name = 'wysiwyg'; $this->label = __( 'WYSIWYG Editor', 'acf' ); $this->category = 'content'; $this->description = __( 'Displays the WordPress WYSIWYG editor as seen in Posts and Pages allowing for a rich text-editing experience that also allows for multimedia content.', 'acf' ) . ' ' . __( 'We do not recommend using this field in ACF Blocks.', 'acf' ); $this->preview_image = acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-wysiwyg.png'; $this->doc_url = acf_add_url_utm_tags( '', 'docs', 'field-type-selection' ); $this->defaults = array( 'tabs' => 'all', 'toolbar' => 'full', 'media_upload' => 1, 'default_value' => '', 'delay' => 0, ); $this->supports = array( 'escaping_html' => true, ); // add acf_the_content filters $this->add_filters(); // actions add_action( 'acf/enqueue_uploader', array( $this, 'acf_enqueue_uploader' ) ); } /* * add_filters * * This function will add filters to 'acf_the_content' * * @type function * @date 20/09/2016 * @since 5.4.0 * * @param n/a * @return n/a */ function add_filters() { // WordPress 5.5 introduced new function for applying image tags. $wp_filter_content_tags = function_exists( 'wp_filter_content_tags' ) ? 'wp_filter_content_tags' : 'wp_make_content_images_responsive'; // Mimic filters added to "the_content" in "wp-includes/default-filters.php". add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'capital_P_dangit', 11 ); // add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'do_blocks', 9 ); Not yet supported. add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'wptexturize' ); add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'convert_smilies', 20 ); add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'wpautop' ); add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'shortcode_unautop' ); // add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'prepend_attachment' ); Causes double image on attachment page. add_filter( 'acf_the_content', $wp_filter_content_tags ); add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'do_shortcode', 11 ); // Mimic filters added to "the_content" in "wp-includes/class-wp-embed.php" if ( isset( $GLOBALS['wp_embed'] ) ) { add_filter( 'acf_the_content', array( $GLOBALS['wp_embed'], 'run_shortcode' ), 8 ); add_filter( 'acf_the_content', array( $GLOBALS['wp_embed'], 'autoembed' ), 8 ); } } /* * get_toolbars * * This function will return an array of toolbars for the WYSIWYG field * * @type function * @date 18/04/2014 * @since 5.0.0 * * @param n/a * @return (array) */ function get_toolbars() { // vars $editor_id = 'acf_content'; $toolbars = array(); // mce buttons (Full) $mce_buttons = array( 'formatselect', 'bold', 'italic', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'blockquote', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'link', 'wp_more', 'spellchecker', 'fullscreen', 'wp_adv' ); $mce_buttons_2 = array( 'strikethrough', 'hr', 'forecolor', 'pastetext', 'removeformat', 'charmap', 'outdent', 'indent', 'undo', 'redo', 'wp_help' ); // mce buttons (Basic) $teeny_mce_buttons = array( 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'blockquote', 'strikethrough', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'undo', 'redo', 'link', 'fullscreen' ); // Full $toolbars['Full'] = array( 1 => apply_filters( 'mce_buttons', $mce_buttons, $editor_id ), 2 => apply_filters( 'mce_buttons_2', $mce_buttons_2, $editor_id ), 3 => apply_filters( 'mce_buttons_3', array(), $editor_id ), 4 => apply_filters( 'mce_buttons_4', array(), $editor_id ), ); // Basic $toolbars['Basic'] = array( 1 => apply_filters( 'teeny_mce_buttons', $teeny_mce_buttons, $editor_id ), ); // Filter for 3rd party $toolbars = apply_filters( 'acf/fields/wysiwyg/toolbars', $toolbars ); // return return $toolbars; } /* * acf_enqueue_uploader * * Registers toolbars data for the WYSIWYG field. * * @type function * @date 16/12/2015 * @since 5.3.2 * * @param void * @return void */ function acf_enqueue_uploader() { // vars $data = array(); $toolbars = $this->get_toolbars(); // loop if ( $toolbars ) { foreach ( $toolbars as $label => $rows ) { // vars $key = $label; $key = sanitize_title( $key ); $key = str_replace( '-', '_', $key ); // append $data[ $key ] = array(); if ( $rows ) { foreach ( $rows as $i => $row ) { $data[ $key ][ $i ] = implode( ',', $row ); } } } } // localize acf_localize_data( array( 'toolbars' => $data, ) ); } /** * Create the HTML interface for your field * * @param array $field An array