/* Copyright 2014 Igor Vaynberg Version: 3.5.2 Timestamp: Sat Nov 1 14:43:36 EDT 2014 This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") or the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL License"). You may choose either license to govern your use of this software only upon the condition that you accept all of the terms of either the Apache License or the GPL License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License and the GPL License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Apache License or the GPL Licesnse is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License and the GPL License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License and the GPL License. */ ! ( function ( a ) { 'undefined' == typeof a.fn.each2 && a.extend( a.fn, { each2: function ( b ) { for ( var c = a( [ 0 ] ), d = -1, e = this.length; ++d < e && ( c.context = c[ 0 ] = this[ d ] ) && b.call( c[ 0 ], d, c ) !== ! 1; ); return this; }, } ); } )( jQuery ), ( function ( a, b ) { 'use strict'; function n( b ) { var c = a( document.createTextNode( '' ) ); b.before( c ), c.before( b ), c.remove(); } function o( a ) { function b( a ) { return m[ a ] || a; } return a.replace( /[^\u0000-\u007E]/g, b ); } function p( a, b ) { for ( var c = 0, d = b.length; d > c; c += 1 ) if ( r( a, b[ c ] ) ) return c; return -1; } function q() { var b = a( l ); b.appendTo( document.body ); var c = { width: b.width() - b[ 0 ].clientWidth, height: b.height() - b[ 0 ].clientHeight, }; return b.remove(), c; } function r( a, c ) { return a === c ? ! 0 : a === b || c === b ? ! 1 : null === a || null === c ? ! 1 : a.constructor === String ? a + '' == c + '' : c.constructor === String ? c + '' == a + '' : ! 1; } function s( a, b, c ) { var d, e, f; if ( null === a || a.length < 1 ) return []; for ( d = a.split( b ), e = 0, f = d.length; f > e; e += 1 ) d[ e ] = c( d[ e ] ); return d; } function t( a ) { return a.outerWidth( ! 1 ) - a.width(); } function u( c ) { var d = 'keyup-change-value'; c.on( 'keydown', function () { a.data( c, d ) === b && a.data( c, d, c.val() ); } ), c.on( 'keyup', function () { var e = a.data( c, d ); e !== b && c.val() !== e && ( a.removeData( c, d ), c.trigger( 'keyup-change' ) ); } ); } function v( c ) { c.on( 'mousemove', function ( c ) { var d = h; ( d === b || d.x !== c.pageX || d.y !== c.pageY ) && a( c.target ).trigger( 'mousemove-filtered', c ); } ); } function w( a, c, d ) { d = d || b; var e; return function () { var b = arguments; window.clearTimeout( e ), ( e = window.setTimeout( function () { c.apply( d, b ); }, a ) ); }; } function x( a, b ) { var c = w( a, function ( a ) { b.trigger( 'scroll-debounced', a ); } ); b.on( 'scroll', function ( a ) { p( a.target, b.get() ) >= 0 && c( a ); } ); } function y( a ) { a[ 0 ] !== document.activeElement && window.setTimeout( function () { var d, b = a[ 0 ], c = a.val().length; a.focus(); var e = b.offsetWidth > 0 || b.offsetHeight > 0; e && b === document.activeElement && ( b.setSelectionRange ? b.setSelectionRange( c, c ) : b.createTextRange && ( ( d = b.createTextRange() ), d.collapse( ! 1 ), d.select() ) ); }, 0 ); } function z( b ) { b = a( b )[ 0 ]; var c = 0, d = 0; if ( 'selectionStart' in b ) ( c = b.selectionStart ), ( d = b.selectionEnd - c ); else if ( 'selection' in document ) { b.focus(); var e = document.selection.createRange(); ( d = document.selection.createRange().text.length ), e.moveStart( 'character', -b.value.length ), ( c = e.text.length - d ); } return { offset: c, length: d }; } function A( a ) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); } function B( a ) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function C( b ) { if ( ! g ) { var c = b[ 0 ].currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle( b[ 0 ], null ); ( g = a( document.createElement( 'div' ) ).css( { position: 'absolute', left: '-10000px', top: '-10000px', display: 'none', fontSize: c.fontSize, fontFamily: c.fontFamily, fontStyle: c.fontStyle, fontWeight: c.fontWeight, letterSpacing: c.letterSpacing, textTransform: c.textTransform, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', } ) ), g.attr( 'class', 'select2-sizer' ), a( document.body ).append( g ); } return g.text( b.val() ), g.width(); } function D( b, c, d ) { var e, g, f = []; ( e = a.trim( b.attr( 'class' ) ) ), e && ( ( e = '' + e ), a( e.split( /\s+/ ) ).each2( function () { 0 === this.indexOf( 'select2-' ) && f.push( this ); } ) ), ( e = a.trim( c.attr( 'class' ) ) ), e && ( ( e = '' + e ), a( e.split( /\s+/ ) ).each2( function () { 0 !== this.indexOf( 'select2-' ) && ( ( g = d( this ) ), g && f.push( g ) ); } ) ), b.attr( 'class', f.join( ' ' ) ); } function E( a, b, c, d ) { var e = o( a.toUpperCase() ).indexOf( o( b.toUpperCase() ) ), f = b.length; return 0 > e ? ( c.push( d( a ) ), void 0 ) : ( c.push( d( a.substring( 0, e ) ) ), c.push( "" ), c.push( d( a.substring( e, e + f ) ) ), c.push( '' ), c.push( d( a.substring( e + f, a.length ) ) ), void 0 ); } function F( a ) { var b = { '\\': '\', '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/', }; return String( a ).replace( /[&<>"'\/\\]/g, function ( a ) { return b[ a ]; } ); } function G( c ) { var d, e = null, f = c.quietMillis || 100, g = c.url, h = this; return function ( i ) { window.clearTimeout( d ), ( d = window.setTimeout( function () { var d = c.data, f = g, j = c.transport || a.fn.select2.ajaxDefaults.transport, k = { type: c.type || 'GET', cache: c.cache || ! 1, jsonpCallback: c.jsonpCallback || b, dataType: c.dataType || 'json', }, l = a.extend( {}, a.fn.select2.ajaxDefaults.params, k ); ( d = d ? d.call( h, i.term, i.page, i.context ) : null ), ( f = 'function' == typeof f ? f.call( h, i.term, i.page, i.context ) : f ), e && 'function' == typeof e.abort && e.abort(), c.params && ( a.isFunction( c.params ) ? a.extend( l, c.params.call( h ) ) : a.extend( l, c.params ) ), a.extend( l, { url: f, dataType: c.dataType, data: d, success: function ( a ) { var b = c.results( a, i.page, i ); i.callback( b ); }, error: function ( a, b, c ) { var d = { hasError: ! 0, jqXHR: a, textStatus: b, errorThrown: c, }; i.callback( d ); }, } ), ( e = j.call( h, l ) ); }, f ) ); }; } function H( b ) { var d, e, c = b, f = function ( a ) { return '' + a.text; }; a.isArray( c ) && ( ( e = c ), ( c = { results: e } ) ), a.isFunction( c ) === ! 1 && ( ( e = c ), ( c = function () { return e; } ) ); var g = c(); return ( g.text && ( ( f = g.text ), a.isFunction( f ) || ( ( d = g.text ), ( f = function ( a ) { return a[ d ]; } ) ) ), function ( b ) { var g, d = b.term, e = { results: [] }; return '' === d ? ( b.callback( c() ), void 0 ) : ( ( g = function ( c, e ) { var h, i; if ( ( ( c = c[ 0 ] ), c.children ) ) { h = {}; for ( i in c ) c.hasOwnProperty( i ) && ( h[ i ] = c[ i ] ); ( h.children = [] ), a( c.children ).each2( function ( a, b ) { g( b, h.children ); } ), ( h.children.length || b.matcher( d, f( h ), c ) ) && e.push( h ); } else b.matcher( d, f( c ), c ) && e.push( c ); } ), a( c().results ).each2( function ( a, b ) { g( b, e.results ); } ), b.callback( e ), void 0 ); } ); } function I( c ) { var d = a.isFunction( c ); return function ( e ) { var f = e.term, g = { results: [] }, h = d ? c( e ) : c; a.isArray( h ) && ( a( h ).each( function () { var a = this.text !