2024-04-10 17:46:06 +05:45

1278 lines
44 KiB

* ShareThis Share Buttons
* @package ShareThisShareButtons
/* exported ShareButtons */
var ShareButtons = ( function( $, wp ) {
'use strict';
return {
* Holds data.
data: {},
* Boot plugin.
boot: function( data ) {
this.data = data;
$( document ).ready( function() {
}.bind( this ) );
* Initialize plugin.
init: function() {
this.$container = $( '.sharethis-wrap' );
this.$resultWrapper = $( '#category-result-wrapper' );
// Set temp enables.
this.$tempEnable = { 'inline': false, 'sticky': false, 'gdpr': false };
// Get and set current accounts platform configurations to global.
this.$config = this.getConfig();
// Check if platform has changed its button config.
// Check if buttons are enabled or disabled on both ends.
// Check if adblock is enabled. Shows notice if so.
* Initiate listeners.
listen: function() {
var self = this,
timer = '';
// Scroll to anchor in vendor list.
// Send user input to category search AFTER they stop typing.
$('body').on( 'keyup', '.vendor-search input', function( e ) {
clearTimeout( timer );
timer = setTimeout( function() {
}.bind( this ), 500 );
} );
// Toggle button menus when arrows are clicked.
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.accor-wrap .accor-tab', function() {
var type = $( this ).find( 'span.accor-arrow' );
self.updateAccors( type.html(), type );
} );
// New color select.
this.$container.on('click', "#sharethis-form-color .color", function() {
$('#sharethis-form-color .color').removeClass('selected');
// clear or show choices.
this.$container.on('click', '#clear-choices', function(e) {
$( '.purpose-item input' ).prop( 'checked', false );
// clear or show choices.
this.$container.on('click', '#see-st-choices', function(e) {
$('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[1]"]').prop('checked', true);
$('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[3]"][value="consent"]').prop('checked', true);
$('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[5]"][value="consent"]').prop('checked', true);
$('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[6]"][value="consent"]').prop('checked', true);
$('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[9]"][value="legitimate"]').prop('checked', true);
$('.purpose-item input[name="purposes[10]"][value="legitimate"]').prop('checked', true);
// Uncheck radio if click on selected box.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.gdpr-platform .lever', ( e ) => {
const theInput = $( e.currentTarget ).siblings( 'input' );
if ( 'select-purpose' === theInput.attr( 'name' ) && !theInput.is( ':checked' ) ) {
if ( 'consent' === theInput.val() ) {
$( '.purpose-item input' ).prop( 'checked', false );
$( '.empty-choices' ).addClass( 'engage' );
} else {
$( '.purpose-item input[name="purposes[1]"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
$( '.purpose-item input[name="purposes[3]"][value="consent"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
$( '.purpose-item input[name="purposes[5]"][value="consent"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
$( '.purpose-item input[name="purposes[6]"][value="consent"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
$( '.purpose-item input[name="purposes[9]"][value="legitimate"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
$( '.purpose-item input[name="purposes[10]"][value="legitimate"]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
theInput.prop( 'checked', true )
$( '.back-next' ).addClass( 'engage' );
if ( theInput.is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( `input[name="${theInput.attr( 'name' )}"]` ).prop( 'checked', false )
} else {
theInput.prop( 'checked', true )
} );
// On off button events.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.share-on, .share-off', function() {
// Revert to default color.
$( this ).closest( 'div' ).find( 'div.label-text' ).css( 'color', '#8d8d8d' );
// Change the input selected color to white.
$( this ).find( '.label-text' ).css( 'color', '#ffffff' );
} );
// Copy text from read only input fields.
this.$container.on( 'click', '#copy-shortcode, #copy-template', function() {
self.copyText( $( this ).closest( 'div' ).find( 'input' ) );
} );
// Open close options and update platform and WP on off status.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.enable-buttons .share-on, .enable-buttons .share-off', function() {
var button = $( this ).closest( 'div' ).attr( 'id' ),
type = $( this ).find( 'div.label-text' ).html();
self.updateButtons( button, type, 'click' );
} );
// Toggle button menus when arrows are clicked.
this.$container.on( 'click', 'span.st-arrow', function() {
var button = $( this ).attr( 'id' ),
type = $( this ).html();
self.updateButtons( button, type, '' );
} );
// Click reset buttons.
this.$container.on( 'click', 'p.submit #reset', function() {
var type = $( this )
.closest( 'p.submit' )
.find( '.enable-buttons' )
.attr( 'id' );
self.setDefaults( type );
} );
// Send user input to category search AFTER they stop typing.
