' . acf_esc_html( $title ); // return return $title; } /* * clone_any_field * * This function will update clone field settings based on the origional field * * @type function * @date 28/06/2016 * @since 5.3.8 * * @param $clone (array) * @param $field (array) * @return $clone */ function clone_any_field( $field, $clone_field ) { // remove parent_layout // - allows a sub field to be rendered as a normal field unset( $field['parent_layout'] ); // attempt to merger parent_layout if ( isset( $clone_field['parent_layout'] ) ) { $field['parent_layout'] = $clone_field['parent_layout']; } // return return $field; } /* * prepare_field_for_export * * description * * @type function * @date 11/03/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function prepare_field_for_export( $field ) { // loop if ( ! empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { foreach ( $field['layouts'] as &$layout ) { $layout['sub_fields'] = acf_prepare_fields_for_export( $layout['sub_fields'] ); } } // return return $field; } function prepare_any_field_for_export( $field ) { // remove parent_layout unset( $field['parent_layout'] ); // return return $field; } /* * prepare_field_for_import * * description * * @type function * @date 11/03/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param $post_id (int) * @return $post_id (int) */ function prepare_field_for_import( $field ) { // Bail early if no layouts if ( empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return $field; } // Storage for extracted fields. $extra = array(); // Loop over layouts. foreach ( $field['layouts'] as &$layout ) { // Ensure layout is valid. $layout = $this->get_valid_layout( $layout ); // Extract sub fields. $sub_fields = acf_extract_var( $layout, 'sub_fields' ); // Modify and append sub fields to $extra. if ( $sub_fields ) { foreach ( $sub_fields as $i => $sub_field ) { // Update atttibutes $sub_field['parent'] = $field['key']; $sub_field['parent_layout'] = $layout['key']; $sub_field['menu_order'] = $i; // Append to extra. $extra[] = $sub_field; } } } // Merge extra sub fields. if ( $extra ) { array_unshift( $extra, $field ); return $extra; } // Return field. return $field; } /* * validate_any_field * * This function will add compatibility for the 'column_width' setting * * @type function * @date 30/1/17 * @since 5.5.6 * * @param $field (array) * @return $field */ function validate_any_field( $field ) { // width has changed if ( isset( $field['column_width'] ) ) { $field['wrapper']['width'] = acf_extract_var( $field, 'column_width' ); } // return return $field; } /* * translate_field * * This function will translate field settings * * @type function * @date 8/03/2016 * @since 5.3.2 * * @param $field (array) * @return $field */ function translate_field( $field ) { // translate $field['button_label'] = acf_translate( $field['button_label'] ); // loop if ( ! empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { foreach ( $field['layouts'] as &$layout ) { $layout['label'] = acf_translate( $layout['label'] ); } } // return return $field; } /** * Additional validation for the flexible content field when submitted via REST. * * @param bool $valid * @param int $value * @param array $field * * @return bool|WP_Error */ public function validate_rest_value( $valid, $value, $field ) { $param = sprintf( '%s[%s]', $field['prefix'], $field['name'] ); $data = array( 'param' => $param, 'value' => $value, ); if ( ! is_array( $value ) && is_null( $value ) ) { $error = sprintf( __( '%s must be of type array or null.', 'acf' ), $param ); return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_param', $error, $param ); } $layouts_to_update = array_count_values( array_column( $value, 'acf_fc_layout' ) ); foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { $num_layouts = isset( $layouts_to_update[ $layout['name'] ] ) ? $layouts_to_update[ $layout['name'] ] : 0; if ( '' !== $layout['min'] && $num_layouts < (int) $layout['min'] ) { $error = sprintf( _n( '%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout.', '%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layouts.', $layout['min'], 'acf' ), $param, number_format_i18n( $layout['min'] ), $layout['name'] ); return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_param', $error, $data ); } if ( '' !== $layout['max'] && $num_layouts > (int) $layout['max'] ) { $error = sprintf( _n( '%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout.', '%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layouts.', $layout['max'], 'acf' ), $param, number_format_i18n( $layout['max'] ), $layout['name'] ); return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_param', $error, $data ); } } return $valid; } /** * Return the schema array for the REST API. * * @param array $field * @return array */ public function get_rest_schema( array $field ) { $schema = array( 'type' => array( 'array', 'null' ), 'required' => ! empty( $field['required'] ), 'items' => array( 'oneOf' => array(), ), ); // Loop through layouts building up a schema for each. foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { $layout_schema = array( 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => array( 'acf_fc_layout' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, // By using a pattern match against the layout name, data sent in must match an available // layout on the flexible field. If it doesn't, a 400 Bad Request response will result. 'pattern' => '^' . $layout['name'] . '$', ), ), ); foreach ( $layout['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) { if ( $sub_field_schema = acf_get_field_rest_schema( $sub_field ) ) { $layout_schema['properties'][ $sub_field['name'] ] = $sub_field_schema; } } $schema['items']['oneOf'][] = $layout_schema; } if ( ! empty( $field['min'] ) ) { $schema['minItems'] = (int) $field['min']; } if ( ! empty( $field['max'] ) ) { $schema['maxItems'] = (int) $field['max']; } return $schema; } /** * Apply basic formatting to prepare the value for default REST output. * * @param mixed $value * @param int|string $post_id * @param array $field * @return array|mixed */ public function format_value_for_rest( $value, $post_id, array $field ) { if ( empty( $value ) || ! is_array( $value ) || empty( $field['layouts'] ) ) { return null; } // Create a map of layout sub fields mapped to layout names. foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $layout ) { $layouts[ $layout['name'] ] = $layout['sub_fields']; } // Loop through each layout and within that, each sub field to process sub fields individually. foreach ( $value as &$layout ) { $name = $layout['acf_fc_layout']; if ( empty( $layouts[ $name ] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $layouts[ $name ] as $sub_field ) { // Bail early if the field has no name (tab). if ( acf_is_empty( $sub_field['name'] ) ) { continue; } // Extract the sub field 'field_key'=>'value' pair from the $layout and format it. $sub_value = acf_extract_var( $layout, $sub_field['key'] ); $sub_value = acf_format_value_for_rest( $sub_value, $post_id, $sub_field ); // Add the sub field value back to the $layout but mapped to the field name instead // of the key reference. $layout[ $sub_field['name'] ] = $sub_value; } } return $value; } } // initialize acf_register_field_type( 'acf_field_flexible_content' ); endif; // class_exists check ?>