== b, c = a ? this.text : this; ( '' === f || e.matcher( f, c ) ) && g.results.push( a ? this : { id: this, text: this } ); } ), e.callback( g ) ); }; } function J( b, c ) { if ( a.isFunction( b ) ) return ! 0; if ( ! b ) return ! 1; if ( 'string' == typeof b ) return ! 0; throw new Error( c + ' must be a string, function, or falsy value' ); } function K( b, c ) { if ( a.isFunction( b ) ) { var d = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ); return b.apply( c, d ); } return b; } function L( b ) { var c = 0; return ( a.each( b, function ( a, b ) { b.children ? ( c += L( b.children ) ) : c++; } ), c ); } function M( a, c, d, e ) { var h, i, j, k, l, f = a, g = ! 1; if ( ! e.createSearchChoice || ! e.tokenSeparators || e.tokenSeparators.length < 1 ) return b; for (;;) { for ( i = -1, j = 0, k = e.tokenSeparators.length; k > j && ( ( l = e.tokenSeparators[ j ] ), ( i = a.indexOf( l ) ), ! ( i >= 0 ) ); j++ ); if ( 0 > i ) break; if ( ( ( h = a.substring( 0, i ) ), ( a = a.substring( i + l.length ) ), h.length > 0 && ( ( h = e.createSearchChoice.call( this, h, c ) ), h !== b && null !== h && e.id( h ) !== b && null !== e.id( h ) ) ) ) { for ( g = ! 1, j = 0, k = c.length; k > j; j++ ) if ( r( e.id( h ), e.id( c[ j ] ) ) ) { g = ! 0; break; } g || d( h ); } } return f !== a ? a : void 0; } function N() { var b = this; a.each( arguments, function ( a, c ) { b[ c ].remove(), ( b[ c ] = null ); } ); } function O( b, c ) { var d = function () {}; return ( ( d.prototype = new b() ), ( d.prototype.constructor = d ), ( d.prototype.parent = b.prototype ), ( d.prototype = a.extend( d.prototype, c ) ), d ); } if ( window.Select2 === b ) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, h = { x: 0, y: 0 }, k = { TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, HOME: 36, END: 35, BACKSPACE: 8, DELETE: 46, isArrow: function ( a ) { switch ( ( a = a.which ? a.which : a ) ) { case k.LEFT: case k.RIGHT: case k.UP: case k.DOWN: return ! 0; } return ! 1; }, isControl: function ( a ) { var b = a.which; switch ( b ) { case k.SHIFT: case k.CTRL: case k.ALT: return ! 0; } return a.metaKey ? ! 0 : ! 1; }, isFunctionKey: function ( a ) { return ( ( a = a.which ? a.which : a ), a >= 112 && 123 >= a ); }, }, l = "
", m = { '\u24b6': 'A', '\uff21': 'A', '\xc0': 'A', '\xc1': 'A', '\xc2': 'A', '\u1ea6': 'A', '\u1ea4': 'A', '\u1eaa': 'A', '\u1ea8': 'A', '\xc3': 'A', '\u0100': 'A', '\u0102': 'A', '\u1eb0': 'A', '\u1eae': 'A', '\u1eb4': 'A', '\u1eb2': 'A', '\u0226': 'A', '\u01e0': 'A', '\xc4': 'A', '\u01de': 'A', '\u1ea2': 'A', '\xc5': 'A', '\u01fa': 'A', '\u01cd': 'A', '\u0200': 'A', '\u0202': 'A', '\u1ea0': 'A', '\u1eac': 'A', '\u1eb6': 'A', '\u1e00': 'A', '\u0104': 'A', '\u023a': 'A', '\u2c6f': 'A', '\ua732': 'AA', '\xc6': 'AE', '\u01fc': 'AE', '\u01e2': 'AE', '\ua734': 'AO', '\ua736': 'AU', '\ua738': 'AV', '\ua73a': 'AV', '\ua73c': 'AY', '\u24b7': 'B', '\uff22': 'B', '\u1e02': 'B', '\u1e04': 'B', '\u1e06': 'B', '\u0243': 'B', '\u0182': 'B', '\u0181': 'B', '\u24b8': 'C', '\uff23': 'C', '\u0106': 'C', '\u0108': 'C', '\u010a': 'C', '\u010c': 'C', '\xc7': 'C', '\u1e08': 'C', '\u0187': 'C', '\u023b': 'C', '\ua73e': 'C', '\u24b9': 'D', '\uff24': 'D', '\u1e0a': 'D', '\u010e': 'D', '\u1e0c': 'D', '\u1e10': 'D', '\u1e12': 'D', '\u1e0e': 'D', '\u0110': 'D', '\u018b': 'D', '\u018a': 'D', '\u0189': 'D', '\ua779': 'D', '\u01f1': 'DZ', '\u01c4': 'DZ', '\u01f2': 'Dz', '\u01c5': 'Dz', '\u24ba': 'E', '\uff25': 'E', '\xc8': 'E', '\xc9': 'E', '\xca': 'E', '\u1ec0': 'E', '\u1ebe': 'E', '\u1ec4': 'E', '\u1ec2': 'E', '\u1ebc': 'E', '\u0112': 'E', '\u1e14': 'E', '\u1e16': 'E', '\u0114': 'E', '\u0116': 'E', '\xcb': 'E', '\u1eba': 'E', '\u011a': 'E', '\u0204': 'E', '\u0206': 'E', '\u1eb8': 'E', '\u1ec6': 'E', '\u0228': 'E', '\u1e1c': 'E', '\u0118': 'E', '\u1e18': 'E', '\u1e1a': 'E', '\u0190': 'E', '\u018e': 'E', '\u24bb': 'F', '\uff26': 'F', '\u1e1e': 'F', '\u0191': 'F', '\ua77b': 'F', '\u24bc': 'G', '\uff27': 'G', '\u01f4': 'G', '\u011c': 'G', '\u1e20': 'G', '\u011e': 'G', '\u0120': 'G', '\u01e6': 'G', '\u0122': 'G', '\u01e4': 'G', '\u0193': 'G', '\ua7a0': 'G', '\ua77d': 'G', '\ua77e': 'G', '\u24bd': 'H', '\uff28': 'H', '\u0124': 'H', '\u1e22': 'H', '\u1e26': 'H', '\u021e': 'H', '\u1e24': 'H', '\u1e28': 'H', '\u1e2a': 'H', '\u0126': 'H', '\u2c67': 'H', '\u2c75': 'H', '\ua78d': 'H', '\u24be': 'I', '\uff29': 'I', '\xcc': 'I', '\xcd': 'I', '\xce': 'I', '\u0128': 'I', '\u012a': 'I', '\u012c': 'I', '\u0130': 'I', '\xcf': 'I', '\u1e2e': 'I', '\u1ec8': 'I', '\u01cf': 'I', '\u0208': 'I', '\u020a': 'I', '\u1eca': 'I', '\u012e': 'I', '\u1e2c': 'I', '\u0197': 'I', '\u24bf': 'J', '\uff2a': 'J', '\u0134': 'J', '\u0248': 'J', '\u24c0': 'K', '\uff2b': 'K', '\u1e30': 'K', '\u01e8': 'K', '\u1e32': 'K', '\u0136': 'K', '\u1e34': 'K', '\u0198': 'K', '\u2c69': 'K', '\ua740': 'K', '\ua742': 'K', '\ua744': 'K', '\ua7a2': 'K', '\u24c1': 'L', '\uff2c': 'L', '\u013f': 'L', '\u0139': 'L', '\u013d': 'L', '\u1e36': 'L', '\u1e38': 'L', '\u013b': 'L', '\u1e3c': 'L', '\u1e3a': 'L', '\u0141': 'L', '\u023d': 'L', '\u2c62': 'L', '\u2c60': 'L', '\ua748': 'L', '\ua746': 'L', '\ua780': 'L', '\u01c7': 'LJ', '\u01c8': 'Lj', '\u24c2': 'M', '\uff2d': 'M', '\u1e3e': 'M', '\u1e40': 'M', '\u1e42': 'M', '\u2c6e': 'M', '\u019c': 'M', '\u24c3': 'N', '\uff2e': 'N', '\u01f8': 'N', '\u0143': 'N', '\xd1': 'N', '\u1e44': 'N', '\u0147': 'N', '\u1e46': 'N', '\u0145': 'N', '\u1e4a': 'N', '\u1e48': 'N', '\u0220': 'N', '\u019d': 'N', '\ua790': 'N', '\ua7a4': 'N', '\u01ca': 'NJ', '\u01cb': 'Nj', '\u24c4': 'O', '\uff2f': 'O', '\xd2': 'O', '\xd3': 'O', '\xd4': 'O', '\u1ed2': 'O', '\u1ed0': 'O', '\u1ed6': 'O', '\u1ed4': 'O', '\xd5': 'O', '\u1e4c': 'O', '\u022c': 'O', '\u1e4e': 'O', '\u014c': 'O', '\u1e50': 'O', '\u1e52': 'O', '\u014e': 'O', '\u022e': 'O', '\u0230': 'O', '\xd6': 'O', '\u022a': 'O', '\u1ece': 'O', '\u0150': 'O', '\u01d1': 'O', '\u020c': 'O', '\u020e': 'O', '\u01a0': 'O', '\u1edc': 'O', '\u1eda': 'O', '\u1ee0': 'O', '\u1ede': 'O', '\u1ee2': 'O', '\u1ecc': 'O', '\u1ed8': 'O', '\u01ea': 'O', '\u01ec': 'O', '\xd8': 'O', '\u01fe': 'O', '\u0186': 'O', '\u019f': 'O', '\ua74a': 'O', '\ua74c': 'O', '\u01a2': 'OI', '\ua74e': 'OO', '\u0222': 'OU', '\u24c5': 'P', '\uff30': 'P', '\u1e54': 'P', '\u1e56': 'P', '\u01a4': 'P', '\u2c63': 'P', '\ua750': 'P', '\ua752': 'P', '\ua754': 'P', '\u24c6': 'Q', '\uff31': 'Q', '\ua756': 'Q', '\ua758': 'Q', '\u024a': 'Q', '\u24c7': 'R', '\uff32': 'R', '\u0154': 'R', '\u1e58': 'R', '\u0158': 'R', '\u0210': 'R', '\u0212': 'R', '\u1e5a': 'R', '\u1e5c': 'R', '\u0156': 'R', '\u1e5e': 'R', '\u024c': 'R', '\u2c64': 'R', '\ua75a': 'R', '\ua7a6': 'R', '\ua782': 'R', '\u24c8': 'S', '\uff33': 'S', '\u1e9e': 'S', '\u015a': 'S', '\u1e64': 'S', '\u015c': 'S', '\u1e60': 'S', '\u0160': 'S', '\u1e66': 'S', '\u1e62': 'S', '\u1e68': 'S', '\u0218': 'S', '\u015e': 'S', '\u2c7e': 'S', '\ua7a8': 'S', '\ua784': 'S', '\u24c9': 'T', '\uff34': 'T', '\u1e6a': 'T', '\u0164': 'T', '\u1e6c': 'T', '\u021a': 'T', '\u0162': 'T', '\u1e70': 'T', '\u1e6e': 'T', '\u0166': 'T', '\u01ac': 'T', '\u01ae': 'T', '\u023e': 'T', '\ua786': 'T', '\ua728': 'TZ', '\u24ca': 'U', '\uff35': 'U', '\xd9': 'U', '\xda': 'U', '\xdb': 'U', '\u0168': 'U', '\u1e78': 'U', '\u016a': 'U', '\u1e7a': 'U', '\u016c': 'U', '\xdc': 'U', '\u01db': 'U', '\u01d7': 'U', '\u01d5': 