get('enable_display_swap'))) { /** * Filters the value of the display parameter. * * @param string $display_value - Default to 'swap'. */ $merge.= '&display='.apply_filters('wpo_minify_gfont_display_type', 'swap'); } if (!empty($merge)) return '' . $merge; return false; } /** * Parses font url based on whether it is API version 1 or 2 */ private static function parse_font_url($font) { if (false !== strpos($font, 'css?')) { self::parse_font_api1_url($font); } else { self::parse_font_api2_url($font); } } /** * Parses google font api version 1 url */ private static function parse_font_api1_url($font) { parse_str(parse_url(rtrim($font, '|'), PHP_URL_QUERY), $font_elements); // Process each font family foreach (explode('|', $font_elements['family']) as $font_family) { // Separate font and sizes $font_family = explode(':', $font_family); // if the family wasn't added yet if (!in_array($font_family[0], array_keys(self::$fonts))) { self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['specs'] = isset($font_family[1]) ? explode(',', rtrim($font_family[1], ',')) : array(); } else { // if the family was already added, and this new one has weights, merge with previous if (isset($font_family[1])) { if (isset(self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['version']) && 'V2' == self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['version']) { self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['specs'] = explode(',', rtrim($font_family[1], ',')); } else { self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['specs'] = array_merge(self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['specs'], explode(',', rtrim($font_family[1], ','))); } } } self::$fonts[$font_family[0]]['version'] = 'V1'; } // Add subsets if (isset($font_elements['subset'])) { self::$subsets = array_merge(self::$subsets, explode(',', $font_elements['subset'])); } } /** * Parses google font api version 2 url */ private static function parse_font_api2_url($font) { $parsed_url = parse_url($font, PHP_URL_QUERY); $query_elements = explode('&', $parsed_url); foreach ($query_elements as $element) { $family_str = str_replace('family=', '', $element); $family = explode(':', $family_str); if (!empty($family)) { $font_name = $family[0]; $font_elements = isset($family[1]) ? explode('@', $family[1]) : ''; if (!empty($font_elements) && !empty($font_elements[0]) && !empty($font_elements[1])) { $font_styles = $font_elements[0]; $font_units = explode(',', $font_elements[1]); } } else { $font_name = $family_str; continue; } if (!isset(self::$fonts[$font_name])) { self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs'] = array( 'wght' => array(), 'ital' => array(), 'ital,wght' => array(), ); } if (!isset(self::$fonts[$font_name]['version'])) { self::$fonts[$font_name]['version'] = 'V2'; } if (isset($font_styles) && isset($font_units) && isset($font_elements[1])) { $font_units = explode(';', $font_elements[1]); switch ($font_styles) { case 'wght': foreach ($font_units as $font_unit) { if (!in_array($font_unit, self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['wght'])) { array_push(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['wght'], $font_unit); } } break; case 'ital': foreach ($font_units as $font_unit) { if (!in_array($font_unit, self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital'])) { array_push(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital'], $font_unit); } } break; case 'ital,wght': foreach ($font_units as $font_unit) { if (!in_array($font_unit, self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital,wght'])) { array_push(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital,wght'], $font_unit); } } break; } } } } /** * Converts google font api version 1 font specification into API V2 */ private static function convert_v1_font_specs_to_v2() { foreach (self::$fonts as $font_name => $font_details) { if ('V2' == $font_details['version']) continue; if (0 == count($font_details['specs'])) { self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs'] = array( 'wght' => array(), 'ital' => array(), 'ital,wght' => array(), ); } else { foreach ($font_details['specs'] as $key => $detail) { if (is_array($detail)) $detail = implode('', $detail); switch ($detail) { case 'i': unset(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs'][$key]); self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital'] = array(1); break; case 'b': unset(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs'][$key]); self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['wght'] = array(); break; case 'bi': unset(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs'][$key]); self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital'] = array('0;1'); break; default: unset(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs'][$key]); if (!isset(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital,wght'])) { self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital,wght'] = array(); } if (false !== strpos($detail, 'i')) { $detail = str_replace(array('italic', 'i'), '', $detail); $detail = '' === $detail ? 400 : $detail; array_push(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital,wght'], '1,' . $detail); } else { $detail = 'regular' === $detail ? 400 : $detail; array_push(self::$fonts[$font_name]['specs']['ital,wght'], '0,' . $detail); } break; } } } } } /** * Build valid Google font api 2 url string * * @return string $result Url string */ private static function build() { $result = ''; foreach (self::$fonts as $font_name => $font_details) { if ('display=swap' == $font_name) continue; if ('' != $result) { $result .= '&'; } $result .= 'family=' . str_replace(' ', '+', $font_name); $result .= self::specs_to_string($font_details['specs']); } return $result; } /** * Converts font specifications into a valid google font api2 url string * * @param array $font_specs Font style and weight specifications * * @return string */ private static function specs_to_string($font_specs) { $result = array(); $weights = isset($font_specs['wght']) && count($font_specs['wght']); $italic_weights = isset($font_specs['ital']) && count($font_specs['ital']); $all_weights = isset($font_specs['ital,wght']) && count($font_specs['ital,wght']); // Nothing is set, return if (!$weights && !$italic_weights && !$all_weights) { return ''; } // Italic only if ($italic_weights && !$weights && !$all_weights) { if ('1' == $font_specs['ital'][0]) { return ':ital@1'; } elseif ('0;1' == $font_specs['ital'][0]) { return ':ital@0;1'; } } foreach ($font_specs as $style => $units) { switch ($style) { case 'wght': foreach ($units as $unit) { $multiple_units = explode(',', $unit); if (count($multiple_units) > 0) { foreach ($multiple_units as $single_unit) { array_push($result, '0,' . $single_unit); } } else { array_push($result, '0,' . $unit); } } break; case 'ital': foreach ($units as $unit) { array_push($result, 1 == $unit ? '1,400' : $unit); } break; case 'ital,wght': foreach ($units as $unit) { array_push($result, $unit); } break; } } sort($result); return ':ital,wght@' . implode(';', array_unique($result)); } }