502 lines
29 KiB
502 lines
29 KiB
export default {
root: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Position
// Shape
{ 'shadow-lg': props.raised }
button: {
root: ({ parent }) => ({
class: [
// Alignments
'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom justify-center',
// Sizes & Spacing
'px-2.5 py-1.5 min-w-[2rem]': parent.props.size === null,
'px-2 py-1': parent.props.size === 'small',
'px-3 py-2': parent.props.size === 'large'
'min-w-8 p-0 py-1.5': parent.props.label == null && parent.props.icon !== null
// Shape
{ 'rounded-l-full': parent.props.rounded },
{ 'rounded-md': !parent.props.rounded, 'rounded-full': parent.props.rounded },
// Link Button
{ 'text-primary-600 bg-transparent ring-transparent': parent.props.link },
// Plain Button
{ 'text-white bg-gray-500 ring-1 ring-gray-500': parent.props.plain && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.text },
// Plain Text Button
{ 'text-surface-500': parent.props.plain && parent.props.text },
// Plain Outlined Button
{ 'text-surface-500 ring-1 ring-gray-500': parent.props.plain && parent.props.outlined },
// Text Button
{ 'bg-transparent ring-transparent': parent.props.text && !parent.props.plain },
// Outlined Button
{ 'bg-transparent': parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
// --- Severity Buttons ---
// Primary Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-primary-500 dark:bg-primary-400': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Primary Text Button
{ 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.plain },
// Primary Outlined Button
{ 'text-primary-500 ring-1 ring-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.plain },
// Secondary Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-surface-500 dark:bg-surface-400': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-surface-500 dark:ring-surface-400': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Secondary Text Button
{ 'text-surface-500 dark:text-surface-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Secondary Outlined Button
{ 'text-surface-500 ring-1 ring-surface-500 hover:bg-surface-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Success Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-green-500 dark:bg-green-400': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-green-500 dark:ring-green-400': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Success Text Button
{ 'text-surface-500 dark:text-surface-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Success Outlined Button
{ 'text-green-500 ring-1 ring-green-500 hover:bg-green-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.plain },
// Info Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-blue-500 dark:bg-blue-400': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-blue-500 dark:ring-blue-400': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Info Text Button
{ 'text-blue-500 dark:text-blue-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.plain },
// Info Outlined Button
{ 'text-blue-500 ring-1 ring-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-300/20 ': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-orange-500 dark:bg-orange-400': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-orange-500 dark:ring-orange-400': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Warning Text Button
{ 'text-orange-500 dark:text-orange-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning Outlined Button
{ 'text-orange-500 ring-1 ring-orange-500 hover:bg-orange-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.plain },
// Help Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-purple-500 dark:bg-purple-400': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-purple-500 dark:ring-purple-400': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Help Text Button
{ 'text-purple-500 dark:text-purple-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.plain },
// Help Outlined Button
{ 'text-purple-500 ring-1 ring-purple-500 hover:bg-purple-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.plain },
// Danger Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-red-500 dark:bg-red-400': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-red-500 dark:ring-red-400': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Danger Text Button
{ 'text-red-500 dark:text-red-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.plain },
// Danger Outlined Button
{ 'text-red-500 ring-1 ring-red-500 hover:bg-red-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.plain },
// --- Severity Button States ---
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-current',
{ 'focus:ring-offset-2': !parent.props.link && !parent.props.plain && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.text },
// Link
{ 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400': parent.props.link },
// Plain
{ 'hover:bg-gray-600 hover:ring-gray-600': parent.props.plain && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.text },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-surface-300/20': parent.props.plain && (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) },
// Primary
{ 'hover:bg-primary-600 dark:hover:bg-primary-300 hover:ring-primary-600 dark:hover:ring-primary-300': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400': parent.props.severity === null },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-primary-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.plain },
// Secondary
{ 'hover:bg-surface-600 dark:hover:bg-surface-300 hover:ring-surface-600 dark:hover:ring-surface-300': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-surface-500 dark:focus:ring-surface-400': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-surface-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Success
