/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-flexible-content.js": /*!*****************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-flexible-content.js ***! \*****************************************************************************************/ /***/ (() => { (function ($) { var Field = acf.Field.extend({ type: 'flexible_content', wait: '', events: { 'click [data-name="add-layout"]': 'onClickAdd', 'click [data-name="duplicate-layout"]': 'onClickDuplicate', 'click [data-name="remove-layout"]': 'onClickRemove', 'click [data-name="collapse-layout"]': 'onClickCollapse', showField: 'onShow', unloadField: 'onUnload', mouseover: 'onHover' }, $control: function () { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first'); }, $layoutsWrap: function () { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first > .values'); }, $layouts: function () { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first > .values > .layout'); }, $layout: function (index) { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first > .values > .layout:eq(' + index + ')'); }, $clonesWrap: function () { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first > .clones'); }, $clones: function () { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first > .clones > .layout'); }, $clone: function (name) { return this.$('.acf-flexible-content:first > .clones > .layout[data-layout="' + name + '"]'); }, $actions: function () { return this.$('.acf-actions:last'); }, $button: function () { return this.$('.acf-actions:last .button'); }, $popup: function () { return this.$('.tmpl-popup:last'); }, getPopupHTML: function () { var html = this.$popup().html(); var $html = $(html); // count layouts var $layouts = this.$layouts(); var countLayouts = function (name) { return $layouts.filter(function () { return $(this).data('layout') === name; }).length; }; // modify popup $html.find('[data-layout]').each(function () { var $a = $(this); var min = $a.data('min') || 0; var max = $a.data('max') || 0; var name = $a.data('layout') || ''; var count = countLayouts(name); // max if (max && count >= max) { $a.addClass('disabled'); return; } // min if (min && count < min) { var required = min - count; var title = acf.__('{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})'); var identifier = acf._n('layout', 'layouts', required); // translate title = title.replace('{required}', required); title = title.replace('{label}', name); // 5.5.0 title = title.replace('{identifier}', identifier); title = title.replace('{min}', min); // badge $a.append('' + required + ''); } }); // update html = $html.outerHTML(); return html; }, getValue: function () { return this.$layouts().length; }, allowRemove: function () { var min = parseInt(this.get('min')); return !min || min < this.val(); }, allowAdd: function () { var max = parseInt(this.get('max')); return !max || max > this.val(); }, isFull: function () { var max = parseInt(this.get('max')); return max && this.val() >= max; }, addSortable: function (self) { // bail early if max 1 row if (this.get('max') == 1) { return; } // add sortable this.$layoutsWrap().sortable({ items: '> .layout', handle: '> .acf-fc-layout-handle', forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, scroll: true, stop: function (event, ui) { self.render(); }, update: function (event, ui) { self.$input().trigger('change'); } }); }, addCollapsed: function () { var indexes = preference.load(this.get('key')); // bail early if no collapsed if (!indexes) { return false; } // loop this.$layouts().each(function (i) { if (indexes.indexOf(i) > -1) { $(this).addClass('-collapsed'); } }); }, addUnscopedEvents: function (self) { // invalidField this.on('invalidField', '.layout', function (e) { self.onInvalidField(e, $(this)); }); }, initialize: function () { // add unscoped events this.addUnscopedEvents(this); // add collapsed this.addCollapsed(); // disable clone acf.disable(this.$clonesWrap(), this.cid); // render this.render(); }, render: function () { // update order number this.$layouts().each(function (i) { $(this).find('.acf-fc-layout-order:first').html(i + 1); }); // empty if (this.val() == 0) { this.$control().addClass('-empty'); } else { this.$control().removeClass('-empty'); } // max if (this.isFull()) { this.$button().addClass('disabled'); } else { this.$button().removeClass('disabled'); } }, onShow: function (e, $el, context) { // get sub fields var fields = acf.getFields({ is: ':visible', parent: this.$el }); // trigger action // - ignore context, no need to pass through 'conditional_logic' // - this is just for fields like google_map to render itself acf.doAction('show_fields', fields); }, validateAdd: function () { // return true if allowed if (this.allowAdd()) { return true; } var max = this.get('max'); var text = acf.__('This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}'); var identifier = acf._n('layout', 'layouts', max); // replace text = text.replace('{max}', max); text = text.replace('{label}', ''); text = text.replace('{identifier}', identifier); // add notice this.showNotice({ text: text, type: 'warning' }); return false; }, onClickAdd: function (e, $el) { // validate if (!this.validateAdd()) { return false; } // within layout var $layout = null; if ($el.hasClass('acf-icon')) { $layout = $el.closest('.layout'); $layout.addClass('-hover'); } // new popup var popup = new Popup({ target: $el, targetConfirm: false, text: this.getPopupHTML(), context: this, confirm: function (e, $el) { // check disabled if ($el.