$tab_name ) : ?>

"return confirm('{$confirm}');", ) ); ?>

__( 'General', 'top-10' ), 'counter' => __( 'Counter/Tracker', 'top-10' ), 'list' => __( 'Posts list', 'top-10' ), 'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail', 'top-10' ), 'styles' => __( 'Styles', 'top-10' ), 'maintenance' => __( 'Maintenance', 'top-10' ), 'feed' => __( 'Feed', 'top-10' ), ); /** * Filter the array containing the settings' sections. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $tptn_settings_sections Settings array */ return apply_filters( 'tptn_settings_sections', $tptn_settings_sections ); } /** * Miscellaneous callback funcion * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Arguments passed by the setting. * @return void */ function tptn_missing_callback( $args ) { /* translators: %s: Setting ID. */ printf( esc_html__( 'The callback function used for the %s setting is missing.', 'top-10' ), esc_html( $args['id'] ) ); } /** * Header Callback * * Renders the header. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Arguments passed by the setting. * @return void */ function tptn_header_callback( $args ) { $html = '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** * After Settings Output filter * * @since 2.5.0 * @param string $html HTML string. * @param array $args Arguments array. */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Display text fields. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_text_callback( $args ) { // First, we read the options collection. global $tptn_settings; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $value = $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $value = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : ''; } $size = sanitize_html_class( ( isset( $args['size'] ) && ! is_null( $args['size'] ) ) ? $args['size'] : 'regular' ); $class = sanitize_html_class( $args['field_class'] ); $disabled = ! empty( $args['disabled'] ) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; $readonly = ( isset( $args['readonly'] ) && true === $args['readonly'] ) ? ' readonly="readonly"' : ''; $attributes = $disabled . $readonly; foreach ( (array) $args['field_attributes'] as $attribute => $val ) { $attributes .= sprintf( ' %1$s="%2$s"', $attribute, esc_attr( $val ) ); } $html = sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $class . ' ' . $size . '-text', esc_attr( stripslashes( $value ) ), $attributes ); $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Display csv fields. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_csv_callback( $args ) { tptn_text_callback( $args ); } /** * Display CSV fields of numbers. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_numbercsv_callback( $args ) { tptn_csv_callback( $args ); } /** * Display textarea. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_textarea_callback( $args ) { // First, we read the options collection. global $tptn_settings; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $value = $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $value = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : ''; } $class = sanitize_html_class( $args['field_class'] ); $html = sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), esc_textarea( stripslashes( $value ) ), 'large-text ' . $class ); $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Display CSS fields. * * @since 2.5.1 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_css_callback( $args ) { tptn_textarea_callback( $args ); } /** * Display checboxes. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_checkbox_callback( $args ) { // First, we read the options collection. global $tptn_settings; $default = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : ''; $set = isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ? $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] : tptn_get_default_option( $args['id'] ); $checked = ! empty( $set ) ? checked( 1, (int) $set, false ) : ''; $html = sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ) ); $html .= sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $checked ); $html .= ( $set <> $default ) ? ' ' . esc_html__( 'Modified from default setting', 'top-10' ) . '' : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Multicheck Callback * * Renders multiple checkboxes. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_multicheck_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; $html = ''; if ( ! empty( $args['options'] ) ) { $html .= sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ) ); foreach ( $args['options'] as $key => $option ) { if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ][ $key ] ) ) { $enabled = $key; } else { $enabled = null; } $html .= sprintf( ' ', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), sanitize_key( $key ), esc_attr( $key ), checked( $key, $enabled, false ) ); $html .= sprintf( '
', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), sanitize_key( $key ), $option ); } $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; } /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Radio Callback * * Renders radio boxes. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_radio_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; $html = ''; foreach ( $args['options'] as $key => $option ) { $checked = false; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) && $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] === $key ) { $checked = true; } elseif ( isset( $args['default'] ) && $args['default'] === $key && ! isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $checked = true; } $html .= sprintf( ' ', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $key, checked( true, $checked, false ) ); $html .= sprintf( '
', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $key, $option ); } $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Radio callback with description. * * Renders radio boxes with each item having it separate description. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_radiodesc_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; $html = ''; foreach ( $args['options'] as $option ) { $checked = false; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) && $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] === $option['id'] ) { $checked = true; } elseif ( isset( $args['default'] ) && $args['default'] === $option['id'] && ! isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $checked = true; } $html .= sprintf( ' ', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $option['id'], checked( true, $checked, false ) ); $html .= sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $option['id'], $option['name'] ); $html .= ': ' . wp_kses_post( $option['description'] ) . '
'; } $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Callback for thumbnail sizes * * Renders list of radio boxes with various thumbnail sizes. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_thumbsizes_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; $html = ''; if ( ! isset( $args['options']['tptn_thumbnail'] ) ) { $args['options']['tptn_thumbnail'] = array( 'name' => 'tptn_thumbnail', 'width' => tptn_get_option( 'thumb_width', 150 ), 'height' => tptn_get_option( 'thumb_height', 150 ), 'crop' => tptn_get_option( 'thumb_crop', true ), ); } foreach ( $args['options'] as $option ) { $checked = false; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) && $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] === $option['name'] ) { $checked = true; } elseif ( isset( $args['default'] ) && $args['default'] === $option['name'] && ! isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $checked = true; } $html .= sprintf( ' ', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $option['name'], checked( true, $checked, false ) ); $html .= sprintf( '
', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $option['name'], $option['name'] . ' (' . $option['width'] . 'x' . $option['height'] . ')' ); } $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Number Callback * * Renders number fields. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_number_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $value = $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $value = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : ''; } $max = isset( $args['max'] ) ? $args['max'] : 999999; $min = isset( $args['min'] ) ? $args['min'] : 0; $step = isset( $args['step'] ) ? $args['step'] : 1; $size = ( isset( $args['size'] ) && ! is_null( $args['size'] ) ) ? $args['size'] : 'regular'; $html = sprintf( '', esc_attr( $step ), esc_attr( $max ), esc_attr( $min ), sanitize_html_class( $size ) . '-text', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), esc_attr( stripslashes( $value ) ) ); $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Select Callback * * Renders select fields. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_select_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $value = $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $value = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : ''; } if ( isset( $args['chosen'] ) ) { $chosen = 'class="tptn-chosen"'; } else { $chosen = ''; } $html = sprintf( ''; $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Descriptive text callback. * * Renders descriptive text onto the settings field. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_descriptive_text_callback( $args ) { $html = '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Display csv fields. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_posttypes_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; $html = ''; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $options = $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $options = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : ''; } // If post_types is empty or contains a query string then use parse_str else consider it comma-separated. if ( is_array( $options ) ) { $post_types = $options; } elseif ( ! is_array( $options ) && false === strpos( $options, '=' ) ) { $post_types = explode( ',', $options ); } else { parse_str( $options, $post_types ); } $wp_post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, ) ); $posts_types_inc = array_intersect( $wp_post_types, $post_types ); $html .= sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ) ); foreach ( $wp_post_types as $wp_post_type ) { $html .= sprintf( ' ', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), esc_attr( $wp_post_type ), checked( true, in_array( $wp_post_type, $posts_types_inc, true ), false ) ); $html .= sprintf( '
', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), $wp_post_type ); } $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Display taxonomies fields. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $args Array of arguments. * @return void */ function tptn_taxonomies_callback( $args ) { global $tptn_settings; $html = ''; if ( isset( $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $options = $tptn_settings[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $options = isset( $args['options'] ) ? $args['options'] : ''; } // If taxonomies is empty or contains a query string then use parse_str else consider it comma-separated. if ( is_array( $options ) ) { $taxonomies = $options; } elseif ( ! is_array( $options ) && false === strpos( $options, '=' ) ) { $taxonomies = explode( ',', $options ); } else { parse_str( $options, $taxonomies ); } /* Fetch taxonomies */ $argsc = array( 'public' => true, ); $output = 'objects'; $operator = 'and'; $wp_taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $argsc, $output, $operator ); $taxonomies_inc = array_intersect( wp_list_pluck( (array) $wp_taxonomies, 'name' ), $taxonomies ); $html .= sprintf( '', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ) ); foreach ( $wp_taxonomies as $wp_taxonomy ) { $html .= sprintf( ' ', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), esc_attr( $wp_taxonomy->name ), checked( true, in_array( $wp_taxonomy->name, $taxonomies_inc, true ), false ) ); $html .= sprintf( '
', sanitize_key( $args['id'] ), esc_attr( $wp_taxonomy->name ), $wp_taxonomy->labels->name, $wp_taxonomy->name ); } $html .= '