this.$container.on( 'keyup', 'input#category-ta, input#page-ta', function( e ) {
var type = $( this ).siblings( '.search-st-icon' ).attr( 'id' ),
result = '#' + type + '-result-wrapper';
clearTimeout( timer );
timer = setTimeout( function() {
self.returnResults( $( this ).val(), type, result );
}.bind( this ), 500 );
} );
// Force search when search icon is clicked.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.search-st-icon', function() {
var type = $( this ).attr( 'id' ),
key = $( this ).siblings( 'input' ).val(),
result = '#' + type + '-result-wrapper';
self.returnResults( key, type, result );
} );
// Select an item to exclude. Add it to list.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.ta-page-item, .ta-category-item', function() {
var type = $( this )
.closest( '.list-wrapper' )
.find( 'span.search-st-icon' )
.attr( 'id' );
self.updateOmit( $( this ), type );
} );
// Remove excluded item from list.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.remove-omit', function() {
$( this ).closest( 'li.omit-item' ).remove();
} );
// Toggle margin control buttons.
this.$container.on( 'click', 'button.margin-control-button', function() {
var status = $( this ).hasClass( 'active-margin' );
self.activateMargin( this, status );
} );
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.item #cta, .item #counts, .item #none, .item #medium, .item #small, .item #large', function() {
var checked = $( this ).siblings( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ),
button = $( this ).closest( '.selected-button' ).attr( 'id' );
$( '.sharethis-inline-share-buttons' ).removeClass( 'st-has-labels' );
if ( ! checked ) {
$( this ).closest( '.st-radio-config' ).find( '.item' ).each( function() {
$( this ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', false );
} );
$( this ).siblings( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
self.loadPreview( '', button );
} );
// All levers.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.item div.switch', function() {
var button = $( this ).closest( '.selected-button' ).attr( 'id' );
self.loadPreview( '', button );
} );
// Minimum count.
this.$container.on( 'change', 'input.minimum-count, #radius-selector, .vertical-alignment, .mobile-breakpoint', function() {
var button = $( this ).closest( '.selected-button' ).attr( 'id' );
self.loadPreview( '', button );
} );
// Languages.
this.$container.on( 'change', '#st-language-inline, #st-language-sticky', function() {
var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ),
language = $( this ).find( 'option:selected' ).val();
if ( 'st-language-inline' === id ) {
$( '#st-language-sticky option[value="' + language + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true );
} else {
$( '#st-language-inline option[value="' + language + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true );
self.loadPreview( '', 'sticky' );
self.loadPreview( '', 'inline' );
} );
// Button alignment.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.button-alignment .alignment-button', function() {
var button = $( this ).closest( '.selected-button' ).attr( 'id' );
$( '.sharethis-inline-share-buttons' ).removeClass( 'st-justified' );
$( '.button-alignment .alignment-button[data-selected="true"]' )
.attr( 'data-selected', 'false' );
$( this ).attr( 'data-selected', 'true' );
self.loadPreview( '', button );
} );
// Select or deselect a network.
this.$container.on( 'click', '.share-buttons .share-button', function() {
var selection = $( this ).attr( 'data-selected' ),
button = $( this ).closest( '.selected-button' ).attr( 'id' ),
network = $( this ).attr( 'data-network' );
if ( 'true' === selection ) {
$( this ).attr( 'data-selected', 'false' );
$( '.' + button + '-platform .sharethis-selected-networks > div > div div[data-network="' + network + '"]' ).remove();
} else {
$( this ).attr( 'data-selected', 'true' );
$( '.' + button + '-platform .sharethis-selected-networks > div > div' ).append( '<div class="st-btn" data-network="' + network + '" style="display: inline-block;"></div>' );
self.loadPreview( '', button );
} );
// Submit configurations.
$( '.sharethis-wrap form' ).submit( function(e) {
self.loadPreview( 'submit', 'inline' );
self.loadPreview( 'submit', 'sticky' );
self.loadPreview( 'submit', 'gdpr' );
} );
// Add class to preview when scrolled to.
$( window ).on( 'scroll load', function() {
var vTop = $( '.vertical-alignment' ).val() + 'px',
gdprTop = parseInt( $( 'form .form-table:last-of-type' ).offset().top ) - 100,
inlineTop = $( '.inline-platform' ).offset().top;
// Start fixed inline preview when top of browser reached.
if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= inlineTop && $( window ).scrollTop() <= gdprTop ) {
$( '.sharethis-inline-share-buttons' ).addClass( 'sharethis-prev-stick' );
} else {
$( '.sharethis-inline-share-buttons' ).removeClass( 'sharethis-prev-stick' );
// Stop the sticky preview when top of sticky config reached.