'U', '\u01d9': 'U', '\u1ee6': 'U', '\u016e': 'U', '\u0170': 'U', '\u01d3': 'U', '\u0214': 'U', '\u0216': 'U', '\u01af': 'U', '\u1eea': 'U', '\u1ee8': 'U', '\u1eee': 'U', '\u1eec': 'U', '\u1ef0': 'U', '\u1ee4': 'U', '\u1e72': 'U', '\u0172': 'U', '\u1e76': 'U', '\u1e74': 'U', '\u0244': 'U', '\u24cb': 'V', '\uff36': 'V', '\u1e7c': 'V', '\u1e7e': 'V', '\u01b2': 'V', '\ua75e': 'V', '\u0245': 'V', '\ua760': 'VY', '\u24cc': 'W', '\uff37': 'W', '\u1e80': 'W', '\u1e82': 'W', '\u0174': 'W', '\u1e86': 'W', '\u1e84': 'W', '\u1e88': 'W', '\u2c72': 'W', '\u24cd': 'X', '\uff38': 'X', '\u1e8a': 'X', '\u1e8c': 'X', '\u24ce': 'Y', '\uff39': 'Y', '\u1ef2': 'Y', '\xdd': 'Y', '\u0176': 'Y', '\u1ef8': 'Y', '\u0232': 'Y', '\u1e8e': 'Y', '\u0178': 'Y', '\u1ef6': 'Y', '\u1ef4': 'Y', '\u01b3': 'Y', '\u024e': 'Y', '\u1efe': 'Y', '\u24cf': 'Z', '\uff3a': 'Z', '\u0179': 'Z', '\u1e90': 'Z', '\u017b': 'Z', '\u017d': 'Z', '\u1e92': 'Z', '\u1e94': 'Z', '\u01b5': 'Z', '\u0224': 'Z', '\u2c7f': 'Z', '\u2c6b': 'Z', '\ua762': 'Z', '\u24d0': 'a', '\uff41': 'a', '\u1e9a': 'a', '\xe0': 'a', '\xe1': 'a', '\xe2': 'a', '\u1ea7': 'a', '\u1ea5': 'a', '\u1eab': 'a', '\u1ea9': 'a', '\xe3': 'a', '\u0101': 'a', '\u0103': 'a', '\u1eb1': 'a', '\u1eaf': 'a', '\u1eb5': 'a', '\u1eb3': 'a', '\u0227': 'a', '\u01e1': 'a', '\xe4': 'a', '\u01df': 'a', '\u1ea3': 'a', '\xe5': 'a', '\u01fb': 'a', '\u01ce': 'a', '\u0201': 'a', '\u0203': 'a', '\u1ea1': 'a', '\u1ead': 'a', '\u1eb7': 'a', '\u1e01': 'a', '\u0105': 'a', '\u2c65': 'a', '\u0250': 'a', '\ua733': 'aa', '\xe6': 'ae', '\u01fd': 'ae', '\u01e3': 'ae', '\ua735': 'ao', '\ua737': 'au', '\ua739': 'av', '\ua73b': 'av', '\ua73d': 'ay', '\u24d1': 'b', '\uff42': 'b', '\u1e03': 'b', '\u1e05': 'b', '\u1e07': 'b', '\u0180': 'b', '\u0183': 'b', '\u0253': 'b', '\u24d2': 'c', '\uff43': 'c', '\u0107': 'c', '\u0109': 'c', '\u010b': 'c', '\u010d': 'c', '\xe7': 'c', '\u1e09': 'c', '\u0188': 'c', '\u023c': 'c', '\ua73f': 'c', '\u2184': 'c', '\u24d3': 'd', '\uff44': 'd', '\u1e0b': 'd', '\u010f': 'd', '\u1e0d': 'd', '\u1e11': 'd', '\u1e13': 'd', '\u1e0f': 'd', '\u0111': 'd', '\u018c': 'd', '\u0256': 'd', '\u0257': 'd', '\ua77a': 'd', '\u01f3': 'dz', '\u01c6': 'dz', '\u24d4': 'e', '\uff45': 'e', '\xe8': 'e', '\xe9': 'e', '\xea': 'e', '\u1ec1': 'e', '\u1ebf': 'e', '\u1ec5': 'e', '\u1ec3': 'e', '\u1ebd': 'e', '\u0113': 'e', '\u1e15': 'e', '\u1e17': 'e', '\u0115': 'e', '\u0117': 'e', '\xeb': 'e', '\u1ebb': 'e', '\u011b': 'e', '\u0205': 'e', '\u0207': 'e', '\u1eb9': 'e', '\u1ec7': 'e', '\u0229': 'e', '\u1e1d': 'e', '\u0119': 'e', '\u1e19': 'e', '\u1e1b': 'e', '\u0247': 'e', '\u025b': 'e', '\u01dd': 'e', '\u24d5': 'f', '\uff46': 'f', '\u1e1f': 'f', '\u0192': 'f', '\ua77c': 'f', '\u24d6': 'g', '\uff47': 'g', '\u01f5': 'g', '\u011d': 'g', '\u1e21': 'g', '\u011f': 'g', '\u0121': 'g', '\u01e7': 'g', '\u0123': 'g', '\u01e5': 'g', '\u0260': 'g', '\ua7a1': 'g', '\u1d79': 'g', '\ua77f': 'g', '\u24d7': 'h', '\uff48': 'h', '\u0125': 'h', '\u1e23': 'h', '\u1e27': 'h', '\u021f': 'h', '\u1e25': 'h', '\u1e29': 'h', '\u1e2b': 'h', '\u1e96': 'h', '\u0127': 'h', '\u2c68': 'h', '\u2c76': 'h', '\u0265': 'h', '\u0195': 'hv', '\u24d8': 'i', '\uff49': 'i', '\xec': 'i', '\xed': 'i', '\xee': 'i', '\u0129': 'i', '\u012b': 'i', '\u012d': 'i', '\xef': 'i', '\u1e2f': 'i', '\u1ec9': 'i', '\u01d0': 'i', '\u0209': 'i', '\u020b': 'i', '\u1ecb': 'i', '\u012f': 'i', '\u1e2d': 'i', '\u0268': 'i', '\u0131': 'i', '\u24d9': 'j', '\uff4a': 'j', '\u0135': 'j', '\u01f0': 'j', '\u0249': 'j', '\u24da': 'k', '\uff4b': 'k', '\u1e31': 'k', '\u01e9': 'k', '\u1e33': 'k', '\u0137': 'k', '\u1e35': 'k', '\u0199': 'k', '\u2c6a': 'k', '\ua741': 'k', '\ua743': 'k', '\ua745': 'k', '\ua7a3': 'k', '\u24db': 'l', '\uff4c': 'l', '\u0140': 'l', '\u013a': 'l', '\u013e': 'l', '\u1e37': 'l', '\u1e39': 'l', '\u013c': 'l', '\u1e3d': 'l', '\u1e3b': 'l', '\u017f': 'l', '\u0142': 'l', '\u019a': 'l', '\u026b': 'l', '\u2c61': 'l', '\ua749': 'l', '\ua781': 'l', '\ua747': 'l', '\u01c9': 'lj', '\u24dc': 'm', '\uff4d': 'm', '\u1e3f': 'm', '\u1e41': 'm', '\u1e43': 'm', '\u0271': 'm', '\u026f': 'm', '\u24dd': 'n', '\uff4e': 'n', '\u01f9': 'n', '\u0144': 'n', '\xf1': 'n', '\u1e45': 'n', '\u0148': 'n', '\u1e47': 'n', '\u0146': 'n', '\u1e4b': 'n', '\u1e49': 'n', '\u019e': 'n', '\u0272': 'n', '\u0149': 'n', '\ua791': 'n', '\ua7a5': 'n', '\u01cc': 'nj', '\u24de': 'o', '\uff4f': 'o', '\xf2': 'o', '\xf3': 'o', '\xf4': 'o', '\u1ed3': 'o', '\u1ed1': 'o', '\u1ed7': 'o', '\u1ed5': 'o', '\xf5': 'o', '\u1e4d': 'o', '\u022d': 'o', '\u1e4f': 'o', '\u014d': 'o', '\u1e51': 'o', '\u1e53': 'o', '\u014f': 'o', '\u022f': 'o', '\u0231': 'o', '\xf6': 'o', '\u022b': 'o', '\u1ecf': 'o', '\u0151': 'o', '\u01d2': 'o', '\u020d': 'o', '\u020f': 'o', '\u01a1': 'o', '\u1edd': 'o', '\u1edb': 'o', '\u1ee1': 'o', '\u1edf': 'o', '\u1ee3': 'o', '\u1ecd': 'o', '\u1ed9': 'o', '\u01eb': 'o', '\u01ed': 'o', '\xf8': 'o', '\u01ff': 'o', '\u0254': 'o', '\ua74b': 'o', '\ua74d': 'o', '\u0275': 'o', '\u01a3': 'oi', '\u0223': 'ou', '\ua74f': 'oo', '\u24df': 'p', '\uff50': 'p', '\u1e55': 'p', '\u1e57': 'p', '\u01a5': 'p', '\u1d7d': 'p', '\ua751': 'p', '\ua753': 'p', '\ua755': 'p', '\u24e0': 'q', '\uff51': 'q', '\u024b': 'q', '\ua757': 'q', '\ua759': 'q', '\u24e1': 'r', '\uff52': 'r', '\u0155': 'r', '\u1e59': 'r', '\u0159': 'r', '\u0211': 'r', '\u0213': 'r', '\u1e5b': 'r', '\u1e5d': 'r', '\u0157': 'r', '\u1e5f': 'r', '\u024d': 'r', '\u027d': 'r', '\ua75b': 'r', '\ua7a7': 'r', '\ua783': 'r', '\u24e2': 's', '\uff53': 's', '\xdf': 's', '\u015b': 's', '\u1e65': 's', '\u015d': 's', '\u1e61': 's', '\u0161': 's', '\u1e67': 's', '\u1e63': 's', '\u1e69': 's', '\u0219': 's', '\u015f': 's', '\u023f': 's', '\ua7a9': 's', '\ua785': 's', '\u1e9b': 's', '\u24e3': 't', '\uff54': 't', '\u1e6b': 't', '\u1e97': 't', '\u0165': 't', '\u1e6d': 't', '\u021b': 't', '\u0163': 't', '\u1e71': 't', '\u1e6f': 't', '\u0167': 't', '\u01ad': 't', '\u0288': 't', '\u2c66': 't', '\ua787': 't', '\ua729': 'tz', '\u24e4': 'u', '\uff55': 'u', '\xf9': 'u', '\xfa': 'u', '\xfb': 'u', '\u0169': 'u', '\u1e79': 'u', '\u016b': 'u', '\u1e7b': 'u', '\u016d': 'u', '\xfc': 'u', '\u01dc': 'u', '\u01d8': 'u', '\u01d6': 'u', '\u01da': 'u', '\u1ee7': 'u', '\u016f': 'u', '\u0171': 'u', '\u01d4': 'u', '\u0215': 'u', '\u0217': 'u', '\u01b0': 'u', '\u1eeb': 'u', '\u1ee9': 'u', '\u1eef': 'u', '\u1eed': 'u', '\u1ef1': 'u', '\u1ee5': 'u', '\u1e73': 'u', '\u0173': 'u', '\u1e77': 'u', '\u1e75': 'u', '\u0289': 'u', '\u24e5': 'v', '\uff56': 'v', '\u1e7d': 'v', '\u1e7f': 'v', '\u028b': 'v', '\ua75f': 'v', '\u028c': 'v', '\ua761': 'vy', '\u24e6': 'w', '\uff57': 'w', '\u1e81': 'w', '\u1e83': 'w', '\u0175': 'w', '\u1e87': 'w', '\u1e85': 'w', '\u1e98': 'w', '\u1e89': 'w', '\u2c73': 'w', '\u24e7': 'x', '\uff58': 'x', '\u1e8b': 'x', '\u1e8d': 'x', '\u24e8': 'y', '\uff59': 'y', '\u1ef3': 'y', '\xfd': 'y', '\u0177': 'y', '\u1ef9': 'y', '\u0233': 'y', '\u1e8f': 'y', '\xff': 'y', '\u1ef7': 'y', '\u1e99': 'y', '\u1ef5': 'y', '\u01b4': 'y', '\u024f': 'y', '\u1eff': 'y', '\u24e9': 'z', '\uff5a': 'z', '\u017a': 'z', '\u1e91': 'z', '\u017c': 'z', '\u017e': 'z', '\u1e93': 'z', '\u1e95': 'z', '\u01b6': 'z', '\u0225': 'z', '\u0240': 'z', '\u2c6c': 'z', '\ua763': 'z', '\u0386': '\u0391', '\u0388': '\u0395', '\u0389': '\u0397', '\u038a': '\u0399', '\u03aa': '\u0399', '\u038c': '\u039f', '\u038e': '\u03a5', '\u03ab': '\u03a5', '\u038f': '\u03a9', '\u03ac': '\u03b1', '\u03ad': '\u03b5', '\u03ae': '\u03b7', '\u03af': '\u03b9', '\u03ca': '\u03b9', '\u0390': '\u03b9', '\u03cc': '\u03bf', '\u03cd': '\u03c5', '\u03cb': '\u03c5', '\u03b0': '\u03c5', '\u03c9': '\u03c9', '\u03c2': '\u03c3', }; ( i = a( document ) ), ( f = ( function () { var a = 1; return function () { return a++; }; } )() ), ( c = O( Object, { bind: function ( a ) { var b = this; return function () { a.apply( b, arguments ); }; }, init: function ( c ) { var d, e, g = '.select2-results'; ( this.opts = c = this.prepareOpts( c ) ), ( this.id = c.id ), c.element.data( 'select2' ) !