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2024-04-10 17:46:06 +05:45
if (!defined('WPO_VERSION')) die('No direct access allowed');
* The proper way to obtain access to the instance is via WP_Optimize()->get_options().
class WP_Optimize_Options {
public $default_settings = array(
'settings' => '',
'schedule' => 'false',
'schedule-type' => 'wpo_weekly',
'retention-enabled' => 'false',
'retention-period' => '',
'enable-admin-menu' => 'false',
'enable_cache_in_admin_bar' => true,
'trackbacks_action' => array(),
'comments_action' => array(),
'auto' => '',
'logging' => '',
'logging-additional' => '',
* Returns url to WP-Optimize admin dashboard.
* @return string
public function admin_page_url($page = 'WP-Optimize') {
if (is_multisite()) {
return network_admin_url('admin.php?page='.$page);
} else {
return admin_url('admin.php?page='.$page);
* Returns WP-Optimize option value.
* @param string $option Option name.
* @param bool $default
* @return mixed|void
public function get_option($option, $default = false) {
if (is_multisite()) {
$blog_changed = false;
// make sure that we are on main blog.
if (!is_main_site()) {
// get main blog is
if (function_exists('get_network')) {
$main_blog_id = get_network()->site_id;
} else {
global $current_site;
$main_blog_id = $current_site->blog_id;
$blog_changed = true;
// check option value for old plugin versions.
$old_version_option_value = get_option('wp-optimize-'.$option, null);
// if blog was changed.
if ($blog_changed) restore_current_blog();
// check option value for new plugin versions.
$new_version_option_value = get_site_option('wp-optimize-mu-'.$option, null);
// if it is exists old version value and doesn't exists new version option then return value.
if (null !== $old_version_option_value && null === $new_version_option_value) return $old_version_option_value;
return get_site_option('wp-optimize-mu-'.$option, $default);
} else {
return get_option('wp-optimize-'.$option, $default);
* Update WP-Optimize option value.
* @param string $option Option name.
* @param mixed $value Option value.
* @return bool
public function update_option($option, $value) {
if (is_multisite()) {
return update_site_option('wp-optimize-mu-'.$option, $value);
} else {
return update_option('wp-optimize-'.$option, $value);
* Delete WP-Optimize.
* @param string $option Option name.
public function delete_option($option) {
if (is_multisite()) {
} else {
public function get_option_keys() {
return apply_filters(
array('defaults', 'weekly-schedule', 'schedule', 'retention-enabled', 'retention-period', 'last-optimized', 'enable-admin-menu', 'schedule-type', 'total-cleaned', 'current-cleaned', 'email-address', 'email', 'auto', 'settings', 'dismiss_page_notice_until', 'dismiss_dash_notice_until', 'enable_cache_in_admin_bar')
* This particular option has its own functions abstracted to make it easier to change the format in future.
* To allow callers to always assume the latest format (because get_main_settings() will convert, if needed).
* @param array $settings Array of optimization settings.
* @return array
private function save_manual_run_optimizations_settings($settings) {
$settings['last_saved_in'] = WPO_VERSION;
return $this->update_option('settings', $settings);
public function get_main_settings() {
return $this->get_option('settings');
* This saves the tick box options for enabling auto backup
* @param array $settings Array of information with the state of the tick box selected.
* @return array Message Array for being completed.
public function save_auto_backup_option($settings) {
if (isset($settings['auto_backup']) && 'true' == $settings['auto_backup']) {
$this->update_option('enable-auto-backup', 'true');
} else {
$this->update_option('enable-auto-backup', 'false');
$output = array('messages' => array());
$output['messages'][] = __('Auto backup option updated.', 'wp-optimize');
return $output;
* Save option which sites to optimize in multisite mode
* @param array $settings array of blog ids or "all" item for all sites.