stickyTop = parseInt( $( 'form .form-table:nth-of-type(2)' ).offset().top ) - 100;
stopPoint = stickyTop + parseInt( vTop );
if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= stickyTop && $( window ).scrollTop() <= gdprTop ) {
$( '.sharethis-sticky-share-buttons .st-sticky-share-buttons' )
.css( { 'display':'block', 'position': 'fixed', 'top': vTop } );
$( '.sharethis-sticky-share-buttons .st-sticky-share-buttons.st-left' )
.removeClass( 'stuck-buttons' );
$( '.sharethis-inline-share-buttons' ).removeClass( 'sharethis-prev-stick' );
} else {
$( '.sharethis-sticky-share-buttons .st-sticky-share-buttons' )
.css( { 'display': 'none' } );
$( '.sharethis-sticky-share-buttons .st-sticky-share-buttons.st-left' )
.addClass( 'stuck-buttons' );
} );
* Change font color of selected buttons.
* Also decide whether to update WP enable / disable status or just show / hide menu options.
markSelected: function() {
var sConfigSet = null !== this.$config && undefined !== this.$config['sticky-share-buttons'],
iConfigSet = null !== this.$config && undefined !== this.$config['inline-share-buttons'],
gConfigSet = null !== this.$config && undefined !== this.$config['gdpr-compliance-tool-v2'],
// Check if api call is successful and if sticky buttons are enabled. Use WP data base if not.
if ( sConfigSet ) {
stickyEnable = this.$config['sticky-share-buttons']['enabled']; // Dot notation cannot be used due to dashes in name.
} else {
if ( undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig['sticky'] ) {
stickyEnable = this.data.buttonConfig['sticky']['enabled'];
// Check if api call is successful and if inline buttons are enabled. Use WP data base if not.
if ( iConfigSet ) {
inlineEnable = this.$config['inline-share-buttons']['enabled']; // Dot notation cannot be used due to dashes in name.
} else {
if ( undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig['inline'] ) {
inlineEnable = this.data.buttonConfig['inline']['enabled'];
// Check if api call is successful and if gdpr is enabled. Use WP data base if not.
if ( gConfigSet ) {
gdprEnable = this.$config['gdpr-compliance-tool-v2']['enabled']; // Dot notation cannot be used due to dashes in name.
} else {
if ( undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig['gdpr'] ) {
gdprEnable = this.data.buttonConfig['gdpr']['enabled'];
// Decide whether to update WP database or just show / hide menu options.
if ( ! iConfigSet || (
undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig['inline'] && this.data.buttonConfig['inline']['enabled'] === this.$config['inline-share-buttons']['enabled'] ) ) { // Dot notation cannot be used due to dashes in name.
iturnOn = 'show';
iturnOff = 'hide';
} else {
iturnOn = 'On';
iturnOff = 'Off';
// If enabled show button configuration.
if ( 'true' === inlineEnable || true === inlineEnable ) {
$( '.inline-platform' ).css( 'display', 'table-footer-group' );
this.updateButtons( 'Inline', iturnOn );
$( '#Inline label.share-on input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
} else {
$( '.inline-platform' ).hide();
this.updateButtons( 'Inline', iturnOff );
$( '#Inline label.share-off input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// Decide whether to update WP database or just show / hide menu options.
if ( ! sConfigSet || ( undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig['sticky'] && this.data.buttonConfig['sticky']['enabled'] === this.$config['sticky-share-buttons']['enabled'] ) ) { // Dot notation cannot be used due to dashes in name.
sturnOn = 'show';
sturnOff = 'hide';
} else {
sturnOn = 'On';
sturnOff = 'Off';
// If enabled show sticky options.
if ( 'true' === stickyEnable || true === stickyEnable ) {
$( '.sticky-platform' ).css( 'display', 'table-footer-group' );
this.updateButtons( 'Sticky', sturnOn );
$( '#Sticky label.share-on input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
} else {
$( '.sticky-platform' ).hide();
this.updateButtons( 'Sticky', sturnOff );
$( '#Sticky label.share-off input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// Decide whether to update WP database or just show / hide menu options.
if ( ! gConfigSet || ( undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig['gdpr'] && this.data.buttonConfig['gdpr']['enabled'] === this.$config['gdpr-compliance-tool-v2']['enabled'] ) ) { // Dot notation cannot be used due to dashes in name.
gturnOn = 'show';
gturnOff = 'hide';
} else {
gturnOn = 'On';
gturnOff = 'Off';
// If enabled show gdpr options.
if ( 'true' === gdprEnable || true === gdprEnable ) {
$( '.gdpr-platform' ).css( 'display', 'table-footer-group' );
this.updateButtons( 'Gdpr', gturnOn );
$( '#Gdpr label.share-on input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
} else {
$( '.gdpr-platform' ).hide();
this.updateButtons( 'Gdpr', gturnOff );
$( '#Gdpr label.share-off input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// Change button font color based on status.
