load->library('session'); // Assuming CodeIgniter's session library is already loaded // Check if Branch is set in session if ($CI->session->has_userdata('BranchID')) { $this->Branch = $CI->session->userdata('BranchID'); } else { $this->Branch = 1; // Default value if not found in session } // Check if FY is set in session if ($CI->session->has_userdata('FiscalYearID')) { $this->FY = $CI->session->userdata('FiscalYearID'); } else { $this->FY = 1; // Default value if not found in session } // echo $this->FY;die; } function getAccountGroups(&$ACBalances = array()) { $CI = &get_instance(); $t = "select * from tbl_acgroups where status=1"; $AccountGroups = $CI->db->query($t)->result(); foreach ($AccountGroups as $AccountGroup) : $AccountGroup->dr = 0; $AccountGroup->cr = 0; $AccountGroup->openingdr = 0; $AccountGroup->openingcr = 0; $ACBalances = array(); $TotalBalance = $this->getGroupBalance($AccountGroup->acgroup_id, $ACBalances, 'getThisYearWithOpening'); $OpeningBalance = $this->getGroupBalance($AccountGroup->acgroup_id, $ACBalances, 'getOpeningOnly'); if ($AccountGroup->posting_side == "DR") { $AccountGroup->dr = ($TotalBalance); $AccountGroup->openingdr = ($OpeningBalance); } else { $AccountGroup->cr = ($TotalBalance); $AccountGroup->openingcr = ($OpeningBalance); } endforeach; //pre($AccountGroups); return $AccountGroups; } function getChildCategories($accategory_id = 0, $condition = "showAll") { $ACBalances = array(); $CI = &get_instance(); $t = "select * from tbl_accategories where parent_category_id='" . $accategory_id . "' and status=1"; // echo $t; $AccountCategories = $CI->db->query($t)->result(); foreach ($AccountCategories as $AccountCategory) : $AccountCategory->posting_side = getFieldfromValue("tbl_acgroups", "posting_side", "acgroup_id", $AccountCategory->acgroup_id); $AccountCategory->dr = 0; $AccountCategory->cr = 0; $AccountCategory->openingdr = 0; $AccountCategory->openingcr = 0; $ACBalances = array(); $TotalBalance = $this->getCategoryBalance($AccountCategory->accategory_id, $ACBalances); $OpeningBalance = $this->getCategoryBalance($AccountCategory->accategory_id, $ACBalances, "getOpeningOnly"); if ($AccountCategory->posting_side == "DR") { $AccountCategory->dr = $TotalBalance; $AccountCategory->openingdr = $OpeningBalance; } else { $AccountCategory->cr = $TotalBalance; $AccountCategory->openingcr = $OpeningBalance; } endforeach; return $AccountCategories; } function getAccountCategories($group_id = 0, $condition = "showAll") { $ACBalances = array(); $CI = &get_instance(); if ($group_id == 0) $t = "select * from tbl_accategories where status=1"; else $t = "select * from tbl_accategories where status=1 and acgroup_id='$group_id'"; if ($condition == "onlyParents") { $t .= " AND parent_category_id=0 "; } $AccountCategories = $CI->db->query($t)->result(); foreach ($AccountCategories as $AccountCategory) : $AccountCategory->posting_side = getFieldfromValue("tbl_acgroups", "posting_side", "acgroup_id", $AccountCategory->acgroup_id); $AccountCategory->dr = 0; $AccountCategory->cr = 0; $AccountCategory->openingdr = 0; $AccountCategory->openingcr = 0; $ACBalances = array(); $TotalBalance = $this->getCategoryBalance($AccountCategory->accategory_id, $ACBalances); $OpeningBalance = $this->getCategoryBalance($AccountCategory->accategory_id, $ACBalances, "getOpeningOnly"); if ($AccountCategory->posting_side == "DR") { $AccountCategory->dr = ($TotalBalance); $AccountCategory->openingdr = ($OpeningBalance); } else { $AccountCategory->cr = ($TotalBalance); $AccountCategory->openingcr = ($OpeningBalance); } endforeach; return $AccountCategories; } function getAccountsByCategory($accategory_id) { $accounts = array(); $CI = &get_instance(); $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accategories WHERE accategory_id='$accategory_id'"; $AccountCategory = $CI->db->query($t)->row(); if ($AccountCategory) { $accounts = $this->getAccountsRecursive($AccountCategory); } return $accounts; } function getAccountsRecursive($category) { $CI = &get_instance(); $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accounts WHERE accategory_id='$category->accategory_id'"; $accountQuery = $CI->db->query($t); $Accounts = $accountQuery->result(); $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accategories WHERE parent_category_id='$category->accategory_id'"; $subcategories = $CI->db->query($t)->result(); foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) { $subcategoryAccounts = $this->getAccountsRecursive($subcategory); $Accounts = array_merge($Accounts, $subcategoryAccounts); } foreach ($Accounts as $Account) { $Account->dr = 0; $Account->cr = 0; $Account->openingdr = 0; $Account->openingcr = 0; $posting_side = getfieldFromValue("tbl_acgroups", "posting_side", "acgroup_id", (getfieldFromValue("tbl_accategories", "acgroup_id", "accategory_id", $Account->accategory_id))); if ($posting_side == "DR") { $Account->openingdr = $this->getAccountBalance($Account, $ACBalances, "getOpeningOnly"); $Account->dr = $this->getAccountBalance($Account, $ACBalances, "getAll"); } else { $Account->openingcr = $this->getAccountBalance($Account, $ACBalances, "getOpeningOnly"); $Account->cr = $this->getAccountBalance($Account, $ACBalances, "getAll"); } } return $Accounts; } function getAccountBalanceByGroup($acgroup_id, $abs = true) { $total = 0; $accounts = $this->getAccountsByGroup($acgroup_id); foreach ($accounts as $account) { if ($abs) $total += (abs($account->balance)); else $total += ($account->balance); } return $total; } function getAccountsByGroup($acgroup_id) { $CI = &get_instance(); $query = $CI->db->select('a.