184 lines
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2024-07-10 18:28:19 +05:45
* Super simple WYSIWYG editor v0.8.20
* https://summernote.org
* Copyright 2013- Alan Hong and contributors
* Summernote may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
* Date: 2021-10-14T21:15Z
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory();
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define([], factory);
else {
var a = factory();
for(var i in a) (typeof exports === 'object' ? exports : root)[i] = a[i];
})(self, function() {
return /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
(function ($) {
$.extend($.summernote.lang, {
'hr-HR': {
font: {
bold: 'Podebljano',
italic: 'Kurziv',
underline: 'Podvučeno',
clear: 'Ukloni stilove fonta',
height: 'Visina linije',
name: 'Font Family',
strikethrough: 'Precrtano',
subscript: 'Subscript',
superscript: 'Superscript',
size: 'Veličina fonta'
image: {
image: 'Slika',
insert: 'Ubaci sliku',
resizeFull: 'Puna veličina',
resizeHalf: 'Umanji na 50%',
resizeQuarter: 'Umanji na 25%',
floatLeft: 'Poravnaj lijevo',
floatRight: 'Poravnaj desno',
floatNone: 'Bez poravnanja',
shapeRounded: 'Shape: Rounded',
shapeCircle: 'Shape: Circle',
shapeThumbnail: 'Shape: Thumbnail',
shapeNone: 'Shape: None',
dragImageHere: 'Povuci sliku ovdje',
dropImage: 'Drop image or Text',
selectFromFiles: 'Izaberi iz datoteke',
maximumFileSize: 'Maximum file size',
maximumFileSizeError: 'Maximum file size exceeded.',
url: 'Adresa slike',
remove: 'Ukloni sliku',
original: 'Original'
video: {
video: 'Video',
videoLink: 'Veza na video',
insert: 'Ubaci video',
url: 'URL video',
providers: '(YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, DailyMotion ili Youku)'
link: {
link: 'Veza',
insert: 'Ubaci vezu',
unlink: 'Ukloni vezu',
edit: 'Uredi',
textToDisplay: 'Tekst za prikaz',
url: 'Internet adresa',
openInNewWindow: 'Otvori u novom prozoru'
table: {
table: 'Tablica',
addRowAbove: 'Add row above',
addRowBelow: 'Add row below',
addColLeft: 'Add column left',
addColRight: 'Add column right',
delRow: 'Delete row',
delCol: 'Delete column',
delTable: 'Delete table'
hr: {
insert: 'Ubaci horizontalnu liniju'
style: {
style: 'Stil',
p: 'pni',
blockquote: 'Citat',
pre: 'Kôd',
h1: 'Naslov 1',
h2: 'Naslov 2',
h3: 'Naslov 3',
h4: 'Naslov 4',
h5: 'Naslov 5',
h6: 'Naslov 6'
lists: {
unordered: 'Obična lista',
ordered: 'Numerirana lista'
options: {
help: 'Pomoć',
fullscreen: 'Preko cijelog ekrana',
codeview: 'Izvorni kôd'
paragraph: {
paragraph: 'Paragraf',
outdent: 'Smanji uvlačenje',
indent: 'Povećaj uvlačenje',
left: 'Poravnaj lijevo',
center: 'Centrirano',
right: 'Poravnaj desno',
justify: 'Poravnaj obostrano'
color: {
recent: 'Posljednja boja',
more: 'Više boja',
background: 'Boja pozadine',
foreground: 'Boja teksta',
transparent: 'Prozirna',
setTransparent: 'Prozirna',
reset: 'Poništi',
resetToDefault: 'Podrazumijevana'
shortcut: {
shortcuts: 'Prečice s tipkovnice',
close: 'Zatvori',
textFormatting: 'Formatiranje teksta',
action: 'Akcija',
paragraphFormatting: 'Formatiranje paragrafa',
documentStyle: 'Stil dokumenta',
extraKeys: 'Dodatne kombinacije'
help: {
'insertParagraph': 'Insert Paragraph',
'undo': 'Undoes the last command',
'redo': 'Redoes the last command',
'tab': 'Tab',
'untab': 'Untab',
'bold': 'Set a bold style',
'italic': 'Set a italic style',
'underline': 'Set a underline style',
'strikethrough': 'Set a strikethrough style',
'removeFormat': 'Clean a style',
'justifyLeft': 'Set left align',
'justifyCenter': 'Set center align',
'justifyRight': 'Set right align',
'justifyFull': 'Set full align',
'insertUnorderedList': 'Toggle unordered list',
'insertOrderedList': 'Toggle ordered list',
'outdent': 'Outdent on current paragraph',
'indent': 'Indent on current paragraph',
'formatPara': 'Change current block\'s format as a paragraph(P tag)',
'formatH1': 'Change current block\'s format as H1',
'formatH2': 'Change current block\'s format as H2',
'formatH3': 'Change current block\'s format as H3',
'formatH4': 'Change current block\'s format as H4',
'formatH5': 'Change current block\'s format as H5',
'formatH6': 'Change current block\'s format as H6',
'insertHorizontalRule': 'Insert horizontal rule',
'linkDialog.show': 'Show Link Dialog'
history: {
undo: 'Poništi',
redo: 'Ponovi'
specialChar: {
select: 'Select Special characters'
/******/ return __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()
//# sourceMappingURL=summernote-hr-HR.js.map