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } // add this.add({ layout: $el.data('layout'), before: $layout }); }, cancel: function () { if ($layout) { $layout.removeClass('-hover'); } } }); // add extra event popup.on('click', '[data-layout]', 'onConfirm'); }, add: function (args) { // defaults args = acf.parseArgs(args, { layout: '', before: false }); // validate if (!this.allowAdd()) { return false; } // add row var $el = acf.duplicate({ target: this.$clone(args.layout), append: this.proxy(function ($el, $el2) { // append if (args.before) { args.before.before($el2); } else { this.$layoutsWrap().append($el2); } // enable acf.enable($el2, this.cid); // render this.render(); }) }); // trigger change for validation errors this.$input().trigger('change'); return $el; }, onClickDuplicate: function (e, $el) { // Validate with warning. if (!this.validateAdd()) { return false; } // get layout and duplicate it. var $layout = $el.closest('.layout'); this.duplicateLayout($layout); }, duplicateLayout: function ($layout) { // Validate without warning. if (!this.allowAdd()) { return false; } var fieldKey = this.get('key'); // Duplicate layout. var $el = acf.duplicate({ target: $layout, // Provide a custom renaming callback to avoid renaming parent row attributes. rename: function (name, value, search, replace) { // Rename id attributes from "field_1-search" to "field_1-replace". if (name === 'id' || name === 'for') { return value.replace(fieldKey + '-' + search, fieldKey + '-' + replace); // Rename name and for attributes from "[field_1][search]" to "[field_1][replace]". } else { return value.replace(fieldKey + '][' + search, fieldKey + '][' + replace); } }, before: function ($el) { acf.doAction('unmount', $el); }, after: function ($el, $el2) { acf.doAction('remount', $el); } }); // trigger change for validation errors this.$input().trigger('change'); // Update order numbers. this.render(); // Draw focus to layout. acf.focusAttention($el); // Return new layout. return $el; }, validateRemove: function () { // return true if allowed if (this.allowRemove()) { return true; } var min = this.get('min'); var text = acf.__('This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}'); var identifier = acf._n('layout', 'layouts', min); // replace text = text.replace('{min}', min); text = text.replace('{label}', ''); text = text.replace('{identifier}', identifier); // add notice this.showNotice({ text: text, type: 'warning' }); return false; }, onClickRemove: function (e, $el) { var $layout = $el.closest('.layout'); // Bypass confirmation when holding down "shift" key. if (e.shiftKey) { return this.removeLayout($layout); } // add class $layout.addClass('-hover'); // add tooltip var tooltip = acf.newTooltip({ confirmRemove: true, target: $el, context: this, confirm: function () { this.removeLayout($layout); }, cancel: function () { $layout.removeClass('-hover'); } }); }, removeLayout: function ($layout) { // reference var self = this; var endHeight = this.getValue() == 1 ? 60 : 0; // remove acf.remove({ target: $layout, endHeight: endHeight, complete: function () { // trigger change to allow attachment save self.$input().trigger('change'); // render self.render(); } }); }, onClickCollapse: function (e, $el) { var $layout = $el.closest('.layout'); // toggle if (this.isLayoutClosed($layout)) { this.openLayout($layout); } else { this.closeLayout($layout); } }, isLayoutClosed: function ($layout) { return $layout.hasClass('-collapsed'); }, openLayout: function ($layout) { $layout.removeClass('-collapsed'); acf.doAction('show', $layout, 'collapse'); }, closeLayout: function ($layout) { $layout.addClass('-collapsed'); acf.doAction('hide', $layout, 'collapse'); // render // - no change could happen if layout was already closed. Only render when closing this.renderLayout($layout); }, renderLayout: function ($layout) { var $input = $layout.children('input'); var prefix = $input.attr('name').replace('[acf_fc_layout]', ''); // ajax data var ajaxData = { action: 'acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title', field_key: this.get('key'), i: $layout.index(), layout: $layout.data('layout'), value: acf.serialize($layout, prefix) }; // ajax $.ajax({ url: acf.get('ajaxurl'), data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData), dataType: 'html', type: 'post', success: function (html) { if (html) { $layout.children('.acf-fc-layout-handle').html(html); } } }); }, onUnload: function () { var indexes = []; // loop this.$layouts().each(function (i) { if ($(this).hasClass('-collapsed')) { indexes.push(i); } }); // allow null indexes = indexes.length ? indexes : null; // set preference.save(this.get('key'), indexes); }, onInvalidField: function (e, $layout) { // open if is collapsed if (this.isLayoutClosed($layout)) { this.openLayout($layout); } }, onHover: function () { // add sortable this.addSortable(this); // remove event this.off('mouseover'); } }); acf.registerFieldType(Field); /** * Popup * * description * * @date 7/4/18 * @since 5.6.9 * * @param type $var Description. Default. * @return type Description. */ var Popup = acf.models.TooltipConfirm.extend({ events: { 'click [data-layout]': 'onConfirm', 'click [data-event="cancel"]': 'onCancel' }, render: function () { // set HTML this.html(this.get('text')); // add class this.