== b && null !== c.element.data( 'select2' ) && c.element.data( 'select2' ).destroy(), ( this.container = this.createContainer() ), ( this.liveRegion = a( '.select2-hidden-accessible' ) ), 0 == this.liveRegion.length && ( this.liveRegion = a( '', { role: 'status', 'aria-live': 'polite', } ) .addClass( 'select2-hidden-accessible' ) .appendTo( document.body ) ), ( this.containerId = 's2id_' + ( c.element.attr( 'id' ) || 'autogen' + f() ) ), ( this.containerEventName = this.containerId .replace( /([.])/g, '_' ) .replace( /([;&,\-\.\+\*\~':"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=>\|])/g, '\\$1' ) ), this.container.attr( 'id', this.containerId ), this.container.attr( 'title', c.element.attr( 'title' ) ), ( this.body = a( document.body ) ), D( this.container, this.opts.element, this.opts.adaptContainerCssClass ), this.container.attr( 'style', c.element.attr( 'style' ) ), this.container.css( K( c.containerCss, this.opts.element ) ), this.container.addClass( K( c.containerCssClass, this.opts.element ) ), ( this.elementTabIndex = this.opts.element.attr( 'tabindex' ) ), this.opts.element .data( 'select2', this ) .attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ) .before( this.container ) .on( 'click.select2', A ), this.container.data( 'select2', this ), ( this.dropdown = this.container.find( '.select2-drop' ) ), D( this.dropdown, this.opts.element, this.opts.adaptDropdownCssClass ), this.dropdown.addClass( K( c.dropdownCssClass, this.opts.element ) ), this.dropdown.data( 'select2', this ), this.dropdown.on( 'click', A ), ( this.results = d = this.container.find( g ) ), ( this.search = e = this.container.find( 'input.select2-input' ) ), ( this.queryCount = 0 ), ( this.resultsPage = 0 ), ( this.context = null ), this.initContainer(), this.container.on( 'click', A ), v( this.results ), this.dropdown.on( 'mousemove-filtered', g, this.bind( this.highlightUnderEvent ) ), this.dropdown.on( 'touchstart touchmove touchend', g, this.bind( function ( a ) { ( this._touchEvent = ! 0 ), this.highlightUnderEvent( a ); } ) ), this.dropdown.on( 'touchmove', g, this.bind( this.touchMoved ) ), this.dropdown.on( 'touchstart touchend', g, this.bind( this.clearTouchMoved ) ), this.dropdown.on( 'click', this.bind( function () { this._touchEvent && ( ( this._touchEvent = ! 1 ), this.selectHighlighted() ); } ) ), x( 80, this.results ), this.dropdown.on( 'scroll-debounced', g, this.bind( this.loadMoreIfNeeded ) ), a( this.container ).on( 'change', '.select2-input', function ( a ) { a.stopPropagation(); } ), a( this.dropdown ).on( 'change', '.select2-input', function ( a ) { a.stopPropagation(); } ), a.fn.mousewheel && d.mousewheel( function ( a, b, c, e ) { var f = d.scrollTop(); e > 0 && 0 >= f - e ? ( d.scrollTop( 0 ), A( a ) ) : 0 > e && d.get( 0 ).scrollHeight - d.scrollTop() + e <= d.height() && ( d.scrollTop( d.get( 0 ).scrollHeight - d.height() ), A( a ) ); } ), u( e ), e.on( 'keyup-change input paste', this.bind( this.updateResults ) ), e.on( 'focus', function () { e.addClass( 'select2-focused' ); } ), e.on( 'blur', function () { e.removeClass( 'select2-focused' ); } ), this.dropdown.on( 'mouseup', g, this.bind( function ( b ) { a( b.target ).closest( '.select2-result-selectable' ).length > 0 && ( this.highlightUnderEvent( b ), this.selectHighlighted( b ) ); } ) ), this.dropdown.on( 'click mouseup mousedown touchstart touchend focusin', function ( a ) { a.stopPropagation(); } ), ( this.nextSearchTerm = b ), a.isFunction( this.opts.initSelection ) && ( this.initSelection(), this.monitorSource() ), null !== c.maximumInputLength && this.search.attr( 'maxlength', c.maximumInputLength ); var h = c.element.prop( 'disabled' ); h === b && ( h = ! 1 ), this.enable( ! h ); var i = c.element.prop( 'readonly' ); i === b && ( i = ! 1 ), this.readonly( i ), ( j = j || q() ), ( this.autofocus = c.element.prop( 'autofocus' ) ), c.element.prop( 'autofocus', ! 1 ), this.autofocus && this.focus(), this.search.attr( 'placeholder', c.searchInputPlaceholder ); }, destroy: function () { var a = this.opts.element, c = a.data( 'select2' ), d = this; this.close(), a.length && a[ 0 ].detachEvent && d._sync && a.each( function () { d._sync && this.detachEvent( 'onpropertychange', d._sync ); } ), this.propertyObserver && ( this.propertyObserver.disconnect(), ( this.propertyObserver = null ) ), ( this._sync = null ), c !== b && ( c.container.remove(), c.liveRegion.remove(), c.dropdown.remove(), a .show() .removeData( 'select2' ) .off( '.select2' ) .prop( 'autofocus', this.autofocus || ! 1 ), this.elementTabIndex ? a.attr( { tabindex: this.elementTabIndex, } ) : a.removeAttr( 'tabindex' ), a.show() ), N.call( this, 'container', 'liveRegion', 'dropdown', 'results', 'search' ); }, optionToData: function ( a ) { return a.is( 'option' ) ? { id: a.prop( 'value' ), text: a.text(), element: a.get(), css: a.attr( 'class' ), disabled: a.prop( 'disabled' ), locked: r( a.attr( 'locked' ), 'locked' ) || r( a.data( 'locked' ), ! 0 ), } : a.is( 'optgroup' ) ? { text: a.attr( 'label' ), children: [], element: a.get(), css: a.attr( 'class' ), } : void 0; }, prepareOpts: function ( c ) { var d, e, g, h, i = this; if ( ( ( d = c.element ), 'select' === d.get( 0 ).tagName.toLowerCase() && ( this.select = e = c.element ), e && a.each( [ 'id', 'multiple', 'ajax', 'query', 'createSearchChoice', 'initSelection', 'data', 'tags', ], function () { if ( this in c ) throw new Error( "Option '" + this + "' is not allowed for Select2 when attached to a ", "
", " ', " ', '
', ].join( '' ) ); return b; }, enableInterface: function () { this.parent.enableInterface.apply( this, arguments ) && this.focusser.prop( 'disabled', ! this.isInterfaceEnabled() ); }, opening: function () { var c, d, e; this.opts.minimumResultsForSearch >= 0 && this.showSearch( ! 0 ), this.parent.opening.apply( this, arguments ), this.showSearchInput !== ! 1 && this.search.val( this.focusser.val() ), this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) && ( this.search.focus(), ( c = this.search.get( 0 ) ), c.createTextRange ? ( ( d = c.createTextRange() ), d.collapse( ! 1 ), d.select() ) : c.setSelectionRange && ( ( e = this.search.val().length ), c.setSelectionRange( e, e ) ) ), '' === this.search.val() && this.nextSearchTerm != b && ( this.search.val( this.nextSearchTerm ), this.search.select() ), this.focusser.prop( 'disabled', ! 0 ).val( '' ), this.updateResults( ! 0 ), this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-open' ) ); }, close: function () { this.opened() && ( this.parent.close.apply( this, arguments ), this.focusser.prop( 'disabled', ! 