=' ) ) { require_once __DIR__ . '/instance.php'; } else { if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { WP_CLI::warning( _sharethis_share_buttons_php_version_text() ); } else { add_action( 'admin_notices', '_sharethis_share_buttons_php_version_error' ); } } /** * Admin notice for incompatible versions of PHP. */ function _sharethis_share_buttons_php_version_error() { printf( '


', esc_html( _sharethis_share_buttons_php_version_text() ) ); } /** * String describing the minimum PHP version. * * @return string */ function _sharethis_share_buttons_php_version_text() { return __( 'ShareThis Share Buttons plugin error: Your version of PHP is too old to run this plugin. You must be running PHP 5.3 or higher.', 'sharethis-share-buttons' ); } /** * The helper function to insert the proper inline button container. * * @return string */ function sharethis_inline_buttons() { return '
'; } add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), '_sharethis_share_buttons_add_action_links' ); /** * Add a link to the settings page. * * @param string $links The links shown in the plugin page. * * @return array */ function _sharethis_share_buttons_add_action_links( $links ) { $mylinks = array( 'Settings', ); return array_merge( $links, $mylinks ); }