$el.addClass('acf-fc-popup'); } }); /** * conditions * * description * * @date 9/4/18 * @since 5.6.9 * * @param type $var Description. Default. * @return type Description. */ // register existing conditions acf.registerConditionForFieldType('hasValue', 'flexible_content'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('hasNoValue', 'flexible_content'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('lessThan', 'flexible_content'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('greaterThan', 'flexible_content'); // state var preference = new acf.Model({ name: 'this.collapsedLayouts', key: function (key, context) { var count = this.get(key + context) || 0; // update count++; this.set(key + context, count, true); // modify fieldKey if (count > 1) { key += '-' + count; } return key; }, load: function (key) { var key = this.key(key, 'load'); var data = acf.getPreference(this.name); if (data && data[key]) { return data[key]; } else { return false; } }, save: function (key, value) { var key = this.key(key, 'save'); var data = acf.getPreference(this.name) || {}; // delete if (value === null) { delete data[key]; // append } else { data[key] = value; } // allow null if ($.isEmptyObject(data)) { data = null; } // save acf.setPreference(this.name, data); } }); })(jQuery); /***/ }), /***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-gallery.js": /*!********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-gallery.js ***! \********************************************************************************/ /***/ (() => { (function ($) { var Field = acf.Field.extend({ type: 'gallery', events: { 'click .acf-gallery-add': 'onClickAdd', 'click .acf-gallery-edit': 'onClickEdit', 'click .acf-gallery-remove': 'onClickRemove', 'click .acf-gallery-attachment': 'onClickSelect', 'click .acf-gallery-close': 'onClickClose', 'change .acf-gallery-sort': 'onChangeSort', 'click .acf-gallery-update': 'onUpdate', mouseover: 'onHover', showField: 'render' }, actions: { validation_begin: 'onValidationBegin', validation_failure: 'onValidationFailure', resize: 'onResize' }, onValidationBegin: function () { acf.disable(this.$sideData(), this.cid); }, onValidationFailure: function () { acf.enable(this.$sideData(), this.cid); }, $control: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery'); }, $collection: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery-attachments'); }, $attachments: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery-attachment'); }, $attachment: function (id) { return this.$('.acf-gallery-attachment[data-id="' + id + '"]'); }, $active: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery-attachment.active'); }, $main: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery-main'); }, $side: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery-side'); }, $sideData: function () { return this.$('.acf-gallery-side-data'); }, isFull: function () { var max = parseInt(this.get('max')); var count = this.$attachments().length; return max && count >= max; }, getValue: function () { // vars var val = []; // loop this.$attachments().each(function () { val.push($(this).data('id')); }); // return return val.length ? val : false; }, addUnscopedEvents: function (self) { // invalidField this.on('change', '.acf-gallery-side', function (e) { self.onUpdate(e, $(this)); }); }, addSortable: function (self) { // add sortable this.$collection().sortable({ items: '.acf-gallery-attachment', forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, scroll: true, start: function (event, ui) { ui.placeholder.html(ui.item.html()); ui.placeholder.removeAttr('style'); }, update: function (event, ui) { self.$input().trigger('change'); } }); // resizable this.$control().resizable({ handles: 's', minHeight: 200, stop: function (event, ui) { acf.update_user_setting('gallery_height', ui.size.height); } }); }, initialize: function () { // add unscoped events this.addUnscopedEvents(this); // render this.render(); }, render: function () { // vars var $sort = this.$('.acf-gallery-sort'); var $add = this.$('.acf-gallery-add'); var count = this.$attachments().length; // disable add if (this.isFull()) { $add.addClass('disabled'); } else { $add.removeClass('disabled'); } // disable select if (!count) { $sort.addClass('disabled'); } else { $sort.removeClass('disabled'); } // resize this.resize(); }, resize: function () { // vars var width = this.$control().width(); var target = 150; var columns = Math.round(width / target); // max columns = 8 columns = Math.min(columns, 8); // update data this.$control().attr('data-columns', columns); }, onResize: function () { this.resize(); }, openSidebar: function () { // add class this.$control().addClass('-open'); // hide bulk actions // should be done with CSS //this.$main().find('.acf-gallery-sort').hide(); // vars var width = this.$control().width() / 3; width = parseInt(width); width = Math.max(width, 350); // animate this.$('.acf-gallery-side-inner').css({ width: width - 1 }); this.$side().animate({ width: width - 1 }, 250); this.$main().animate({ right: width }, 250); }, closeSidebar: function () { // remove class this.$control().removeClass('-open'); // clear selection this.$active().removeClass('active'); // disable sidebar acf.disable(this.$side()); // animate var $sideData = this.$('.acf-gallery-side-data'); this.$main().animate({ right: 0 }, 250); this.$side().animate({ width: 0 }, 250, function () { $sideData.html(''); }); }, onClickAdd: function (e, $el) { // validate if (this.isFull()) { this.showNotice({ text: acf.__('Maximum selection reached'), type: 'warning' }); return; } // new frame var frame = acf.newMediaPopup({ mode: 'select', title: acf.