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2024-04-10 12:01:06 +00:00
<?php if (!defined('WPO_PLUGIN_MAIN_PATH')) die('No direct access allowed'); ?>
<div id="wp-optimize-dashnotice" class="updated below-h2">
<div style="float:right;"><a href="#" onclick="jQuery('#wp-optimize-dashnotice').slideUp();, {action: 'wp_optimize_ajax', subaction: 'dismiss_dash_notice_until', nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('wp-optimize-ajax-nonce'); ?>' });"><?php printf(__('Dismiss (for %s months)', 'wp-optimize'), 12); ?></a></div>
<h3><?php _e("Thank you for installing WP-Optimize!", 'wp-optimize'); ?></h3>
<a href=""><img style="border: 0px; float: right; height: 125px; width: 150px; margin-right: 40px;" alt="WP-Optimize" src="<?php echo WPO_PLUGIN_URL.'/images/logo/wpo_logo_small.png'; ?>"></a>
<div id="wp-optimize-dashnotice-wrapper" style="max-width: 800px;">
<?php echo htmlspecialchars(__('Super-charge and secure your WordPress site with our other top plugins:', 'wp-optimize')); ?>
<?php printf(__('%s offers powerful extra features and flexibility, and WordPress multisite support.', 'wp-optimize'), '<strong>'.$wp_optimize->wp_optimize_url('', __('WP-Optimize Premium:', 'wp-optimize'), '', '', true).'</strong>'); ?>
<?php printf(__('%s simplifies backups and restoration. It is the worlds highest ranking and most popular scheduled backup plugin, with over a million currently-active installs.', 'wp-optimize'), '<strong>'.$wp_optimize->wp_optimize_url('', 'UpdraftPlus', '', '', true).'</strong>'); ?>
<?php printf(__('%s is a highly efficient way to manage, optimize, update and backup multiple websites from one place.', 'wp-optimize'), '<strong>'.$wp_optimize->wp_optimize_url('', 'UpdraftCentral', '', '', true).'</strong>'); ?>
<strong><?php $wp_optimize->wp_optimize_url('', __('Premium WooCommerce extensions', 'wp-optimize')); ?></strong>