* @return bool
public function save_wpo_sites_option($settings) {
return $this->update_option('wpo-sites', $settings);
* Return list of blog ids to optimize in multisite mode
* @return mixed|void
public function get_wpo_sites_option() {
return $this->get_option('wpo-sites', array('all'));
* Save options
* @return array
public function save_settings($settings) {
$output = array('messages' => array(), 'errors' => array());
if (!empty($settings["enable-schedule"])) {
$this->update_option('schedule', 'true');
if (isset($settings["schedule_type"])) {
$schedule_type = (string) $settings['schedule_type'];
$this->update_option('schedule-type', $schedule_type);
} else {
$this->update_option('schedule-type', 'wpo_weekly');
} else {
$this->update_option('schedule', 'false');
$this->update_option('schedule-type', 'wpo_weekly');
if (!empty($settings["enable-retention"])) {
$retention_period = (int) $settings['retention-period'];
$this->update_option('retention-enabled', 'true');
$this->update_option('retention-period', $retention_period);
} else {
$this->update_option('retention-enabled', 'false');
if (!empty($settings["enable-revisions-retention"])) {
$revisions_retention_count = (int) $settings['revisions-retention-count'];
$this->update_option('revisions-retention-enabled', 'true');
$this->update_option('revisions-retention-count', $revisions_retention_count);
} else {
$this->update_option('revisions-retention-enabled', 'false');
// Get saved admin menu value before check.
$saved_admin_bar = $this->get_option('enable-admin-menu', 'false');
// Set refresh of default false so it doesnt refresh after save.
$output['refresh'] = false;
if (!empty($settings['enable-admin-bar'])) {
$this->update_option('enable-admin-menu', 'true');
} else {
$this->update_option('enable-admin-menu', 'false');
// Make sure inbound input is a string.
$updated_admin_bar = (isset($settings['enable-admin-bar']) && $settings['enable-admin-bar']) ? 'true' : 'false';
// Check if the value is refreshed .
if ($saved_admin_bar != $updated_admin_bar) {
// Set refresh to true as the values have changed.
$output['refresh'] = true;
// Save cache toolbar display setting
$saved_enable_cache_in_admin_bar = $this->get_option('enable_cache_in_admin_bar', true);
if ($saved_enable_cache_in_admin_bar != $settings['enable_cache_in_admin_bar']) {
$this->update_option('enable_cache_in_admin_bar', $settings['enable_cache_in_admin_bar']);
$output['refresh'] = true;
do_action("auto_option_settings", $settings);
/** Save multisite options */
if (isset($settings['wpo-sites-cron'])) {
$this->update_option('wpo-sites-cron', $settings['wpo-sites-cron']);
if (isset($settings['wpo-sites'])) {
/** Save logging options */
$logger_type = isset($settings['wpo-logger-type']) ? $settings['wpo-logger-type'] : '';
$logger_options = isset($settings['wpo-logger-options']) ? $settings['wpo-logger-options'] : '';
$this->update_option('logging', $logger_type);
$this->update_option('logging-additional', $logger_options);
// Save selected optimization settings.
if (isset($settings['optimization-options'])) {
$this->save_sent_manual_run_optimization_options($settings['optimization-options'], false, false);
// Save auto backup option value.
$enable_auto_backup = (isset($settings['enable-auto-backup']) ? 'true' : 'false');
$this->update_option('enable-auto-backup', $enable_auto_backup);
// Save additional auto backup option values.
// Save force DB optimization value.
$enable_db_force_optimize = (isset($settings['innodb-force-optimize']) ? 'true' : 'false');
$this->update_option('enable-db-force-optimize', $enable_db_force_optimize);
$output['messages'][] = __('Settings updated.', 'wp-optimize');
return $output;
* Wipe all options from database options tables.
* @return bool|false|int
public function wipe_settings() {
global $wpdb;
// Delete the user meta if user meta is set for ignores the table delete warning
$user_query = new WP_User_Query(array('meta_key' => 'wpo-ignores-table-delete-warning', 'meta_value' => '1', 'fields' => 'ID'));
$users = $user_query->get_results();
if (!empty($users)) {
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
delete_user_meta($user_id, 'wpo-ignores-table-delete-warning');
// disable cache and clean any information related to WP-Optimize Cache.
// delete settings from .htaccess
// delete settings from options table.
$keys = '"' . implode('", "', $this->get_additional_settings_keys()) . '"';
if (is_multisite()) {
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->sitemeta} WHERE `meta_key` LIKE 'wp-optimize-mu-%' OR `meta_key` IN ({$keys})");
} else {
$result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE `option_name` LIKE 'wp-optimize-%' OR `option_name` IN ({$keys})");
return $result;
* Get list of WP-Optimize settings database keys which are don't use default `wp-optimize-` prefix.