__('Add Image to Gallery'), field: this.get('key'), multiple: 'add', library: this.get('library'), allowedTypes: this.get('mime_types'), selected: this.val(), select: $.proxy(function (attachment, i) { this.appendAttachment(attachment, i); }, this) }); }, appendAttachment: function (attachment, i) { // vars attachment = this.validateAttachment(attachment); // bail early if is full if (this.isFull()) { return; } // bail early if already exists if (this.$attachment(attachment.id).length) { return; } // html var html = [''].join(''); var $html = $(html); // append this.$collection().append($html); // move to beginning if (this.get('insert') === 'prepend') { var $before = this.$attachments().eq(i); if ($before.length) { $before.before($html); } } // render attachment this.renderAttachment(attachment); // render this.render(); // trigger change this.$input().trigger('change'); }, validateAttachment: function (attachment) { // defaults attachment = acf.parseArgs(attachment, { id: '', url: '', alt: '', title: '', filename: '', type: 'image' }); // WP attachment if (attachment.attributes) { attachment = attachment.attributes; // preview size var url = acf.isget(attachment, 'sizes', this.get('preview_size'), 'url'); if (url !== null) { attachment.url = url; } } // return return attachment; }, renderAttachment: function (attachment) { // vars attachment = this.validateAttachment(attachment); // vars var $el = this.$attachment(attachment.id); // Image type. if (attachment.type == 'image') { // Remove filename. $el.find('.filename').remove(); // Other file type. } else { // Check for attachment featured image. var image = acf.isget(attachment, 'image', 'src'); if (image !== null) { attachment.url = image; } // Update filename text. $el.find('.filename').text(attachment.filename); } // Default to mimetype icon. if (!attachment.url) { attachment.url = acf.get('mimeTypeIcon'); $el.addClass('-icon'); } // update els $el.find('img').attr({ src: attachment.url, alt: attachment.alt, title: attachment.title }); // update val acf.val($el.find('input'), attachment.id); }, editAttachment: function (id) { // new frame var frame = acf.newMediaPopup({ mode: 'edit', title: acf.__('Edit Image'), button: acf.__('Update Image'), attachment: id, field: this.get('key'), select: $.proxy(function (attachment, i) { this.renderAttachment(attachment); // todo - render sidebar }, this) }); }, onClickEdit: function (e, $el) { var id = $el.data('id'); if (id) { this.editAttachment(id); } }, removeAttachment: function (id) { // close sidebar (if open) this.closeSidebar(); // remove attachment this.$attachment(id).remove(); // render this.render(); // trigger change this.$input().trigger('change'); }, onClickRemove: function (e, $el) { // prevent event from triggering click on attachment e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); //remove var id = $el.data('id'); if (id) { this.removeAttachment(id); } }, selectAttachment: function (id) { // vars var $el = this.$attachment(id); // bail early if already active if ($el.hasClass('active')) { return; } // step 1 var step1 = this.proxy(function () { // save any changes in sidebar this.$side().find(':focus').trigger('blur'); // clear selection this.$active().removeClass('active'); // add selection $el.addClass('active'); // open sidebar this.openSidebar(); // call step 2 step2(); }); // step 2 var step2 = this.proxy(function () { // ajax var ajaxData = { action: 'acf/fields/gallery/get_attachment', field_key: this.get('key'), id: id }; // abort prev ajax call if (this.has('xhr')) { this.get('xhr').abort(); } // loading acf.showLoading(this.$sideData()); // get HTML var xhr = $.ajax({ url: acf.get('ajaxurl'), data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData), type: 'post', dataType: 'html', cache: false, success: step3 }); // update this.set('xhr', xhr); }); // step 3 var step3 = this.proxy(function (html) { // bail early if no html if (!html) { return; } // vars var $side = this.$sideData(); // render $side.html(html); // remove acf form data $side.find('.compat-field-acf-form-data').remove(); // merge tables $side.find('> table.form-table > tbody').append($side.find('> .compat-attachment-fields > tbody > tr')); // setup fields acf.doAction('append', $side); }); // run step 1 step1(); }, onClickSelect: function (e, $el) { var id = $el.data('id'); if (id) { this.selectAttachment(id); } }, onClickClose: function (e, $el) { this.closeSidebar(); }, onChangeSort: function (e, $el) { // Bail early if is disabled. if ($el.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } // Get sort val. var val = $el.val(); if (!val) { return; } // find ids var ids = []; this.$attachments().each(function () { ids.push($(this).data('id')); }); // step 1 var step1 = this.proxy(function () { // vars var ajaxData = { action: 'acf/fields/gallery/get_sort_order', field_key: this.get('key'), ids: ids, sort: val }; // get results var xhr = $.ajax({ url: acf.get('ajaxurl'), dataType: 'json', type: 'post', cache: false, data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData), success: step2 }); }); // step 2 var step2 = this.proxy(function (json) { // validate if (!acf.isAjaxSuccess(json)) { return; } // reverse order json.data.reverse(); // loop json.data.map(function (id) { this.$collection().prepend(this.$attachment(id)); }, this); }); // call step 1 step1(); }, onUpdate: function (e, $el) { // vars var $submit = this.$('.acf-gallery-update'); // validate if ($submit.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } // serialize data var ajaxData = acf.serialize(this.