{ 'hover:bg-green-600 dark:hover:bg-green-300 hover:ring-green-600 dark:hover:ring-green-300': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-green-500 dark:focus:ring-green-400': parent.props.severity === 'success' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-green-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.plain },
// Info
{ 'hover:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-300 hover:ring-blue-600 dark:hover:ring-blue-300': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:ring-blue-400': parent.props.severity === 'info' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-blue-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning
{ 'hover:bg-orange-600 dark:hover:bg-orange-300 hover:ring-orange-600 dark:hover:ring-orange-300': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-orange-500 dark:focus:ring-orange-400': parent.props.severity === 'warning' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-orange-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.plain },
// Help
{ 'hover:bg-purple-600 dark:hover:bg-purple-300 hover:ring-purple-600 dark:hover:ring-purple-300': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-purple-500 dark:focus:ring-purple-400': parent.props.severity === 'help' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-purple-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning
{ 'hover:bg-red-600 dark:hover:bg-red-300 hover:ring-red-600 dark:hover:ring-red-300': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-red-500 dark:focus:ring-red-400': parent.props.severity === 'danger' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-red-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.plain },
// Transitions
'transition duration-200 ease-in-out',
// Misc
'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden select-none'
icon: {
class: [
// Margins
menubutton: {
root: ({ parent }) => ({
class: [
// Alignments
'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom justify-center',
// Sizes & Spacing
'px-2.5 py-1.5 min-w-[2rem]': parent.props.size === null,
'px-2 py-1': parent.props.size === 'small',
'px-3 py-2': parent.props.size === 'large'
'min-w-8 p-0 py-1.5': parent.props.label == null && parent.props.icon !== null
// Shape
{ 'rounded-l-full': parent.props.rounded },
{ 'rounded-md': !parent.props.rounded, 'rounded-full': parent.props.rounded },
// Link Button
{ 'text-primary-600 bg-transparent ring-transparent': parent.props.link },
// Plain Button
{ 'text-white bg-gray-500 ring-1 ring-gray-500': parent.props.plain && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.text },
// Plain Text Button
{ 'text-surface-500': parent.props.plain && parent.props.text },
// Plain Outlined Button
{ 'text-surface-500 ring-1 ring-gray-500': parent.props.plain && parent.props.outlined },
// Text Button
{ 'bg-transparent ring-transparent': parent.props.text && !parent.props.plain },
// Outlined Button
{ 'bg-transparent': parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
// --- Severity Buttons ---
// Primary Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-primary-500 dark:bg-primary-400': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Primary Text Button
{ 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.plain },
// Primary Outlined Button
{ 'text-primary-500 ring-1 ring-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.plain },
// Secondary Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-surface-500 dark:bg-surface-400': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-surface-500 dark:ring-surface-400': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Secondary Text Button
{ 'text-surface-500 dark:text-surface-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Secondary Outlined Button
{ 'text-surface-500 ring-1 ring-surface-500 hover:bg-surface-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Success Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-green-500 dark:bg-green-400': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-green-500 dark:ring-green-400': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Success Text Button
{ 'text-surface-500 dark:text-surface-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Success Outlined Button
{ 'text-green-500 ring-1 ring-green-500 hover:bg-green-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.plain },
// Info Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-blue-500 dark:bg-blue-400': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-blue-500 dark:ring-blue-400': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Info Text Button
{ 'text-blue-500 dark:text-blue-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.plain },
// Info Outlined Button
{ 'text-blue-500 ring-1 ring-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-300/20 ': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-orange-500 dark:bg-orange-400': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-orange-500 dark:ring-orange-400': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Warning Text Button
{ 'text-orange-500 dark:text-orange-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning Outlined Button
{ 'text-orange-500 ring-1 ring-orange-500 hover:bg-orange-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.plain },
// Help Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-purple-500 dark:bg-purple-400': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-purple-500 dark:ring-purple-400': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Help Text Button
{ 'text-purple-500 dark:text-purple-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.plain },
// Help Outlined Button
