/*================================================ [ Table of contents ] ================================================ 1. Variables 2. Mobile Menu 3. Mega Menu 4. One Page Navigation 5. Toogle Search 6. Current Year Copyright area 7. Background Image 8. wow js init 9. Tooltip 10. Nice Select 11. Default active and hover item active 12. Product Details Page 13. Isotope Gallery Active ( Gallery / Portfolio ) 14. LightCase jQuery Active 15. Slider One Active 16. Product Slider One 17. Tab Product Slider One 18. Blog Slider One 19. Testimonial Slider - 1 20. Testimonial Slider - 2 21. Testimonial Slider - 3 22. Category Slider 23. Image Slide - 1 (Screenshot) 24. Image Slide - 2 25. Image Slide - 3 26. Image Slide - 4 27. Brand Logo 28. Blog Gallery (Blog Page ) 29. Countdown 30. Counter Up 31. Instagram Feed 32. Price Slider 33. Quantity plus minus 34. scrollUp active 35. Parallax active 36. Header menu sticky ====================================== [ End table content ] ======================================*/ (function($) { "use strict"; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ /* -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Variables --------------------------------------------------------- */ var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 2. Mobile Menu --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------- Utilize Function ----------------------------------- */ (function () { var $ltn__utilizeToggle = $('.ltn__utilize-toggle'), $ltn__utilize = $('.ltn__utilize'), $ltn__utilizeOverlay = $('.ltn__utilize-overlay'), $mobileMenuToggle = $('.mobile-menu-toggle'); $ltn__utilizeToggle.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), $target = $this.attr('href'); $body.addClass('ltn__utilize-open'); $($target).addClass('ltn__utilize-open'); $ltn__utilizeOverlay.fadeIn(); if ($this.parent().hasClass('mobile-menu-toggle')) { $this.addClass('close'); } }); $('.ltn__utilize-close, .ltn__utilize-overlay').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $body.removeClass('ltn__utilize-open'); $ltn__utilize.removeClass('ltn__utilize-open'); $ltn__utilizeOverlay.fadeOut(); $mobileMenuToggle.find('a').removeClass('close'); }); })(); /* ------------------------------------ Utilize Menu ----------------------------------- */ function mobileltn__utilizeMenu() { var $ltn__utilizeNav = $('.ltn__utilize-menu, .overlay-menu'), $ltn__utilizeNavSubMenu = $ltn__utilizeNav.find('.sub-menu'); /*Add Toggle Button With Off Canvas Sub Menu*/ $ltn__utilizeNavSubMenu.parent().prepend(''); /*Category Sub Menu Toggle*/ $ltn__utilizeNav.on('click', 'li a, .menu-expand', function (e) { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('href') === '#' || $this.hasClass('menu-expand')) { e.preventDefault(); if ($this.siblings('ul:visible').length) { $this.parent('li').removeClass('active'); $this.siblings('ul').slideUp(); $this.parent('li').find('li').removeClass('active'); $this.parent('li').find('ul:visible').slideUp(); } else { $this.parent('li').addClass('active'); $this.closest('li').siblings('li').removeClass('active').find('li').removeClass('active'); $this.closest('li').siblings('li').find('ul:visible').slideUp(); $this.siblings('ul').slideDown(); } } }); } mobileltn__utilizeMenu(); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 3. Mega Menu --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.mega-menu').each(function(){ if($(this).children('li').length){ var ulChildren = $(this).children('li').length; $(this).addClass('column-'+ulChildren) } }); /* Remove Attribute( href ) from sub-menu title in mega-menu */ /* $('.mega-menu > li > a').removeAttr('href'); */ /* Mega Munu */ // $(".mega-menu").parent().css({"position": "inherit"}); $(".mega-menu").parent().addClass("mega-menu-parent"); /* Add space for Elementor Menu Anchor link */ $( window ).on( 'elementor/frontend/init', function() { elementorFrontend.hooks.addFilter( 'frontend/handlers/menu_anchor/scroll_top_distance', function( scrollTop ) { return scrollTop - 75; }); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 3-2. Category Menu --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__category-menu-title').on('click', function(){ $('.ltn__category-menu-toggle').slideToggle(500); }); /* Category Menu More Item show */ $('.ltn__category-menu-more-item-parent').on('click', function(){ $('.ltn__category-menu-more-item-child').slideToggle(); $(this).toggleClass('rx-change'); }); /* Category Submenu Column Count */ $('.ltn__category-submenu').each(function(){ if($(this).children('li').length){ var ulChildren = $(this).children('li').length; $(this).addClass('ltn__category-column-no-'+ulChildren) } }); /* Category Menu Responsive */ function ltn__CategoryMenuToggle(){ $('.ltn__category-menu-toggle .ltn__category-menu-drop > a').on('click', function(){ if($(window).width() < 991){ $(this).removeAttr('href'); var element = $(this).parent('li'); if (element.hasClass('open')) { element.removeClass('open'); element.find('li').removeClass('open'); element.find('ul').slideUp(); } else { element.addClass('open'); element.children('ul').slideDown(); element.siblings('li').children('ul').slideUp(); element.siblings('li').removeClass('open'); element.siblings('li').find('li').removeClass('open'); element.siblings('li').find('ul').slideUp(); } } }); $('.ltn__category-menu-toggle .ltn__category-menu-drop > a').append(''); } ltn__CategoryMenuToggle(); /* --------------------------------------------------------- 4. One Page Navigation ( jQuery Easing Plugin ) --------------------------------------------------------- */ // jQuery for page scrolling feature - requires jQuery Easing plugin $(function() { $('a.page-scroll').bind('click', function(event) { var $anchor = $(this); $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top }, 1500, 'easeInOutExpo'); event.preventDefault(); }); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Toogle Search -------------------------------------------------------- */ // Handle click on toggle search button $('.header-search-1').on('click', function() { $('.header-search-1, .header-search-1-form').toggleClass('search-open'); return false; }); /* --------------------------------------------------------- 6. Current Year Copyright area --------------------------------------------------------- */ $(".current-year").text((new Date).getFullYear()); /* --------------------------------------------------------- 7. Background Image --------------------------------------------------------- */ var $backgroundImage = $('.bg-image, .bg-image-top'); $backgroundImage.each(function() { var $this = $(this), $bgImage = $this.data('bg'); $this.css('background-image', 'url('+$bgImage+')'); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------- 8. wow js init --------------------------------------------------------- */ new WOW().init(); /* --------------------------------------------------------- 9. Tooltip --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 10. Nice Select --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('select').niceSelect(); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 11. Default active and hover item active --------------------------------------------------------- */ var ltn__active_item = $('.ltn__feature-item-6, .ltn__our-journey-wrap ul li, .ltn__pricing-plan-item') ltn__active_item.mouseover(function() { ltn__active_item.removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 12. Product Details Page --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__shop-details-large-img').slick({ slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, fade: true, asNavFor: '.ltn__shop-details-small-img' }); $('.ltn__shop-details-small-img').slick({ slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1, asNavFor: '.ltn__shop-details-large-img', dots: false, arrows: true, focusOnSelect: true, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 13. Isotope Gallery Active ( Gallery / Portfolio ) -------------------------------------------------------- */ var $ltnGalleryActive = $('.ltn__gallery-active'), $ltnGalleryFilterMenu = $('.ltn__gallery-filter-menu'); /*Filter*/ $ltnGalleryFilterMenu.on( 'click', 'button, a', function() { var $this = $(this), $filterValue = $this.attr('data-filter'); $ltnGalleryFilterMenu.find('button, a').removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); $ltnGalleryActive.isotope({ filter: $filterValue }); }); /*Grid*/ $ltnGalleryActive.each(function(){ var $this = $(this), $galleryFilterItem = '.ltn__gallery-item'; $this.imagesLoaded( function() { $this.isotope({ itemSelector: $galleryFilterItem, percentPosition: true, masonry: { columnWidth: '.ltn__gallery-sizer', } }); }); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 14. LightCase jQuery Active --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('a[data-rel^=lightcase]').lightcase({ transition: 'elastic', /* none, fade, fadeInline, elastic, scrollTop, scrollRight, scrollBottom, scrollLeft, scrollHorizontal and scrollVertical */ swipe: true, maxWidth: 1170, maxHeight: 600, }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 15. Slider One Active --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__slide-one-active').slick({ autoplay: false, autoplaySpeed: 2000, arrows: true, dots: true, fade: true, cssEase: 'linear', infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, } } ] }).on('afterChange', function(){ new WOW().init(); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 15-2. Slider Active 2 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__slide-active-2').slick({ autoplay: false, autoplaySpeed: 2000, arrows: false, dots: true, fade: true, cssEase: 'linear', infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, } } ] }).on('afterChange', function(){ new WOW().init(); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 16. Product Slider One --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__product-slider-one-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true, } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true, } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 16. Product Slider One --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__product-slider-item-four-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 16. Product Slider One --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__related-product-slider-one-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 17. Tab Product Slider One --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__tab-product-slider-one-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 17. Small Product Slider One --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__small-product-slider-active').slick({ arrows: false, dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 18. Blog Slider One --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__blog-slider-one-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 19. Testimonial Slider - 1 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__testimonial-slider-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 20. Testimonial Slider - 2 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__testimonial-slider-2-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 21. Testimonial Slider - 3 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__testimonial-slider-3-active').slick({ arrows: true, centerMode: true, centerPadding: '80px', dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1600, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, centerMode: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 22. Category Slider --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__category-slider-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 375, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 23. Image Slide - 1 (Screenshot) --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__image-slider-1-active').slick({ arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 5, slidesToScroll: 1, centerMode: true, centerPadding: '0px', prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, dots: true } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 24. Image Slide - 2 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__image-slider-2-active').slick({ rtl: false, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, centerMode: true, centerPadding: '80px', prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, centerPadding: '50px' } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, centerPadding: '50px' } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 25. Image Slide - 3 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__image-slider-3-active').slick({ rtl: false, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, centerMode: true, centerPadding: '0px', prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 26. Image Slide - 4 --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('.ltn__image-slider-4-active').slick({ rtl: false, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1, centerMode: true, centerPadding: '0px', prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 992, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, } } ] }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 27. Brand Logo --------------------------------------------------------- */ if($('.ltn__brand-logo-active').length){ $('.ltn__brand-logo-active').slick({ rtl: false, arrows: false, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 5, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); }; /* -------------------------------------------------------- 28. Blog Gallery (Blog Page ) --------------------------------------------------------- */ if($('.ltn__blog-gallery-active').length){ $('.ltn__blog-gallery-active').slick({ rtl: false, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '' }); }; /* -------------------------------------------------------- 29. Countdown --------------------------------------------------------- */ $('[data-countdown]').each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('countdown'); if (!$this.hasClass('countdown-full-format')) { $this.countdown(finalDate, function (event) { $this.html(event.strftime('









')); }); } else { $this.countdown(finalDate, function (event) { $this.html(event.strftime('















')); }); } }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 30. Counter Up --------------------------------------------------------- */ // $('.ltn__counter').counterUp(); $('.counter').counterUp({ delay: 10, time: 2000 }); $('.counter').addClass('animated fadeInDownBig'); $('h3').addClass('animated fadeIn'); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 31. Instagram Feed --------------------------------------------------------- */ if($('.ltn__instafeed').length){ $.instagramFeed({ 'username': 'envato', 'container': ".ltn__instafeed", 'display_profile': false, 'display_biography': false, 'display_gallery': true, 'styling': false, 'items': 12, "image_size": "600", /* 320 */ }); $('.ltn__instafeed').on("DOMNodeInserted", function (e) { if (e.target.className == 'instagram_gallery') { $('.ltn__instafeed-slider-2 .' + e.target.className).slick({ infinite: true, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{ breakpoint: 767, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 575, settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } }] }) $('.ltn__instafeed-slider-1 .' + e.target.className).slick({ infinite: true, slidesToShow: 5, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{ breakpoint: 119, settings: { slidesToShow: 4 } }, { breakpoint: 991, settings: { slidesToShow: 3 } }, { breakpoint: 767, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 575, settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } }] }); } }); }; /* --------------------------------------------------------- 32. Price Slider --------------------------------------------------------- */ $( ".slider-range" ).slider({ range: true, min: 50, max: 5000, values: [ 50, 1500 ], slide: function( event, ui ) { $( ".amount" ).val( "$" + ui.values[ 0 ] + " - $" + ui.values[ 1 ] ); } }); $( ".amount" ).val( "$" + $( ".slider-range" ).slider( "values", 0 ) + " - $" + $( ".slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 33. Quantity plus minus -------------------------------------------------------- */ $(".cart-plus-minus").prepend('
'); $(".cart-plus-minus").append('
'); $(".qtybutton").on("click", function() { var $button = $(this); var oldValue = $button.parent().find("input").val(); if ($button.text() == "+") { var newVal = parseFloat(oldValue) + 1; } else { if (oldValue > 0) { var newVal = parseFloat(oldValue) - 1; } else { newVal = 0; } } $button.parent().find("input").val(newVal); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 34. scrollUp active -------------------------------------------------------- */ $.scrollUp({ scrollText: '', easingType: 'linear', scrollSpeed: 900, animation: 'fade' }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 35. Parallax active ( About Section ) -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* > 1 page e 2 ta call korle 1 ta kaj kore */ if($('.ltn__parallax-effect-active').length){ var scene = $('.ltn__parallax-effect-active').get(0); var parallaxInstance = new Parallax(scene); } /* -------------------------------------------------------- 36. Testimonial Slider 4 -------------------------------------------------------- */ var ltn__testimonial_quote_slider = $('.ltn__testimonial-slider-4-active'); ltn__testimonial_quote_slider.slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 3000, dots: false, arrows: true, fade: true, speed: 1500, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { autoplay: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, dots: true, arrows: false, } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { autoplay: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, dots: true, arrows: false, } }, { breakpoint: 580, settings: { autoplay: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, dots: true, arrows: false, } } ] }); /* have to write code for bind it with static images */ ltn__testimonial_quote_slider.on('beforeChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) { var liIndex = nextSlide + 1; var slideImageliIndex = (slick.slideCount == liIndex) ? liIndex - 1 : liIndex; var cart = $('.ltn__testimonial-slider-4 .slick-slide[data-slick-index="' + slideImageliIndex + '"]').find('.ltn__testimonial-image'); var imgtodrag = $('.ltn__testimonial-quote-menu li:nth-child(' + liIndex + ')').find("img").eq(0); if (imgtodrag) { AnimateTestimonialImage(imgtodrag, cart) } }); /* have to write code for bind static image to slider accordion to slide index of images */ $(document).on('click', '.ltn__testimonial-quote-menu li', function (e) { var el = $(this); var elIndex = el.prevAll().length; ltn__testimonial_quote_slider.slick('slickGoTo', elIndex); var cart = $('.ltn__testimonial-slider-4 .slick-slide[data-slick-index="' + elIndex + '"]').find('.ltn__testimonial-image'); var imgtodrag = el.find("img").eq(0); if (imgtodrag) { AnimateTestimonialImage(imgtodrag, cart) } }); function AnimateTestimonialImage(imgtodrag, cart) { var imgclone = imgtodrag.clone().offset({ top: imgtodrag.offset().top, left: imgtodrag.offset().left }).css({ 'opacity': '0.5', 'position': 'absolute', 'height': '130px', 'width': '130px', 'z-index': '100' }).addClass('quote-animated-image').appendTo($('body')).animate({ 'top': cart.offset().top + 10, 'left': cart.offset().left + 10, 'width': 130, 'height': 130 }, 300); imgclone.animate({ 'visibility': 'hidden', 'opacity': '0' }, function () { $(this).remove() }); } /* -------------------------------------------------------- Newsletter Popup -------------------------------------------------------- */ $('#ltn__newsletter_popup').modal('show'); }); /* -------------------------------------------------------- 36. Header menu sticky -------------------------------------------------------- */ $(window).on('scroll',function() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll < 445) { $(".ltn__header-sticky").removeClass("sticky-active"); } else { $(".ltn__header-sticky").addClass("sticky-active"); } }); $(window).on('load',function(){ /*----------------- preloader ------------------*/ if($('#preloader').length){ var preLoder = $("#preloader"); preLoder.fadeOut(1000); }; }); })(jQuery);