$sideData()); // loading $submit.addClass('disabled'); $submit.before(' '); // append AJAX action ajaxData.action = 'acf/fields/gallery/update_attachment'; // ajax $.ajax({ url: acf.get('ajaxurl'), data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData), type: 'post', dataType: 'json', complete: function () { $submit.removeClass('disabled'); $submit.prev('.acf-loading').remove(); } }); }, onHover: function () { // add sortable this.addSortable(this); // remove event this.off('mouseover'); } }); acf.registerFieldType(Field); // register existing conditions acf.registerConditionForFieldType('hasValue', 'gallery'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('hasNoValue', 'gallery'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('selectionLessThan', 'gallery'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('selectionGreaterThan', 'gallery'); })(jQuery); /***/ }), /***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-repeater.js": /*!*********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-repeater.js ***! \*********************************************************************************/ /***/ (() => { (function ($) { var Field = acf.Field.extend({ type: 'repeater', wait: '', page: 1, nextRowNum: 0, events: { 'click a[data-event="add-row"]': 'onClickAdd', 'click a[data-event="duplicate-row"]': 'onClickDuplicate', 'click a[data-event="remove-row"]': 'onClickRemove', 'click a[data-event="collapse-row"]': 'onClickCollapse', 'click a[data-event="first-page"]:not(.disabled)': 'onClickFirstPage', 'click a[data-event="last-page"]:not(.disabled)': 'onClickLastPage', 'click a[data-event="prev-page"]:not(.disabled)': 'onClickPrevPage', 'click a[data-event="next-page"]:not(.disabled)': 'onClickNextPage', 'change .current-page': 'onChangeCurrentPage', 'click .acf-order-input-wrap': 'onClickRowOrder', 'blur .acf-order-input': 'onBlurRowOrder', 'change .acf-order-input': 'onChangeRowOrder', 'changed:total_rows': 'onChangeTotalRows', showField: 'onShow', unloadField: 'onUnload', mouseover: 'onHover', change: 'onChangeField' }, $control: function () { return this.$('.acf-repeater:first'); }, $table: function () { return this.$('table:first'); }, $tbody: function () { return this.$('tbody:first'); }, $rows: function () { return this.$('tbody:first > tr').not('.acf-clone, .acf-deleted'); }, $row: function (index) { return this.$('tbody:first > tr:eq(' + index + ')'); }, $clone: function () { return this.$('tbody:first > tr.acf-clone'); }, $actions: function () { return this.$('.acf-actions:last'); }, $button: function () { return this.$('.acf-actions:last .button'); }, $firstPageButton: function () { return this.$('.acf-tablenav:last .first-page'); }, $prevPageButton: function () { return this.$('.acf-tablenav:last .prev-page'); }, $nextPageButton: function () { return this.$('.acf-tablenav:last .next-page'); }, $lastPageButton: function () { return this.$('.acf-tablenav:last .last-page'); }, $pageInput: function () { return this.$('.current-page:last'); }, totalPages: function () { const totalPages = this.$('.acf-total-pages:last').text(); return parseInt(totalPages); }, getValue: function () { return this.$rows().length; }, allowRemove: function () { let numRows = this.val(); let minRows = parseInt(this.get('min')); if (this.get('pagination')) { numRows = this.get('total_rows'); } return !minRows || minRows < numRows; }, allowAdd: function () { let numRows = this.val(); let maxRows = parseInt(this.get('max')); if (this.get('pagination')) { numRows = this.get('total_rows'); } return !maxRows || maxRows > numRows; }, addSortable: function (self) { // bail early if max 1 row if (this.get('max') == 1) { return; } // Bail early if using pagination. if (this.get('pagination')) { return; } // add sortable this.$tbody().sortable({ items: '> tr', handle: '> td.order', forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, scroll: true, stop: function (event, ui) { self.render(); }, update: function (event, ui) { self.$input().trigger('change'); } }); }, addCollapsed: function () { // vars var indexes = preference.load(this.get('key')); // bail early if no collapsed if (!indexes) { return false; } // loop this.$rows().each(function (i) { if (indexes.indexOf(i) > -1) { if ($(this).find('.-collapsed-target').length) { $(this).addClass('-collapsed'); } } }); }, addUnscopedEvents: function (self) { // invalidField this.on('invalidField', '.acf-row', function (e) { var $row = $(this); if (self.isCollapsed($row)) { self.expand($row); } }); // Listen for changes to fields, so we can persist them in the DOM. if (this.get('pagination')) { this.on('change', 'input, select, textarea', function (e) { const $changed = $(e.currentTarget); if (!$changed.hasClass('acf-order-input') && !$changed.hasClass('acf-row-status')) { self.onChangeField(e, $(this)); } }); } this.listenForSavedMetaBoxes(); }, initialize: function () { // add unscoped events this.addUnscopedEvents(this); // add collapsed this.addCollapsed(); // disable clone acf.disable(this.$clone(), this.cid); // Set up the next row number. if (this.get('pagination')) { this.nextRowNum = this.get('total_rows'); } // render this.render(); }, render: function (update_order_numbers = true) { // Update order number. if (update_order_numbers) { this.$rows().each(function (i) { $(this).find('> .order > span').html(i + 1); }); } // Extract vars. var $control = this.$control(); var $button = this.