' . $acf_plugin_name . ' —'; $acf_learn_how_to_fix = '' . __( 'Learn how to fix', 'acf' ) . ''; $acf_class = ''; $acf_user_can_acf = false; if ( current_user_can( acf_get_setting( 'capability' ) ) ) { $acf_user_can_acf = true; $acf_show_details = ' ' . __( 'Show details', 'acf' ) . ''; $acf_class = ' is-dismissible'; } else { $acf_show_details = __( 'Please contact your site admin for more details.', 'acf' ); } if ( ! empty( $acf_will_escape ) ) { $acf_escaped = $acf_will_escape; $acf_class .= ' notice-warning acf-will-escape'; $acf_error_msg = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - name of the ACF plugin. %2$s - Link to documentation. %3$s - Link to show more details about the error */ __( '%1$s ACF will soon escape unsafe HTML that is rendered by the_field(). We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields will be modified by this change. %2$s. %3$s', 'acf' ), $acf_plugin_name, $acf_learn_how_to_fix, $acf_show_details ); } else { $acf_class .= ' notice-error'; if ( apply_filters( 'acf/the_field/escape_html_optin', false ) ) { $acf_error_msg = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - name of the ACF plugin. %2$s - Link to documentation. %3$s - Link to show more details about the error */ __( '%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the_field or the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields will be modified by this change. %2$s. %3$s', 'acf' ), $acf_plugin_name, $acf_learn_how_to_fix, $acf_show_details ); } else { $acf_error_msg = sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - name of the ACF plugin. %2$s - Link to documentation. %3$s - Link to show more details about the error */ __( '%1$s ACF now automatically escapes unsafe HTML when rendered by the ACF shortcode. We\'ve detected the output of some of your fields will be modified by this change. %2$s. %3$s', 'acf' ), $acf_plugin_name, $acf_learn_how_to_fix, $acf_show_details ); } } ?>