{ 'text-purple-500 ring-1 ring-purple-500 hover:bg-purple-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.plain },
// Danger Button
'text-white dark:text-surface-900': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'bg-red-500 dark:bg-red-400': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain,
'ring-1 ring-red-500 dark:ring-red-400': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain
// Danger Text Button
{ 'text-red-500 dark:text-red-400': parent.props.text && parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.plain },
// Danger Outlined Button
{ 'text-red-500 ring-1 ring-red-500 hover:bg-red-300/20': parent.props.outlined && parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.plain },
// --- Severity Button States ---
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-current',
{ 'focus:ring-offset-2': !parent.props.link && !parent.props.plain && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.text },
// Link
{ 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400': parent.props.link },
// Plain
{ 'hover:bg-gray-600 hover:ring-gray-600': parent.props.plain && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.text },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-surface-300/20': parent.props.plain && (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) },
// Primary
{ 'hover:bg-primary-600 dark:hover:bg-primary-300 hover:ring-primary-600 dark:hover:ring-primary-300': !parent.props.link && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400': parent.props.severity === null },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-primary-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === null && !parent.props.plain },
// Secondary
{ 'hover:bg-surface-600 dark:hover:bg-surface-300 hover:ring-surface-600 dark:hover:ring-surface-300': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-surface-500 dark:focus:ring-surface-400': parent.props.severity === 'secondary' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-surface-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'secondary' && !parent.props.plain },
// Success
{ 'hover:bg-green-600 dark:hover:bg-green-300 hover:ring-green-600 dark:hover:ring-green-300': parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-green-500 dark:focus:ring-green-400': parent.props.severity === 'success' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-green-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'success' && !parent.props.plain },
// Info
{ 'hover:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-300 hover:ring-blue-600 dark:hover:ring-blue-300': parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:ring-blue-400': parent.props.severity === 'info' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-blue-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'info' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning
{ 'hover:bg-orange-600 dark:hover:bg-orange-300 hover:ring-orange-600 dark:hover:ring-orange-300': parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-orange-500 dark:focus:ring-orange-400': parent.props.severity === 'warning' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-orange-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'warning' && !parent.props.plain },
// Help
{ 'hover:bg-purple-600 dark:hover:bg-purple-300 hover:ring-purple-600 dark:hover:ring-purple-300': parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-purple-500 dark:focus:ring-purple-400': parent.props.severity === 'help' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-purple-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'help' && !parent.props.plain },
// Warning
{ 'hover:bg-red-600 dark:hover:bg-red-300 hover:ring-red-600 dark:hover:ring-red-300': parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.text && !parent.props.outlined && !parent.props.plain },
{ 'focus:ring-red-500 dark:focus:ring-red-400': parent.props.severity === 'danger' },
// Text & Outlined Button
{ 'hover:bg-red-300/20': (parent.props.text || parent.props.outlined) && parent.props.severity === 'danger' && !parent.props.plain },
// Transitions
'transition duration-200 ease-in-out',
// Misc
'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden select-none'
label: {
class: ['hidden']
menu: {
root: {
class: [
// Shape
// Size
// Colors
'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-700',
'ring-1 ring-surface-200 dark:ring-surface-700'
menu: {
class: [
// Spacings and Shape
menuitem: {
class: ['relative first:mt-0 mt-1']
content: ({ context }) => ({
class: [
// Colors
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70': !context.focused && !context.active,
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70 bg-surface-200 dark:bg-black/70': context.focused && !context.active,
'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80 bg-surface-50 dark:bg-black/70': context.focused && context.active,
'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80 bg-surface-50 dark:bg-black/70': !context.focused && context.active
// Hover States
'hover:bg-surface-50 dark:hover:bg-surface-800': !context.active,
'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-black/40 text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80': context.active
// Transitions
action: {
class: [
// Font
// Flexbox
// Spacing
// Misc
icon: {
class: [
// Spacing
label: {
class: ['leading-none', 'text-sm']
submenuicon: {
class: [
// Position
submenu: {
class: [
// Size
'w-full sm:w-48',
// Spacing
'm-0 mx-1.5',
// Shape
'shadow-none sm:shadow-md',
// Position
'static sm:absolute',
// Color
'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-700'
separator: {
class: 'border-t border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-600 my-1'