assertSame( bin2hex($extraField), '0100' . // 2 bytes; Tag for this "extra" block type '1c00' . // 2 bytes; Size of this "extra" block '6666666677777777' . // 8 bytes; Original uncompressed file size '8888888899999999' . // 8 bytes; Size of compressed data '1111111122222222' . // 8 bytes; Offset of local header record '33333333' // 4 bytes; Number of the disk on which this file starts ); } public function testSerializesEmptyCorrectly(): void { $extraField = ExtendedInformationExtraField::generate(); $this->assertSame( bin2hex($extraField), '0100' . // 2 bytes; Tag for this "extra" block type '0000' // 2 bytes; Size of this "extra" block ); } }