$button(); // empty if (this.val() == 0) { $control.addClass('-empty'); } else { $control.removeClass('-empty'); } // Reached max rows. if (!this.allowAdd()) { $control.addClass('-max'); $button.addClass('disabled'); } else { $control.removeClass('-max'); $button.removeClass('disabled'); } if (this.get('pagination')) { this.maybeDisablePagination(); } // Reached min rows (not used). //if( !this.allowRemove() ) { // $control.addClass('-min'); //} else { // $control.removeClass('-min'); //} }, listenForSavedMetaBoxes: function () { if (!acf.isGutenbergPostEditor() || !this.get('pagination')) { return; } let checkedMetaBoxes = true; wp.data.subscribe(() => { if (wp.data.select('core/edit-post').isSavingMetaBoxes()) { checkedMetaBoxes = false; } else { if (!checkedMetaBoxes) { checkedMetaBoxes = true; this.set('total_rows', 0, true); this.ajaxLoadPage(true); } } }); }, incrementTotalRows: function () { let totalRows = this.get('total_rows'); this.set('total_rows', ++totalRows, true); }, decrementTotalRows: function () { let totalRows = this.get('total_rows'); this.set('total_rows', --totalRows, true); }, validateAdd: function () { // return true if allowed if (this.allowAdd()) { return true; } // vars var max = this.get('max'); var text = acf.__('Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)'); // replace text = text.replace('{max}', max); // add notice this.showNotice({ text: text, type: 'warning' }); // return return false; }, onClickAdd: function (e, $el) { // validate if (!this.validateAdd()) { return false; } // add above row if ($el.hasClass('acf-icon')) { this.add({ before: $el.closest('.acf-row') }); // default } else { this.add(); } }, add: function (args) { // validate if (!this.allowAdd()) { return false; } // defaults args = acf.parseArgs(args, { before: false }); // add row var $el = acf.duplicate({ target: this.$clone(), append: this.proxy(function ($el, $el2) { // append if (args.before) { args.before.before($el2); } else { $el.before($el2); } // remove clone class $el2.removeClass('acf-clone'); // enable acf.enable($el2, this.cid); }) }); if (this.get('pagination')) { this.incrementTotalRows(); if (false !== args.before) { // If the row was inserted above an existing row, try to keep that order. const prevRowNum = parseInt(args.before.find('.acf-row-number').first().text()) || 0; let newRowNum = prevRowNum; if (newRowNum && !args.before.hasClass('acf-inserted') && !args.before.hasClass('acf-added')) { --newRowNum; } if (args.before.hasClass('acf-divider')) { args.before.removeClass('acf-divider'); $el.addClass('acf-divider'); } this.updateRowStatus($el, 'inserted'); this.updateRowStatus($el, 'reordered', newRowNum); // Hide the row numbers to avoid confusion with existing rows. $el.find('.acf-row-number').first().hide().text(newRowNum); if (!$el.find('.acf-order-input-wrap').hasClass('disabled')) { let message = acf.__('Order will be assigned upon save'); $el.find('.acf-order-input-wrap').addClass('disabled'); $el.find('.acf-row-number').first().after('-'); } $el.find('.acf-order-input').first().hide(); $el.attr('data-inserted', newRowNum); } else { this.nextRowNum++; $el.find('.acf-order-input').first().val(this.nextRowNum); $el.find('.acf-row-number').first().text(this.nextRowNum); this.updateRowStatus($el, 'added'); if (!this.$tbody().find('.acf-divider').length) { $el.addClass('acf-divider'); } } $el.find('.acf-input:first').find('input:not([type=hidden]), select, textarea').first().trigger('focus'); } // Render and trigger change for validation errors. this.render(); this.$input().trigger('change'); return $el; }, onClickDuplicate: function (e, $el) { // Validate with warning. if (!this.validateAdd()) { return false; } // get layout and duplicate it. var $row = $el.closest('.acf-row'); this.duplicateRow($row); }, duplicateRow: function ($row) { // Validate without warning. if (!this.allowAdd()) { return false; } // Vars. var fieldKey = this.get('key'); // Duplicate row. var $el = acf.duplicate({ target: $row, // Provide a custom renaming callback to avoid renaming parent row attributes. rename: function (name, value, search, replace) { // Rename id attributes from "field_1-search" to "field_1-replace". if (name === 'id' || name === 'for') { return value.replace(fieldKey + '-' + search, fieldKey + '-' + replace); // Rename name and for attributes from "[field_1][search]" to "[field_1][replace]". } else { return value.replace(fieldKey + '][' + search, fieldKey + '][' + replace); } }, before: function ($el) { acf.doAction('unmount', $el); }, after: function ($el, $el2) { acf.doAction('remount', $el); } }); if (this.get('pagination')) { this.incrementTotalRows(); // If the row was inserted above an existing row, try to keep that order. const prevRowNum = parseInt($row.find('.acf-row-number').first().text()) || 0; this.updateRowStatus($el, 'inserted'); this.updateRowStatus($el, 'reordered', prevRowNum); // Hide the row numbers to avoid confusion with existing rows. $el.find('.acf-row-number').first().hide(); if (!$el.find('.acf-order-input-wrap').hasClass('disabled')) { let message = acf.__('Order will be assigned upon save'); $el.find('.acf-order-input-wrap').addClass('disabled'); $el.find('.acf-row-number').first().after('-'); } $el.find('.acf-order-input').first().hide(); $el.attr('data-inserted', prevRowNum); $el.removeClass('acf-divider'); } // trigger change for validation errors this.$input().trigger('change'); // Update order numbers. this.render(); // Focus on new row. acf.focusAttention($el); // Return new layout. return $el; }, validateRemove: function () { // return true if allowed if (this.allowRemove()) { return true; } // vars var min = this.get('min'); var text = acf.