$( '.share-on input:checked, .share-off input:checked' ).closest( 'label' ).find( 'span.label-text' ).css( 'color', '#ffffff' );
* Check the platform has updated the button configs.
checkIfChanged: function() {
var iTs = this.$config['inline-share-buttons'],
sTs = this.$config['sticky-share-buttons'],
gTs = this.$config['gdpr-compliance-tool-v2'],
myITs = this.data.buttonConfig['inline'],
mySTs = this.data.buttonConfig['sticky'],
myGTs = this.data.buttonConfig['gdpr'],
// Set variables if array exists.
if ( undefined !== iTs ) {
iTs = iTs['updated_at'];
if ( undefined !== iTs ) {
iTs = iTs.toString();
if ( undefined !== sTs ) {
sTs = sTs['updated_at'];
if ( undefined !== sTs ) {
sTs = sTs.toString();
if ( undefined !== gTs ) {
gTs = gTs['updated_at'];
if ( undefined !== gTs ) {
gTs = gTs.toString();
if ( undefined !== myITs ) {
myITs = myITs['updated_at'];
if ( undefined !== mySTs ) {
mySTs = mySTs['updated_at'];
if ( undefined !== myGTs ) {
myGTs = myGTs['updated_at'];
// If platform has updated the button config or platform configs are broken use WP config.
if ( iTs !== myITs || undefined === this.data.buttonConfig ) {
this.setConfigFields( 'inline', this.$config['inline-share-buttons'], 'platform' );
} else {
this.loadPreview( 'initial', 'inline' );
if ( sTs !== mySTs || undefined === this.data.buttonConfig ) {
this.setConfigFields( 'sticky', this.$config['sticky-share-buttons'], 'platform' );
} else {
this.loadPreview( 'initial', 'sticky' );
if ( gTs !== myGTs || undefined === this.data.buttonConfig ) {
this.setConfigFields( 'gdpr', this.$config['gdpr-compliance-tool-v2'], 'platform' );
} else {
this.loadPreview( 'initial', 'gdpr' );
* Show button configuration.
* @param button
* @param type
* @param event
updateButtons: function( button, type, event ) {
var when = 'last-of-type',
pTypes = [ 'show', 'On', '►', 'true' ],
aTypes = [ 'show', 'hide', '►', '▼' ],
timer = '';
// Determine which style.
if ( 'Inline' === button ) {
when = 'first-of-type';
// If Sticky.
if ( 'Sticky' === button ) {
when = 'nth-of-type(2)';
// If not one of the show types then hide.
if ( -1 !== $.inArray( type, pTypes ) ) {
// Show the button configs.
$( '.sharethis-wrap form .form-table:' + when + ' tr' ).not( ':eq(0)' ).show();
// Show the submit / reset buttons.
$( '.sharethis-wrap form .submit:' + when ).show();
// Change the icon next to title.
$( '.sharethis-wrap h2:' + when + ' span' ).html( '&#9660;' );
// Platform config.
$( '.' + button.toLowerCase() + '-platform' ).css( 'display', 'table-footer-group' );
if ( 'click' === event ) {
this.loadPreview( 'turnon', button );
// Set option value for button.
wp.ajax.post( 'update_buttons', {
type: button.toLowerCase(),
onoff: 'On',
nonce: this.data.nonce
} ).always( function() {
} );
} else {
// Hide the button configs.
$( '.sharethis-wrap form .form-table:' + when + ' tr' ).not( ':eq(0)' ).hide();
// Hide the submit / reset buttons.
$( '.sharethis-wrap form .submit:' + when ).hide();
// Change the icon next to title.
$( '.sharethis-wrap h2:' + when + ' span' ).html( '&#9658;' );
// Platform config.
$( '.' + button.toLowerCase() + '-platform' ).hide();
if ( 'click' === event ) {
this.loadPreview( 'turnoff', button );
// Set option value for button.
wp.ajax.post( 'update_buttons', {
type: button.toLowerCase(),
onoff: 'Off',
nonce: this.data.nonce
} ).always( function() {
} );
* Update buttons on platform
* @param button
* @param type
updatePlatform: function( button, type ) {
var status,
self = this,
button = button.toLowerCase();
// Set status variable to bool.
if ( 'On' === type ) {
status = true;
} else {
status = false;
// Default button config with enable.