1 ), this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) && this.focusser.focus() ); }, focus: function () { this.opened() ? this.close() : ( this.focusser.prop( 'disabled', ! 1 ), this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) && this.focusser.focus() ); }, isFocused: function () { return this.container.hasClass( 'select2-container-active' ); }, cancel: function () { this.parent.cancel.apply( this, arguments ), this.focusser.prop( 'disabled', ! 1 ), this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) && this.focusser.focus(); }, destroy: function () { a( "label[for='" + this.focusser.attr( 'id' ) + "']" ).attr( 'for', this.opts.element.attr( 'id' ) ), this.parent.destroy.apply( this, arguments ), N.call( this, 'selection', 'focusser' ); }, initContainer: function () { var b, g, c = this.container, d = this.dropdown, e = f(); this.opts.minimumResultsForSearch < 0 ? this.showSearch( ! 1 ) : this.showSearch( ! 0 ), ( this.selection = b = c.find( '.select2-choice' ) ), ( this.focusser = c.find( '.select2-focusser' ) ), b .find( '.select2-chosen' ) .attr( 'id', 'select2-chosen-' + e ), this.focusser.attr( 'aria-labelledby', 'select2-chosen-' + e ), this.results.attr( 'id', 'select2-results-' + e ), this.search.attr( 'aria-owns', 'select2-results-' + e ), this.focusser.attr( 'id', 's2id_autogen' + e ), ( g = a( "label[for='" + this.opts.element.attr( 'id' ) + "']" ) ), this.opts.element.focus( this.bind( function () { this.focus(); } ) ), this.focusser .prev() .text( g.text() ) .attr( 'for', this.focusser.attr( 'id' ) ); var h = this.opts.element.attr( 'title' ); this.opts.element.attr( 'title', h || g.text() ), this.focusser.attr( 'tabindex', this.elementTabIndex ), this.search.attr( 'id', this.focusser.attr( 'id' ) + '_search' ), this.search .prev() .text( a( "label[for='" + this.focusser.attr( 'id' ) + "']" ).text() ) .attr( 'for', this.search.attr( 'id' ) ), this.search.on( 'keydown', this.bind( function ( a ) { if ( this.isInterfaceEnabled() && 229 != a.keyCode ) { if ( a.which === k.PAGE_UP || a.which === k.PAGE_DOWN ) return A( a ), void 0; switch ( a.which ) { case k.UP: case k.DOWN: return ( this.moveHighlight( a.which === k.UP ? -1 : 1 ), A( a ), void 0 ); case k.ENTER: return ( this.selectHighlighted(), A( a ), void 0 ); case k.TAB: return ( this.selectHighlighted( { noFocus: ! 0, } ), void 0 ); case k.ESC: return ( this.cancel( a ), A( a ), void 0 ); } } } ) ), this.search.on( 'blur', this.bind( function () { document.activeElement === this.body.get( 0 ) && window.setTimeout( this.bind( function () { this.opened() && this.search.focus(); } ), 0 ); } ) ), this.focusser.on( 'keydown', this.bind( function ( a ) { if ( this.isInterfaceEnabled() && a.which !== k.TAB && ! k.isControl( a ) && ! k.isFunctionKey( a ) && a.which !== k.ESC ) { if ( this.opts.openOnEnter === ! 1 && a.which === k.ENTER ) return A( a ), void 0; if ( a.which == k.DOWN || a.which == k.UP || ( a.which == k.ENTER && this.opts.openOnEnter ) ) { if ( a.altKey || a.ctrlKey || a.shiftKey || a.metaKey ) return; return this.open(), A( a ), void 0; } return a.which == k.DELETE || a.which == k.BACKSPACE ? ( this.opts.allowClear && this.clear(), A( a ), void 0 ) : void 0; } } ) ), u( this.focusser ), this.focusser.on( 'keyup-change input', this.bind( function ( a ) { if ( this.opts.minimumResultsForSearch >= 0 ) { if ( ( a.stopPropagation(), this.opened() ) ) return; this.open(); } } ) ), b.on( 'mousedown touchstart', 'abbr', this.bind( function ( a ) { this.isInterfaceEnabled() && ( this.clear(), B( a ), this.close(), this.selection && this.selection.focus() ); } ) ), b.on( 'mousedown touchstart', this.bind( function ( c ) { n( b ), this.container.hasClass( 'select2-container-active' ) || this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-focus' ) ), this.opened() ? this.close() : this.isInterfaceEnabled() && this.open(), A( c ); } ) ), d.on( 'mousedown touchstart', this.bind( function () { this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) && this.search.focus(); } ) ), b.on( 'focus', this.bind( function ( a ) { A( a ); } ) ), this.focusser .on( 'focus', this.bind( function () { this.container.hasClass( 'select2-container-active' ) || this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-focus' ) ), this.container.addClass( 'select2-container-active' ); } ) ) .on( 'blur', this.bind( function () { this.opened() || ( this.container.removeClass( 'select2-container-active' ), this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-blur' ) ) ); } ) ), this.search.on( 'focus', this.bind( function () { this.container.hasClass( 'select2-container-active' ) || this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-focus' ) ), this.container.addClass( 'select2-container-active' ); } ) ), this.initContainerWidth(), this.opts.element.hide(), this.setPlaceholder(); }, clear: function ( b ) { var c = this.selection.data( 'select2-data' ); if ( c ) { var d = a.Event( 'select2-clearing' ); if ( ( this.opts.element.trigger( d ), d.isDefaultPrevented() ) ) return; var e = this.getPlaceholderOption(); this.opts.element.val( e ? e.val() : '' ), this.selection .find( '.select2-chosen' ) .empty(), this.selection.removeData( 'select2-data' ), this.setPlaceholder(), b !== ! 1 && ( this.opts.element.trigger( { type: 'select2-removed', val: this.id( c ), choice: c, } ), this.triggerChange( { removed: c } ) ); } }, initSelection: function () { if ( this.isPlaceholderOptionSelected() ) this.updateSelection( null ), this.close(), this.setPlaceholder(); else { var c = this; this.opts.initSelection.call( null, this.opts.element, function ( a ) { a !== b && null !== a && ( c.updateSelection( a ), c.close(), c.setPlaceholder(), ( c.nextSearchTerm = c.opts.nextSearchTerm( a, c.search.val() ) ) ); } ); } }, isPlaceholderOptionSelected: function () { var a; return this.getPlaceholder() === b ? ! 1 : ( ( a = this.getPlaceholderOption() ) !== b && a.prop( 'selected' ) ) || '' === this.opts.element.val() || this.opts.element.val() === b || null === this.opts.element.val(); }, prepareOpts: function () { var b = this.parent.prepareOpts.apply( this, arguments ), c = this; return ( 'select' === b.element.get( 0 ).tagName.toLowerCase() ? ( b.initSelection = function ( a, b ) { var d = a .find( 'option' ) .filter( function () { return ( this.selected && ! this.disabled ); } ); b( c.optionToData( d ) ); } ) : 'data' in b && ( b.initSelection = b.initSelection || function ( c, d ) { var e = c.val(), f = null; b.query( { matcher: function ( a, c, d ) { var g = r( e, b.id( d ) ); return g && ( f = d ), g; }, callback: a.isFunction( d ) ? function () { d( f ); } : a.noop, } ); } ), b ); }, getPlaceholder: function () { return this.select && this.getPlaceholderOption() === b ? b : this.parent.getPlaceholder.apply( this, arguments ); }, setPlaceholder: function () { var a = this.getPlaceholder(); if ( this.isPlaceholderOptionSelected() && a !== b ) { if ( this.select && this.getPlaceholderOption() === b ) return; this.selection .find( '.select2-chosen' ) .html( this.opts.escapeMarkup( a ) ), this.selection.addClass( 'select2-default' ), this.container.removeClass( 'select2-allowclear' ); } }, postprocessResults: function ( a, b, c ) { var d = 0, e = this; if ( ( this.findHighlightableChoices().each2( function ( a, b ) { return r( e.id( b.data( 'select2-data' ) ), e.opts.element.val() ) ? ( ( d = a ), ! 