Sampanna Rimal 9cd05ef3cb commitall
2024-07-10 18:28:19 +05:45

166 lines
4.5 KiB

form label.error,
#secNameerr {
color: red;
<main class="wraper responsive-width" id="main">
<!----admin template scholarship---->
<div class="admin_tempblock">
<div class="admin_tempsec">
<div class="admin_sec">
<form action="<?php echo base_url() ?>admin/ae-scholarship-type/<?php echo $id ?>" method="post" id="scholarshipForm">
<?php if ($id == 0) { ?>
<div class="subsec_sec">
<div class="subject_l subject_l_full_width">
<div class="subject_lsec">
<div class="subject_lhead"><?php echo $title ?></div>
<div class="subject_lformarea">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Name<span class="text-danger font-weight-bold">*</span></label>
<input type="text" name="scholarshiptype_name" class="form-control" placeholder="Name of the scholarship">
<label id="secNameerr" style="display : none"></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Status<span class="text-danger font-weight-bold">*</span></label>
<select name="is_active" class="form-control">
<option selected disable value="">Choose scholarship status</option>
<option value="yes">Yes</option>
<option value="no">No</option>
<input type="submit" class="subject_addbtn" value="Save">
<a href="<?= base_url(); ?>admin/scholarship-types"><button type="button" class="subject_addbtn bg-dark ml-2">Back</button></a>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="subsec_sec">
<div class="subject_l subject_l_full_width">
<div class="subject_lsec">
<div class="subject_lhead"><?php echo $title ?></div>
<div class="subject_lformarea">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Name <span class="text-danger font-weight-bold">*</span></label>
<input type="text" name="scholarshiptype_name" value="<?php echo $result['scholarshiptype_name'] ?>" class="form-control" placeholder="Name of the scholarship">
<label id="secNameerr" style="display : none"></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Status<span class="text-danger font-weight-bold">*</span></label>
<select name="is_active" class="form-control">
<option selected value="<?php echo $result['is_active'] ?>"><?php echo $result['is_active'] ?></option>
<?php if ($result['is_active'] == 'yes') { ?>
<option value="no">no</option>
<?php } else { ?>
<option value="yes">yes</option>
<?php } ?>
<input type="submit" class="subject_addbtn" value="Update">
<a href="<?= base_url(); ?>admin/scholarship-types"><button type="button" class="subject_addbtn bg-dark ml-2">Back</button></a>
<?php } ?>
<!----admin template scholarship end---->
<!--End right-top side-->
$(document).on('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
$(document).ready(function() {
let url = window.location.pathname.split('/');
let scholarshipId = url[4];
jQuery.validator.addMethod("alphanumeric", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9\-\s]+$/i.test(value);
}, "Please enter alphanumeric Characters only");
rules: {
scholarship_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 1,
alphanumeric: true
is_active: "required"
messages: {
scholarship_name: {
required: "Please provide a scholarship name",
minlength: "Please enter more than 4 Characters"
is_active: 'Please select the status of scholarship'
submitHandler: function(form) {
var inputValue = $("input[name='scholarship_name']", form).val();
inputValue = inputValue.toLowerCase();
let flag = false;
url: '<?php echo base_url() ?>' + 'admin/validateSectionName',
data: {
value: inputValue,
id: <?php echo $id ?>
type: 'POST',
async: false,
success: function(data) {
if (data == 'success') {
flag = true
if (flag) {
} else {
$('#secNameerr').text('This scholarship name already exists.');