* @return array
public function get_additional_settings_keys() {
return array(
* Saves auto optimization settings
* @param array $settings Auto optimization settings array submitted by user
* @return void
public function auto_option_settings($settings) {
$optimizer = WP_Optimize()->get_optimizer();
if (!empty($settings["schedule_type"])) {
$options_from_user = isset($settings['wp-optimize-auto']) ? $settings['wp-optimize-auto'] : array();
if (!is_array($options_from_user)) $options_from_user = array();
$new_auto_options = array();
$optimizations = $optimizer->get_optimizations();
foreach ($optimizations as $optimization) {
if (empty($optimization->available_for_auto)) continue;
$auto_id = $optimization->get_auto_id();
$new_auto_options[$auto_id] = empty($options_from_user[$auto_id]) ? 'false' : 'true';
$this->update_option('auto', $new_auto_options);
* Save lazy load settings
* @param array $settings
* @return bool
public function save_lazy_load_settings($settings) {
/** Save Lazy Load settings */
if (isset($settings['lazyload'])) {
$this->update_option('lazyload', $settings['lazyload']);
} else {
$this->update_option('lazyload', array());
return true;
* The $use_dom_id parameter is legacy, for when saving options not with AJAX (in which case the dom ID comes via the $_POST array)
* @param array $sent_options Options sent from Ajax.
* @param boolean $use_dom_id Parameter is legacy.
* @param boolean $available_for_saving_only Save only available for saving optimization state.
* @return array User Options
public function save_sent_manual_run_optimization_options($sent_options, $use_dom_id = false, $available_for_saving_only = true) {
$optimizations = WP_Optimize()->get_optimizer()->get_optimizations();
$user_options = array();
foreach ($optimizations as $optimization_id => $optimization) {
// In current code, not all options can be saved.
// Revisions, drafts, spams, unapproved, optimize.
if (is_wp_error($optimization) || ($available_for_saving_only && empty($optimization->available_for_saving))) continue;
$setting_id = $optimization->get_setting_id();
$id_in_sent = (($use_dom_id) ? $optimization->get_dom_id() : $optimization_id);
// 'true' / 'false' are indeed strings here; this is the historical state. It may be possible to change later using our abstraction interface.
$user_options[$setting_id] = isset($sent_options[$id_in_sent]) ? 'true' : 'false';
return $this->save_manual_run_optimizations_settings($user_options);
public function delete_all_options() {
$option_keys = $this->get_option_keys();
foreach ($option_keys as $key) {
* Setup options if not exists already.
public function set_default_options() {
$deprecated = null;
$autoload_no = 'no';
if (false === $this->get_option('schedule')) {
// The option hasn't been added yet. We'll add it with $autoload_no set to 'no'.
$this->update_option('schedule', 'false', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
$this->update_option('last-optimized', 'Never', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
$this->update_option('schedule-type', 'wpo_weekly', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
// Deactivate cron.
if (false === $this->get_option('retention-enabled')) {
$this->update_option('retention-enabled', 'false', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
$this->update_option('retention-period', '2', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
if (false === $this->get_option('enable-admin-menu')) {
$this->update_option('enable-admin-menu', 'false', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
if (false === $this->get_option('total-cleaned')) {
$this->update_option('total-cleaned', '0', $deprecated, $autoload_no);
$optimizer = WP_Optimize()->get_optimizer();
$optimizations = $optimizer->get_optimizations();
$auto_options = $this->get_option('auto');
$new_auto_options = array();
// Auto options doesn't exists or invalid. Set default.
if (empty($auto_options)) {
foreach ($optimizations as $optimization) {
if (empty($optimization->available_for_auto)) continue;
$auto_id = $optimization->get_auto_id();
$new_auto_options[$auto_id] = empty($optimization->auto_default) ? 'false' : 'true';
$this->update_option('auto', apply_filters('wpo_default_auto_options', $new_auto_options));
// Settings for main screen.
if (false === $this->get_main_settings()) {
$optimizer = WP_Optimize()->get_optimizer();
$optimizations = $optimizer->get_optimizations();
$new_settings = array();
foreach ($optimizations as $optimization) {
if (is_wp_error($optimization)) continue;
$setting_id = $optimization->get_setting_id();
$new_settings[$setting_id] = empty($optimization->setting_default) ? 'false' : 'true';
* Save additional auto backup checkbox values.
* @param array $settings array with options.
private function save_additional_auto_backup_options($settings) {
// Save additional auto backup option values.
foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('/enable\-auto\-backup\-/', $key)) {
$value = ('true' == $value) ? 'true' : 'false';
$this->update_option($key, $value);