if ( 'inline' === button ) {
buttonConfig = { "enabled": ( true === status ), "alignment" : "center", "font_size" : 12, "has_spacing" : true, "labels" : "cta", "min_count" : 10, "networks" : [ "facebook", "twitter", "pinterest", "email", "sms", "sharethis" ], "num_networks" : 6, "padding" : 10, "radius" : 4, "show_total" : true, "size" : 40, "size_label" : "medium", "spacing" : 8 }
} else {
buttonConfig = { "enabled": ( true === status ), "alignment" : "left", "labels" : "cta", "min_count" : 10, "mobile_breakpoint" : 1024, "networks" : [ "facebook", "twitter", "pinterest", "email", "sms", "sharethis" ], "num_networks" : 6, "padding" : 12, "radius" : 4, "show_mobile" : true, "show_toggle" : true, "show_total" : true, "size" : 48, "top" : 160 }
* Copy text to clipboard
* @param copiedText
copyText: function( copiedText ) {
document.execCommand( 'copy' );
* Add the reset buttons to share buttons menu
createReset: function() {
var button = '<input type="button" id="reset" class="button button-primary" value="Reset">',
newButtons = $( '.sharethis-wrap form .submit' ).append( button ).clone(),
newButtons2 = $( '.sharethis-wrap form .submit' ).clone();
// Add new cloned reset button to inline menu list.
$( '.sharethis-wrap form .form-table:first-of-type' ).after( newButtons );
$( newButtons ).find( '#submit:first-of-type' ).addClass( 'st-submit-2' );
$( '.sharethis-wrap form .form-table:nth-of-type(2)' ).after( newButtons2 );
$( newButtons2 ).find( '#submit:nth-of-type(2)' ).addClass( 'st-submit-3' );
* Set to default settings when reset is clicked.
* @param type
setDefaults: function( type ) {
wp.ajax.post( 'set_default_settings', {
type: type,
nonce: this.data.nonce
} ).always( function() {
if ( 'both' !== type ) {
location.href = location.pathname + '?page=sharethis-share-buttons&reset=' + type;
} else {
} );
* Send input value and return LIKE categories/pages.
* @param key
* @param type
* @param result
returnResults: function( key, type, result ) {
wp.ajax.post( 'return_omit', {
key: key,
type: type,
nonce: this.data.nonce
} ).always( function( results ) {
if ( '' !== results ) {
$( result ).show().html( results );
} else {
$( result ).hide();
}.bind( this ) );
* Add / remove selected omit item to omit list.
* @param value
* @param type
updateOmit: function( value, type ) {
var result = '#' + type + '-current-omit',
wrapper = '#' + type + '-result-wrapper';
// Hide the results when item is selected and add it to list.
$( wrapper ).hide();
$( result ).append( '<li class="omit-item">' + value.html() + '<span id="' + value.attr( "data-id" ) + '" class="remove-omit">X</span><input type="hidden" name="sharethis_sticky_' + type + '_off[' + value.html() + ']" value="' + value.attr( "data-id" ) + '" id="sharethis_sticky_' + type + '_off[' + value.html() + ']" value="' + value.attr( "data-id" ) + '" /></li>' );
* Get current config data from user.
getConfig: function() {
var result = null,
callExtra = 'secret=' + this.data.secret;
if ( 'undefined' === this.data.secret || undefined === this.data.secret ) {
callExtra = 'token=' + this.data.token;
$.ajax( {
url: 'https://platform-api.sharethis.com/v1.0/property/?' + callExtra + '&id=' + this.data.propertyid,
method: 'GET',
async: false,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function( results ) {
result = results;
error: function (results) {
result = {
inline: {
networks: [],
sticky: {
networks: [],
} );
return result;
* Activate specified option margin controls and show/hide
* @param marginButton
* @param status
activateMargin: function( marginButton, status ) {
if ( ! status ) {
$( marginButton ).addClass( 'active-margin' ).find( 'span.margin-on-off' ).html( 'On' );
$( marginButton ).siblings( 'div.margin-input-fields' ).show().find( 'input' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
} else {
$( marginButton ).removeClass( 'active-margin' ).find( 'span.margin-on-off' ).html( 'Off' );
$( marginButton ).siblings( 'div.margin-input-fields' ).hide().find( 'input' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
* Load preview buttons.
* @param type
* @param button
loadPreview: function( type, button ) {
if ( 'initial' === type ) {
this.setConfigFields( button, '', '' );
var bAlignment = $( '.button-alignment .alignment-button[data-selected="true"]' ).attr( 'data-alignment' ),
sAlignment = $( '.sticky-alignment' ).find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ),
self = this,
bSize = $( '.button-size .item input:checked' ).siblings( 'label' ).html(),
bLabels = $( '#' + button + ' .button-labels .item input:checked' ).siblings( 'label' ).attr( 'id' ),
bCount = $( '#' + button + ' input.minimum-count' ).val(),
showTotal = $( '#' + button + ' span.show-total-count' ).siblings( 'div.switch' ).find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ),
extraSpacing = $( 'div.extra-spacing' ).find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ),
showMobile = $( 'div.show-on-mobile' ).find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ),
showDesktop = $( 'div.show-on-desktop' ).find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ),
vertAlign = $( '.vertical-alignment' ).val() + 'px',
mobileBreak = $( '.mobile-breakpoint' ).val(),
spacing = 0,
bRadius = $( '#' + button + ' #radius-selector' ).val() + 'px',
language = $( '#st-language-' + button + ' option:selected' ).val(),
publisherPurpose = $('#publisher-purpose input:checked'),
publisherPurposes = [],
display = $('#sharethis-user-type option:selected').val(),
name = $('#sharethis-publisher-name').val(),
scope = 'publisher',
color = $( '#sharethis-form-color .color.selected' ).attr('data-value'),
languageGDPR = $( '#st-language' ).val(),
theFirst = false,
enabled = false,
buttonCode = button.toLowerCase();
// Set button var.