' . wp_kses_post( $args['desc'] ) . '

'; /** This filter has been defined in settings-page.php */ echo apply_filters( 'tptn_after_setting_output', $html, $args ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Function to add an action to search for tags using Ajax. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @return void */ function tptn_tags_search() { if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['tax'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended wp_die( 0 ); } $taxonomy = sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['tax'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended $tax = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); if ( ! $tax ) { wp_die( 0 ); } if ( ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->assign_terms ) ) { wp_die( -1 ); } $s = isset( $_REQUEST['q'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['q'] ) ) : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended $comma = _x( ',', 'tag delimiter' ); if ( ',' !== $comma ) { $s = str_replace( $comma, ',', $s ); } if ( false !== strpos( $s, ',' ) ) { $s = explode( ',', $s ); $s = $s[ count( $s ) - 1 ]; } $s = trim( $s ); /** This filter has been defined in /wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php */ $term_search_min_chars = (int) apply_filters( 'term_search_min_chars', 2, $tax, $s ); /* * Require $term_search_min_chars chars for matching (default: 2) * ensure it's a non-negative, non-zero integer. */ if ( ( 0 === $term_search_min_chars ) || ( strlen( $s ) < $term_search_min_chars ) ) { wp_die(); } $results = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'name__like' => $s, 'fields' => 'names', 'hide_empty' => false, ) ); echo wp_json_encode( $results ); wp_die(); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_tptn_tag_search', 'tptn_tags_search' ); /** * Display the default thumbnail below the setting. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $html Current HTML. * @param array $args Argument array of the setting. * @return string */ function tptn_admin_thumbnail( $html, $args ) { $thumb_default = tptn_get_option( 'thumb_default' ); if ( 'thumb_default' === $args['id'] && '' !== $thumb_default ) { $html .= '
'; $html .= sprintf( '%2$s', esc_attr( $thumb_default ), esc_html__( 'Default thumbnail', 'where-did-they-go-from-here' ) ); } return $html; } add_filter( 'tptn_after_setting_output', 'tptn_admin_thumbnail', 10, 2 );