holding all the field's data * * @type action * @since 3.6 * @date 23/01/13 */ function render_field( $field ) { // enqueue acf_enqueue_uploader(); // vars $id = uniqid( 'acf-editor-' ); $default_editor = 'html'; $show_tabs = true; // get height $height = acf_get_user_setting( 'wysiwyg_height', 300 ); $height = max( $height, 300 ); // minimum height is 300 // detect mode if ( ! user_can_richedit() ) { $show_tabs = false; } elseif ( $field['tabs'] == 'visual' ) { // case: visual tab only $default_editor = 'tinymce'; $show_tabs = false; } elseif ( $field['tabs'] == 'text' ) { // case: text tab only $show_tabs = false; } elseif ( wp_default_editor() == 'tinymce' ) { // case: both tabs $default_editor = 'tinymce'; } // must be logged in to upload if ( ! current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { $field['media_upload'] = 0; } // mode $switch_class = ( $default_editor === 'html' ) ? 'html-active' : 'tmce-active'; // filter add_filter( 'acf_the_editor_content', 'format_for_editor', 10, 2 ); $field['value'] = is_string( $field['value'] ) ? $field['value'] : ''; $field['value'] = apply_filters( 'acf_the_editor_content', $field['value'], $default_editor ); // attr $wrap = array( 'id' => 'wp-' . $id . '-wrap', 'class' => 'acf-editor-wrap wp-core-ui wp-editor-wrap ' . $switch_class, 'data-toolbar' => $field['toolbar'], ); // delay if ( $field['delay'] ) { $wrap['class'] .= ' delay'; } // vars $textarea = acf_get_textarea_input( array( 'id' => $id, 'class' => 'wp-editor-area', 'name' => $field['name'], 'style' => $height ? "height:{$height}px;" : '', 'value' => '%s', ) ); ?>
__( 'Default Value', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => __( 'Appears when creating a new post', 'acf' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'default_value', ) ); } /** * Renders the field settings used in the "Presentation" tab. * * @since 6.0 * * @param array $field The field settings array. * @return void */ function render_field_presentation_settings( $field ) { $toolbars = $this->get_toolbars(); $choices = array(); if ( ! empty( $toolbars ) ) { foreach ( $toolbars as $k => $v ) { $label = $k; $name = sanitize_title( $label ); $name = str_replace( '-', '_', $name ); $choices[ $name ] = $label; } } acf_render_field_setting( $field, array( 'label' => __( 'Tabs', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'tabs', 'choices' => array( 'all' => __( 'Visual & Text', 'acf' ), 'visual' => __( 'Visual Only', 'acf' ), 'text' => __( 'Text Only', 'acf' ), ), ) ); acf_render_field_setting( $field, array( 'label' => __( 'Toolbar', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'name' => 'toolbar', 'choices' => $choices, 'conditions' => array( 'field' => 'tabs', 'operator' => '!=', 'value' => 'text', ), ) ); acf_render_field_setting( $field, array( 'label' => __( 'Show Media Upload Buttons', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => '', 'name' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'true_false', 'ui' => 1, ) ); acf_render_field_setting( $field, array( 'label' => __( 'Delay Initialization', 'acf' ), 'instructions' => __( 'TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked', 'acf' ), 'name' => 'delay', 'type' => 'true_false', 'ui' => 1, 'conditions' => array( 'field' => 'tabs', 'operator' => '!=', 'value' => 'text', ), ) ); } /** * This filter is applied to the $value after it is loaded from the db, and before it is returned to the template * * @type filter * @since 3.6 * * @param mixed $value The value which was loaded from the database. * @param mixed $post_id The $post_id from which the value was loaded. * @param array $field The field array holding all the field options. * @param boolean $escape_html Should the field return a HTML safe formatted value. * * @return mixed $value The modified value */ public function format_value( $value, $post_id, $field, $escape_html ) { // Bail early if no value or not a string. if ( empty( $value ) || ! is_string( $value ) ) { return $value; } if ( $escape_html ) { add_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'acf_esc_html', 1 ); } $value = apply_filters( 'acf_the_content', $value ); if ( $escape_html ) { remove_filter( 'acf_the_content', 'acf_esc_html', 1 ); } // Follow the_content function in /wp-includes/post-template.php return str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $value ); } } // initialize acf_register_field_type( 'acf_field_wysiwyg' ); endif; // class_exists check ?>