346 lines
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2024-07-10 18:28:19 +05:45
$Acc = new NewAcc();
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div class="container-fluid">
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.particulars {
text-align: center;
.particulars-names {
text-align: left;
.openingDr {
text-align: center;
.openingCr {
text-align: center;
.closingDr {
text-align: center;
.closingCr {
text-align: center;
.collapsing {
transition: height 0.3s ease;
overflow: hidden;
.table-responsive {
overflow-x: visible;
.nested-table {
width: 100%;
.hide {
display: none;
<script src="https://unpkg.com/xlsx/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
<button id="toggleShowAll">Toggle Show All</button>
<button id="toggleColumns">Toggle Opening Balance Columns</button>
<button id="exportButton">Export</button>
<button id="exportButtonXLS">Export</button>
<table class="table table-bordered" id="myTrialBalance">
<tr class="bg-dark text-white">
<th rowspan="2" class="particulars">Particulars</th>
<th class="openingDr col-4" colspan="2">Opening Balance</th>
<th class="closingDr col-4" colspan="2">Closing Balance</th>
<tr class="bg-dark text-white">
<th class="openingDr col-1">Debit</th>
<th class="openingCr col-1">Credit</th>
<th class="closingDr col-1">Debit</th>
<th class="closingCr col-1">Credit</th>
<?php foreach ($Acc->getAccountGroups() as $AccountGroup) : ?>
<tr class="bg-gray" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#group-<?php echo $AccountGroup->acgroup_id; ?>" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="group-<?php echo $AccountGroup->acgroup_id; ?>">
<td class="particulars-names"><?php echo $AccountGroup->acgroup_name; ?></td>
<td class="openingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($AccountGroup->openingdr); ?></td>
<td class="openingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($AccountGroup->openingcr); ?></td>
<td class="closingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($AccountGroup->dr); ?></td>
<td class="closingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($AccountGroup->cr); ?></td>
<tr id="group-<?php echo $AccountGroup->acgroup_id; ?>" class="collapse">
<td colspan="5">
<table class="nested-table">
foreach ($Acc->getAccountCategories($AccountGroup->acgroup_id, "onlyParents") as $ParentCategory) {
generateNestedTable($ParentCategory, "group-" . $AccountGroup->acgroup_id);
<?php endforeach; ?>
// Toggle Show/Hide OpeningDr and OpeningCr columns
var exportButton = document.getElementById("exportButton");
exportButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
// var exportButton = document.getElementById("exportButtonXLS");
// exportButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
// exportTableToXLS("table.xls");
// });
var exportButton = document.getElementById("exportButtonXLS");
exportButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("toggleShowAll").addEventListener("click", function() {
var nestedRows = document.getElementsByClassName("collapse");
for (var i = 0; i < nestedRows.length; i++) {
if (nestedRows[i].classList.contains("show")) {
} else {
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("toggleColumns");
toggleButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var openingDrCells = document.querySelectorAll(".openingDr");
var openingCrCells = document.querySelectorAll(".openingCr");
var particularCells = document.querySelectorAll(".particulars-names");
// var openingBalanceHeaders = document.querySelectorAll(".openingDr, .openingCr");
for (var i = 0; i < openingDrCells.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < openingCrCells.length; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < particularCells.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < openingBalanceHeaders.length; i++) {
function exportTableToCSV(filename) {
var csv = [];
var rows = document.querySelectorAll("table tr:not(.hide)");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = [];
var cols = rows[i].querySelectorAll("td:not(.hide), th:not(.hide)");
// Check if the parent row is collapsed or hidden
var parentRow = rows[i].closest(".collapse");
var isParentCollapsed = parentRow && (!parentRow.classList.contains("show"));
if (isParentCollapsed) {
continue; // Skip child table rows if parent is collapsed
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
var cellValue = cols[j].innerText.replace(/,/g, ""); // Remove commas from the cell value
// Create a CSV file
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + csv.join("\n");
var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
link.setAttribute("download", filename);
function exportTableToXLS(filename) {
var table = document.getElementById("myTrialBalance");
// Create a new workbook
var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
// Convert the visible columns and rows of the main table to a worksheet
var mainWorksheet = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(table, {
display: true,