button = 'inline' === buttonCode || 'sticky' === buttonCode ? buttonCode + '-share-buttons' : 'gdpr-compliance-tool-v2';
if ( 'initial' === type && undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ] ) {
networks = this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ]['networks'];
} else {
networks = [];
$( '#' + buttonCode + '-8 > div .st-btn' ).each( function ( index ) {
networks[index] = $( this ).attr( 'data-network' );
} );
if ( 'sync-platform' === type && undefined !== this.$config[ button ] ) {
networks = this.$config[ button ]['networks'];
// If newly turned on use selected networks.
if ( 'turnon' === type || undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ] && undefined === this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ]['networks'] ) {
networks = [];
$( '.' + buttonCode + '-platform .share-buttons .share-button[data-selected="true"]' ).each( function ( index ) {
networks[index] = $( this ).attr( 'data-network' );
} );
if ( 'submit' === type ) {
networks = [];
$( '#' + buttonCode + '-8 > div .st-btn' ).each( function ( index ) {
networks[index] = $( this ).attr( 'data-network' );
} );
// If true alignment is right else its left.
if ( sAlignment ) {
sAlignment = 'right';
} else {
sAlignment = 'left';
if ( 'Small' === bSize ) {
size = 32;
fontSize = 11;
padding = 8;
$( '#radius-selector' ).attr( 'max', 16 );
if ( 'Medium' === bSize ) {
size = 40;
fontSize = 12;
padding = 10;
$( '#radius-selector' ).attr( 'max', 20 );
if ( 'Large' === bSize ) {
size = 48;
fontSize = 16;
padding = 12;
$( '#radius-selector' ).attr( 'max', 26 );
if ( extraSpacing ) {
spacing = 8;
// If submited or turned on make sure enabled setting is set properly.
if ( undefined !== this.$config[ button ] && undefined !== this.$config[ button ]['enabled'] ) {
enabled = 'true' === this.$config[ button ]['enabled'] ||
true === this.$config[ button ]['enabled'] ||
true === this.$tempEnable[ buttonCode ];
} else {
enabled = false;
if ( 'inline' === buttonCode ) {
config = { alignment: bAlignment,
enabled: enabled,
font_size: fontSize,
labels: bLabels,
min_count: bCount,
padding: padding,
radius: bRadius,
networks: networks,
show_total: showTotal,
show_mobile_buttons: true,
size: size,
spacing: spacing,
language: language,
if ( 'sticky' === buttonCode ) {
config = { alignment: sAlignment,
enabled: enabled,
labels: bLabels,
min_count: bCount,
radius: bRadius,
networks: networks,
mobile_breakpoint: mobileBreak,
top: vertAlign,
show_mobile: showMobile,
show_total: showTotal,
show_desktop: showDesktop,
show_mobile_buttons: true,
language: language,
if ('gdpr-compliance-tool-v2' === button) {
var publisherPurposes = [],
publisherRestrictions = {};
$('#publisher-purpose input:checked').each( function( index, value ) {
var theId = $(value).attr('data-id'),
legit = 'consent' !== $(value).val();
publisherPurposes.push({ 'id': theId, 'legitimate_interest' : legit });
$('.vendor-table-cell-wrapper label input:checked').each( function( index, value ) {
publisherRestrictions[$(value).attr('data-id')] = true;
config = {
enabled: enabled,
display: display,
publisher_name: name,
publisher_purposes: publisherPurposes,
publisher_restrictions: publisherRestrictions,
language: languageGDPR,
color: color,
scope: scope,
// Set config for initial post.
beforeConfig = config;
var types = ['submit', 'initial-platform', 'turnon', 'turnoff'];
if ( types.includes( type ) ) {
// If submiting WP keep platform timestamp if exists.
if ( 'submit' === type && undefined !== this.$config[ button ] && undefined !== this.$config[ button ]['updated_at'] ) {
config['updated_at'] = this.$config[ button ]['updated_at'];
// If platform different from WP.
