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2024-04-10 12:01:06 +00:00
* acf_filter_attrs
* Filters out empty attrs from the provided array.
* @date 11/6/19
* @since 5.8.1
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return array
function acf_filter_attrs( $attrs ) {
// Filter out empty attrs but allow "0" values.
$filtered = array_filter( $attrs, 'acf_not_empty' );
// Correct specific attributes (required="required").
foreach ( array( 'required', 'readonly', 'disabled', 'multiple' ) as $key ) {
unset( $filtered[ $key ] );
if ( ! empty( $attrs[ $key ] ) ) {
$filtered[ $key ] = $key;
return $filtered;
* acf_esc_attrs
* Generated valid HTML from an array of attrs.
* @date 11/6/19
* @since 5.8.1
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_esc_attrs( $attrs ) {
$html = '';
// Loop over attrs and validate data types.
foreach ( $attrs as $k => $v ) {
// String (but don't trim value).
if ( is_string( $v ) && ( $k !== 'value' ) ) {
$v = trim( $v );
// Boolean
} elseif ( is_bool( $v ) ) {
$v = $v ? 1 : 0;
// Object
} elseif ( is_array( $v ) || is_object( $v ) ) {
$v = json_encode( $v );
// Generate HTML.
$html .= sprintf( ' %s="%s"', esc_attr( $k ), esc_attr( $v ) );
// Return trimmed.
return trim( $html );
* Sanitizes text content and strips out disallowed HTML.
* This function emulates `wp_kses_post()` with a context of "acf" for extensibility.
* @date 16/4/21
* @since 5.9.6
* @param string $string
* @return string
function acf_esc_html( $string = '' ) {
return wp_kses( (string) $string, 'acf' );
* Private callback for the "wp_kses_allowed_html" filter used to return allowed HTML for "acf" context.
* @date 16/4/21
* @since 5.9.6
* @param array $tags An array of allowed tags.
* @param string $context The context name.
* @return array.
function _acf_kses_allowed_html( $tags, $context ) {
global $allowedposttags;
if ( $context === 'acf' ) {
return $allowedposttags;
return $tags;
add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', '_acf_kses_allowed_html', 0, 2 );
* acf_html_input
* Returns the HTML of an input.
* @date 13/6/19
* @since 5.8.1
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
// function acf_html_input( $attrs = array() ) {
// return sprintf( '<input %s/>', acf_esc_attrs($attrs) );
// }
* acf_hidden_input
* Renders the HTML of a hidden input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_hidden_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_hidden_input( $attrs );
* acf_get_hidden_input
* Returns the HTML of a hidden input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_hidden_input( $attrs = array() ) {
return sprintf( '<input type="hidden" %s/>', acf_esc_attrs( $attrs ) );
* acf_text_input
* Renders the HTML of a text input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_text_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_text_input( $attrs );
* acf_get_text_input
* Returns the HTML of a text input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_text_input( $attrs = array() ) {
$attrs = wp_parse_args(
'type' => 'text',
if ( isset( $attrs['value'] ) && is_string( $attrs['value'] ) ) {
$attrs['value'] = htmlspecialchars( $attrs['value'] );
return sprintf( '<input %s/>', acf_esc_attrs( $attrs ) );
* acf_file_input
* Renders the HTML of a file input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_file_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_file_input( $attrs );
* acf_get_file_input
* Returns the HTML of a file input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_file_input( $attrs = array() ) {
$field_key = isset( $attrs['key'] ) && is_string( $attrs['key'] ) ? $attrs['key'] : '';
$nonce_field = '';
* If we don't have a field key (most likely because this was called by a third-party field),
* we have to try to guess the field key based on the field name.
if ( '' === $field_key ) {
$parts = explode( '[', $attrs['name'] );
if ( is_array( $parts ) && ! empty( $parts[1] ) ) {
// Remove the trailing `]`.
