'.__( 'Upgrade To Premium', 'wtpsw' ).'', 'manage_options', 'wtpsw-premium', array( $this, 'wtpsw_premium_page' )); } /** * Function to handle the setting page html * * @since 1.0.0 */ function wtpsw_settings_page() { include_once( WTPSW_DIR . '/includes/admin/form/wtpsw-settings.php' ); } /** * How It Work Page * * @since 1.0.0 */ function wtpsw_designs_page() { include_once( WTPSW_DIR . '/includes/admin/wtpsw-how-it-works.php' ); } /** * Upgrade to PRO Vs Free * * @since 1.0.0 */ function wtpsw_premium_page() { include_once( WTPSW_DIR . '/includes/admin/form/premium.php' ); } /** * Function register setings * * @since 1.0.0 */ function wtpsw_admin_processes() { // If plugin notice is dismissed if( isset( $_GET['message'] ) && $_GET['message'] == 'wtpsw-plugin-notice' ) { set_transient( 'wtpsw_install_notice', true, 604800 ); } register_setting( 'wtpsw_plugin_options', 'wtpsw_options', array( $this, 'wtpsw_validate_options' )); } /** * Validate Settings Options * * @since 1.0.0 */ function wtpsw_validate_options( $input ){ $input['post_types'] = isset( $input['post_types'] ) ? $input['post_types'] : array(); return $input; } } $wtpsw_Admin = new Wtpsw_Admin();