if ( 'initial-platform' === type ) {
config = this.$config[ button ];
if ( undefined === this.data.buttonConfig || true === this.data.buttonConfig ) {
theFirst = 'upgrade';
// If first load ever.
if ( 'initial-platform' === type && undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ] && undefined === this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ]['updated_at'] && undefined !== this.$config[ button ]['updated_at'] ) {
config = beforeConfig;
config['updated_at'] = this.$config[ button ]['updated_at'];
config['networks'] = this.data.buttonConfig[ buttonCode ]['networks'];
if ( 'turnon' === type ) {
config['enabled'] = true;
config['radius'] = 4;
config['show_total'] = true;
config['labels'] = 'cta';
config['min_count'] = 10;
config['networks'] = ['facebook', 'twitter', 'pinterest', 'email', 'sms', 'sharethis'];
$.each( config['networks'], function( index, value ) {
$( '.' + buttonCode + '-network-list .share-button[data-network="' + value + '"]' ).attr( 'data-selected', 'true' );
} );
// Set temp enable to true.
this.$tempEnable[ buttonCode ] = true;
if ( 'turnoff' === type ) {
config['enabled'] = false;
// Set temp enable to false.
this.$tempEnable[ buttonCode ] = false;
if ( 'upgrade' === theFirst ) {
upConfig = {
inline: this.$config['inline-share-buttons'],
sticky: this.$config['sticky-share-buttons'],
gdpr: this.$config['gdpr-compliance-tool-v2'],
wp.ajax.post( 'set_button_config', {
button: 'platform',
config: upConfig,
first: theFirst,
type: 'login',
nonce: this.data.nonce
} ).always( function ( results ) {
}.bind( this ) );
} else {
wp.ajax.post( 'set_button_config', {
button: buttonCode,
config: config,
first: false,
nonce: this.data.nonce
} ).always( function ( results ) {
config['show_mobile_buttons'] = false;
if ( 'initial-platform' !== type || (
undefined !== this.data.buttonConfig[buttonCode] && undefined === this.data.buttonConfig[buttonCode]['updated_at']
) ) {
config['enabled'] = ( 'true' === config['enabled'] || true === config['enabled'] );
delete config['container'];
delete config['id'];
delete config['has_spacing'];
delete config['show_mobile_buttons'];
config['radius'] = undefined !== config['radius'] ? parseInt( config['radius'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) ) : '';
config['min_count'] = parseInt( config['min_count'] );
if ( 'sticky' === buttonCode ) {
config['mobile_breakpoint'] = parseInt( config['mobile_breakpoint'] );
config['top'] = parseInt( config['top'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) );
theData = {
'id': this.data.propertyid,
'product': button,
'config': config
if ( 'undefined' === this.data.secret || undefined === this.data.secret ) {
theData['token'] = this.data.token;
} else {
theData['secret'] = this.data.secret;
theData = JSON.stringify( theData );
// Send new button status value.
$.ajax( {
url: 'https://platform-api.sharethis.com/v1.0/property/product',
method: 'POST',
async: false,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: theData,
success: function () {
if ( 'turnon' === type ) {
} );
}.bind( this ) );
if ( '' !== type ) {
if ( 'inline' === buttonCode ) {
// Convert pieces to integers.
config['size'] = parseInt( config['size'] );
config['font_size'] = parseInt( config['font_size'] );
config['padding'] = parseInt( config['padding'] );
config['spacing'] = parseInt( config['spacing'] );
config['has_spacing'] = (
0 === config['spacing']
// Make sure mobile button override is set.
config['show_mobile_buttons'] = true;
$( '#' + buttonCode + '-8' ).html( '' );
config.container = buttonCode + '-8';
window.__sharethis__.href = 'https://www.sharethis.com/';
window.__sharethis__.load( button, config );
$( '#' + buttonCode + '-8 > div' ).sortable( {
stop: function( event, ui ) {
self.loadPreview( '', buttonCode );
} );
* Set the settings fields for the button configurations.
* @param button
setConfigFields: function( button, config, type ) {
var size;
if ( '' === config ) {
config = this.data.buttonConfig[ button ];
if (button === 'gdpr' && undefined !== config) {
this.setGDPRConfig(config, type)
if ( undefined === config || undefined === config['radius'] ) {
$( '.' + button + '-network-list .share-button' ).each( function() {
$( this ).attr( 'data-selected', false );
} );
// Networks.
$.each( config['networks'], function( index, value ) {
$( '.' + button + '-network-list .share-button[data-network="' + value + '"]' ).attr( 'data-selected', 'true' );
} );
// Labels.
$( '#' + button + ' .button-labels .item input' ).prop( 'checked', false );
$( '#' + button + ' .button-labels #' + config['labels'] ).siblings( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// Counts.