$field_key = substr( end( $parts ), 0, -1 );
* We only output the nonce if we have a field key, as it's possible to render
* the file input without a real field. But, basic uploaders that don't have any
* custom logic will likely fail to upload anyway if they don't have a field key.
if ( '' !== $field_key ) {
$nonce_attrs = array(
'name' => 'acf[' . $field_key . '_file_nonce]',
'value' => wp_create_nonce( 'acf/file_uploader_nonce/' . $field_key ),
$nonce_field = sprintf(
'<input type="hidden" %s />',
acf_esc_attrs( $nonce_attrs )
return sprintf(
'<input type="file" %1$s />%2$s',
acf_esc_attrs( $attrs ),
* acf_textarea_input
* Renders the HTML of a textarea input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_textarea_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_textarea_input( $attrs );
* acf_get_textarea_input
* Returns the HTML of a textarea input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_textarea_input( $attrs = array() ) {
$value = '';
if ( isset( $attrs['value'] ) ) {
$value = $attrs['value'];
unset( $attrs['value'] );
return sprintf( '<textarea %s>%s</textarea>', acf_esc_attrs( $attrs ), esc_textarea( $value ) );
* acf_checkbox_input
* Renders the HTML of a checkbox input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_checkbox_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_checkbox_input( $attrs );
* acf_get_checkbox_input
* Returns the HTML of a checkbox input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_checkbox_input( $attrs = array() ) {
// Allow radio or checkbox type.
$attrs = wp_parse_args(
'type' => 'checkbox',
// Get label.
$label = '';
if ( isset( $attrs['label'] ) ) {
$label = $attrs['label'];
unset( $attrs['label'] );
// Render.
$checked = isset( $attrs['checked'] );
return '<label' . ( $checked ? ' class="selected"' : '' ) . '><input ' . acf_esc_attr( $attrs ) . '/> ' . acf_esc_html( $label ) . '</label>';
* acf_radio_input
* Renders the HTML of a radio input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_radio_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_radio_input( $attrs );
* acf_get_radio_input
* Returns the HTML of a radio input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_radio_input( $attrs = array() ) {
$attrs['type'] = 'radio';
return acf_get_checkbox_input( $attrs );
* acf_select_input
* Renders the HTML of a select input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_select_input( $attrs = array() ) {
echo acf_get_select_input( $attrs );
* acf_select_input
* Returns the HTML of a select input.
* @date 3/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_get_select_input( $attrs = array() ) {
$value = (array) acf_extract_var( $attrs, 'value' );
$choices = (array) acf_extract_var( $attrs, 'choices' );
return sprintf(
'<select %s>%s</select>',
acf_esc_attrs( $attrs ),
acf_walk_select_input( $choices, $value )
* acf_walk_select_input
* Returns the HTML of a select input's choices.
* @date 27/6/17
* @since 5.6.0
* @param array $choices The choices to walk through.
* @param array $values The selected choices.
* @param array $depth The current walk depth.
* @return string
function acf_walk_select_input( $choices = array(), $values = array(), $depth = 0 ) {
$html = '';
// Sanitize values for 'selected' matching (only once).
if ( $depth == 0 ) {
$values = array_map( 'esc_attr', $values );
// Loop over choices and append to html.
if ( $choices ) {
foreach ( $choices as $value => $label ) {
// Multiple (optgroup)
if ( is_array( $label ) ) {
$html .= sprintf(
'<optgroup label="%s">%s</optgroup>',
esc_attr( $value ),
acf_walk_select_input( $label, $values, $depth + 1 )
// single (option)
} else {
$attrs = array(
'value' => $value,
// If is selected.
$pos = array_search( esc_attr( $value ), $values );
if ( $pos !== false ) {
$attrs['selected'] = 'selected';
$attrs['data-i'] = $pos;
$html .= sprintf( '<option %s>%s</option>', acf_esc_attr( $attrs ), esc_html( $label ) );
return $html;
* acf_clean_atts
* See acf_filter_attrs().
* @date 3/10/17
* @since 5.6.3
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_clean_atts( $attrs ) {
return acf_filter_attrs( $attrs );
* acf_esc_atts
* See acf_esc_attrs().
* @date 27/6/17
* @since 5.6.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_esc_atts( $attrs ) {
return acf_esc_attrs( $attrs );
* acf_esc_attr
* See acf_esc_attrs().
* @date 13/6/19
* @since 5.8.1
* @deprecated 5.6.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_esc_attr( $attrs ) {
return acf_esc_attrs( $attrs );
* acf_esc_attr_e
* See acf_esc_attrs().
* @date 13/6/19
* @since 5.8.1
* @deprecated 5.6.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_esc_attr_e( $attrs ) {
echo acf_esc_attrs( $attrs );
* acf_esc_atts_e
* See acf_esc_attrs().
* @date 13/6/19
* @since 5.8.1
* @deprecated 5.6.0
* @param array $attrs The array of attrs.
* @return string
function acf_esc_atts_e( $attrs ) {
echo acf_esc_attrs( $attrs );