1 ) : void 0; } ), c !== ! 1 && ( b === ! 0 && d >= 0 ? this.highlight( d ) : this.highlight( 0 ) ), b === ! 0 ) ) { var g = this.opts.minimumResultsForSearch; g >= 0 && this.showSearch( L( a.results ) >= g ); } }, showSearch: function ( b ) { this.showSearchInput !== b && ( ( this.showSearchInput = b ), this.dropdown .find( '.select2-search' ) .toggleClass( 'select2-search-hidden', ! b ), this.dropdown .find( '.select2-search' ) .toggleClass( 'select2-offscreen', ! b ), a( this.dropdown, this.container ).toggleClass( 'select2-with-searchbox', b ) ); }, onSelect: function ( a, b ) { if ( this.triggerSelect( a ) ) { var c = this.opts.element.val(), d = this.data(); this.opts.element.val( this.id( a ) ), this.updateSelection( a ), this.opts.element.trigger( { type: 'select2-selected', val: this.id( a ), choice: a, } ), ( this.nextSearchTerm = this.opts.nextSearchTerm( a, this.search.val() ) ), this.close(), ( b && b.noFocus ) || ! this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) || this.focusser.focus(), r( c, this.id( a ) ) || this.triggerChange( { added: a, removed: d, } ); } }, updateSelection: function ( a ) { var d, e, c = this.selection.find( '.select2-chosen' ); this.selection.data( 'select2-data', a ), c.empty(), null !== a && ( d = this.opts.formatSelection( a, c, this.opts.escapeMarkup ) ), d !== b && c.append( d ), ( e = this.opts.formatSelectionCssClass( a, c ) ), e !== b && c.addClass( e ), this.selection.removeClass( 'select2-default' ), this.opts.allowClear && this.getPlaceholder() !== b && this.container.addClass( 'select2-allowclear' ); }, val: function () { var a, c = ! 1, d = null, e = this, f = this.data(); if ( 0 === arguments.length ) return this.opts.element.val(); if ( ( ( a = arguments[ 0 ] ), arguments.length > 1 && ( c = arguments[ 1 ] ), this.select ) ) this.select .val( a ) .find( 'option' ) .filter( function () { return this.selected; } ) .each2( function ( a, b ) { return ( d = e.optionToData( b ) ), ! 1; } ), this.updateSelection( d ), this.setPlaceholder(), c && this.triggerChange( { added: d, removed: f, } ); else { if ( ! a && 0 !== a ) return this.clear( c ), void 0; if ( this.opts.initSelection === b ) throw new Error( 'cannot call val() if initSelection() is not defined' ); this.opts.element.val( a ), this.opts.initSelection( this.opts.element, function ( a ) { e.opts.element.val( a ? e.id( a ) : '' ), e.updateSelection( a ), e.setPlaceholder(), c && e.triggerChange( { added: a, removed: f, } ); } ); } }, clearSearch: function () { this.search.val( '' ), this.focusser.val( '' ); }, data: function ( a ) { var c, d = ! 1; return 0 === arguments.length ? ( ( c = this.selection.data( 'select2-data' ) ), c == b && ( c = null ), c ) : ( arguments.length > 1 && ( d = arguments[ 1 ] ), a ? ( ( c = this.data() ), this.opts.element.val( a ? this.id( a ) : '' ), this.updateSelection( a ), d && this.triggerChange( { added: a, removed: c, } ) ) : this.clear( d ), void 0 ); }, } ) ), ( e = O( c, { createContainer: function () { var b = a( document.createElement( 'div' ) ) .attr( { class: 'select2-container select2-container-multi', } ) .html( [ "', "
", " ', '
', ].join( '' ) ); return b; }, prepareOpts: function () { var b = this.parent.prepareOpts.apply( this, arguments ), c = this; return ( 'select' === b.element.get( 0 ).tagName.toLowerCase() ? ( b.initSelection = function ( a, b ) { var d = []; a .find( 'option' ) .filter( function () { return ( this.selected && ! this.disabled ); } ) .each2( function ( a, b ) { d.push( c.optionToData( b ) ); } ), b( d ); } ) : 'data' in b && ( b.initSelection = b.initSelection || function ( c, d ) { var e = s( c.val(), b.separator, b.transformVal ), f = []; b.query( { matcher: function ( c, d, g ) { var h = a.grep( e, function ( a ) { return r( a, b.id( g ) ); } ).length; return h && f.push( g ), h; }, callback: a.isFunction( d ) ? function () { for ( var a = [], c = 0; c < e.length; c++ ) for ( var g = e[ c ], h = 0; h < f.length; h++ ) { var i = f[ h ]; if ( r( g, b.id( i ) ) ) { a.push( i ), f.splice( h, 1 ); break; } } d( a ); } : a.noop, } ); } ), b ); }, selectChoice: function ( a ) { var b = this.container.find( '.select2-search-choice-focus' ); ( b.length && a && a[ 0 ] == b[ 0 ] ) || ( b.length && this.opts.element.trigger( 'choice-deselected', b ), b.removeClass( 'select2-search-choice-focus' ), a && a.length && ( this.close(), a.addClass( 'select2-search-choice-focus' ), this.opts.element.trigger( 'choice-selected', a ) ) ); }, destroy: function () { a( "label[for='" + this.search.attr( 'id' ) + "']" ).attr( 'for', this.opts.element.attr( 'id' ) ), this.parent.destroy.apply( this, arguments ), N.call( this, 'searchContainer', 'selection' ); }, initContainer: function () { var c, b = '.select2-choices'; ( this.searchContainer = this.container.find( '.select2-search-field' ) ), ( this.selection = c = this.container.find( b ) ); var d = this; this.selection.on( 'click', '.select2-container:not(.select2-container-disabled) .select2-search-choice:not(.select2-locked)', function () { d.search[ 0 ].focus(), d.selectChoice( a( this ) ); } ), this.search.attr( 'id', 's2id_autogen' + f() ), this.search .prev() .text( a( "label[for='" + this.opts.element.attr( 'id' ) + "']" ).text() ) .attr( 'for', this.search.attr( 'id' ) ), this.opts.element.focus( this.bind( function () { this.focus(); } ) ), this.search.on( 'input paste', this.bind( function () { ( this.search.attr( 'placeholder' ) && 0 == this.search.val().length ) || ( this.isInterfaceEnabled() && ( this.opened() || this.open() ) ); } ) ), this.search.attr( 'tabindex', this.elementTabIndex ), ( this.keydowns = 0 ), this.search.on( 'keydown', this.bind( function ( a ) { if ( this.isInterfaceEnabled() ) { ++this.keydowns; var b = c.find( '.select2-search-choice-focus' ), d = b.prev( '.select2-search-choice:not(.select2-locked)' ), e = b.next( '.select2-search-choice:not(.select2-locked)' ), f = z( this.search ); if ( b.length && ( a.which == k.LEFT || a.which == k.RIGHT || a.which == k.BACKSPACE || a.which == k.DELETE || a.which == k.ENTER ) ) { var g = b; return ( a.which == k.LEFT && d.length ? ( g = d ) : a.which == k.RIGHT ? ( g = e.length ? e : null ) : a.which === k.BACKSPACE ? this.unselect( b.first() ) && ( this.search.width( 10 ), ( g = d.length ? d : e ) ) : a.which == k.DELETE ? this.unselect( b.first() ) && ( this.search.width( 10 ), ( g = e.length ? e : null ) ) : a.which == k.ENTER && ( g = null ), this.selectChoice( g ), A( a ), ( g && g.length ) || this.open(), void 0 ); } if ( ( ( a.which === k.BACKSPACE && 1 == this.keydowns ) || a.which == k.LEFT ) && 0 == f.offset && ! f.length ) return ( this.selectChoice( c .find( '.select2-search-choice:not(.select2-locked)' ) .last() ), A( a ), void 0 ); if ( ( this.selectChoice( null ), this.opened() ) ) switch ( a.which ) { case k.UP: case k.DOWN: return ( this.moveHighlight( a.which === k.UP ? -1 : 1 ), A( a ), void 0 ); case k.ENTER: return ( this.selectHighlighted(), A( a ), void 0 ); case k.TAB: return ( this.selectHighlighted( { noFocus: ! 0 } ), this.close(), void 0 ); case k.ESC: return ( this.cancel( a ), A( a ), void 0 ); } if ( a.which !== k.TAB && ! k.isControl( a ) && ! k.isFunctionKey( a ) && a.which !== k.BACKSPACE && a.which !