$( '#' + button + ' input.minimum-count' ).val( config['min_count'] );
$( '#' + button + ' span.show-total-count' ).siblings( 'div.switch' ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', ( undefined !== config['show_total'] && 'true' === config['show_total'].toString() ) );
// Corners.
if ( parseInt( config['radius'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) ) > $( '#' + button + ' #radius-selector' ).attr( 'max' ) ) {
$( '#' + button + ' #radius-selector' ).attr( 'max', config['radius'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) );
$( '#' + button + ' #radius-selector' ).val( config['radius'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) );
} else {
$( '#' + button + ' #radius-selector' ).val( config['radius'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) );
// Language.
$( '#st-language-inline option[value="' + config['language'] + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true );
$( '#st-language-sticky option[value="' + config['language'] + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true );
if ( 'inline' === button ) {
// Alignment.
$( '.button-alignment .alignment-button[data-selected="true"]' ).attr( 'data-selected', 'false' );
$( '.button-alignment .alignment-button[data-alignment="' + config['alignment'] + '"]' ).attr( 'data-selected', 'true' );
// Size.
$( '.button-size .item input' ).prop( 'checked', false );
if ( '32' === config['size'].toString() ) {
size = '#small';
if ( '40' === config['size'].toString() ) {
size = '#medium';
if ( '48' === config['size'].toString() ) {
size = '#large';
$( '.button-size ' + size ).siblings( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// Extra spacing.
$( 'div.extra-spacing' ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', ( 0 !== config['spacing'] && '0' !== config['spacing'] ) );
if ( 'sticky' === button ) {
// Alignment.
if ( 'right' === config['alignment'] ) {
$( '.sticky-alignment' ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// Vertical alignment.
$( '.vertical-alignment' ).val( config['top'].toString().replace( 'px', '' ) );
// Mobile breakpoint.
$( '.mobile-breakpoint' ).val( config['mobile_breakpoint'] );
// Show on mobile.
$( 'div.show-on-mobile' ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', ( undefined !== config['show_mobile'] && 'true' === config['show_mobile'].toString() ) );
// Show on desktop.
$( 'div.show-on-desktop' ).find( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', ( undefined !== config['show_desktop'] && 'true' === config['show_desktop'].toString() ) );
if ( 'platform' === type ) {
this.loadPreview( 'initial-platform', button );
* Check if ad blocker exists and notify if so.
checkAdBlock: function() {
if($("#detectadblock").height() > 0) {
} else {
* Returns gdpr onboarding config values.
setGDPRConfig: function(config, type) {
$(`#sharethis-user-type option[value="${config['display']}"]`).prop('selected', true);
$(`#sharethis-consent-type option[value="${config['scope']}"]`).prop('selected', true);
$(`#sharethis-form-color .color[data-value="${config['color']}"]`).addClass('selected');
$(`#st-language option[value="${config['language']}"]`).prop('selected', true);
$( "#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input" ).prop('checked', false);
$( ".vendor-table-cell-wrapper input" ).prop('checked', false);
if (undefined !== config['publisher_purposes']) {
config['publisher_purposes'].map( ( purpVal ) => {
var legit = 'true' === purpVal['legitimate_interest'] || true === purpVal['legitimate_interest'];
var consent = 'false' === purpVal['legitimate_interest'] || false === purpVal['legitimate_interest'];
$( `#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input[name="purposes[${purpVal.id}]"][value="legitimate"]` ).prop( 'checked', legit );
$( `#publisher-purpose .purpose-item input[name="purposes[${purpVal.id}]"][value="consent"]` ).prop( 'checked', consent );
} );
if (undefined !== config['publisher_restrictions']) {
$.map(config['publisher_restrictions'], function (id, venVal ) {
if(id) {
$( `input[type="checkbox"][data-id="${venVal}"]` ).prop( 'checked', true );
} );
if ( 'platform' === type ) {
this.loadPreview( 'initial-platform', 'gdpr' );
* Toggle the accordions.
* @param type
* @param arrow
updateAccors: function( type, arrow ) {
var closestButton = $( arrow ).parent( '.accor-tab' ).parent( '.accor-wrap' );
if ( '►' === type ) {
// Show the button configs.
closestButton.find( '.accor-content' ).slideDown();
// Change the icon next to title.
closestButton.find( '.accor-arrow' ).html( '&#9660;' );
} else {
// Show the button configs.
closestButton.find( '.accor-content' ).slideUp();
// Change the icon next to title.
closestButton.find( '.accor-arrow' ).html( '&#9658;' );
scrollToAnchor: function(aid) {
var aTag = $("a[name='"+ aid.toLowerCase() +"']");
scrollTop: 0
}, 0).animate({
scrollTop: aTag.offset().top - 3000
}, 0);
} )( window.jQuery, window.wp );