*') ->from('tbl_accounts a') ->join('tbl_accategories c', 'c.accategory_id = a.accategory_id') ->where('a.status', 1) ->where('c.acgroup_id', $acgroup_id) ->get(); $accounts = $query->result(); $ACBalances = array(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $account->balance = $this->getAccountBalance($account->account_id, $ACBalances); } return $accounts; } /** * Retrieves the group balance based on the provided category ID and condition. * * @param stdClass $Account The group ID to retrieve the balance for. * @param array &$ACBalances Reference to the array to store the balance results. * @param string $condition The condition to determine which balances to retrieve. Accepted values: 'getOpeningOnly', 'getThisYear', 'getAll'. * @return float The balance value. */ function getAccountBalance($Account, &$ACBalances, $condition = 'getAll') { /* When $condition is set to 'getOpeningOnly', the function retrieves only the opening balances (where voucher_id = 0). When $condition is set to 'getThisYear', the function retrieves balances for the current fiscal year (where voucher_id <> 0 and fiscalyear_id = $this->FY). When $condition is set to 'getThisYearWithOpening', the function retrieves balances for the current fiscal year, including opening balances (where fiscalyear_id = $this->FY). When $condition is set to 'getAll' and $this->FY is not set, the function retrieves overall balances (where voucher_id <> 0). */ // pre($Account);echo "NEXT"; $ci = &get_instance(); $DrBalance = 0; $CrBalance = 0; $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_voucherdetails WHERE account_id = '$Account->account_id' AND status <> -1"; // Condition: Opening Only if ($condition == 'getOpeningOnly') { $t .= " AND voucher_id = 0"; } // Condition: This Year if ($condition == 'getThisYear') { $t .= " AND voucher_id <> 0 AND fiscalyear_id = " . $this->FY; } // Condition: This Year with Opening if ($condition == 'getThisYearWithOpening') { $t .= " AND fiscalyear_id = " . $this->FY; } // Condition: Overall if ($condition == 'getAll' && !isset($this->FY)) { $t .= " AND voucher_id <> 0"; } $t .= " AND branch_id = " . $this->Branch; $Vouchers = $ci->db->query($t)->result(); foreach ($Vouchers as $Voucher) { $DrBalance += $Voucher->dr; $CrBalance += $Voucher->cr; } $ACBalances['DrBalance'] = $DrBalance; $ACBalances['CrBalance'] = $CrBalance; // $ACBalances['Balance'] = ($DrBalance > $CrBalance) ? ($DrBalance - $CrBalance) : ($CrBalance - $DrBalance); // $ACBalances['Balance'] = $DrBalance - $CrBalance; $posting_side = getfieldFromValue("tbl_acgroups", "posting_side", "acgroup_id", (getfieldFromValue("tbl_accategories", "acgroup_id", "accategory_id", $Account->accategory_id))); if ($posting_side == "DR") { $ACBalances['Balance'] = $DrBalance - $CrBalance; } else { $ACBalances['Balance'] = $CrBalance - $DrBalance; } return $ACBalances['Balance']; } /** * Retrieves the group balance based on the provided category ID and condition. * * @param int $group_id The group ID to retrieve the balance for. * @param array &$ACBalances Reference to the array to store the balance results. * @param string $condition The condition to determine which balances to retrieve. Accepted values: 'getOpeningOnly', 'getThisYear', 'getAll'. * @return float The balance value. */ function getGroupBalance($group_id, &$ACBalances, $condition = 'getAll') { /* When $condition is set to 'getOpeningOnly', the function retrieves only the opening balances (where voucher_id = 0). When $condition is set to 'getThisYear', the function retrieves balances for the current fiscal year (where voucher_id <> 0 and fiscalyear_id = $this->FY). When $condition is set to 'getThisYearWithOpening', the function retrieves balances for the current fiscal year, including opening balances (where fiscalyear_id = $this->FY). When $condition is set to 'getAll' and $this->FY is not set, the function retrieves overall balances (where voucher_id <> 0). */ $ci = &get_instance(); $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accounts WHERE accategory_id IN (SELECT accategory_id FROM tbl_accategories AS a WHERE a.acgroup_id = '$group_id' AND a.status = 1) AND status <> -1"; $Accounts = $ci->db->query($t)->result(); $Balance = 0; foreach ($Accounts as $Account) { $Balance += $this->getAccountBalance($Account, $ACBalances, $condition); } return $Balance; } /** * Retrieves the group balance based on the provided category ID and condition. * * @param int $group_id The group ID to retrieve the balance for. * @param array &$ACBalances Reference to the array to store the balance results. * @param string $condition The condition to determine which balances to retrieve. Accepted values: 'getOpeningOnly', 'getThisYear', 'getAll'. * @return float The balance value. */ function getCategoryBalance($accategory_id, &$ACBalances, $condition = "getAll") { $ci = &get_instance(); $Balance = 0; $Accounts = $this->getAccountsByCategory($accategory_id); //pre($Accounts);die; foreach ($Accounts as $Account) { // print_r($Account);die; $Balance += $this->getAccountBalance($Account, $ACBalances, $condition); } return $Balance; } function showTable($Accounts, $abs = true, $showHead = false) { $total = 0; $accColWidth = "col-9"; $balanceColWidth = "col-3"; ?>
Account | Balance |
account_name; ?> | balance)) : myCurrency($Account->balance); ?> |