// Hide hidden and collapsed columns
var cols = table.querySelectorAll("th:not(.hide), td:not(.hide)");
cols.forEach(function(cell) {
var columnIndex = XLSX.utils.decode_cell(cell.getAttribute("data-sheets-column-index")).c;
var isHidden = cell.classList.contains("hide") || cell.parentElement.classList.contains("hide");
if (isHidden) {
XLSX.utils.sheet_set_hidden(mainWorksheet, columnIndex, true);
// Append the main worksheet to the workbook
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, mainWorksheet, "Sheet1");
// Process child tables
var childTables = table.querySelectorAll(".nested-table");
childTables.forEach(function(childTable) {
// Check if the parent row is collapsed or hidden
var parentRow = childTable.closest(".collapse");
var isParentCollapsed = parentRow && !parentRow.classList.contains("show");
if (isParentCollapsed) {
return; // Skip child table if parent is collapsed
// Convert the visible columns and rows of the child table to a worksheet
var childWorksheet = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(childTable, {
display: true,
// Hide hidden columns
var childCols = childTable.querySelectorAll("th:not(.hide), td:not(.hide)");
childCols.forEach(function(cell) {
var columnIndex = XLSX.utils.decode_cell(cell.getAttribute("data-sheets-column-index")).c;
var isHidden = cell.classList.contains("hide");
if (isHidden) {
XLSX.utils.sheet_set_hidden(childWorksheet, columnIndex, true);
// Append the child worksheet to the workbook
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, childWorksheet, "Sheet1");
// Convert workbook to binary XLS format
var xlsContent = XLSX.write(workbook, {
type: "binary",
bookType: "xls",
// Convert binary content to ArrayBuffer
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(xlsContent.length);
var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (var i = 0; i < xlsContent.length; i++) {
view[i] = xlsContent.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
// Create Blob from ArrayBuffer
var blob = new Blob([buffer], {
type: "application/octet-stream"
// Create a download link for the XLS file
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.download = filename;
// Trigger the download
function generateNestedTable($parentCategory, $parentRowID = "")
$CI = &get_instance();
$Acc = new NewAcc();
$childCategories = $Acc->getChildCategories($parentCategory->accategory_id);
if (empty($childCategories)) {
// No child categories, generate a single row
<tr class="bg-gray" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#parents-<?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_id; ?>" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="parents-<?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_id; ?>">
<td class="particulars-names col-8"><?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_name; ?> AAA</td>
<td class="openingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->openingdr); ?></td>
<td class="openingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->openingcr); ?></td>
<td class="closingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->dr); ?></td>
<td class="closingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->cr); ?></td>
<tr id="parents-<?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_id; ?>" class="collapse">
<td colspan="5">
<table class="nested-table">
<?php foreach ($Acc->getAccountsByCategory($parentCategory->accategory_id) as $Accounts) { ?>
<td class="particulars-names col-8"><?php echo $Accounts->account_name; ?> </td>
<td class="openingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($Accounts->openingdr); ?></td>
<td class="openingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($Accounts->openingcr); ?></td>
<td class="closingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($Accounts->dr); ?></td>
<td class="closingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($Accounts->cr); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
} else {
// Generate parent category row with collapse toggle
<tr class="bg-primary" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#parents-<?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_id; ?>" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="parents-<?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_id; ?>">
<td class="particulars-names col-8"><?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_name; ?> </td>
<td class="openingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->openingdr); ?></td>
<td class="openingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->openingcr); ?></td>
<td class="closingDr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->dr); ?></td>
<td class="closingCr col-1"><?php echo myCurrency($parentCategory->cr); ?></td>
<tr id="parents-<?php echo $parentCategory->accategory_id; ?>" class="collapse">
<td colspan="5">
<table class="nested-table">
<?php foreach ($childCategories as $childCategory) : ?>
<?php generateNestedTable($childCategory); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>