__('Minimum rows not reached ({min} rows)'); // replace text = text.replace('{min}', min); // add notice this.showNotice({ text: text, type: 'warning' }); // return return false; }, onClickRemove: function (e, $el) { var $row = $el.closest('.acf-row'); // Bypass confirmation when holding down "shift" key. if (e.shiftKey) { return this.remove($row); } // add class $row.addClass('-hover'); // add tooltip var tooltip = acf.newTooltip({ confirmRemove: true, target: $el, context: this, confirm: function () { this.remove($row); }, cancel: function () { $row.removeClass('-hover'); } }); }, onClickRowOrder: function (e, $el) { if (!this.get('pagination')) { return; } if ($el.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } $el.find('.acf-row-number').hide(); $el.find('.acf-order-input').show().trigger('select'); }, onBlurRowOrder: function (e, $el) { this.onChangeRowOrder(e, $el, false); }, onChangeRowOrder: function (e, $el, update = true) { if (!this.get('pagination')) { return; } const $row = $el.closest('.acf-row'); const $orderSpan = $row.find('.acf-row-number').first(); let hrOrder = $el.val(); $row.find('.acf-order-input').first().hide(); if (!acf.isNumeric(hrOrder) || parseFloat(hrOrder) < 0) { $orderSpan.show(); return; } hrOrder = Math.round(hrOrder); const newOrder = hrOrder - 1; $el.val(hrOrder); $orderSpan.text(hrOrder).show(); if (update) { this.updateRowStatus($row, 'reordered', newOrder); } }, onChangeTotalRows: function () { const perPage = parseInt(this.get('per_page')) || 20; const totalRows = parseInt(this.get('total_rows')) || 0; const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalRows / perPage); // Update the total pages in pagination. this.$('.acf-total-pages:last').text(totalPages); this.nextRowNum = totalRows; // If the current page no longer exists, load the last page. if (this.page > totalPages) { this.page = totalPages; this.ajaxLoadPage(); } }, remove: function ($row) { const self = this; if (this.get('pagination')) { this.decrementTotalRows(); // If using pagination and the row had already been saved, just hide the row instead of deleting it. if ($row.data('id').includes('row-')) { this.updateRowStatus($row, 'deleted'); $row.hide(); self.$input().trigger('change'); self.render(false); return; } else if ($row.hasClass('acf-divider')) { $row.next('.acf-added').addClass('acf-divider'); } } // If not using pagination, delete the actual row. acf.remove({ target: $row, endHeight: 0, complete: function () { // trigger change to allow attachment save self.$input().trigger('change'); // render self.render(); // sync collapsed order //self.sync(); } }); }, isCollapsed: function ($row) { return $row.hasClass('-collapsed'); }, collapse: function ($row) { $row.addClass('-collapsed'); acf.doAction('hide', $row, 'collapse'); }, expand: function ($row) { $row.removeClass('-collapsed'); acf.doAction('show', $row, 'collapse'); }, onClickCollapse: function (e, $el) { // vars var $row = $el.closest('.acf-row'); var isCollpased = this.isCollapsed($row); // shift if (e.shiftKey) { $row = this.$rows(); } // toggle if (isCollpased) { this.expand($row); } else { this.collapse($row); } }, onShow: function (e, $el, context) { // get sub fields var fields = acf.getFields({ is: ':visible', parent: this.$el }); // trigger action // - ignore context, no need to pass through 'conditional_logic' // - this is just for fields like google_map to render itself acf.doAction('show_fields', fields); }, onUnload: function () { // vars var indexes = []; // loop this.$rows().each(function (i) { if ($(this).hasClass('-collapsed')) { indexes.push(i); } }); // allow null indexes = indexes.length ? indexes : null; // set preference.save(this.get('key'), indexes); }, onHover: function () { // add sortable this.addSortable(this); // remove event this.off('mouseover'); }, onChangeField: function (e, $el) { const $target = $(e.delegateTarget); let $row = $el.closest('.acf-row'); if ($row.closest('.acf-field-repeater').data('key') !== $target.data('key')) { $row = $row.parent().closest('.acf-row'); } this.updateRowStatus($row, 'changed'); }, updateRowStatus: function ($row, status, data = true) { if (!this.get('pagination')) { return; } const parent_key = $row.parents('.acf-field-repeater').data('key'); if (this.parent() && parent_key !== this.get('key')) { return; } const row_id = $row.data('id'); const input_name = this.$el.find('.acf-repeater-hidden-input:first').attr('name'); const status_name = `${input_name}[${row_id}][acf_${status}]`; const status_input = ``; if (!$row.hasClass('acf-' + status)) { $row.addClass('acf-' + status); } // TODO: Update so that this doesn't get messed up with repeater subfields. const $existing_status = $row.find(`input[name='${status_name}']`); if (!$existing_status.length) { $row.find('td').first().append(status_input); } else { $existing_status.val(data); } }, onClickFirstPage: function () { this.validatePage(1); }, onClickPrevPage: function () { this.validatePage(this.page - 1); }, onClickNextPage: function (e) { this.validatePage(this.page + 1); }, onClickLastPage: function () { this.validatePage(this.totalPages()); }, onChangeCurrentPage: function () { this.validatePage(this.$pageInput().val()); }, maybeDisablePagination: function () { this.$actions().find('.acf-nav').removeClass('disabled'); if (this.page <= 1) { this.$firstPageButton().addClass('disabled'); this.$prevPageButton().addClass('disabled'); } if (this.page >= this.totalPages()) { this.$nextPageButton().addClass('disabled'); this.$lastPageButton().addClass('disabled'); } }, validatePage: function (nextPage) { const self = this; // Validate the current page. acf.validateForm({ form: this.