== k.ESC ) { if ( a.which === k.ENTER ) { if ( this.opts.openOnEnter === ! 1 ) return; if ( a.altKey || a.ctrlKey || a.shiftKey || a.metaKey ) return; } this.open(), ( a.which === k.PAGE_UP || a.which === k.PAGE_DOWN ) && A( a ), a.which === k.ENTER && A( a ); } } } ) ), this.search.on( 'keyup', this.bind( function () { ( this.keydowns = 0 ), this.resizeSearch(); } ) ), this.search.on( 'blur', this.bind( function ( b ) { this.container.removeClass( 'select2-container-active' ), this.search.removeClass( 'select2-focused' ), this.selectChoice( null ), this.opened() || this.clearSearch(), b.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-blur' ) ); } ) ), this.container.on( 'click', b, this.bind( function ( b ) { this.isInterfaceEnabled() && ( a( b.target ).closest( '.select2-search-choice' ).length > 0 || ( this.selectChoice( null ), this.clearPlaceholder(), this.container.hasClass( 'select2-container-active' ) || this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-focus' ) ), this.open(), this.focusSearch(), b.preventDefault() ) ); } ) ), this.container.on( 'focus', b, this.bind( function () { this.isInterfaceEnabled() && ( this.container.hasClass( 'select2-container-active' ) || this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-focus' ) ), this.container.addClass( 'select2-container-active' ), this.dropdown.addClass( 'select2-drop-active' ), this.clearPlaceholder() ); } ) ), this.initContainerWidth(), this.opts.element.hide(), this.clearSearch(); }, enableInterface: function () { this.parent.enableInterface.apply( this, arguments ) && this.search.prop( 'disabled', ! this.isInterfaceEnabled() ); }, initSelection: function () { if ( ( '' === this.opts.element.val() && '' === this.opts.element.text() && ( this.updateSelection( [] ), this.close(), this.clearSearch() ), this.select || '' !== this.opts.element.val() ) ) { var c = this; this.opts.initSelection.call( null, this.opts.element, function ( a ) { a !== b && null !== a && ( c.updateSelection( a ), c.close(), c.clearSearch() ); } ); } }, clearSearch: function () { var a = this.getPlaceholder(), c = this.getMaxSearchWidth(); a !== b && 0 === this.getVal().length && this.search.hasClass( 'select2-focused' ) === ! 1 ? ( this.search .val( a ) .addClass( 'select2-default' ), this.search.width( c > 0 ? c : this.container.css( 'width' ) ) ) : this.search.val( '' ).width( 10 ); }, clearPlaceholder: function () { this.search.hasClass( 'select2-default' ) && this.search .val( '' ) .removeClass( 'select2-default' ); }, opening: function () { this.clearPlaceholder(), this.resizeSearch(), this.parent.opening.apply( this, arguments ), this.focusSearch(), '' === this.search.val() && this.nextSearchTerm != b && ( this.search.val( this.nextSearchTerm ), this.search.select() ), this.updateResults( ! 0 ), this.opts.shouldFocusInput( this ) && this.search.focus(), this.opts.element.trigger( a.Event( 'select2-open' ) ); }, close: function () { this.opened() && this.parent.close.apply( this, arguments ); }, focus: function () { this.close(), this.search.focus(); }, isFocused: function () { return this.search.hasClass( 'select2-focused' ); }, updateSelection: function ( b ) { var c = [], d = [], e = this; a( b ).each( function () { p( e.id( this ), c ) < 0 && ( c.push( e.id( this ) ), d.push( this ) ); } ), ( b = d ), this.selection .find( '.select2-search-choice' ) .remove(), a( b ).each( function () { e.addSelectedChoice( this ); } ), e.postprocessResults(); }, tokenize: function () { var a = this.search.val(); ( a = this.opts.tokenizer.call( this, a, this.data(), this.bind( this.onSelect ), this.opts ) ), null != a && a != b && ( this.search.val( a ), a.length > 0 && this.open() ); }, onSelect: function ( a, c ) { this.triggerSelect( a ) && '' !== a.text && ( this.addSelectedChoice( a ), this.opts.element.trigger( { type: 'selected', val: this.id( a ), choice: a, } ), ( this.nextSearchTerm = this.opts.nextSearchTerm( a, this.search.val() ) ), this.clearSearch(), this.updateResults(), ( this.select || ! this.opts.closeOnSelect ) && this.postprocessResults( a, ! 1, this.opts.closeOnSelect === ! 0 ), this.opts.closeOnSelect ? ( this.close(), this.search.width( 10 ) ) : this.countSelectableResults() > 0 ? ( this.search.width( 10 ), this.resizeSearch(), this.getMaximumSelectionSize() > 0 && this.val().length >= this.getMaximumSelectionSize() ? this.updateResults( ! 0 ) : this.nextSearchTerm != b && ( this.search.val( this.nextSearchTerm ), this.updateResults(), this.search.select() ), this.positionDropdown() ) : ( this.close(), this.search.width( 10 ) ), this.triggerChange( { added: a } ), ( c && c.noFocus ) || this.focusSearch() ); }, cancel: function () { this.close(), this.focusSearch(); }, addSelectedChoice: function ( c ) { var j, k, d = ! c.locked, e = a( "
  • " ), f = a( "
  • " ), g = d ? e : f, h = this.id( c ), i = this.getVal(); ( j = this.opts.formatSelection( c, g.find( 'div' ), this.opts.escapeMarkup ) ), j != b && g .find( 'div' ) .replaceWith( a( '
    ' ).html( j ) ), ( k = this.opts.formatSelectionCssClass( c, g.find( 'div' ) ) ), k != b && g.addClass( k ), d && g .find( '.select2-search-choice-close' ) .on( 'mousedown', A ) .on( 'click dblclick', this.bind( function ( b ) { this.isInterfaceEnabled() && ( this.unselect( a( b.target ) ), this.selection .find( '.select2-search-choice-focus' ) .removeClass( 'select2-search-choice-focus' ), A( b ), this.close(), this.focusSearch() ); } ) ) .on( 'focus', this.bind( function () { this.isInterfaceEnabled() && ( this.container.addClass( 'select2-container-active' ), this.dropdown.addClass( 'select2-drop-active' ) ); } ) ), g.data( 'select2-data', c ), g.insertBefore( this.searchContainer ), i.push( h ), this.setVal( i ); }, unselect: function ( b ) { var d, e, c = this.getVal(); if ( ( ( b = b.closest( '.select2-search-choice' ) ), 0 === b.length ) ) throw ( 'Invalid argument: ' + b + '. Must be .select2-search-choice' ); if ( ( d = b.data( 'select2-data' ) ) ) { var f = a.Event( 'select2-removing' ); if ( ( ( f.val = this.id( d ) ), ( f.choice = d ), this.opts.element.trigger( f ), f.isDefaultPrevented() ) ) return ! 1; for ( ; ( e = p( this.id( d ), c ) ) >= 0; ) c.splice( e, 1 ), this.setVal( c ), this.select && this.postprocessResults(); return ( b.remove(), this.opts.element.trigger( { type: 'select2-removed', val: this.id( d ), choice: d, } ), this.triggerChange( { removed: d } ), ! 0 ); } }, postprocessResults: function ( a, b, c ) { var d = this.getVal(), e = this.results.find( '.select2-result' ), f = this.results.find( '.select2-result-with-children' ), g = this; e.each2( function ( a, b ) { var c = g.id( b.data( 'select2-data' ) ); p( c, d ) >= 0 && ( b.addClass( 'select2-selected' ), b .find( '.select2-result-selectable' ) .addClass( 'select2-selected' ) ); } ), f.each2( function ( a, b ) { b.is( '.select2-result-selectable' ) || 0 !== b.find( '.select2-result-selectable:not(.select2-selected)' ).length || b.addClass( 'select2-selected' ); } ), -1 == this.highlight() && c !== ! 1 && this.opts.closeOnSelect === ! 0 && g.highlight( 0 ), ! this.opts.createSearchChoice && ! e.filter( '.select2-result:not(.select2-selected)' ).length > 0 && ( ! a || ( a && ! a.more && 0 === this.results.find( '.select2-no-results' ).length ) ) && J( g.opts.formatNoMatches, 'formatNoMatches' ) && this.results.append( "
  • " + K( g.opts.formatNoMatches, g.opts.element, g.search.val() ) + '
  • ' ); }, getMaxSearchWidth: function () { return this.selection.width() - t( this.search ); }, resizeSearch: function () { var a, b, c, d, e, f = t( this.search ); ( a = C( this.search ) + 10 ), ( b = this.search.offset().left ), ( c = this.selection.width() ), ( d = this.selection.offset().left ), ( e = c - ( b - d ) - f ), a > e && ( e = c - f ), 40 > e && ( e = c - f ), 0 >= e && ( e = a ), this.search.width( Math.floor( e ) ); }, getVal: function () { var a; return this.select ? ( ( a = this.select.val() ), null === a ? [] : a ) : ( ( a = this.opts.element.val() ), s( a, this.opts.separator, this.opts.transformVal ) ); }, setVal: function ( b ) { var c; this.select ? this.select.val( b ) : ( ( c = [] ), a( b ).each( function () { p( this, c ) < 0 && c.push( this ); } ), this.opts.element.val( 0 === c.length ? '' : c.join( this.opts.separator ) ) ); }, buildChangeDetails: function ( a, b ) { for ( var b = b.slice( 0 ), a = a.slice( 0 ), c = 0; c < b.length; c++ ) for ( var d = 0; d < a.length; d++ ) r( this.opts.id( b[ c ] ), this.opts.id( a[ d ] ) ) && ( b.splice( c, 1 ), c > 0 && c--, a.splice( d, 1 ), d-- ); return { added: b, removed: a }; }, val: function ( c, d ) { var e, f = this; if ( 0 === arguments.length ) return this.getVal(); if ( ( ( e = this.data() ), e.length || ( e = [] ), ! c && 0 !== c ) ) return ( this.opts.element.val( '' ), this.updateSelection( [] ), this.clearSearch(), d && this.triggerChange( { added: this.data(), removed: e, } ), void 0 ); if ( ( this.setVal( c ), this.select ) ) this.opts.initSelection( this.select, this.bind( this.updateSelection ) ), d && this.triggerChange( this.buildChangeDetails( e, this.data() ) ); else { if ( this.opts.initSelection === b ) throw new Error( 'val() cannot be called if initSelection() is not defined' ); this.opts.initSelection( this.opts.element, function ( b ) { var c = a.map( b, f.id ); f.setVal( c ), f.updateSelection( b ), f.clearSearch(), d && f.triggerChange( f.buildChangeDetails( e, f.data() ) ); } ); } this.clearSearch(); }, onSortStart: function () { if ( this.select ) throw new Error( "Sorting of elements is not supported when attached to instead." ); this.search.width( 0 ), this.searchContainer.hide(); }, onSortEnd: function () { var b = [], c = this; this.searchContainer.show(), this.searchContainer.appendTo( this.searchContainer.parent() ), this.resizeSearch(), this.selection .find( '.select2-search-choice' ) .each( function () { b.push( c.opts.id( a( this ).data( 'select2-data' ) ) ); } ), this.setVal( b ), this.triggerChange(); }, data: function ( b, c ) { var e, f, d = this; return 0 === arguments.length ? this.selection .children( '.select2-search-choice' ) .map( function () { return a( this ).data( 'select2-data' ); } ) .get() : ( ( f = this.data() ), b || ( b = [] ), ( e = a.map( b, function ( a ) { return d.opts.id( a ); } ) ), this.setVal( e ), this.updateSelection( b ), this.clearSearch(), c && this.triggerChange( this.buildChangeDetails( f, this.data() ) ), void 0 ); }, } ) ), ( a.fn.select2 = function () { var d, e, f, g, h, c = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 0 ), i = [ 'val', 'destroy', 'opened', 'open', 'close', 'focus', 'isFocused', 'container', 'dropdown', 'onSortStart', 'onSortEnd', 'enable', 'disable', 'readonly', 'positionDropdown', 'data', 'search', ], j = [ 'opened', 'isFocused', 'container', 'dropdown' ], k = [ 'val', 'data' ], l = { search: 'externalSearch' }; return ( this.each( function () { if ( 0 === c.length || 'object' == typeof c[ 0 ] ) ( d = 0 === c.length ? {} : a.extend( {}, c[ 0 ] ) ), ( d.element = a( this ) ), 'select' === d.element.get( 0 ).tagName.toLowerCase() ? ( h = d.element.prop( 'multiple' ) ) : ( ( h = d.multiple || ! 1 ), 'tags' in d && ( d.multiple = h = ! 0 ) ), ( e = h ? new window.Select2[ 'class' ].multi() : new window.Select2[ 'class' ].single() ), e.init( d ); else { if ( 'string' != typeof c[ 0 ] ) throw ( 'Invalid arguments to select2 plugin: ' + c ); if ( p( c[ 0 ], i ) < 0 ) throw 'Unknown method: ' + c[ 0 ]; if ( ( ( g = b ), ( e = a( this ).data( 'select2' ) ), e === b ) ) return; if ( ( ( f = c[ 0 ] ), 'container' === f ? ( g = e.container ) : 'dropdown' === f ? ( g = e.dropdown ) : ( l[ f ] && ( f = l[ f ] ), ( g = e[ f ].apply( e, c.slice( 1 ) ) ) ), p( c[ 0 ], j ) >= 0 || ( p( c[ 0 ], k ) >= 0 && 1 == c.length ) ) ) return ! 1; } } ), g === b ? this : g ); } ), ( a.fn.select2.defaults = { width: 'copy', loadMorePadding: 0, closeOnSelect: ! 0, openOnEnter: ! 0, containerCss: {}, dropdownCss: {}, containerCssClass: '', dropdownCssClass: '', formatResult: function ( a, b, c, d ) { var e = []; return E( this.text( a ), c.term, e, d ), e.join( '' ); }, transformVal: function ( b ) { return a.trim( b ); }, formatSelection: function ( a, c, d ) { return a ? d( this.text( a ) ) : b; }, sortResults: function ( a ) { return a; }, formatResultCssClass: function ( a ) { return a.css; }, formatSelectionCssClass: function () { return b; }, minimumResultsForSearch: 0, minimumInputLength: 0, maximumInputLength: null, maximumSelectionSize: 0, id: function ( a ) { return a == b ? null : a.id; }, text: function ( b ) { return b && this.data && this.data.text ? a.isFunction( this.data.text ) ? this.data.text( b ) : b[ this.data.text ] : b.text; }, matcher: function ( a, b ) { return ( o( '' + b ) .toUpperCase() .indexOf( o( '' + a ).toUpperCase() ) >= 0 ); }, separator: ',', tokenSeparators: [], tokenizer: M, escapeMarkup: F, blurOnChange: ! 1, selectOnBlur: ! 1, adaptContainerCssClass: function ( a ) { return a; }, adaptDropdownCssClass: function () { return null; }, nextSearchTerm: function () { return b; }, searchInputPlaceholder: '', createSearchChoicePosition: 'top', shouldFocusInput: function ( a ) { var b = 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0; return b ? a.opts.minimumResultsForSearch < 0 ? ! 1 : ! 0 : ! 0; }, } ), ( a.fn.select2.locales = [] ), ( a.fn.select2.locales.en = { formatMatches: function ( a ) { return 1 === a ? 'One result is available, press enter to select it.' : a + ' results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'; }, formatNoMatches: function () { return 'No matches found'; }, formatAjaxError: function () { return 'Loading failed'; }, formatInputTooShort: function ( a, b ) { var c = b - a.length; return ( 'Please enter ' + c + ' or more character' + ( 1 == c ? '' : 's' ) ); }, formatInputTooLong: function ( a, b ) { var c = a.length - b; return ( 'Please delete ' + c + ' character' + ( 1 == c ? '' : 's' ) ); }, formatSelectionTooBig: function ( a ) { return ( 'You can only select ' + a + ' item' + ( 1 == a ? '' : 's' ) ); }, formatLoadMore: function () { return 'Loading more results\u2026'; }, formatSearching: function () { return 'Searching\u2026'; }, } ), a.extend( a.fn.select2.defaults, a.fn.select2.locales.en ), ( a.fn.select2.ajaxDefaults = { transport: a.ajax, params: { type: 'GET', cache: ! 1, dataType: 'json' }, } ), ( window.Select2 = { query: { ajax: G, local: H, tags: I }, util: { debounce: w, markMatch: E, escapeMarkup: F, stripDiacritics: o, }, class: { abstract: c, single: d, multi: e }, } ); } } )( jQuery );