$control(), event: '', reset: true, success: function ($form) { self.page = nextPage; // Set up some sane defaults. if (self.page <= 1) { self.page = 1; } if (self.page >= self.totalPages()) { self.page = self.totalPages(); } self.ajaxLoadPage(); }, failure: function ($form) { self.$pageInput().val(self.page); return false; } }); }, ajaxLoadPage: function (clearChanged = false) { const ajaxData = acf.prepareForAjax({ action: 'acf/ajax/query_repeater', paged: this.page, field_key: this.get('key'), field_name: this.get('orig_name'), rows_per_page: parseInt(this.get('per_page')), refresh: clearChanged }); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: ajaxData, context: this }).done(function (response) { const { rows } = response.data; const $existingRows = this.$tbody().find('> tr'); $existingRows.not('.acf-clone').hide(); if (clearChanged) { // Remove any existing rows since we are refreshing from the server. $existingRows.not('.acf-clone').remove(); // Trigger a change in total rows, so we can update pagination. this.set('total_rows', response.data.total_rows, false); } else { $existingRows.not('.acf-changed, .acf-deleted, .acf-reordered, .acf-added, .acf-inserted, .acf-clone').remove(); } Object.keys(rows).forEach(index => { let $row = false; let $unsavedRow = this.$tbody().find('> *[data-id=row-' + index + ']'); let $insertedRow = this.$tbody().find('> *[data-inserted=' + index + ']'); // Unsaved new rows that are inserted into this specific position. if ($insertedRow.length) { $insertedRow.appendTo(this.$tbody()).show(); acf.doAction('remount', $insertedRow); } // Skip unsaved deleted rows; we don't want to show them again. if ($unsavedRow.hasClass('acf-deleted')) { return; } // Unsaved edited rows should be moved to correct position. if ($unsavedRow.length) { acf.doAction('unmount', $unsavedRow); $unsavedRow.appendTo(this.$tbody()).show(); acf.doAction('remount', $unsavedRow); return; } // Rows from the server (that haven't been changed or deleted) should be appended and shown. $row = $(rows[index]); this.$tbody().append($row).show(); acf.doAction('remount', $row); // Move clone field back to the right spot. this.$clone().appendTo(this.$tbody()); }); const $addedRows = this.$tbody().find('.acf-added:hidden'); // If there are any new rows that are still hidden, append them to the bottom. if ($addedRows.length) { const self = this; $addedRows.each(function () { const $addedRow = $(this); $addedRow.insertBefore(self.$clone()).show(); acf.doAction('remount', $addedRow); }); } // Update the page input. this.$pageInput().val(this.page); this.maybeDisablePagination(); }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { const error = acf.getXhrError(jqXHR); let message = acf.__('Error loading page'); if ('' !== error) { message = `${message}: ${error}`; } this.showNotice({ text: message, type: 'warning' }); }); } }); acf.registerFieldType(Field); // register existing conditions acf.registerConditionForFieldType('hasValue', 'repeater'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('hasNoValue', 'repeater'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('lessThan', 'repeater'); acf.registerConditionForFieldType('greaterThan', 'repeater'); // state var preference = new acf.Model({ name: 'this.collapsedRows', key: function (key, context) { // vars var count = this.get(key + context) || 0; // update count++; this.set(key + context, count, true); // modify fieldKey if (count > 1) { key += '-' + count; } // return return key; }, load: function (key) { // vars var key = this.key(key, 'load'); var data = acf.getPreference(this.name); // return if (data && data[key]) { return data[key]; } else { return false; } }, save: function (key, value) { // vars var key = this.key(key, 'save'); var data = acf.getPreference(this.name) || {}; // delete if (value === null) { delete data[key]; // append } else { data[key] = value; } // allow null if ($.isEmptyObject(data)) { data = null; } // save acf.setPreference(this.name, data); } }); })(jQuery); /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no module.id needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode. (() => { "use strict"; /*!***************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/acf-pro-input.js ***! \***************************************************************************/ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony import */ var _acf_field_repeater_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_acf-field-repeater.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-repeater.js"); /* harmony import */ var _acf_field_repeater_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_acf_field_repeater_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__); /* harmony import */ var _acf_field_flexible_content_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_acf-field-flexible-content.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-flexible-content.js"); /* harmony import */ var _acf_field_flexible_content_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_acf_field_flexible_content_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__); /* harmony import */ var _acf_field_gallery_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_acf-field-gallery.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/pro/_acf-field-gallery.js"); /* harmony import */ var _acf_field_gallery_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_acf_field_gallery_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__); })(); /******/ })() ; //# sourceMappingURL=acf-pro-input.js.map